Daughter of Theutacar and Freiheida, not Robert of Salzburg. Parents Unknown? See below medlands; and Discussions [Sharon Doubell Dec 2018]
THEODO, son of --- (-11 Dec 718). THEODO V Duke of Bavaria. The mid-13th century Series Ducum Bavariæ lists, in order, the dukes from 514 as Theodo "dux primus"…Theodebertus, Theodo IV "qui cum filiis sanctum Corbiniacum locavit Frisinge"…[58]. The Annales Ducum Bavariæ record that "Theodo dux" led Bavaria in 712, specifying that he and his son Grimoald placed "sanctum Corbinatium in castro Frisinge"[59]. The Salzburg Annals record that "Theodo dux Bawarie" attacked Rome in 716, and died in 718[60]. The Historia Episcoporum Pataviensium et Ducum Bavariæ records the death in 718 of "Theodo dux"[61]. The necrology of Nonnberg records the death "3 Id Dec" of "Theodo dux"[62]. m [FOLCHAID, daughter of -]. A listing of Dukes of Bavaria in the necrology of Salzburg St Peter names "Folchaid" next to "Theoto", other similar paired entries in the same source being shown to refer to husband and wife[63]. Duke Theodo V & his wife had [four] children:
a) THEODEBERT [Dietbercht] (-724). The Historia Episcoporum Pataviensium et Ducum Bavariæ records that "Theobaldus et Grimoaldus filii eius" succeeded "Theodo dux" in 718[64]. He succeeded his father in 718 as THEODEBERT joint Duke of Bavaria, jointly with his brothers. The mid-13th century Series Ducum Bavariæ lists, in order, the dukes from 514 as Theodo "dux primus"… Theodo IV "qui cum filiis sanctum Corbiniacum locavit Frisinge", Theodaldus dux, Grimoaldus dux "fratris filius"…[65], which appears to ignore this duke Theodebert. In Rhätien, at Botzen. m ELINHAST, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms the name of Duke Theodebert's wife has not so far been identified. Duke Theodebert & his wife had one child:
b) GRIMOALD (murdered 728). The Historia Episcoporum Pataviensium et Ducum Bavariæ records that "Theobaldus et Grimoaldus filii eius" succeeded "Theodo dux" in 718[67]. He succeeded his father in 718 as GRIMOALD joint Duke of Bavaria, jointly with his brothers. The Annales Ducum Bavariæ name "Grimoaldi et Theodualdi duces" as sons of "Theodo dux", recording that they were joint dukes in 723, Grimoald ruling alone after the death of his brother[68]. in Ober-Bayern, at Freising. The Historia Episcoporum Pataviensium et Ducum Bavariæ records the death in 729 of "Grimoaldus dux Bavarie"[69]. m as her second husband, PILITRUDE, widow of his brother THEODOALD, daughter of ---. A listing of Dukes of Bavaria in the necrology of Salzburg St Peter names "Pilidruth" next to "Crimolt", indicating that she was presumably his wife[70]. The Continuator of Fredegar records that "matrona quondam…Beletrude et nepta sua Sunnichilde" were captured and taken to Austrasia by Charles "Martel" in [724/25][71]. Duke Grimoald & his wife had one child:
c) THEODOALD (-after 718). The Annales Ducum Bavariæ name "Grimoaldi et Theodualdi duces" as sons of "Theodo dux", recording that they were joint dukes in 723[77]. He succeeded his father in 718 as THEODOALD joint Duke of Bavaria, jointly with his brothers. The mid-13th century Series Ducum Bavariæ lists, in order, the dukes from 514 as Theodo "dux primus"…Theodo IV "qui cum filiis sanctum Corbiniacum locavit Frisinge", Theodaldus dux, Grimoaldus dux "fratris filius", Hugpertus dux…[78]. Im Nordgau, at Passau. m firstly WALTRUDE, daughter of ---. The primary source which names Waltrude as first wife of Duke Theodoald has not so far been identified. m secondly as her first husband, PILITRUDE, daughter of ---. The primary source which identifies Pilitrude as second wife of Duke Theodoald has not yet been identified. She married secondly her first husband's brother Grimoald.
d) [--. m ---.] One child:
From German Wikipedia:
Folchaid (7./8. Jahrhundert) war die Gattin des bayerischen Herzogs Theodo II. Sie stammte wahrscheinlich aus der Umgebung von Worms, und bei ihren Eltern handelte es sich um Theutacar und Freiheida, und ihre Schwester, Uta, war Nonne. Mit Theodo II. hatte Folchaid mehrere Kinder: Theudebert, Theudebald, Grimoald und Tassilo.
In English:
Folchaid (from the 7th or 8th century) was the wife of Theodosius II, Duke of Bavaria. She probably came from the vicinity of Worms. Her parents were Theutacar and Freiheida, and her sister Uta was a nun. With Theodo II (second husband), Folchaid had several children: Theudebert , Theudebald , Grimoald, and Tassilo .
