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About Gösta Sundqvist
Gösta Sundqvist
Gösta Erik Sundqvist was a Finnish musician and radio personality. He was the lead singer for Leevi and the Leavings since the forming of the band. The name "Leevi" is often taken to mean Sundqvist personally, although this is incorrect, and "Leevi" refers to a late friend of the band members.
Sundqvist kept himself almost completely hidden from publicity and Leevi and the Leavings never performed in front of a live audience, with only one exception under the name "Tarmo Dynamo". In the 1980s and 90s, Gösta and the band gave some interviews but after the year 1996 Sundqvist became a total media hermit.
Sundqvist is best remembered by the songs he composed, arranged, and wrote the lyrics for. His lyrics were down-to-earth which was probably the key to success among the Finnish public. His subjects covered loneliness, sexuality, alcoholism, mental health, environment and society, often with sarcasm and black humour. In 1990 Sundqvist expanded his work to include radio comedy. He wrote several humorous shows for the radio station formerly known as Radiomafia, including Tietokoneenkorjauskurssi ("Computer repair course") and Koe-eläinpuisto ("Laboratory animal park").
Leevi and the Leavings started their career at the end of the 1970s, but became popular in wider circles in the second half of the 80s. Their first hits included "Pohjois-Karjala", "Teuvo, maanteiden kuningas", "Sopivasti lihava", "Amalia" and "Rin Tin Tin".
Sundqvist also wrote songs for "singer" Aarne Tenkanen, a pseudonym of Kai Järvinen. Tenkanen was originally one of the characters appearing in Sundqvist's radio shows.
Gösta Sundqvist died abruptly from a heart attack at his home in Espoo on August 16, 2003, at only 46 years old.Only hours before his death, he was in a studio recording a new version of a Leavings song meant to appear on their next single.
Gösta on YouTube.
Gösta Sundqvist was a genious - a Finnish musician, radio character and a producer. He would lead Leevi and the Leavings from the beginning, be the singer, and writer, composer, adapter in all the tracks of the band. During the history of the band, spanning from 1977, and despite the success, the band never played a gig. In addition, Sundqvist wrote a number of songs to "Aarne Tenkanen" under a number of different pseudonyms.
Sundqvist also made a number of popular, humorous radio programs for the Finnish Broadcasting Company, the best known and longest run of which was Koe-eläinpuisto (Laboratory Guinea Pig Petting Park.)
About Gösta Sundqvist (suomi)
Gösta at Wiki: https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6sta_Sundqvist
Gösta at Yle: https://yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2017/05/12/tallainen-oli-gosta-sundqv...
Gösta at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeQPBMEKa2fKqtRZdcjp8Jg
Gösta Sundqvist oli - nero - suomalainen muusikko, radiokoomikko ja tuottaja. Hän oli Leevi and the Leavings -yhtyeen sielu. Hän toimi sen laulajana sen perustamisesta (1977) lähtien. Sundqvist myös sävelsi, sanoitti ja sovitti itse kaikki yhtyeen kappaleet. Yhtye ei koskaan keikkaillut. Leevi and the Leavingsin ohella Sundqvist teki myös elinaikanansa kaikki kappaleet "Aarne Tenkaselle", useilla eri salanimillä.
Sundqvistin nerous kävi ilmi myös radiossa. Sundqvist teki Yleisradiolle useita radio-ohjelmasarjoja, joita ovat muun muassa Tietokoneenkorjauskurssi, Belgialaisia kirjauutuuksia, Teinitalo ja tunnetuimpana Koe-eläinpuisto. Koe-eläinpusto-ohjelmien arkisto täällä: http://hipster.fi/kep/shows/
Gösta Sundvist var - genious - en finsk musiker, radio karaktär och producent. Han skulle leda Leevi and the Leavings från början, sjunga i bandet, och även komponera bandets musik, skriva texterna och arrangerade alla bandets låtar. Sundqvist gjorde också alla låtar till "Aarne Tenkanen" under många olika pseudonymer. Sundqvist skrev och var en presentatör också ett nummer av radioprogram, liksom Koe-eläinpuisto.
Gösta Sundqvist was a genious - a Finnish musician, radio character and a producer. He would lead Leevi and the Leavings from the beginning, be the singer, and writer, composer, adapter in all the tracks of the band. During the history of the band, spanning from 1977, and despite the success, the band never played a gig. In addition, Sundqvist wrote a number of songs to "Aarne Tenkanen" under a number of different pseudonyms.
Sundqvist also made a number of popular, humorous radio programs for the Finnish Broadcasting Company, the best known and longest run of which was Koe-eläinpuisto (Laboratory Guinea Pig Petting Park.)
Gösta Sundqvist's Timeline
1957 |
May 17, 1957
Espoo, Finland
2003 |
August 16, 2003
Age 46
Haukilahti, Espoo, Finland
???? |
Kellonummi, Espoo, Finland