Historical records matching Euphrosyne of Kiev
Immediate Family
About Euphrosyne of Kiev
MSTISLAV Vladimirovich, son of VLADIMIR Vsevolodich "Monomakh" Grand Prince of Kiev & his first wife [Gytha of England]
- m secondly (Kiev 1122) [LIUBAVA] Dmitrievna, daughter of DMITRY Zavidich boyar [Passadnik] of Novgorod & his wife --- (-after 1168).
- Grand Prince Mstislav II & his second wife had two children:
- 12. IEVFROSINA Mstislavna ([1130]-before 1186). Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by a charter dated 1194/95, reciting the consanguinity between Philippe II King of France and his second wife Ingebjörg of Denmark on which their divorce was based, which names “Ingiburgh filia Rizlavi…Ruthenorum Regis et Cristinæ Reginæ…filia…Ingonis Suevorum Regis et Helena Reginæ” as mother of “Waldemarum Regem” and refers to “prædictæ Ingeborgis soror” as mother of “Belæ Regis Hungariæ” who married “sororem Philippi Regis Francorum”[436]. Baumgarten names the wife of King Géza as the daughter of Prince Mstislav but only cites one secondary source in support[437]. m (1146) GÉZA II King of Hungary, son of BÉLA II "the Blind" King of Hungary & his wife Jelena of Serbia ([1130]-3 May 1162).
Source / Forrás:
Euphrosyne / Ефросина Mstislavsdatter / Мстиславна of Kiev / Арпад, of Kiev (Рюриковна) (1130 - 1186)
Euphrosine of Novgorod
b. circa 1130, d. before 1186
Euphrosine of Novgorod was born circa 1130. (1) She was the daughter of Mstislaw I, Grand Prince of Kiev. (1) She married Geisa II Arpád, King of Hungary, son of Béla II Arpád, King of Hungary and Helen of Serbia, in 1146. (1) She died before 1186. (1)
Children of Euphrosine of Novgorod and Geisa II Arpád, King of Hungary
-1. Elisabeth Arpád+ d. a 1190 (1)
-2. Helen Arpád+ d. 1199 (1)
-3. Stephen III Arpád, King of Hungary b. 1147, d. 1172 (1)
-4. Béla III Arpád, King of Hungary+ b. 1148, d. c 1196 (1)
Euphrosyne of Kiev
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Euphrosyne of Kiev (c. 1130 – c. 1193) was Queen Consort of Hungary.
Euphrosyne was the first daughter of Grand Prince Mstislav I of Kiev and his second wife, Liubava Dmitrievna.
Marriage and children
King Géza II of Hungary (1130 – 31 May 1162)
-1. King Stephen III of Hungary (1147 – 4 March 1172)
-2. King Béla III of Hungary (1148 – 23 April 1196)
-3. Elisabeth (c. 1149 – after 1189), wife of Duke Frederick of Bohemia
-4. Duke Géza (c. 1150 – before 1210)
-5. Odola (? – ?), wife of Duke Svatopluk of Bohemia
-6. Helena (c. 1158 – 25 May 1199), wife of Duke Leopold V of Austria
Euphrosyne is an ancestor of Edward III of England and hence the ancestor of all subsequent English and British monarchs. She is also part of a link connecting the line of Harold Godwinson and the modern line of British monarchs.
Forrás / Source:
Eufrozina magyar királyné [szerkeszt%C3%A9s]
2010. január 13.
A Wikipédiából, a szabad enciklopédiából.
Ugrás: navigáció, keresés
Eufrozina vagy Fruzsina (Kijev, 1130 - Jeruzsálem, 1193): magyar királyné, II. Géza felesége, III. István és III. Béla anyja.
Élete [szerkeszt%C3%A9s]
1130-ban született I. Miciszláv kijevi nagyfejedelem és második felesége, egy Liubava nevű novgorodi nemeslány leányaként. 1146-ban kérte meg kezét Belos bán a 16 éves II. Géza magyar király számára, hogy az orosz anyától származó és orosz neveltetésű magyar trónkövetelőnek, Borisz hercegnek az oroszországi összeköttetéseit ezáltal gyengítse. A házasságot még ugyanebben az évben megkötötték, Eufrozina Magyarországra költözött. Nyolc gyermeke született:
-1. III. István (1147 - 1172. március 4.)
