Eudokia Angelina

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Eudokia Angelina (1175 - 1208)

Russian: Асенина, Polish: Nemanjic Prvovencani, Lithuanian: Eudokija Nemanjic Prvovencani, Serbijos Karalienė
Also Known As: "Eudoxia"
Birthplace: Greece
Death: between circa 1208 and 1211 (28-36)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Alexios III, byzantine emperor and Euphrosyne Dukaina Kamaterina
Wife of Alexios V Doukas, "Mourtzouphlos" byzantine emperor and Leo Sgouros, ruler of Corinth
Ex-wife of King Stefan I Nemanjić, Prvovenčani
Mother of Stevan Radoslav Nemanjić; Komnena Немањић and .... Nemanjić, of Serbia
Sister of Eirene Angelina; Alexios Andreas Posthumus Angelos, Dux and Comes of Drivasto and Anna Komnena Angelina

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Eudokia Angelina


Eudocia Angelina (or Eudocia Angelina) (Greek: Ευδοκία Αγγελίνα, Serbian: Evdokija died c. 1211, or after) was a daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Alexios III Angelos and Euphrosyne Doukaina Kamaterina.

Eudokia Angelina first married Stefan I Prvovenčani, the second son of Stefan Nemanja, Grand Župan of Raška. The marriage was arranged by her uncle, the emperor Isaac II Angelos, around 1186, while her father was in exile in Syria. In 1195, on her father-in-law's retirement to a monastery, Eudokia's husband became ruler of Raška (and later king of Serbia). According to the story told by the historian Niketas Choniates, at some date after June 1198 Eudokia and Stefan quarreled, each accusing the other of adultery, and she returned to her father in Constantinople.

At Constantinople Eudokia became the mistress of the future Alexios V Doukas, with whom (and her mother) she fled the city into Thrace on April 12, 1204, as the Crusaders of the Fourth Crusade were storming the city. Reaching her deposed father at Mosynopolis, Eudocia was allowed to marry Alexios V, but he was trapped and strangled on the orders of Alexios III shortly afterwards.

Eudokia Angelina married thirdly Leo Sgouros, the independent ruler of Corinth, after he offered asylum to Alexios III and his family in 1204. Blockaded in the citadel of Corinth, Leo Sgouros committed suicide in 1207/1208. Eudokia is thought to have died around 1211.
By her marriage to Stefan Prvovenčani of Serbia she had two daughters and three sons:

  1. King Stefan Radoslav
  2. King Stefan Vladislav I
  3. Archbishop Predislav (Sava II of Serbia)
  4. Countess Komnena Nemanjić of Kruja


Evdokia birth of Stefan the First-Crowned three sons and one daughter:

  1. Stefan Radoslav - Be King
  2. Stefan Vladislav - Be King
  3. Predislav - future under the name Serbian Archbishop Sava II

D3. Eudokia Komnene Angelina, +after 1208; 1m: 1191 (repudiated 1201/02) King Stephen Prvovancani of Serbia (+1227); 2m: 1204 Emperor Alexios V Dukas of Byzantium (+murdered 1204); 3m: 1204 Leon Sguros, Archon of Nauplia (+jumping from a tower 1208)


c) EVDOKIA Komnene Angelina (-after 1208). Niketas Choniates names "Eudociam" as third daughter of Emperor Alexios when recording her marriage to "Neemania filii"[787]. Her first marriage was arranged to seal the Byzantine/Serbian peace treaty of 1190[788]. After her first husband accused her of adultery, she was expelled from Serbia, on foot with only the clothes on her back, and sought refuge in Zeta with her brother-in-law Vukan who provided her with the means to return to Constantinople[789]. Niketas Choniates records the marriage of "Euphrosyna imperatoris…filia Eudocia" and "imperatoris Alexeii"[790]. Georgius Akropolites records that "Ducas Alexius" (referring to Alexios Doukas Mourzouflos) married "imperatoris Alexii filiam Eudociam, filiarum illius postremam", commenting that "impuberem" she had married "crali Serviæ"[791]. Villehardouin records the marriage of "Emperor Murzuphlus" and "the daughter of Emperor Alexius" but does not name her[792]. Ephræmius records that "Eudociam filiam" married "Sguro", recalling that her previous husbands had been "principi…Triballorum Stephano, qui repudiatam remisit in patriam…[et] Murtzuflo Ducæ"[793]. Georgius Akropolites records that "Alexius imperator…Eudocia filia" married "Corinthum…Sguro illius regionis dynastæ"[794].

m firstly (1191, repudiated [1201/02]%29 STEFAN of Serbia, son of STEFAN NEMANJA Grand Župan of Serbia & his wife Ana --- (-24 Sep 1227). He was granted the title sébastokrator by his wife's uncle Emperor Isaakios II. He succeeded in 1196 on the abdication of his father as STEFAN Grand Župan of Serbia. He was crowned STEFAN "Prvovenčani/the First-Crowned" King [Kralj] of Serbia in [1217].

m secondly (1204 after 12 Apr) ALEXIOS Doukas Mourzouflos, son of --- (-murdered Nov 1204). He was installed [Jan/Apr] 1204 as Emperor ALEXIOS V.

m thirdly (1204) LEON Sguros Archon of Navplion, son of --- (-1208). After the establishment of the Latin Empire of Constantinople in 1204, he captured Thebes and large parts of Attika and Beotia. He formed an alliance with ex-Emperor Alexios III, sealed by his marriage to the latter's daughter. He was expelled by the advancing armies of Bonifazio Marchese di Monferrato King of Thessaloniki, who was expanding the territory of his newly founded kingdom south into Thessaly[795]. He took an active part in the defence of Corinth, whose siege was to last five years, but committed suicide by leaping on horseback from Acrocorinth when he lost hope of defending the city[796].

О Eudokia Асениной (русский)

Евдокия ражда на Стефан Първовенчани трима сина и една дъщеря:

  1. Стефан Радослав - бъдещ крал
  2. Стефан Владислав - бъдещ крал
  3. Предислав - бъдещ сръбски архиепископ под името Сава II
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