Flann Mac Conaing, King of Brega

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Flann Mac Conaing, King of Brega (841 - 868)

Birthplace: Breagh, Ireland
Death: 868 (22-31)
Battle of Cill Ua nDaighre
Immediate Family:

Son of Conaing MacConGalach and Unknown ingen Niall
Husband of N.N.
Father of Gormlaith, Princess of Brega & High Queen-Consort of Ireland and Cinaed Mac Conaing, King of Brega

Managed by: James Fred Patin, Jr.
Last Updated:

About Flann Mac Conaing, King of Brega


The War of the Gaedhil with the Gaill, Or the Invasions of Ireland by the Danes and Other Norsemen: The Original Irish Text


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