-2. III. Béla (1148 - 1196. április 24.)
-3. Margit (1149 - 1190 után), Frigyes cseh herceg felesége
-4. Géza (1151 - 1210 előtt)
-5. Árpád - fiatalon meghalt
-6. Odola (kb. 1156 - 1169 után), kb. 1164-től Svatopluk cseh herceg felesége
-7. Ilona (1158 - 1199. május 25.), 1172/74-től V. Lipót osztrák herceg felesége
-8. Margit (1162 - 1208), előbb Isaac Macrodukas, majd András somogyi főispán felesége
Mint magyar királyné, igen nagy befolyást gyakorolt férje elhatározásaira. Felesége kedvéért II. Géza több ízben nyújtott katonai segítséget rokonainak, különösképpen sógorának, II. Izjaszláv kijevi nagyfejedelemnek a csehek elleni háborúiban.
Eufrozina 1162-ben jutott nagyobb szerephez, amikor férje korai halála után kiskorú fia, III. István nevében átvette a kormányt. A bizánci támogatással fellépő II. László elől 1162-ben Pozsonyba menekült, majd Ausztriában talált menedéket. Nagy része volt abban, hogy III. István 1166-ban feleségül vette Ágnest, II. Henrik osztrák herceg leányát.
II. Géza fivéreinek, az I. Mánuel bizánci császár által pártfogolt II. Lászlónak és IV. Istvánnak a bukása után III. István 1165-ben hosszas harcok után ismét visszaszerezhette trónját. Fia uralkodása alatt Eufrozina csendesen és köztiszteletben élt a királyi udvarban.
III. István néhány évvel később, 1172. március 4-én váratlanul meghalt, és hívei Bizáncban élő öccsének, III. Bélának ajánlották föl a trónt. Béla 1172 tavaszán hazaérkezve szembesült azzal, hogy a Bizánchoz fűződő kapcsolatai miatt nem egységes a támogatottsága. Eufrozina is ellene fordult, és helyette ifjabbik fiát, Géza herceget akarta trónra juttatni. Ezért Béla félreállította testvérét: miután Géza fellázadt, börtönbe záratta, az anyakirálynét pedig elfogatta, majd a Szentföldre száműzte.
Eufrozinának ennélfogva el kellett hagynia az országot, szentföldi száműzetésébe legkisebb leánya, Margit hercegnő is elkísérte. Jeruzsálemben halt meg 1193-ban, holttestét később hazahozták, és az általa alapított templomban Székesfehérvárott temették el.
Euphrosyne of Kiev
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Euphrosyne of Kiev, (c. 1130 – c. 1193), Queen Consort of Hungary.
Euphrosyne was the first daughter of Grand Prince Mstislav I of Kiev and his second wife, Liubava Dmitrievna. In 1146, she was married to King Géza II of Hungary, who had come of age shortly before.
During his husband's reign she did not intervene in the politics of the kingdom, but after his death on 31 May 1162, her influence strengthened over their son, King Stephen III. The young king had to struggle against his uncles Ladislaus and Stephen to save his throne, and Euphrosyne took an active part in the struggles. She persuaded King Vladislaus II of Bohemia to give military assistance to her son against the invasion of the Emperor Manuel I Komnenos.
Euphrosyne's favourite son was the youngest, Duke Géza. Therefore, when King Stephen III died on 4 March 1172, she was planning to ensure his succession against her older son, Béla who had been living in the court of the Emperor Manuel I Komnenos. However, Béla came back, and he was crowned on 13 January 1173 although the Archbishop Lukas of Esztergom denied his coronation. Shortly afterwards, King Béla III had his brother arrested which increased the tension between Euphrosyne and his son. Although, Duke Géza managed to escape from his captivity soon, probably with Euphrosyne's help, but in 1177 he was again arrested.
