FULK Paynell, son of [WILLIAM Paynell of Moûtiers-Hubert & his wife ---] (-after 1129). Ellis names "William Paynel of Moûtiers-Hubert and Fulk Paynel of Dudley" as the sons of William Paynell Seigneur de Moûtiers-Hubert, without citing the primary sources on which he bases his supposition[142]. Domesday Descendants does not specify his parentage[143]. The 1130 Pipe Roll records "Fulcoius Paenell" paying half a fine relating to his suit against "Rogerum Parlarium" in Staffordshire[144]. “Gervasius Paganellus” donated property to Tykford Priory, with the consent of “uxoris meæ Isabellæ comitissæ de Norhamton”, by charter dated 1187 which names “Fulcodius Paganellus avus meus et Radulfus Paganellus pater meus”[145].
m [BEATRIX, daughter of WILLIAM FitzAnsculf of Dudley & his wife ---]. Domesday Descendants states that Fulk Paynell "acquired the fief of William fitz Ansculf de Picquigny lord of Dudley, Worcestershire, probably by marriage to William’s heiress (?daughter)"[146]. Ellis is more definite, naming "Beatrix, d. and heiress of Will. fitz Ansculph, of Dudley" as the wife of Fulk Paynell, without citing the primary sources on which he bases his supposition[147]. Grazebrook comments that "it has…been suggested, and I think with great probability" that Fulk Paynell acquired the lordship of Dudley "by marriage with Fitz Ansculph’s heiress"[148]. This last quote indicates that the connection is speculative and is not based on any primary source. Until more information comes to light, this supposed wife of Fulk is shown in square brackets.
Fulk & his wife had [two] children:
1. RALPH Paynell (-before [1160]). ["%E2%80%A6Rad Paganell…" witnessed the charter dated [Jul 1141/Dec 1142] under which Empress Matilda permitted "Milon com Heref" to hold the castle and honour of Abergavenny, from "Bri fil com et Matild de Walengeford uxor sue"[149]. "…Radulfo Paganello…" witnessed the charter dated to [1142/46] under which "M. imperatrix, Henrici regis filia et Anglorum domina et Henricus filius comitis Andegavie" confirmed the rights of "Unfrido de Buhun" in the lands he held on the death of her father[150]. It is not known whether these charters refer to Ralph son of Fulk Paynell.] “Gervasius Paganellus” donated property to Tykford Priory, with the consent of “uxoris meæ Isabellæ comitissæ de Norhamton”, by charter dated 1187 which names “Fulcodius Paganellus avus meus et Radulfus Paganellus pater meus”[151]. m ---. The name of Ralph’s wife is not known. Ralph & his wife had two children: Gervase and Hawise....
2. [AGNES Paynell (-18 Nov
1076 |
Barnstaple, Devon, England or St. Clair-sur-Elle, Normandie, West Francia (now France)
1098 |
Dudley, Worcestershire, England
1129 |
prob. Dudley, Worcestershire, England
???? |
Dudley Castle, Warwickshire, England
???? |