Historical records matching Fernando I el Justo, rey de Aragón
Immediate Family
About Fernando I el Justo, rey de Aragón
Fernando I de Aragón (Medina del Campo, 27 de noviembre de 1380 - Igualada, 2 de abril de 1416). Llamado también Fernando de Trastámara, Fernando de Antequera, Fernando el Justo y Fernando el Honesto, fue Infante de Castilla, Rey de Aragón, de Valencia, de Mallorca, de Córcega, de Sicilia y de Cerdeña (nominal); duque de Neopatria y de Atenas (nominal); conde de Barcelona, del Rosellón, de Cerdaña; y regente de Castilla. Fue el primer monarca aragonés de la dinastía castellana de los Trastámara, si bien era Aragón por la rama materna, pues su madre Leonor de Aragón era hermana de Martín I de Aragón, llamado «el Humano».
Ferdinand I (of Aragón and Sicily), called The Just (27 November 1380 – 2 April 1416) was King of Aragón and Sicily from 1412 to 1416.
Ferdinand I of Aragon.
Ferdinand I of Aragon.
[edit] Biography
He was the younger son of King John I of Castile, and Eleanor of Aragon.
In 1406, upon the death of his elder brother King Henry III of Castile, Ferdinand declined the Castilian crown and instead, with Henry's widow Catherine, became coregent during the minority of his nephew John II of Castile. In this capacity he distinguished himself by his prudent administration of domestic affairs.
After Ferdinand's maternal uncle, Martin I of Aragon (as Martin II, also King of Sicily) died without surviving issue, Ferdinand was chosen king in 1412 to succeed him by the Pact of Caspe.
The most notable accomplishment of his brief reign was his agreement in 1416 to depose the Antipope Benedict XIII, thereby helping to end the Great Schism, which had divided the Western Church for nearly 40 years.
említve 1380
Foi o 2º filho de Leonor de Aragão (filha do rei Pedro IV de Aragão (1319-1387) e de sua 3ª esposa, Leonor da Sicília). Morto seu irmão Henrique III de Castela, 1º príncipe das Astúrias e rei de Castela desde 1390, foi Regente de Castela na menoridade do sobrinho João II de Castela. Vitorioso dos mouros na batalha de Antequera, em 1410, nela ganhou sua alcunha.
Teve numerosos títulos, como sendo em 1412 Rei de Aragão, da Sicília, de Valência e de Maiorca. Foi rei da Sardenha, Duque de Atenas, Conde de Barcelona, de Girona, de Ausonne, de Urgel e de Besalu, conde de Valespir, de Fenouillède, de Sant, de Conflent, Visconde de Milhaud, de Gévaudan, Conde da Cerdanha e do Rossilhão, senhor das Baleares de 1412 a 1416. Morto seu irmão primogênito Henrique III de Castela, foi Regente de Castela na menoridade do sobrinho João II de Castela, com a rainha viúva Catarina.
Ferdinand I of Aragon
Ferdinand I of Aragon.Ferdinand I (Ferran - Catalan) (Medina del Campo, Castile, 27 November 1380 – Igualada, Catalonia, 2 April 1416), called of Antequera and also the Just or the Honest, was king of Aragon, Valencia, Majorca, Sardinia and (nominal) Corsica and king of Sicily, duke (nominal) of Athens and Neopatria, and count of Barcelona, Roussillon and Cerdanya (1412-1416). Regent of Castile (1406-1416). See Crown of Aragon.
He was the younger son of king John I of Castile and Eleanor of Aragon.
In 1406, upon the death of his elder brother, king Henry III of Castile, Ferdinand declined the Castilian crown and instead, with Henry's widow Catherine of Lancaster, became coregent during the minority of his nephew John II of Castile. In this capacity he distinguished himself by his prudent administration of domestic affairs.
In a war with the Muslim kingdom of Granada, he conquered the town of Antequera (1410), and hence his surname.
