Historical records matching George Boone, I
Immediate Family
About George Boone, I
The Boone Society and other “expert” researchers agree that any ancestors of George Boon(e) I is pure conjecture. Anyone finding definitive resources to prove any of the parentage should post that information in discussion.
- Birth Date 1561 1597 1610 1625 1623
- Death Date 1618 1646 1676 1718
Alternate birth (no source): JUne 1, 1616, Collumpton, Exeter, Devonshire, England
historical name Bohun, family was of Norman descent (de Bohun, de Bohon)
The Boone Society & Boone Association seem to place all their emphasis on the 1788 genealogy written by James Boone, a first cousin of Daniel Boone. A copy of this document is in the Draper Collection at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. The secondary source which is viewed as being the most definitive is the 1922 work of Hazel Atterbury Spraker. See below.
However, it is clear that there were some aspects of the Boone family history, and the history of its descendants, about which James Boone and Hazel Spraker were less familiar. Their work starts with this George Boone.
The following is from http://www.booneassociation.com/, the Genealogy page:
"Considered To Be The Only Reliable Source" For The Ancestry of Daniel Boone And His Kin ...The James Boone Genealogy:
Editor's Note: The following information is copied from Hazel Atterbury Spraker's book, THE BOONE FAMILY, originally published in 1922 by the Tuttle Company of Rutland, Vermont. James Boone, the author of this famous Boone genealogy document was a first cousin to Daniel Boone and a son of Daniel's uncle James Boone, Sr. The information had been originally brought from England and preserved by Daniel's uncle John Boone, who was the scholar of the family at that time. John passed the information on to his nephew James, who was also a scholar and family historian, and who recorded the data both accurately and beautifully. He made at least two copies, both of which are mentioned below, and one of which, the first one mentioned, became a part of the Draper Collection of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.
(Draper Mss. Appendix N‑iii.)
"It is proper that some notice of the authenticity of this curious document, and some account of the writer, should precede the narrative itself. Jonathan, eldest son of Squire Boone, the brother of Col. Daniel Boone, was sent, in or about the year 1787, to Berks county, Pennsylvania, to attend school; and there residing among his relatives, received the instructions of his father's cousin, James Boone; and returning home to Kentucky the next year, brought with him this Genealogical Narrative, written by the said James Boone, as is endorsed on the instrument, March 21st, 1788. (1) It is a beautiful specimen of chirography, as hundreds can attest who have seen it: "I can truly say," declares Mr. Charles Cist, the well‑known statistician of Cincinnati, "I never examined a more remarkable manuscript document." This genealogical account has been preserved in Jonathan Boone's family, and from his grandson, Col. Wm. P. Boone, a prominent attorney at law of Louisville, Ky., the original has been obtained. This document is fully corroborated by another though briefer sketch, in precisely the same hand‑writing, preserved by the late aged Miss Susannah Boone, raised in Berks county, Pa., and obtained from her half brother, James W. Biddle, Esqr., editor of the Pittsburg Daily American. The dates are precisely the same, so far as they go, in both papers. The same general dates also appear in a similar record preserved by a nephew of said James Boone, Mr. John Boone, of Berks county, Pa. (2)
(1) "Notes of conversations with the venerable Isiaiah Boone, a brother of Jonathan Boone and also with Col. W. P. Boone, of Louisville, KY."
(2) "Ms. letter of Thomas E. Lee, of Berks County, Pa."
Boone Genealogy as written by James Boone
March 21st, 1788.
Our GENEALOGY, or PEDIGREE; traced as far back as had come to the knowledge of John Boone (the son of George & Mary Boone): wrote by James Boone (Grandson of the said George & Mary Boone).
GEORGE BOONE, I. (that is the first that we have heard of) was born in England.
GEORGE BOONE, II. (Son of George Boone, the First) was born in or near the City of Exeter in Devonshire; being a Blacksmith; his Wife's Maiden Name was Sarah Uppey. He died aged 60; and she died aged 80 years, and never had an aching Bone, or decay'd Tooth.
