Immediate Family
About Faramus of Boulogne
Faramus, son of William of Boulogne and his 1st wife. Married Mathilde.
The emergence of the Boulogne family in England can be found in Domesday Book of 1086. The Domesday tenant-in-chief of Carshalton was Geoffrey de Mandeville, and he held three manors in Surrey ñ Clapham, Carshalton and Wanborough.1 The entry for Carshalton states that ìWesman holds 6 hides from Geoffrey, son of count Eustace, to whom Geoffrey de Mandeville gave this land, with daughterî. This daughter of Geoffrey de Mandeville, daughter-in-law of count Eustace II of Boulogne (d. c.1088), was none other than the grandmother of Faramus of Boulogne.
In 1157 and 1158 Faramus held the manors of Wendover and Eton. Like many men of power and wealth, he borrowed, from moneylender William Cade, in 1165. In this he was following the example of Merton priory, which borrowed ìfor the works of the churchî, but at least the priory offered the vineyard at Sutton as security.8
Faramus died in 1183/4,9 and Sybil was his sole heir. She had married Ingelram de Fiennes and brought up a son William, who died in 1241.
See the discussions listed below the bio:
FmgMedlands -http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORTHERN%20FRANCE.htm#Geoffreydieda...
FARAMUS de Boulogne (-[1183/84]). The 1130 Pipe Roll records "Faram fil Will de Bolonia" in Surrey for “terre sue et ut habeat terram suam quam noverca sua tenet"[533]. “Faramus filius Willielmi Boloniæ” confirmed donation of land “in Belgehem [Balham], quæ pertinebat ad manerium de Clopham [Clapham]” to Okeburne Priory, Wiltshire [belonging to Bec] made by “Gaufridus filius comitis Eustacii de Bolonia avus meus, et Willielmus de Bolonia filius ipsius pater meus”, by undated charter consented to and witnessed by “fratres mei Eustacius et Simon. Hugo de Bosevilla et uxor eius, et filii ipsius Willielmi, et Robertus de Bosevilla, Baldvinus Richetala”[534]. Presumably this confirmation was given soon after Faramus succeeded his father as head of the family. Simeon of Durham records that "Willelmus d’Ipre homo Flandrensis, et Pharamus nepos reginæ Matildis, et iste Bononiensis" administered “familiam regis Stephani”, dated to [1141][535]. "...Pharam[o]..." witnessed the charter of King Stephen dated Christmas 1141 at Canterbury[536]. Seigneur de Tingry[537]. Emilie Amt notes that no other sources record Faramus fighting for Stephen during the civil war and suggests that he mainly supported Matilda because of their family relationship[538]. “Faramus de Bolonia” granted land held by “Wluard filius Brictrig...in Sud et in Nort...” to “Thome Pinget servienti meo” for his service by undated charter, witnessed by “...Thomas filius Farami...”[539]. Castellan of Dover castle and holder of the honour of Dover: the treaty between King Stephen and Henri Duke of Normandy, dated [Nov/Dec] 1153, includes a commitment to "servitium Faramusi, preter castra et villas de Dovre et quod ad honorem Dovre pertinet"[540]. “Pharamus” donated “terram de Piterleia” to Missenden, for the souls of “domini mei regis Henrici ert regine et puerorum suorum et...mea et uxoris mee et puerorum nostrorum”, by undated charter witnessed by “domina Matilda uxore mea...Baldwino Richetale...”[541]. Faramus donated the tithes of Sombres to the abbey of St Josse “cum uxore Matilda et Sibilla filia mea”, with the consent of “Matheo Boloniense comite et heredibus meis Ingeranno de Fienles et uxore eius Sibilla filia mea”, by charter dated 1171[542]. "Pharamo de Tingri, Balduino de Caio…" subscribed the charter dated 1172 under which Matthieu Comte de Boulogne granted revenue from fisheries to the monks of Saint-Josse-sur-mer[543]. The Pipe Rolls record that Faramus’s Buckinghamshire lands passed to his heir in [1183/84][544].
m MATHILDE, daughter of --- (-after 1171). “Pharamus” donated “terram de Piterleia” to Missenden, for the souls of “domini mei regis Henrici ert regine et puerorum suorum et...mea et uxoris mee et puerorum nostrorum”, by undated charter witnessed by “domina Matilda uxore mea...Baldwino Richetale...”[545]. Faramus donated the tithes of Sombres to the abbey of St Josse “cum uxore Matilda et Sibilla filia mea”, with the consent of “Matheo Boloniense comite et heredibus meis Ingeranno de Fienles et uxore eius Sibilla filia mea”, by charter dated 1171[546]. Faramus & his wife had two children (their father’s undated charter to Missenden, quoted above, which names his wife Mathilde and their (unnamed) “puerorum nostrorum” suggests that the children shown below were probably born to Faramus’s known wife):
- i) WILLIAM (-before 1171). m as her first husband, BEATRIX de Guines, daughter of ARNAUD Comte de Guines & his wife Mathilde de Saint-Omer.
- ii) SIBYLLE de Tingry (-after 29 Sep 1223). m (before 1171) ENGUERRAND [I] de Fiennes, son of EUSTACHE [II] Seigneur de Fiennes & his wife --- (-1218).
Faramus had [one possible illegitimate child by an unknown mistress]:
- iii) [THOMAS . “Faramus de Bolonia” granted land held by “Wluard filius Brictrig...in Sud et in Nort...” to “Thome Pinget servienti meo” for his service by undated charter, witnessed by “...Thomas filius Farami...”[556].
See the following discussions:
Faramus of Boulogne, J. H. Round https://fmg.ac/phocadownload/userupload/scanned-sources/tgb/Vol12-P...
A Rose By Any Other Name: Another daughter of Richard de Lucy Rosie Bevan and Peter Dale https://www.academia.edu/7512656/A_Rose_By_Any_Other_Name_Another_d...
Lionel Green traces a benefactor of Merton priory Faramus of Boulogne (d.1183/4) https://mertonhistoricalsociety.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/F...
A P Baggs and R J E Bush. "Parishes: Martock," in A History of the County of Somerset: Volume 4, ed. R W Dunning (London: Victoria County History, 1978), 78-109. British History Online, accessed May 3, 2021, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/som/vol4/pp78-109... from Pages 78-109 of A History of the County of Somerset: Volume 4. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1978.
Faramus of Boulogne's Timeline
1105 |
Buckinghamshire, England
1138 |
1141 |
1153 |
Carshalton, Epsom, Surrey, England
1183 |
Age 78
1948 |
June 15, 1948
Age 78
June 15, 1948
Age 78
June 15, 1948
Age 78
June 15, 1948
Age 78
1950 |
January 5, 1950
Age 78