1. WALERAN [I] (-before 1032). Comte d'Arlon. m ADELAIS de Lotharingia, daughter of THIERRY Duke of Upper Lotharingia [Wigeriche] & his wife Richilde --- ([995/1005]-after 1032). Waléran [I] & his wife had [four or more] children:https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIAN%20(UPPER)%20NOBILITY....
a) WALERAN[II] d'Arlon ([1015/30]-after [1084/85])
b) FOULQUES [Bolko] d'Arlon ([1015/30]-after [1084/85]). One passage in the Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi records that "Adela soror Friderici ducis” [Fr%C3%A9d%C3%A9ric [II] Duke of Upper Lotharingia] gave birth to “Fulconem et Gallerannum et filiam unam quam habuit Henricus de Liemborc, pater Pagani de Arluns”[23]. Their father’s name is confirmed by the 1052/1053 charters quoted below. Foulques’s date of birth is estimated very approximately to test the chronology of this family, bearing in mind his mother’s estimated date of birth and his father’s supposed date of death. The order of birth of the two sons is uncertain: the source just quoted names Foulques first, the following sources name him second. The Gesta Treverorum names "Walrammi et Folconis" as sons of "comitissa [Adelheid] de castello…Aralunæ"[24]. Eberhard Archbishop of Trier refers to past donations by "comite Walrammo de Arlo et uxore ipsius Adelheide" in two charters dated 1052 and 1053, the second one referring to the confirmation of donations by "filiorum eorum Walrammi et Folconis" after the death of their parents[25]. Archbishop Udo of Trier donated property to Trier St Simon by charter dated 29 Jan 1068, subscribed by "Theoderici comitis, Henrici fratris eius, Walrammi comitis, Folconis comitis, Stephani comitis…"[26]. “...Walaramnus et Folco comites fratres...” witnessed a charter of Egilbert Archbishop of Trier dated [1084/85][27]. ["%E2%80%A6Walrammus et frater eius Volko comites de Arlo…" subscribed the spurious charter dated 1093 under which "Heinricus…comes palatinus Rheni et dominus de Lacu…uxore mei Adleide" founded the abbey of Laach[28], which provides no guarantee that the brothers Walram and Bolko/Foulques were still alive at that date.] m ---. The name of Foulques's wife is not known. Foulques & his wife had two children: https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIAN%20(UPPER)%20NOBILITY.htm#HendrikILimburgdied1119'''i) FREDERIC d'Arlon (-bur Saint Hubert, Ardennes). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comitem Fredericum et Beatricem" as children of "Fulco [filius Adela comitissa Arelesnis]", specifying that both died childless and were buried at Saint Hubert[29]. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIAN%20(UPPER)%20NOBILITY....
ii) BEATRIX d'Arlon (-bur Saint Hubert, Ardennes). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comitem Fredericum et Beatricem" as children of "Fulco [filius Adela comitissa Arelesnis]", specifying that both died childless and were buried at Saint Hubert[30]. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIAN%20(UPPER)%20NOBILITY....c) [--- d’Arlon
d) two or more daughters
1031 |
Arlon, Luxembourg
1081 |
Age 50