From Karl-Heinz Schreiber's "Die Genealogie der Franken und Frankreichs:
Folchaid, Herzogin von Bayern
Störmer Wilhelm: Seite 18, "Adelsgruppen"
Dass Folchaid Theodos Frau gewesen ist, wird neuerdings bezweifelt, da man mit gutem Gründen eine Regintrud als Gemahlin Theodos annimmt. Man glaubt, Folchaid sei die Gattin des Theodo-Sohnes Theodebert gewesen; im Salzburger Verbrüderungsbuch sei der Name irrtümlich nach oben verschoben worden. Das ist meines Erachtens keineswegs zwingend, denn Theodo kann ja durchaus zweimal verheiratet gewesen sein. Interessanter wäre jedenfalls zu erfahren, woher diese Folchaid kam. In diesem Zusammenhang muß eine große Schenkung (Besitz in 8 Orten im Rhein-Neckar-Gebiet und 30 Manicipien) an das Kloster Lorsch im Jahre 779 auffallen, in der eine Folcheith begegnet. Tradentin ist eine Vda deo sacrata, die offenbar eine Nonne war. Sie gibt in der Urkunde ihre Familienmitglieder an:
Theutacar oo Freiheida
Vda Folcheith
Unter den Zeugen dieses Rechtsgeschäfts begegnet nicht nur der in Bayern von bedeutenden Personen getragene Name Orendil, sondern auch der AGILOLFINGER-Name Hucbert. Der Name der Tradentin Vda aber ist derselbe, den die Tochter Herzog Theodos und möglicherweise auch Folchaids trägt. Wir erinnern uns, dass auch der heilige Rupert, der unter Herzog Theodo das kirchliche Leben in Salzburg erneuerte, aus diesem Wormser Raum kam, wie E. Zöllner gezeigt hat. Mehr als Indizien für die Herkunft der Herzogsgattin Folchaid können wir zunächst nicht geben, aber sie sind immerhin auffällig.
(Admittedly) very poorly translated into English:
The assertion that Folchaid was Theodosius' wife was recently question, since there are good reasons to assume that Regintrude held this role. It is believed that Folchaid was the wife of Theodosius' son, Theodebert, as in the book of the Salzburg brotherhood, the name had been moved up by mistake. In any case, it may be that Theodo was married twice. It would be interesting to know from where this Folchaid came. It was from her that a large donation (8 possessions in the Rhine-Neckar area and 30 in Manicipien) was given to the Lorsch Monastery in 779. She later became a nun. These are known to be part of her family:
Theutacar, m. Freiheida
Vda Folcheith
This transaction provides not only a connection to Bavaria through the Orendil name, but also the Algofinger name Hucbert. The name may have been passed down to the daughter of Duke Theodosius. Again, under Duke Theodo, St. Rupert created the church in the renewed Salzburg, and had come from the region of Worms, as had E., who had been a tax collector. This is nothing more than circumstantial evidence of the origin of the Duke's wife Folchaid, the best that could be done, but it is nevertheless striking.
oo Theodo II. Herzog von Bayern, -11.12. ca. 716
From the personal genealogical research of Professor Mark H. Holmes (applied mathematician at UCLA):
Ben M. Angel notes: With reference to her having come from Salzburg, if she were born in the seventh century, this is likely not the case. From the English Wikipedia page on Salzburg:
Around 15 BC the separate settlements were merged into one city by the Roman Empire. At this time the city was called Juvavum and was awarded the status of a Roman municipium in 45 AD. Juvavum developed into an important town of the Roman province of Noricum. After the collapse of the Norican frontier, Juvavum declined so sharply that by the late 7th century it had become a "near ruin".
The Life of Saint Rupert credits the 8th-century saint with the city's rebirth. When Theodo of Bavaria asked Rupert to become bishop c. 700, Rupert reconnoitered the river for the site of his basilica. Rupert chose Juvavum, ordained priests, and annexed the manor Piding. Rupert named the city "Salzburg". He traveled to evangelise among pagans.
The name Salzburg means "Salt Castle". It derives its name from the barges' carrying salt on the Salzach River, which were subject to a toll in the 8th century, as was customary for many communities and cities on European rivers.
As suggested by Schreiber's passage and German Wikipedia, she probably came from Worms. She probably saw the restoration of Salzburg in her lifetime. And she probably lived longer than 20 years, given that she's credited with 4-6 children...
645 |
Probaby Worms, Austrasia (Present Germany), Frankish Empire
650 |
Bavaria, Germany
655 |
685 |
Herzogtum Bayern, Frankish Kingdom
686 |
Bavaria, Germany
690 |
735 |
Age 90
Alamannia (Present Bavaria), Frankish Empire (within present Germany)
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