After Ferdinand's maternal uncle, the king Martin I of Aragon (Martin II of Sicily), died without surviving issue, Ferdinand was chosen king of Aragon in 1412 to succeed him in the Compromise of Caspe. The other candidate, count James II of Urgell (see counts of Urgell), revolted and Ferdinand dissolved the county of Urgell in 1413.
Ferdinand created the title of prince of Girona for the heir of the Crown of Aragon in 1414.
The most notable accomplishment of his brief reign was his agreement in 1416 to depose the antipope Benedict XIII, thereby helping to end the Great Schism, which had divided the Western Church for nearly 40 years.
He is buried in the Aragonese royal pantheon of the monastery of Poblet, in a magnificent tomb ordered by his son Alfonso to Pere Oller in 1417.
In 1393 Ferdinand married Eleanor of Alburquerque (1374-1435). They had seven children:
Alfonso V of Aragon (1396-1458), king of Aragon, Sicily and Naples
Maria of Aragon, (1396-1445), queen of Castile, first wife of John II of Castile
John II of Aragon (1398-1479)
Henry of Aragon (c. 1400-1445), duke of Villena, count of Alburquerque and Empuries, lord of Sogorb, etc., and grand master of the military Order of Santiago
Eleanor of Aragon, (1402-1445), queen of Portugal, who married Edward I of Portugal
Peter of Aragon (1406-1438), count of Alburquerque and duke of Noto
Sancho of Aragon (1410-1416)
Ferdinandas I (1380 m. lapkričio 27 d. – 1416 m. balandžio 2 d.) buvo Aragono, Valensijos ir Maljorkos karalius, Sardinijos karalius, nominalus Korsikos karalius, Sicilijos karalius, nominalus Atėnų kunigaikštis, Barselonos grafas 1412–1416. Jis taip pat buvo Kastilijos regentas 1406–1416 m.
Ferdinandas I gimė Medina del Campo, buvo jaunesnis Jono I ir Eleonoros Aragonietės sūnus.
Mirus broliui Henrikui III, Ferdinandas atsisakė Kastilijos sosto ir su našle Katerina Lankastere valdė kaip regentas, kai jo sūnėnas Jonas II buvo nepilnametis. Jis pasižymėjo išmintingu valdymu.
Kare su musulmonišku Granados emyratu jis užėmė Antekveros miestą (1410 m.), tad kartais vadinamas Antekveriečiu.
Kai Ferdinando I dėdė Martynas Aragonietis mirė nepalikęs įpėdinio Kaspės kompromisu jis buvo išrinktas Aragono karaliumi 1412 m. Kai kitas kandidatas Urgelo grafas Jokūbas II sukilo, Ferdinandas panaikino jo grafystę 1413 m.
Ferdinandas sukūrė Gironos princo titulą Aragono sosto paveldėtojams 1416 m. vasario 19 d.
Didžiausias jo trumpo valdymo nuopelnas buvo sutikimas nuversti antipopiežių Benediktą XIII ir užbaigti Vakarų schizmą, kuri dalino Katalikų bažnyčią 40 metų, 1416 m.
Jis palaidotas Poblet vienuolyne, ankapį sukūrė Pere Oller sūnaus Alfonso V užsakymu 1417 m.
Fernando I el Justo, rey de Aragón's Timeline
1380 |
November 27, 1380
Medina del Campo, Castille and Leon, Spain
1396 |
Medina del Campo, Province of Valladolid, Castille and Leon, Spain
1398 |
June 29, 1398
Medina del Campo, Castille and Leon, Spain
1400 |
Medina del Campo, Valladolid, Castilla-Leon, Spain
Medina del Campo, Valladolid, Castile and León, Spain
1406 |
Medina del Campo, Valladolid, Castilla-Leon, Spain
1410 |
Of, Medina Del Campo, Valladolid, Spain
1416 |
April 22, 1416
Age 35
Igualada, Catalonia, Spain