GEORGE BOONE, III. (son of George & Sarah Boone) was born at Stoak (a Village near the City of Exeter) in A. D. 1666, being a Weaver; his Wife's Maiden Name was Mary Maugridge, who was born in BRADNINCH (eight Miles from the City of Exeter) in the Year 1669, being a Daughter of John Maugridge & Mary his Wife whose maiden Name was Milton They (the said George & Mary Boone) had nine Children that lived to be Men and Women: namely, George, Sarah, Squire, Mary, John, Joseph, Benjamin, James & Samuel, having each of them several Children, excepting John who was never married. The said George and Mary Boone with their Family, came from the Town of Bradninch in Devonshire, Old‑England (which is a Town at 8 miles Distance from the City of Exeter, and 177 measured Miles Westward from London); they left Bradninch the 17 Aug. 1717, and went to Bristol where they took Shipping, and arrived at Philadelphia in 1717 September 29, Old‑Stile, or October 10th New‑Stile; three of their Children, to wit, George, Sarah & Squire they sent in a few Years before. From Philadelphia they went to Abington, and staid a few Months there; thence to North‑Wales, and liv'd about 2 Years there; thence to Oley in the same County of Philadelphia, where Sarah (being married) had moved to some Time before. This last Place of their Residence (since the Divisions made in the Township of Oley & County of Philadelphia) is called the Township of Exeter in the County of Berks: It was called Exeter, because they came from a Place near the City of Exeter. And,
He the said George Boone the Third, died on the Sixth Day of the Week, near 8 o'clock in the Morning, on the 27th of July 1744, aged 78 Years; and Mary his Wife died on the 2d Day of the Week, on the 2d of February 1740‑1, aged 72 years; and were decently interred in Friends Burying‑Ground, in the said Township of Exeter. When he died, he left 8 Children, 52 Grand‑Children, and 10 Great‑Grand-Children, Living; in all 70, being as many Persons as the House of Jacob which came into Egypt.
GEORGE BOONE, IV. (the eldest Son of George & Mary Boone) was born in the Town of Bradninch aforesaid, on the 13th of July 1690, about 2 H. past 5 in the Afternoon; and died in Exeter Township aforesaid, on the 20 November 1753; in the 64th Year of his Age. He taught School for several Years near Philadelphia; was a good Mathematician, and taught the Several Branches of English Learning; aid was a Magistrate for several Years. His wife's maiden Name was Deborah Howell. ‑‑She died in 1759 January 26.--
GEORGE BOONE V. (the eldest Son of George & Deborah Boone) was never married, and died in Exeter Township aforesaid, aged about 24 Years.--
SARAH BOONE (Daughter of George & Mary Boone) was born on the Fifth Day of the Week, about ½ H. past 11 in the Forenoon, on the 18th of February 1691‑2.
SQUIRE BOONE (son of George & Mary Boone) was born on the Fourth Day of the Week, between 11 & 12 in the Forenoon, on the 25 November, 1696.--
MARY BOONE (Daughter of George & Mary Boone) was born, Sept. 23, A. D. 1699: She was the Wife of John Webb, and departed this Life the 16th of January 1774, in the 75th Year of her Age; her Husband died in the same Year, October 18th, in the 80th Year of his Age.--
JOSEPH BOONE (Son of George & Mary Boone) was born between 4 & 5 in the Afternoon, on the 5th of April 1704; and be departed this Life on the 30 January, 1776, in the 72d Year of his Age. His Wife Catherine Boone died on the 31st of January 1778, and was interred at Exeter the next Day exactly 2 Years after the Burial of her Husband.--
BENJAMIN BOONE (Son of George & Mary Boone) was born the 16th of July, 1706, and he died on the 14th of October 1762, in the 57th Year of his Age. Susanna Boone (his Widow) died on the 5 Nov. 1784, in the 76th Year of her Age.
