Ernst II, son of Ernst I and possible father of Luitpold, Margrave of Bavaria Luitpold]:
parents not known:
ERNST [I] (-865). "Hludowicum regem" donated Abersee to Kloster Mondsee by charter dated 829 by the intervention of "Ernosto et Adalperto"[73]. “Comis...Vuillihelmus” donated “Sconheringa, Cheminatum, et Purcheim” to Regensburg by charter dated 837, witnessed by “Ernost comis, Vuernheri, Timo...Rihho com...”[74]. "Hludowicum regem" granted property to "Pribina" by charter dated 12 Oct 847 subscribed by "…Ernust…", who signed immediately after the king's two sons and before all other nobles[75]. The Annales Fuldenses record that "Ernustus, dux partium illarum [=Boemani] et inter amicos regis primus" was sent to suppress a rebellion against the Franks in Bohemia in 849[76]. Graf im Nordgau. Ludwig II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks recorded a settlement between the bishops of Freising and Trient by charter dated 17 Mar 855 which names "Ernst comes…Pernhardum comitem"[77]. An agreement between Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks and his brother King Ludwig II "der Deutsche" dated Jun 860 names "nobilis ac fidelibus laicis…Chuonradus, Evrardus, Adalardus, Arnustus, Warnarius, Liutfridus, Hruodolfus, Erkingarius, Gislebertus, Ratbodus, Arnulfus, Hugo, item Chuonradus, Liutharius, Berengarius, Matfridus, Boso, Sigeri, Hartmannus, Liuthardus, Richuinus, Wigricus, Hunfridus, Bernoldus, Hatto, Adalbertus, Burchardus, Christianus, Leutulfus, Hessi, Herimannus, item Hruodulfus, Sigehardus"[78]. The Annales Fuldenses record that the property of "Ernustum" was confiscated at a council in Regensburg in 861, and "Utonem quoque et Berengarium fratres eius, Sigihardum atque Gerolt comites Waldonemque abbatem" were banished as accomplices[79]. The Annales Fuldenses record the death of "Ernustus comes" in 865[80]. The Annales Xantenses record the death in 866 of "Ernest socer…Karlomanni primogeniti Ludewici regis"[81]. m ---. The name of Ernst's wife is not known. Ernst [I] & his wife had two children:
a) ERNST [II] (-[before 866]). The Annales Fuldenses record that "Otgarius episcopus et Hruodoltus comes palatii et Ernustus filius Ernusti ducis" were sent to Bohemia and occupied "civitatem Wiztrachi ducis", expelling "Sclaiutago filio Wiztrachi" who fled to "Rastizen…frater eius" who had previously been banished to "apud Zistiborum Sorabum"[82]. As Ernst is not mentioned in the 866 text referring to the restoration of their honours to Berengar and Udo (see below), it is possible that Ernst junior had died before that date. m ---. The name of Ernst's wife is not known. Ernst [II] & his wife had [one possible child]:
i) [LUITPOLD ([850/60]-killed in battle near Pressburg 4 Jul 907). Graf in Carinthia 895. Markgraf 898. Duke of Bavaria 901, Duke of Bohemia 903. Graf im Nordgau 905. Jackman, as part of his hypothesis concerning the co-identity of Liutswindis, mother of Emperor Arnulf, and the unnamed daughter of Ernest [I] married to King Karloman (see below), suggests that the father of dux Liutpold was Ernst [II][83]. The hypothesis provides an explanation for the transmission of the dukedom of the Bavarian/Bohemian march from Ernst [I] to Liutpold, both of whom are also recorded as Grafen im Nordgau.]
