Galfridus de Melville, Sheriff of Edinburgh

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Galfridus de Melville, Sheriff of Edinburgh

Also Known As: "Galfridus de Malveill", "Galfridus Malevin", "Galfridus de Maleuin", "Galfrid de Maleville", "Galfrid"
Birthplace: Perhaps, Normandy
Death: circa 1180 (61-78)
Melville, Lasswade, Midlothian, Scotland
Immediate Family:

Son of Osborn de Maule
Husband of 1st wife of Galfridus de Melville and Matilda de Melville
Father of Sir Gregory Melville, Lord of Melville; Galdrid “the younger” Melville, laird of Carnbee; Thomas Melville; Walter Melville, of Fife; Robert Melville and 2 others

Occupation: knight, sheriff of Edinburgh Castle, Justiciar of Scotland De Melville (Maurward)
Managed by: Douglas John Nimmo
Last Updated:

About Galfridus de Melville, Sheriff of Edinburgh

“Melville family“ Wikipedia

Galfridus de Melville, a Norman knight who settled in Scotland in the twelfth century. The surname is said to derive from Malleville, a manor in the Pays de Caux, Normandy. Most sources state that the Melville family is descended from him.

“Melville Clan”

Melville Clan History: From the Barony of Malaville in Normandy, Galfridus de Melville lived in the reigns of David I, Malcolm IV and William the Lion, and was the first Justiciary of Scotland. He had three sons: Gregory, whose daughter [SIC - descendant] and only child married Sir John Ross of Halkhead and inherited the lands of Melville, the barony of which remained with the Ross family until 1705; Philip, ancestor of the Melvilles of Glenbervie; [not in Fraser]; and Walter, grandfather of Sir John de Melville, who rendered homage to Edward I in 1296, and whose lineal descendants are the Melvilles of Raith and the barons Melville.


There is reason to believe that Galfrid Melville was twice married. The name of his first wife has not been ascertained, but his second wife was Matilda Malherbe, who survived him. She was also of Anglo-Norman extrac- tion, although the Malherbes assumed the name of Morham, from their lands in East Lothian.

He had issue, seven sons:

  • 1 . Gregory, his heir, of whom a short notice follows.
  • 2. Galfrid, who received from his nephew Richard, son of his brother Gregory, the lands of Grendun (now Granton, near Edinburgh) and the lands of Stanehouse or Stenhouse, near Liberton. In the charter by King William the Lion, confirming the grant by Richard, Galfrid is described as uncle of Richard Melville, and son of Matilda Malherbe, an expression which seems to imply that she was not the mother of Richard's father. 3 This view is strengthened by another writ in which Richard, son of Gregory Melville, ratines an agreement between Galfrid Melville and Matilda Malherbe, his mother, to the effect that Matilda should give up the half of Retrevin, now Tartraven, in Linlithgowshire, which was her dowry, and accept in exchange the lands of Stenhouse, which are to be held by her as Gregory Melville held them. 1 The phraseology of this writ would imply that Matilda Malherbe was the mother of Galfrid, and not of his brother Gregory, and therefore, a second wife of the elder Galfrid. The younger Galfrid appar- ently received from his father a portion of the Liberton lands, as he con- firmed to the monks of Holyrood the two oxgangs of land in Liberton, given by Malbet Bere. The land is to be held as freely and peaceably as the granter can give it, a phrase which suggests a qualified ownership.' 2 Galfrid Melville, the younger, apparently survived until the reign of King Alexander the Second. About the year 1200 he appears as a witness, with the bishop of St. Andrews, several other bishops, the Earls of Fife, Strathern and Angus, and a number of Fifeshire gentlemen, 3 to an important con- vention between the prior and canons of St. Andrews and the Culdees there, as to the rents and dues of certain lands and teinds. About the same date, or later, Galfrid Melville is a witness to a charter by another Fifeshire laird, Thomas, son of Walter of Lundin or Lundie, granting the lands of Balcormo in Fife to the aDbey of Cambushenneth. 4 He is also named with the same Thomas of Lundin and others in the same neiah- bourhood, as witness to a charter by John, son of Michael, then laird of Wemyss, to the monks of May, about the year 1230. 5 This constant connection with the county of Fife indicates that Galfrid Melville, the second of that name, had settled in that district. It is not improbable both from this fact, from a tradition preserved in the family of the Melvilles of Raith, that the laird of Carnbee was the second son of the first Lord of Melville, 6 and also from the circumstance that at a later date the lands of Granton and Stenhouse were in possession of the Melvilles of Carnbee, that Galfrid the younger was the ancestor of that branch of the family. 7
  • 3. Thomas, who, with his four following brothers, is named as a witness to their father's grant of the church of Melville to the abbey of Dunfermline, already narrated. Of him no further trace has been discovered.
  • 4. Robert, named in the same charter. A Sir Robert Melville, who is probably the same, is a witness to a decision by Sir Walter Olifard the younger, justiciary of Lothian, in a dispute between the bishop of Glasgow and Jordan of Currokes or Corehouse, as to the lands of Stobo, confirmed by King Alexander the Second, in 12 23. 1 He is also a witness in the year 1226, along with the Scottish chancellor, Sir Walter Olifard and others, to a charter by John Normanville to the abbey of Melrose, of part of the lands of Maxton. 2 Sir Robert Melville may have held lands in Roxburgh- shire and Peeblesshire, where the Melvilles certainly had possessions at a later date.
  • 5. Hugh, named as above. He appears as a witness, about 1203, to a charter by Alan Fitz- Walter, steward of Scotland, granting lands in Eenfrew to the abbey of Paisley, and is also a witness to another charter to that abbey, of uncertain date, but about the same period. 3
  • 6. Richard ; and
  • 7. Walter, who are also named in the charter quoted, but regarding whom nothing further has been ascertained.