SAMUEL BOONE (the youngest Son of George & Mary Boone) departed this Life on the 6th of August 1745, and was buried at Exeter the next Day; aged about 34 Years.--
JAMES BOONE, Senr, (the Sixth Son of George & Mary Boone) was born in the Town of Bradninch, in Devonshire, in Old‑England, about ½ Hour past 2 in the Morning, on the 7th of July (Old‑Stile), or the 18th of July (New‑Stile), Anno Domini 1709. And in 1735 May 15, (0. S.) he married Mary Foulke by whom he had fourteen Children, and Nine of them lived to be Men & Women, namely, Anne, Mary, Martha, James, John, Judah, Joshua, Rachel, & Moses. The Said James Boone, Senior, & Mary his Wife lived together 20 Years 8 Months & 25 Days; and She departed this life on the 6th Day of the Week, at 20 Minutes past one o'Clock in the Afternoon, on the 20th Day of February 1756, aged 41 years & 11 Weeks, and was decently interred in Friends Burying Ground at Exeter on the First Day of the next Week. And in 1757 October 20, he married Anne Griffith, being just 20 Months after the Decease of his former Wife.‑And here, for the Satisfaction of the Curious, I shall insert a few Chronological Remarks, viz.--
The said Mary Boone deceased in 1756 Feb. 20, at 20 Minutes past one in the Afternoon, which wanted but two Minutes & Sixteen Seconds of 20 o'Clock according to the Italian Manner of Reckoning (for the Italians, Jews, & some others, always begin their Day at Sun‑Set); which was the 20th Day of the Zenith Month ADAR, when the Moon was 20 Days old, and 4 Weeks before the Vernal Equinox.‑-The Said James Boone, Senior, married Anne Griffith in 1757 October 20, at 20 Minutes past one in the Afternoon; that is, he was married to his Second (or last) Wife exactly 20 Months after the Decease of his first, and 4 Weeks after the Autumnal Equinox.--
JAMES BOONE, Senior, departed this Life on the 1st Day of September, A. D. 1785, on the Fifth Day of the Week, at ten Minutes after nine o'Clock at Night, in the 77th Year of his Age; and was decently interred in Friends Burying‑Ground at Exeter on the Seventh Day of the Same Week. He (with his Parents, etc.) left Great‑Britain in the 9th Year of his Age, and lived ALMOST 68 Years in Pennsylvania.--
N. B. When he was born, it was between 9 & 10 at Night here in Pennsylvania (allowing for the Difference of Longitude); and he died between 9 & 10 at Night.--
JOHN BOONE, Senior (the third Son of George & Mary Boone) was born in the Town of Bradninch, in Devonshire, in Old‑England, on the Seventh Day of the Week, about 10 or 11 o'clock in the Forenoon, on the 3 January 1701‑2, Old‑Stile, or A. D. 1702 January 14th, New Stile. And he departed this Life on the 10th Day of October 1785, on the Second Day of the Week, Sixteen Minutes after Midnight, in the 84th Year of his Age (being the oldest of our Name & Family, that we have heard of); and was decently interred in Friends Burial Ground at Exeter the next Day. He (with his Parents, etc.) left Great‑Britain in the 16th Year of his Age, and lived EXACTLY 68 years here (in North America) from the Day he landed at Philadelphia. He lived only 5 Weeks and 4 Days after the Decease of his Brother James.‑N.B. All of our Relations of the Name of Boone, who were living after 1785 October 10, are American born, as far as we know.
Now, I shall conclude this Paper, after I have set down the Time & Place of my own Nativity, viz.--
I James Boone (the eldest Son of James Boone, Senior, & Mary his Wife) was born in the Township of Exeter aforesaid, on the Fifth Day of the Week, about five o'clock in the Morning, on the 26th Day of January 1743‑4, Old‑Stile, or A. D. 1744 February 6, New‑Stile. The Geographical Situation of the Place of my Birth, is nearly as follows; viz.‑-
Deg. Min.
Latitude.............................................................................................................. 40: 22 North
Longitude from London.................................................................................... 75: 43 ½ West
So that, the Meridian passing through said Place, is 5 Hours 2 Minutes & 54 Seconds West from the Meridian of London; or nearly so, if otherwise.
(It will be noted that the persons named above are not recorded in the order of their birth. ‑H. A. S.)