b) daughter (-after 8 Jul 879). Her parentage and marriage are deduced from the Annales Bertiniani naming "socerum Karlomanni…Arnustum" when recording that Ludwig II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks deprived him of his honours in 861 at the time of his son's rebellion[84]. Jackman suggests that Liutswindis, concubine of King Karloman and mother of Emperor Arnulf, is co-identified with this unnamed daughter of dux Ernst[85]. He bases this on the assumption that King Karloman's childless wife must have predeceased the king, after which he married Liutswindis by whom he had already had his son Arnulf. However, this appears to ignore the curiously worded charter under which "Karlomannus…rex" confirmed immunities to San Salvatore in Brescia "pro nobis coniuge et prole misericordiam dei iugiter exhorare" by charter dated 8 Jul 879[86], the wording of which suggests that at that date he was married but still childless by that marriage. There would have been sufficient time after mid-879, before Karloman's death the following year, for his first wife to have died and for him to have remarried. However, if this was the case it is surprising that contemporary records do not mention the fact. In any case, it would probably have depended on the extent of the paralysis which afflicted King Karloman from 879. It is of course not impossible that "socerum" in the Annales Bertiniani was used to describe the informal relationship between King Karloman and his concubine's father, and that the Annales do not refer to the king's legitimate wife at all. If this is correct, this daughter's name would have been Liutswindis. m (before 861) KARLOMAN, son of LUDWIG II " der Deutsche" King of the East Franks & his wife Emma [Welf] ([830]-Altötting, Bavaria 12 Mar or 29 Sep 880). He succeeded his father in 876 as KARLOMAN King of the East Franks.
Not known father of Aribo I von Ostmark, Graf im Traungau
Source PLZ
The Luitpoldings
One Luitpold, +846, had issue:
* A1. a son; m.N, a dau.of Rudolf Welf
o B1. Luitpold/Leopold Markgraf von der Ostmark, Mkgf der Kärntner Mark, von Pannonien und der bayerischen Ostmark 895, +Pressburg 4.7.907; m.895/900 Kunigunde von Schwaben (*ca 879 +915), dau.of Berthold, Pfgf of Swabia
+ C1. Arnulf I, Herzog von Bayern (Duke of Bavaria) (907-937), *ca 898, +Regensburg 14.7.937; m.910/915 Judith of Friaul/von Sülichgau
# D1. Luitpold
# D2. Judith, *925, +987; m.ca 938 Duke Heinrich I of Bavaria (*ca 920, +955)
# D3. Eberhard, Duke of Bavaria (937-938), King of Italy, +940; m.Luitgard, dau.of Wigeric of Verdun
* E1. Wigfrid, Bp of Verdun, +985
* E2. Wigburg; m.Pfgf Hartwich von Bayern
# D4. Swanila, *ca 925; m.Burckhard Konradiner, Mgve of Bayerischen Ostmark (+982)
# D5. Arnulf II, Pfalzgraf von Bayern, +954; m.N of Swabia
* E1. Berthold I, Pfalzgraf von Bayern, *ca 940, +978/26.8.990; m.ca 965 N of Upper-Lorraine, dau.of Friedrich I of Lothringen
o F1. a daughter; m.Gf Razzo von Diessen
o F2. Dietrich, +1020
o F3. Friedrich I, Gf von Diessen, +1030; m.Emma von Oehningen
+ G1. Berthold II, Gf von Diessen, fl 1024, +1060; m.N von Hohenwart; for their issue see HERE
+ G2. Christina; m.Gf Friedrich von Eppenstein
+ G3. Pilihilde von Wasserburg, +ca 1075; m.Gf Sieghard VI im Pongau
