Immediate Family
About Gandálfr Alfgeirsson, King in Norway
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Gandalf Alfgeirsson === (Old Norse: Gandálf Álfgeirsson) was king of the petty Kingdom of Alfheim which overlaps the present-day border between south-eastern Norway and south-western Sweden[1]
He is portrayed in Snorri Sturluson's Saga Heimskringla.
Heimskringla relates that Gandalf was given the kingdom of Alfheim by his father Alfgeir.
Gandalf fought with Halfdan the Black for overlordship of what would become Norway under Halfdan the Black's son Harald Fairhair. They reached a temporary agreement to share Vingulmork between them. Apparently after Gandalf's death, his three sons (Hysing, Helsing, and Hake) attempted to ambush Halfdan the Black at night but he escaped into the forest. After raising an army, he returned and defeated the brothers, killing Hysing and Helsing. Hake fled from the country and Halfdan became king of all of Vingulmórk (possibly all of old Alfheim).
The stories of Gandalf and his sons was found in a place historically called Álfheimr (spanning modern-day Bohuslän) in Sweden, rivers Göta and Klara originating in Trysil, as well as Glåmma, both the east and the west fold of Vingulmórk (cf. Oslo), the part of Alfheim given to King Guðrød Halfdanson by King Alfarinn as dowry, when princess Alfhild was married to the grandfather of Harald Fairhair. Olaf Geirstadalv's mother was, if not identical to Alfhild, his aunt called Olöf.[2]
"Sagan om Bilbo föddes i Västsverige".
According to Þattr Olafs Geirstada alfs: http://heimskringla.no/wiki/%C3%9E%C3%A1ttr_%C3%93lafs_Geirsta%C3%B...
- ******************************* Daughter:
Alfhild Gangalfdatter She was married to Sigurd Ring (king of Scandinavia), mother of Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson. Snorre Sturlason writes in the Ynglingesaga, the first saga in the Heimskringla saga collection: that Alvheim at that time they called the land between Raumelv and Göta river. The use of the phrase "they called back then" would indicate that the name was out of use in the 13th century, when Snorre wrote. Snorre tells of a king Alv, father of Alvhild who married Gudrød Veidek King of Vestmar, and brought with him half Vingulmark as a dowry. Alv's son, Alvgeir, left behind all of Vingulmark and placed his son, Gandalv, as king there. Since this Gandalv was an elder at the same time of Harald Hårfagre and since the sons of Ragnar Lodbrok in some traditions must have been contemporaneous with Håfagre, it is possible that Alvhild, mother of Ragnar Lodbrok, was the daughter of this Gandalv. In other Norse sources, Gandalv was called King Alvarin by Alvheim, see below. What is being told in Heimskringla is that after many crucial battles between Gandalv and Halvdan Svarte, the two kings agreed to share the Vingulmarken, Halvdan regained the part that his grandfather had received as a marriage to his first wife Alvhild. Two sons of Gandalv, Hysing and Helsing later led an army against Halvdan, but fell in battle, and a third brother, Hake, fled back to Alvheim. [3] After Halvdans son Harald Hårfagre succeeded his father as king of Vestfold, both Gandalv and his son Hake joined an alliance that attacked Harald. Hake fell, but Gandalv escaped. There were several wars between Gandalv and Harald, and eventually Gandalv fell and Harald took over the whole country to the Rumelv. Alvheim was now conquered by King Erik Anundsson of Uppsala, but Harald soon won control of the area and Alvheim was incorporated in Norway
Om Gandalf Alfgeirson, konge i Vingulmork, Alvheim (Norsk)
Gandalf Alfgeirsson var en legendarisk konge av det lille kongedømme (Alvheim) Vingulmark, i øst-Norge og sør-vestlige Sverige
Heimskringla forteller at Gandalv fikk riket av faren Alfgeir. Han kjempet med Halvdan Svarte om Vingulmark, men til slutt ble de enige om å dele landet mellom seg.
Senere, tilsynelatende etter Gandalvs død, fosøkte hans tre sønner, Hysing, Helsing og Hake, og angripe Halvdan Svarte en natt, men han flyktet inn i skogen. Etterpå returnerte han med en hær og beseiret brødrene, drepte Hysing og Helsing. Hake rømte fra landet og Halvdan ble konge over hele Vingulmark. Historiene til Gandalv og hans sønner fant sted i det historiske område som ble kalt Alvheim i dagens Bohuslän, Sverige
Gandalf's eneste kjente kone var Gauthild Gyrithe Alfsdottir (714-768).
Gandálfr Alfgeirsson, King in Norway's Timeline
705 |
Alvheim, Bohuslen, Västra Götaland, Sverige (Sweden)
710 |
Age 5
Vingulmork Hedmark Norway
735 |
Alvhem Lödöse vid Göta älv 45km norr om Göteborg, Bohus, Denna tid Norge numera Sverige
Gifte och barn
Barn: Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson.
737 |
741 |
768 |
Age 63
Alvheim, Bohuslen, Västra Götaland, Sverige (Sweden)
780 |
Battle Of Bravalla, Ostro-Gothia
???? | |||
???? |