m (before 11 Jun 1001) GERIBERGA, daughter of --- (-[before 1017]). Armengol and his wife "Geriberga" sold property to a vassal by charter dated 11 Jun 1101[2087]. Her origin is not known. She is shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[2088] as Tetberga, (presumably on the basis that "Geriberga" is a mistranscription in the document cited above) [daughter of Rotbold [II] Comte de Provence & his wife Eimilde de Gevaudan], but the basis for this speculative parentage is not known. The date of her death is not known. However, the charter dated 22 Apr 1037 (quoted below) suggests that Ramon Borrell Comte de Barcelona (who died in 1017) acted as comte d´Urgell at some stage during the minority of her son Comte Armengoll [II]. If that is correct, it is likely that Geriberga died before 1017.
Armengol [I] & his wife had [three] children:
Comte d'Urgell (992-1010).
Fill segon del comte Borrell II de Barcelona, Girona, Osona i Urgell, el qual succeí en aquest darrer comtat. Benvist i considerat a Roma, on anà dues vegades (el 998 i el 1001), mantingué així mateix excel·lents relacions amb l'església local, especialment amb el bisbe Sal·la, amb qui negocià la promoció del nebot, l'ardiaca Ermengol, a la seu urgel·litana. Lluità, en la part meridional del comtat, contra els sarraïns de Lleida i caigué presoner en l'acció d'Albesa (1004). El 1010 acompanyà el seu germà Ramon Borrell de Barcelona en la famosa expedició a Còrdova i fou un dels prohoms catalans que sucumbiren en la batalla victoriosa d'Aqabat al-Baqar.
Ermengol I of Urgell
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ermengol I or Armengol I (974 – 1010), called el de Córdoba, was the Count of Urgell from 992 to his death. He was the second son of Borrell II of Barcelona and his first wife, Letgarda, granddaughter of Raymond Pons of Toulouse. He was the second of the counts of Urgel and famous mainly for his participation in the Reconquista.
A man of culture, Ermengol was open to influences from wider Europe and he made two voyages to Rome, in 998 and 1001. He was a stimulus to his nobles in making pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela or Le Puy. He also reformed the judiciary of his county to make justice more available to all.[1] He also began to reassert his authority over the outlying castles of his realm, whose lords were acting independent of his power.[2]
He also maintained an intense war against the Caliphate of Córdoba. In 1003, Urgell was invaded by Abd al-Malik al-Muzaffar. Aided by Raymond Borrel of Barcelona, Bernard I of Besalú, and Wifred II of Cerdagne, Ermengol beat them back at the Battle of Torà.[3] In 1004, he was imprisoned in Albesa after fighting against Lleida. In 1008, he led several successful expeditions against the Moors.[4] In 1010, he participated in the expedition of his brother Raymond Borrel of Barcelona against Córdoba itself. He died nearby at Castell de Bacar, thirty seven years of age .
Before 10 July 1000, Ermengol married Tetberga, presumably a daughter of Artaud I, Count of Forez, by his wife Tetberga of Limoges. Tetberga died between 7 April and 3 November 1005, when Ermengol's second wife is first mentioned. As his second wife, Ermengol married Guisla (Gisela), whose family is not known, but who could be the homonymous daughter of Gausfred I of Roussillon, named in her father's will in February 989. She survived him and was still alive on 18 November 1010. From this second union came two children:
Ermengol II, his successor
Ermesinda, married before 1029 Raymond III, Count of Pallars-Jussà
Hombre de gran cultura, dirigió una política de apertura hacia Europa, realizando largos viajes a Roma, en 998 y 1001. Estimuló a sus nobles a que viajaran hasta Santiago de Compostela o Le Puy.
Mantuvo una intensa actividad bélica contra el Al-Ándalus. Fue hecho prisionero en el 1004 en Albesa en la lucha contra los sarracenos de Lérida. Participó en la expedición que su hermano Ramón Borrell realizó en 1010 contra Córdoba, en la que murió a los 37 años de edad.
Armengol I de Urgel, también llamado Ermengol (Hermenegildo en castellano), llamado el de Córdoba (974 - 1010), fue conde de Urgel entre 992 y 1010.1
Era el segundo hijo de Borrell II de Barcelona y de su primera esposa, Letgarda de Tolosa. Fue el iniciador de la dinastía privativa de Urgel.
Hombre de gran cultura, dirigió una política de apertura hacia Europa, realizando largos viajes a Roma, en 998 y 1001. Estimuló a sus nobles a que viajaran hasta Santiago de Compostela o Le Puy.
Mantuvo una intensa actividad bélica contra el Al-Ándalus. Fue hecho prisionero en el 1004 en Albesa en la lucha contra los sarracenos de Lérida. Participó en la expedición que su hermano Ramón Borrell realizó en 1010 contra Córdoba, en la que murió a los 37 años de edad.
1. LA BATALLA DE ALBESA (25 DE FEBRERO DE 1003) Y LA PRIMERA ACEIFA DE 'ABD AL-MALIK AL-MUZAFFAR (VERANO DEL MISMO AÑO Dolors Bramon Planas. Anaquel de estudios árabes, ISSN 1130-3964, Nº 6, 1995 , pags. 21-28
973 |
1009 |
Urgel, Lerida, Spain
1010 |
September 1, 1010
Age 37
???? |
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???? | |||
???? |
Ripoll, Girona, Cataluña, Spain