Immediate Family
About Esau / Edom / עשו / אדום
- Genesis 25:19-34 Pregnancy, birth and childhood.
- Genesis 26:34-35 First double marriage.
Genealogies listed:
Esav's wife Mahalath / Basemath was a daughter of Ishmael.
Esav's other wives were the descendants of Canaan ben Ham, Hittites.
There is disagreement whether Oholibamah was identical with Judith or a 4th wife.
Esav's wives were idolators.
Acerca de Esau / Edom / עשו / אדום (Español)
Cuando Esaú nacio era pelirojo y cubierto de vello, y por tanto lo llamaron Esaú. (Gén. 25:25). La palabra hebrea que significa “vello” tiene un sonido parecido a “Seir”, que es otro nombre de Esaú. . . . Esaú, por ser un cazador, un hombre del campo, era el favorito de Isaac, su padre; mientras Jacob, por lo que era más de la casa y más tranquilo que su hermano, era el favorito de Rebeca, su madre. Pero pierde su derecho de primogenitura a su hermano menor al venderlos por un plato de lentejas que su hermano había cocinado; por tal razón, también se le conoce a Esaú como Edom, que significa rojo. (Gén. 25:29-34). . . A la edad de cuarenta años, toma por esposa a Judit, hija de Beeri, el hitita. También se casó con Basemat, que era hija de otro hitita llamado Elón. Ambas mujeres le amargaron la vida a Isaac y a Rebeca.
Tentang Esau / Edom / עשו / אדום (Bahasa Indonesia)
Kembar Nabi Ya'kub.
Esau / Edom / עשו / אדום's Timeline
-1892 |
BC, Haran, Padan-Aram
-1689 |
Age 202
Mt. Seir, Edom
Age 202
Caverna de Macpela, Hebron (Palestina), Mount Seir, Jordan? Plot: Mount Seir, Jordan?
Esau “Edom” Ben Isaac Birth: unknown, Israel
Historical figure from The Holy Bible / Hebrew Torah, Esau was progenitor of the Edomites and the elder twin brother of Jacob, the patriarch of the Israelites. Esau and Jacob were the sons of Isaac and Rebekah, and the grandsons of Abraham and Sarah. Of the twins, Esau was the first to be born with Jacob following, holding his heel (the Hebrew name Yaacov meaning "Heel-holder"). Isaac was 60 years old and Rebekah is believed to have been younger when the boys were born. Esau's grandfather Abraham was still alive, being 160 years old at that time. ... The Palestine Exploration Fund's Survey of Western Palestine has stated that Esau's tomb was in the Biblical Mount Seir.
Family links: Parents:
Created by: Ronnie_B
https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/168648742/esau-ben_isaac |
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Israel, Canaan
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Edom Canan
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