Flavia Maxima Constantia

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Flavia Maxima Constantia

Also Known As: "Flavia Máxima. Imperatriz of Western"
Birthplace: Império Romano, Península Itálica , Lácio, Rome, Italy
Death: 393 (30-39)
Província Romana da Bithynia, Atual Turquia
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Constantius II, Roman Emperor and Faustina Augusta, Empress of Rome
Wife of Gratian, Western Roman Emperor
Half sister of Valentinian I, Roman Emperor; Valens, Eastern Roman Emperor and Constantius III of Rome

Managed by: Henn Sarv
Last Updated:

About Flavia Maxima Constantia

Constantia Princess of the East\West

Died : 393

Father Constantius II Emperor of the East and West

Mother Faustina Empress of the East and West

Marriage - GRATIAN Flavian Augustus Emperor of the West

Children -

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ID: I11612

Name: Constantia

Given Name: Constantia

Sex: F

_UID: E03E33CA201FD811BE490080C8C142CC61AE

Change Date: 26 Nov 2005

Death: Y

Father: Flavius Julius Constantius II of Rome b: 3 OCT 317

Mother: Fausta b: ABT 327

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Flavia Maxima Constantia's Timeline

Império Romano, Península Itálica , Lácio, Rome, Italy
Age 35
Província Romana da Bithynia, Atual Turquia