In 1186, Euphrosyne tried to release his younger son again, but she failed. King Béla III ordered to arrest his mother and kept her confined in the fortress of Barancs (Serbian: Braničevo). Shortly afterwards, Euphrosyne was set free but she was obliged to leave the kingdom for Constantinople. From Constantinople she moved to Jerusalem where he lived as a nun in the convent of the Hospitallers and then in the Basilian monastery of Saint Sabbas.
Marriage and children
- 1146: King Géza II of Hungary (1130 – 31 May 1162)
King Stephen III of Hungary (1147 – 4 March 1172)
King Béla III of Hungary (1148 – 23 April 1196)
Elisabeth (c. 1149 – after 1189), wife of duke Frederick of Bohemia
Duke Géza (c. 1150 – before 1210)
Odola (? – ?), wife of duke Sviatopluk of Bohemia
Helena (c. 1158 – 25 May 1199), wife of duke Leopold V of Austria
Soltész, István: Árpád-házi királynék (Gabo, 1999)
Kristó, Gyula - Makk, Ferenc: Az Árpád-ház uralkodói (IPC Könyvek, 1996)
Euphrosyne of Kiev (c. 1130 – c. 1193) was Queen Consort of Hungary.
Euphrosyne was the first daughter of Grand Prince Mstislav I of Kiev and his second wife, Liubava Dmitrievna. In 1146, Euphrosyne married King Géza II of Hungary, who had come of age shortly before.
During her husband's reign Euphrosyne did not intervene in the politics of the kingdom, but after his death on 31 May 1162, her influence strengthened over their son, King Stephen III. The young king had to struggle against his uncles Ladislaus and Stephen to save his throne, and Euphrosyne took an active part in the struggles. She persuaded King Vladislaus II of Bohemia to give military assistance to her son against the invasion of the Emperor Manuel I Komnenos.
Euphrosyne's favourite son was the youngest, Duke Géza of Hungary. When King Stephen III died on 4 March 1172, she was planning to ensure his succession against her older son, Béla, who had been living in the court of the Emperor Manuel I Komnenos. However, Béla came back, and he was crowned on 13 January 1173, although the Archbishop Lukas of Esztergom denied his coronation. Shortly after, King Béla III arrested his brother, which increased the tension between Euphrosyne and her son. Duke Géza soon managed to escape, probably with Euphrosyne's help, but in 1177 he was again arrested.
In 1186, Euphrosyne tried to release her younger son again, but she failed. King Béla III ordered the arrest of Euphrosyne and kept her confined in the fortress of Barancs (Serbian: Braničevo). Shortly after, Euphrosyne was set free, but she was obliged to leave the kingdom for Constantinople. From Constantinople she moved to Jerusalem where she lived as a nun in the convent of the Hospitallers, and then in the Basilian monastery of Saint Sabbas.
[edit] Marriage and children
King Géza II of Hungary (1130 – 31 May 1162)
King Stephen III of Hungary (1147 – 4 March 1172)
King Béla III of Hungary (1148 – 23 April 1196)
Elisabeth (c. 1149 – after 1189), wife of Duke Frederick of Bohemia
Duke Géza (c. 1150 – before 1210)
Odola (? – ?), wife of Duke Svatopluk of Bohemia
Helena (c. 1158 – 25 May 1199), wife of Duke Leopold V of Austria
Euphrosyne is an ancestor of Edward III of England and hence the ancestor of all subsequent English and British monarchs. She is also part of a link connecting the line of Harold Godwinson and the modern line of British monarchs.
[edit] Sources
Soltész, István: Árpád-házi királynék (Gabo, 1999)
Kristó, Gyula - Makk, Ferenc: Az Árpád-ház uralkodói (IPC Könyvek, 1996)
Euphrosyne of Kiev
Rurik dynasty
Born: c. 1130 Died: c. 1193
Royal titles
Preceded by
Helena of Raška Queen of Hungary[1][2]
1146–1162 Succeeded by
Yaroslavna of Halych
[edit] References
1.^ http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/232308/Geza-II
2.^ http://www.mek.iif.hu/porta/szint/egyeb/lexikon/pallas/html/038/pc0...