A reproduction of the above manuscript may be found following page 18.
The First 5 Generations of the George Boone Family
Presented by The Boone Society, Inc.
Updated October 2006
For comments, contact Society President Rochelle E. Cochran, Rochelle@cablelynx.com
The following genealogy begins with the earliest known ancestor of Daniel Boone (so-called George Boone I) as recorded in the “Old James Boone Genealogy” written by James Boone, March 21st, 1788. The original, beautifully hand-written document is located at the Historical Society of Wisconsin, and offered here as a starting point. We have added comments in italics to his work, and indicated where we have copies of the original hand-written Old-English source record. Although we have hired several genealogists to search for English Boone records, including the lead clerks in the Devon Record Office, the original records we have found do not contain any new information, but they do confirm details of James Boone’s records.
Five generations of descendants of George Boone I are listed below. Three main sources are used for this information: (1) “Old James Boone Genealogy,” (2) our own records obtained from the Devon Record Office (printed in blue ink below), and (3) Hazel Spraker’s book, “The Boone Family.” Please keep in mind that this is a work in progress and we would be happy to have your comments. We plan to add other generations later.
“Our GENEALOGY, or PEDIGREE; traced as far back as had come to the knowledge of John Boone (the son of George & Mary Boone): wrote by James Boone (Grandson of the said George & Mary Boone).”
1st Generation
“GEORGE BOONE I. (that is the first that we have heard of) was born in England.”
The Boone Society, working with the Devon Record Office and other hired British genealogists, have not been able to find a birth, marriage or death record for this George Boone of England.
Important: No source has ever been found for the name of Ann Fallace or her alleged connection to George Boone 1st or any George Boone. The Boone Society will refrain from using this name until it can be proven, and we suggest you do the same.
2nd Generation
“GEORGE BOONE II. (Son of George Boone, the First) was born in or near the City of Exeter in Devonshire; being a Blacksmith; his Wife’s Maiden Name was Sarah Uppey.
He died aged 60; and she died aged 80 years, and never had an aching Bone, or decay’d Tooth.”
The Boone Society has not been able to find the marriage or birth records for George Boone II and his wife, Sarah and cannot confirm her maiden name of Uppey. Because “Uppey” is used in the Old James Boone Genealogy, the Boone Society accepts it, and “Oppey/Opie are names also under consideration.
However, The Boone Society does have burial records for both GeorgeII and his widow (written “wido” in the old records) Sarah which are recorded at Stoke Canon Parish, Exeter, England. (The Church at Stoke Canon is St. Magdelene.) The original records are now located at the Devon Record Office in Exeter, England, and they read as follows:
Documents owned by the Boone Society:
George Boone was buried ye thirty first of May 1696
Sarah Boon “wido” was buried ye 5th of February 1708
Relying on the James Boone Genealogy that George II was age 60 at his death, then his approximate year of birth is calculated to be 1636; and Sarah, age 80 at her death, would have been born 1628.
Also, the Boone Society has Stoke Canon Parish baptism records for three children of George Boone II and wife Sarah: (1) Henry; (2) George III; & (3) John. Although they may have had other children, only records of three children have been found. These 3 records are:
Documents owned by the Boone Society:
(1) Henry Son of George Boone was baptized the nineteenth of October 1663
Henry Son of George Boone was buryed ye eighth of February 1663
(Note: In the old style reckoning [Julian calendar], March 25 was the beginning of the year, therefore the infant Henry would have been about 4 months old at his burial.)
Documents owned by the Boone Society:
(2) George Son of George Boone was baptized the Nineteenth of March 1666
(3) John Son of George Boone was baptized the twentieth day of April 1673
John Boone was buryed the 18th day of April 1693
3rd Generation....
George Boone, I's Timeline
1610 |
Stoke Cannon, Devon, England
1636 |
November 17, 1636
Exeter, Devon, England, United Kingdom
1676 |
October 1676
Age 66
Exeter, Devon, England
October 1676
Age 66
Exeter, Devon, England (United Kingdom)