Ernst I, count in Nordgau

public profile

Ernst I, count in Nordgau

German: Ernst I, graf im Nordgau, Latin: Ernustus, dux
Death: 865 (60-69)
Bavaria, Germany
Immediate Family:

Son of "unknown" and Adelheid Wartrun (von Babenberg)
Husband of Fredeburg von Frommen
Father of Ernst II av Bayern, count of Bavaria and Unnamed Daughter von Frommen
Brother of .... im Nordgau

Occupation: Graf im Nordgau (829-861)
Managed by: Alex Moes
Last Updated:

About Ernst I, count in Nordgau

Ernst I, parents unknown, father of Ernst II.

Ernst († 865) war ein fränkischer Adliger des 9. Jahrhunderts. Er war Grenzgraf im bayerischen Nordgau, Vertrauter König Ludwigs des Deutschen, Schwiegervater von dessen Sohn Karlmann, und der wichtigste Mann in Bayern nach dem König selbst.

  Brother and sister, parents not known: 

24. ERNST [I] (-865). "Hludowicum regem" donated Abersee to Kloster Mondsee by charter dated 829 by the intervention of "Ernosto et Adalperto"[73]. "Hludowicum regem" granted property to "Pribina" by charter dated 12 Oct 847 subscribed by "…Ernust…", who signed immediately after the king's two sons and before all other nobles[74]. The Annales Fuldenses record that "Ernustus, dux partium illarum [=Boemani] et inter amicos regis primus" was sent to suppress a rebellion against the Franks in Bohemia in 849[75]. Graf im Nordgau. Ludwig II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks recorded a settlement between the bishops of Freising and Trient by charter dated 17 Mar 855 which names "Ernst comes…Pernhardum comitem"[76]. An agreement between Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks and his brother King Ludwig II "der Deutsche" dated Jun 860 names "nobilis ac fidelibus laicis…Chuonradus, Evrardus, Adalardus, Arnustus, Warnarius, Liutfridus, Hruodolfus, Erkingarius, Gislebertus, Ratbodus, Arnulfus, Hugo, item Chuonradus, Liutharius, Berengarius, Matfridus, Boso, Sigeri, Hartmannus, Liuthardus, Richuinus, Wigricus, Hunfridus, Bernoldus, Hatto, Adalbertus, Burchardus, Christianus, Leutulfus, Hessi, Herimannus, item Hruodulfus, Sigehardus"[77]. The Annales Fuldenses record that the property of "Ernustum" was confiscated at a council in Regensburg in 861, and "Utonem quoque et Berengarium fratres eius, Sigihardum atque Gerolt comites Waldonemque abbatem" were banished as accomplices[78]. The Annales Fuldenses record the death of "Ernustus comes" in 865[79]. The Annales Xantenses record the death in 866 of "Ernest socer…Karlomanni primogeniti Ludewici regis"[80].
m ---. The name of Ernst's wife is not known. Ernst [I] & his wife had two children:

  • a) ERNST [II] (-[before 866]).
    • i) [LUITPOLD ([850/60]-killed in battle near Pressburg 4 Jul 907).
  • b) daughter (-after 8 Jul 879). m (before 861) KARLOMAN, son of LUDWIG II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks & his wife Emma

25. daughter . .. m GEBHARD, son of [EUDES Comte d'Orléans & his wife Engeltrudis ---] (-after 879).

Supreme count in the regnum of Bavaria, dux in the Bavarian border area against Bohemia, official since 829

Ernst obviously came from a distinguished Main Franconian-Old Bavarian family: "The first among the king's friends" (= Ludwig the German ) was probably the border count of the Nordgau since around 829. His importance as the leading count of Bavaria has been evident in his priority placement in the ranks of witnesses since the 1930s. In 849 Ernst , "dux partium illarum" (that is, obviously of the Nordgau) led an East Franconian-Bavarian military ban against the Bohemians; In 855 he is named as "ductor" of the Bavarian army marching against the Bohemians. In 857 his son of the same name already had a leading position in the fight against the Bohemians. Seriousness
lasted until 856after the king, the most important political personality in the East Frankish Empire. This also corresponds to the fact that King Ludwig's son Carloman took one of Ernst's daughters as his wife, probably shortly after Carloman was given the administration of the eastern region. Since then, Ernst was perhaps Prince Karlmann 's most influential advisor . He and all of his followers were obviously involved in Carloman's plot against Louis the German . The trial against Ernst took place at the royal court in Regensburg in 861 and attracted widespread attention. On April 6, 861 things got serious, "because he was guilty of infidelity", the fief was withdrawn. While Ernst's convict nephews, the Konradin Uto, Berengar and Waldo, emigrated to CHARLES THE BALD's part of the empire, Ernst remained on his own estates in Bavaria, where he met Ernst in 863 as venerabilis vir . According to the obituary of St. Emmeram in Regensburg, he was apparently still highly respected and buried in this monastery.