+ G4. Otto I von Wasserburg, Gf von Diessen, +1065
# H1. Bertha von Wasserburg; m.Adalbert von Freising
# H2. Beatrix von Wasserburg; m.Duke Heinrich III of Carintia
+ G5. Friedrich II, Gf von Diessen, +1055; 1m: Hadamut, dau.of Eppo von Eppenstein /OR Markwart II von Eppenstein; 2m: Irmengard, dau.of Arnulf von Gilching; 3m: N, a dau.of Hartwich von Regensburg; for their issue see HERE
* E2. a daughter; m.Gf Meginhard von Mangfall
# D6. Hermann
# D7. Berthold I, Markgraf im bayerischen Nordgau, *915/926, +15.1./16.8.980; m.ca 949 Heilika, dau.of Gf Lothar von Walbeck
* E1. Heinrich, Gf von Schweinfurt, *ca 975, +18.9.1017; m.before 1003 Gerberga von Gleiberg (*ca 970 +after 1017)
o F1. Otto III, Gf von Schweinfurt, Herzog von Schwaben (Duke of Swabia) (1048-57), *ca 1000, +28.9.1057; 1m: 1035 Pss Matylda of Poland (+after 1035); 2m: ca 1036 Irmingard di Torino (*ca 1022 +1078), dau.of Odelrico Menfredo II of Susa
+ G1. Judith, +1104; 1m: Konrad von Zütphen, Duke of Bayern; 2m: Boso von Pottenstein
+ G2. Bertha; 1m: Gf Hermann II von Kastl (+1074); 2m: Gf Friedrich von Kastl (+1103)
+ G3. Beatrix, +1104; m.Gf Heinrich von Hildburgshausen und Nordgau
+ G4. Eilika
+ G5. Gizella, +1100; 1m: Wichmann von Seeborg; 2m: Gf Berthold III von Andechs (+1091)
o F2. Eilika, *1000, +ca 1055; m.ca 1020 Bernhard III Billung Duke of Saxony (*ca 995, +29.6.1059)
o F3. Judith, *ca 990, +2.8.1058, bur St.Veit, Prague; 1m: ca 1030 King Bretislav I of Bohemia (*ca 1002, +10.1.1055); 2m: 11.4.1055 Pietro Orseolo (*1011 +30.8.1059), King of Hungary
o F4. Burchard, Bp of Haberstadt, +1059
o F5. a daughter; m.Gf Rudpert von Regensburg
o F6. Heinrich I, Gf an der Pegnitz, Gf von Schweinfurt, *ca 992, +1043; m.N von Sualafeld/ Altdorf, dau.of Kuno I
+ G1. Heinrich II, Gf von Pegnitz und Weissinburg, +1080
+ G2. Kuno I, Gf von Lechsgemünd; m.Mathilde, dau.of Rudolf von Achalm; for their issue see HERE
+ G3. Otto I, Gf von Scheyern, Graf a.d. Paar 1045, Vogt von Freising 1047, +4.12.1072; 1m: Haziga von Diessen; 2m: N, dau.of Pfgf Hartwig II von Bayern; for their issue see HERE
+ G4. Friedrich, Gf zu Burg-Lengenfeld; m.Sigena von Laige
# H1. Friedrich II, Gf von Burglengenfeld
# H2. Heilga; m.Rudger von Feldheim
o F7. a daughter; m.Gf Dietpold I von Trungau
o F8. a daughter; m.Udalschalk II von N
* E2. Burchard
* E3. Heilika
# D8. Heinrich
# D9. Luitpold I, Markgraf von der Ostmark, *ca 928, +10.7.994; m.ca 984 Richeza/Richwara, dau.of Ernst von Saulafeldgau; for their issue see HERE
+ C2. a daughter; m.Gf Rudolf von Saalegau
+ C3. Berthold, Herzog von Kärnten (Duke in Carinthia) 927, Herzog von Bayern (Duke of Bavaria) (938-945/947), *900, +23.11.947; m.Biltrude N
# D1. Heinrich III "der Jüngere", Herzog von Bayern (983-985), Herzog von Kärnten, +989; m.Hildegard N
# D2. Kunigunda; m.Gf Ulrich I Schweinachgau
o B2. Emma; m.Gf Robert von Karintia
o B3. Hérold
+ C1. Albrin, Gf in Karintia
# D1. Hérolt, Archbishop of Salzburg, +955
Rulers of Bavaria and Swabia
Last updated 20th January 2005
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Nordgau, Herzogtum Bayern, Ostenfrankenreich
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Sualafeld, Bavaria, Germany
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