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euphrosyne_of_Kiev"
Categories: Women of medieval Russia | 1130s births | 1190s deaths | Hungarian queens consort | Medieval women | Rurikids
Euphrosyne of Kiev, (c. 1130 – c. 1193), Queen Consort of Hungary.
Euphrosyne was the first daughter of Grand Prince Mstislav I of Kiev and his second wife, Liubava Dmitrievna. In 1146, she was married to King Géza II of Hungary, who had come of age shortly before.
During his husband's reign she did not intervene in the politics of the kingdom, but after his death on 31 May 1162, her influence strengthened over their son, King Stephen III. The young king had to struggle against his uncles Ladislaus and Stephen to save his throne, and Euphrosyne took an active part in the struggles. She persuaded King Vladislaus II of Bohemia to give military assistance to her son against the invasion of the Emperor Manuel I Komnenos.
Euphrosyne's favourite son was the youngest, Duke Géza. Therefore, when King Stephen III died on 4 March 1172, she was planning to ensure his succession against her older son, Béla who had been living in the court of the Emperor Manuel I Komnenos. However, Béla came back, and he was crowned on 13 January 1173 although the Archbishop Lukas of Esztergom denied his coronation. Shortly afterwards, King Béla III had his brother arrested which increased the tension between Euphrosyne and his son. Although, Duke Géza managed to escape from his captivity soon, probably with Euphrosyne's help, but in 1177 he was again arrested.
In 1186, Euphrosyne tried to release his younger son again, but she failed. King Béla III ordered to arrest his mother and kept her confined in the fortress of Barancs (Serbian: Braničevo). Shortly afterwards, Euphrosyne was set free but she was obliged to leave the kingdom for Constantinople. From Constantinople she moved to Jerusalem where he lived as a nun in the convent of the Hospitallers and then in the Basilian monastery of Saint Sabbas.
King Géza II of Hungary (1130 – 31 May 1162)
King Stephen III of Hungary (1147 – 4 March 1172)
King Béla III of Hungary (1148 – 23 April 1196)
Elisabeth (c. 1149 – after 1189), wife of duke Frederick of Bohemia
Duke Géza (c. 1150 – before 1210)
Odola (? – ?), wife of duke Sviatopluk of Bohemia
Helena (c. 1158 – 25 May 1199), wife of duke Leopold V of Austria
Euphrosyne var neppe fra Mstislav's ekteskap med Christina Ingesdotter. Christina døde i 1122 og Euphrosyne skal være født ca. 1130.
Snorre Sturlasson nevner heller ikke Euphrosyne som datter til Christina. I følgende avsnitt fra Magnussønnenes saga kalles Mstislav «Kong Harald Valdemarsson øst fra Holmgard»:
«20. Kong Sigurd ble gift med Malmfrid, datter til kong Harald Valdemarsson øst fra Holmgard. Mor til kong Harald var Gyda den gamle, datter til den engelske kongen Harald Gudinesson. Mor til Malmfrid var Kristin, datter til sveakongen Inge Steinkjelsson. Søster til Malmfrid var Ingelborg, som var gift med Knut Lavard, sønn til danekongen Eirik den gode, som var sønn til Svein Ulvsson. Knuts og Ingelborgs barn var Valdemar (den store), som tok kongedømme i Danmark etter Svein Eiriksson, Margret, Kristin og Katrin. Margret var gift med Stig Hvitlær, og de hadde en datter Kristin, som var gift med sveakongen Karl Sorkvesson. Deres sønn var kong Sorkve (Sverker).»
Tekst: Tore Nygaard
Snorre Sturlasson: Magnussønnenes saga, avsnitt 20. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 1157. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 18.
Euphrosyne of Kiev, (c. 1130 – c. 1193), Queen Consort of Hungary.
Euphrosyne was the first daughter of Grand Prince Mstislav I of Kiev and his second wife, Liubava Dmitrievna. In 1146, she was married to King Géza II of Hungary, who had come of age shortly before.
During his husband's reign she did not intervene in the politics of the kingdom, but after his death on 31 May 1162, her influence strengthened over their son, King Stephen III. The young king had to struggle against his uncles Ladislaus and Stephen to save his throne, and Euphrosyne took an active part in the struggles. She persuaded King Vladislaus II of Bohemia to give military assistance to her son against the invasion of the Emperor Manuel I Komnenos.