S. v. Riezler, business Baierns I/1, 1927 - M. Mitterauer, Karol. Margraves in the SE. French Imperial Aristocracy in the Austrian Area, 1963 - K. Brunner, Opposition Groups in the Carolingian Empire, 1979.

O Ernstovi I, countovi inovi Nordgauovi (čeština)

Ernst I, parents unknown, father of Ernst II.


ERNST [I] (-865). "Hludowicum regem" donated Abersee to Kloster Mondsee by charter dated 829 by the intervention of "Ernosto et Adalperto"[73]. "Hludowicum regem" granted property to "Pribina" by charter dated 12 Oct 847 subscribed by "…Ernust…", who signed immediately after the king's two sons and before all other nobles[74]. The Annales Fuldenses record that "Ernustus, dux partium illarum [=Boemani] et inter amicos regis primus" was sent to suppress a rebellion against the Franks in Bohemia in 849[75]. Graf im Nordgau. Ludwig II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks recorded a settlement between the bishops of Freising and Trient by charter dated 17 Mar 855 which names "Ernst comes…Pernhardum comitem"[76]. An agreement between Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks and his brother King Ludwig II "der Deutsche" dated Jun 860 names "nobilis ac fidelibus laicis…Chuonradus, Evrardus, Adalardus, Arnustus, Warnarius, Liutfridus, Hruodolfus, Erkingarius, Gislebertus, Ratbodus, Arnulfus, Hugo, item Chuonradus, Liutharius, Berengarius, Matfridus, Boso, Sigeri, Hartmannus, Liuthardus, Richuinus, Wigricus, Hunfridus, Bernoldus, Hatto, Adalbertus, Burchardus, Christianus, Leutulfus, Hessi, Herimannus, item Hruodulfus, Sigehardus"[77]. The Annales Fuldenses record that the property of "Ernustum" was confiscated at a council in Regensburg in 861, and "Utonem quoque et Berengarium fratres eius, Sigihardum atque Gerolt comites Waldonemque abbatem" were banished as accomplices[78]. The Annales Fuldenses record the death of "Ernustus comes" in 865[79]. The Annales Xantenses record the death in 866 of "Ernest socer…Karlomanni primogeniti Ludewici regis"[80].
m ---. The name of Ernst's wife is not known. Ernst [I] & his wife had two children:

  1. ERNST [II] (-[before 866]).
  2. daughter (-after 8 Jul 879). m (before 861) KARLOMAN, son of LUDWIG II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks & his wife Emma




Nejvyšší hrabě v bavorském království, dux v bavorském pohraničí proti Čechám, úředník od roku 829

Ernst zjevně pocházel z významné hlavní fransko-starobavorské rodiny: „První mezi královými přáteli“ (= Ludwig Němec ) byl pravděpodobně od roku 829 pohraniční hrabě Nordgau. Jeho význam jako předního hraběte Bavorska byl evidentní  v jeho přednostním zařazení do řad pamětníků od 30. let 20. století.  V roce 849 Ernst vedl „dux partium illarum“ (to je zjevně z Nordgau) východofransko-bavorský vojenský zákaz proti Čechům;  V roce 855 je jmenován „vodičem“ bavorského vojska táhnoucího proti Čechám.  Jeho stejnojmenný syn měl v roce 857 již vedoucí postavení v boji proti Čechám.  Vážnost
trvala až do roku 856 po králi, nejvýznamnější politické osobnosti Východofranské říše.  To také odpovídá skutečnosti, že syn krále Ludvíka Carloman si vzal za manželku jednu z Ernstových dcer, pravděpodobně krátce poté, co Carloman dostal správu východní oblasti.  Od té doby byl Ernst možná nejvlivnějším poradcem prince Karlmanna.  On a všichni jeho následovníci byli zjevně zapojeni do Carlomanova spiknutí proti Louisi Němci.  Proces proti Ernstovi se konal na královském dvoře v Regensburgu v roce 861 a vzbudil širokou pozornost.  6. dubna se 861 věcí stalo vážným, „protože se provinil nevěrou“, bylo léno odvoláno.  Zatímco Ernstovi synovci odsouzení, Konradin Uto, Berengar a Waldo, emigrovali do části říše CHARLES THE BALD, Ernst zůstal na svém vlastním panství v Bavorsku, kde se s Ernstem setkal v roce 863 jako venerabilis vir .  Podle nekrologu svatého Emmeráma v Řezně byl zřejmě stále velmi vážený a pohřben v tomto klášteře.


S. v. Riezler, obchod Baierns I/1, 1927 – M. Mitterauer, Karol.  Markrabata v JV.  Francouzská imperiální aristokracie v rakouském prostoru, 1963 - K. Brunner, Opoziční skupiny v karolínské říši, 1979.