Origins and descent

The Melvilles are said to have originated from Malleville in the Pays de Caux Normandy and gave their name to the lands of Melville in Midlothian and Fife. Galfridus de Malveill was the first of the name to appear in Scotland in the 12th century and flourished during the reigns of Malcolm IV [1153-1165] and William [I] the Lion [1165-1214]. The original stock terminated in an heiress, Agnes who married Sir John Ross of Halkhead and their descendant was created Lord Ross by James IV in whose family the barony of Melville remained until 1705.

There are many accounts concerning the true origin of this family but for lack of evidence it is impossible to state which is correct. Consensus would seem to indicate a Norman origin and that they came to England with the Norman invaders in 1066 and later, like others, came north when David I [r. 1124-1153] returned to Scotland. The first record of the name in Scotland is of Galfrid, sheriff of Edinburgh Castle, who appears in a charter of Malcolm IV in 1162. The lands first associated with the family were those of the same name on the southern outskirts of Edinburgh. Here the line of Melville reigned until Thomas Melville of that Ilk died in 1458, when his debt-ridden estate passed through a daughter to the Rosses of Halkhead.

The Melvilles are said to have originated from Malleville in the Pays de Caux Normandy and gave their name to the lands of Melville in Midlothian and Fife. Galfridus de Malveill was the first of the name to appear in Scotland in the 12th century and flourished during the reigns of Malcolm IV [1153-1165] and William [I] the Lion [1165-1214]. The original stock terminated in an heiress,Agnes, who married Sir John Ross of Halkhead [SIC: Robert Ross of Halkhead] and their descendant was created Lord Ross by James IV in whose family the barony of Melville remained until 1705.
There are many accounts concerning the true origin of this family but for lack of evidence it is impossible to state which is correct. Consensus would seem to indicate a Norman origin and that they came to England with the Norman invaders in 1066 and later, like others, came north when David I [r. 1124-1153] returned to Scotland. The first record of the name in Scotland is of Galfrid, sheriff of Edinburgh Castle, who appears in a charter of Malcolm IV in 1162. The lands first associated with the family were those of the same name on the southern outskirts of Edinburgh. Here the line of Melville reigned until Thomas Melville of that Ilk died in 1458, when his debt-ridden estate passed through a daughter to the Rosses of Halkhead.