Euphrosyne's favourite son was the youngest, Duke Géza. Therefore, when King Stephen III died on 4 March 1172, she was planning to ensure his succession against her older son, Béla who had been living in the court of the Emperor Manuel I Komnenos. However, Béla came back, and he was crowned on 13 January 1173 although the Archbishop Lukas of Esztergom denied his coronation. Shortly afterwards, King Béla III had his brother arrested which increased the tension between Euphrosyne and his son. Although, Duke Géza managed to escape from his captivity soon, probably with Euphrosyne's help, but in 1177 he was again arrested.
In 1186, Euphrosyne tried to release his younger son again, but she failed. King Béla III ordered to arrest his mother and kept her confined in the fortress of Barancs (Serbian: Braničevo). Shortly afterwards, Euphrosyne was set free but she was obliged to leave the kingdom for Constantinople. From Constantinople she moved to Jerusalem where he lived as a nun in the convent of the Hospitallers and then in the Basilian monastery of Saint Sabbas.
King Géza II of Hungary (1130 – 31 May 1162)
King Stephen III of Hungary (1147 – 4 March 1172)
King Béla III of Hungary (1148 – 23 April 1196)
Elisabeth (c. 1149 – after 1189), wife of duke Frederick of Bohemia
Duke Géza (c. 1150 – before 1210)
Odola (? – ?), wife of duke Sviatopluk of Bohemia
Helena (c. 1158 – 25 May 1199), wife of duke Leopold V of Austria
Moved to Jerusalem where she lived as a nun in the convent of the Hospitallers & then in the Basilian monastery of Saint Sabbas.
Evfrosiniya Princess Of Kiev [Queen Of Hungary]
Evfrosiniya Princess Of Kiev [Queen Of Hungar-16780 [Parents] was born in 1130 in Of, Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine. She died in 1186 in , Byzantium, , Turkey. She was buried in , Szekesfehervar, Fejer, Hungary.
[Evfrosiniya's Parents]
- Mstislav I, Grand Kiev
- Lyubava Dmitrievna [Grand Duchess O]
- She married Geza II (Masodik Hungary-16779 in 1146.
They had the following children:
- M i Istvan III, King Hungary-16781 was born in 1147. He died on 4 Mar 1172.
- M ii Bela III (Harmadik Hungary-16782 was born in 1148. He died on 23 Apr 1196.
- F iii Erszebet, Princess Of Hungary-16783 was born about 1149. She died after 12 Jan 1189.
- M iv Mr. Geza, Prince Of Hungary-16784 was born about 1152 in Of, Esztergom, Komarom-Esztergo, Hungary. He died about 1210.
- M v Mr. Arpad, Prince Of Hungary-16785 was born about 1154 in Of, Esztergom, Komarom-Esztergo, Hungary. He died .
- F vi Odola, Princess Of Hungary-16786 was born about 1156. She died .
- F vii Miss Ilona, Princess Of Hungary-16708 was born about 1158. She died on 25 Dec 1199.
- F viii Margit, Princess Of Hungary-16787 was born about 1160. She died .
- F ix Heilwich van Hongarije-62169 was born about 1146. She died about 1170.
- F x Elisabeth van Hongarije-59725 was born about 1147. She died about 1190.
- M xi Stephan III van Hongarije-62157 was born in 1147. He died on 4 Mar 1172.
- F xii Helena van Hongarije-62162 was born about 1158. She died on 25 May 1199.
- F xiii Elisabeth Arpad Hungary-97590 died in 1190 .
Euphrosyne of Kiev's Timeline
1130 |
Київ / Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
1145 |
Esztergom, 1144/45, Komárom-Esztergom, Hungary
1147 |
Esztergom, Komarom-Esztergom, Hungary
1148 |
Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom, Magyarország - Kingdom of Hungary
1151 |
Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom, Fejér, Kingdom of Hungary
1154 |
Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom, Hungary
1156 |
Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom, Kingdom of Hungary
1158 |
Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom, Hungary
1162 |
Esztergom, Komárom-Esztergom, Hungary