“Melville” name

Origins of the surname Melville By Fiona Sinclair September 08, 2002. Reposted from the Scotland Forum, From "The Surnames of Scotland" by Dr. G.F. Black

Melville, Melvin, Mellon

  • From the placename Malaville or Malleville in the Pays de Caux, Normandy.
  • Galfridus de Malveill first appears as a witness in a charter by Malcolm IV (1153-1165), and later witnessed a number of other documents.
  • Richard Maluvell was taken prisoner at Alnwick along with King William the Lion in 1174.
  • Persons of the name posessed Kinblethmont as early as 1189.
  • Hugh de Malleville witnessed a charter 1202.
  • Henricus de Malevil witnessed a sale deed between 1218-22.
  • Philip de Maleuille was justiciary of Scotland and witnessed a charter 1242.
  • Gregory de Malville granted free passage through his lands in 1246.
  • 8 or 9 Melvilles or Malevilles rendered homage to England 1296.
  • The lands of Melville in Midlothian were one of the earliest possessions of the family. They and the lands of Melville in Fife were named after the family.
  • James Melville, the Reformer(1556–1614), spelt his own name in many different ways. In his own diary he once spelt it Melville and Melvin on the same page.
  • Among older people in country districts the name is still commonly pronounced Melvin, and written Melvin, Mellin and Melling.
  • Other spellings: Mailueil 1468, Mailuil 1526, Mailuile 1559, Mailuill 1519, Mailuille 1539, Mailvene 1500, Mailveyne 1491, Mailvil 1525, Mailvile 1527, Mailvin 1504, Mailvyll 1548, Mailvyne 1502, Mailwill 1583, Mailwyn 1456, Mailwyne 1530, Maleuile 1516, Maleuyll 1264, Maluill 1502, Malevil 1468, Malevyle 1400, Malevyn 1470, Malevyne 1467, Malewile 1436, Mallwill 1574, Maluel 1457, Maluile 1510, Maluiyll 1509, Malveyn 1457, Malvil 1484, Malvile 1540, Malvyle and Malvyn 1425, Malvyne 1474, Malwill 1456, Malwyle 1428, Malwyn and Malwyne 1447, Meiluill 1520, Mellwell 1610, Melving 1633, Melwene 1543, Melwill 1595, Melwin 1550, Melwyn 1583, Melwyne 1524, Maling, Malling, Meluile, Meluill, Melvyne, Melwing.

Melvin, Melven

  • Vulgarised forms of Melville. Pronounced Mellon on N.E. coast.
  • Galfridus Malevin, Galfridus de Maleuin and Galfridus de Malveill were the same person, living mid 12th century.
  • Andrew Malvyn was a burgess of Abirbrothoc 1387.
  • John of Malewyn was on the assize at Woodwrae, 1388
  • Alexander Malvyn and John Malewyn were witnesses in 1474
  • Thomas Malwyn was a tenant of Balgrescho 1482.
  • David Melvil, printer in Aberdeen, was also spelt Mailing.
  • Barbara Mailling was married in Edinburgh 1633.
  • Mailingsland in Traquair was once called Meluinsland.

Last name: Melville

This name is of French locational origin from any of the various places in Normandy called Malleville, for example, Malleville in Pays de Caux. The name derives from the Old French "mal" meaning "bad" or "poor", referring to the poor quality of the soil in the area, plus "ville", a settlement. This Norman name was brought to Scotland in the mid 11th Century by the first recorded namebearer, (see below). The lands of Melville in Midlothian, Scotland, along with those in Fife, received their name from their first Norman possessors. One Hugh de Malleville witnessed a charter circa 1202 in Records of Paisley Monastery, and in 1296, Sir Richard de Melville was obliged to swear allegiance to the English King, Edward 1. In some cases, the name, with its variant forms Melvin, Mulveen and Mulvin, may be an Anglicized form of the Gaelic (O) Maoil Mhin meaning "devotee of St. Min, from "min", gentle. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Galfridus de (of) Malveill, which was dated circa 1161 - 1163, in "Charters of the Holy Cross", Edinburgh, Scotland, during the reign of King Malcolm 1V of Scotland, 1153 - 1165. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Read more:


  • The Melvilles, Earls of Melville, and the Leslies, Earls of Leven. Memoirs. (Correspondence. - Charters.) [With plates, including portraits and facsimiles, and genealogical tables.] by Fraser, William, Sir, 1816-1898. Page 3. Archive.Org Link
  • “ Clan Melville History” “ Galfrids’ granddaughter Agnes was the sole heir to the Barony of Melville. She married John Ross of Halkhead, and her descendant was made Lord Ross by King James IV. The family then retained the Barony until 1705.”
  • “History of the Melville Clan” “Richard Maluvell's grand-daughter inherited the Barony of Melville which passed to the Ross family when she married Sir John Ross of Halkhead and the barony remained in that family until 1705.”