George Campbell of Loudoun

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About George Campbell of Loudoun


Sheriff of Ayr

George Campbell of Loudoun, here treated, is the eldest son and heir of Sir George Campbell of Loudon, Sheriff of Ayr RMS: 1870 His mother is Elizabeth Stewart The Scots Peerage V: 493-4

According to the late Francis J. Grant, George Campbell of Loudoun, here treated: "had a tack of the lands of Collyndach in Glenkens, Kirkcudbright, 1488, a charter as son and heir of his father of the office of Sheriff of Ayrshire on his father's resignation, 4 July 1489, RMS: 1870 a charter erecting Newmills into a burgh of barony 9 January 1490-91, was seised in the lands of Martname, Loudoun, and Scheilin 1492, and died shortly after 1492. He is said to have married, first, a daughter of Gilbert, first Lord Kennedy, and had issue, and secondly, Marion, probably daughter of Sir John Auchinleck of that Ilk, who survived him, and was married, secondly, to William Cunningham, as appears from a decree dated 6 March 1504, narrating that there appeared Hew Campbell of Loudoun on the one part, and Marion Auchinleck, Lady of Loudoun, and William Cunningham, her spouse, on the other, and that the said Hew obliged himself to pay to the said Marion and William the sum of 230 merks owing to them for the assedation made by them to the said Hew of said Marion's terce and the third part of the lands pertaining or that may pertain to her by reason of the decease of umquhile George Campbell of Loudoun, Sheriff of Ayr, her spouse, in terms of an indenture made between the said Hugh and Marion and William, dated at Edinburgh 7 March 1502." The Scots Peerage V: 493-4


George Campbell of Loudoun, here treated, is reported to have died shortly after 1492. The Scots Peerage V: 493-4 It seems quite likely, therefore, probable even, that he died before 4 October 1492, when his son and heir Sir Hugh Campbell of Loudoun, sheriff of Ayr is noticed holding the office of Sheriff of Ayr. NRS: GD3/1/10/108

Evidence from the National Records of Scotland


4 July 1489: REX concessit familiari armigero suo GEORGIO CAMPBELL, filio et heredi apparenti Georgii Campbell de Lowdoun, militis, vicecomitis de Ayr, et heredibus ejus, — officium vicecomitatus de Ayr ; — quod dictus Geo. pater personaliter resignavit. RMS 1424-1513: charter number 1870


6 February 1492-93: Royal summons under quarter seal, at instance of John Haldane of Glennegas [Gleneagles] and James Haldane, his son and heir, and one of legitimate and nearest heirs of deceased Duncan, earl of Levenax [Lennox], legitimately descended from his elder daughter, viz., John, lord Dernely [Darnley], and Matthew Stewart, his son and heir, charging Donald Malynny [Malleny], Symon Spardour and George Schaw [Shaw], messengers, to summon said John, lord Dernely [Darnley], and Matthew Stewart, with Malise, earl of Kenteth [Menteith], Thomas, lord Erskyn [Erskine], James, lord Hammiltoun [Hamilton], Robert, lord Lile [Lyle], Laurence, lord Oliphant, William Emonstoune [Edmiston] of Duntreith [Duntreath], GEORGE CAMPBELL OF LOWDOUNE [Loudoun], James Sandelandis [Sandilands] of Caldour, John Campbell of Nether Lowdoune [Loudoun], John Ross of Halkhed [Halkhead], William Symple [Semple], Henry Dowglas [Douglas] of Lochlevin [Loch Leven], Robert Hammiltoun [Hamilton] of Prestoune [Preston], William Streveling [Stirling] of Cadere [Calder], Archibald of Dundas of that ilk, John Maxwell, younger, kt., Robert Creichtoun [Crichton] of Kynnoull [Kinneil], Arthur Stewart, John Stewart of Cragy [Craigie], Philip Mowbray [Moubray] of Dunmanyng, Thomas Spreull [Sproul] of Coldoune [Coldon], Thomas Buchquhannane [Buchanan], John Blayre [Blair] of Fynwik [Finnich], Malcolm Levenax [Lennox], Gilbert Naper [Napier], Duncan Naper of Kilmahew, Alexander Arngable [Ardincaple] of that ilk, John Lindssay [Lindsay] of Bullule, Robert Makcalpyn [McAlpine], Malcolm Mcclery [McCleary] and Angus Campbell, members of inquest on which precept from chancery, 20 [24?] July 1473, followed in favour of said John, lord Dernely [Darnley], as one of heirs of said deceased Duncan, earl of Levenax [Lennox], appear at Edinburgh or where king is, 18 April next to come, (said precept being before deceased James Schaw [Shaw] of Sauchy [Sauchie], sheriff of Striviling [Stirling] in that part) to see said precept reduced, retracted and declared to be of no effect. In dorso: executions, 21 Feb-22 March, 1492/3, by Donald Malinny, messenger, against Robert, lord Creichtoun [Crichton] of Sanchar [Sanquhar], Robert, lord Lile, Laurence, lord Oliphant, John Stewart of Cragy [Craigie], Sir John Campbell of Nether Lowdoune at Lowdoune [Loudoun], Thomas Sproile [Sproul] of Coldoune, John the Ross of Halkheid [Halkhead], kt., at Halkheid [Halkhead], John, lord Darnly [Darnley], Mathew Stewart, his son and heir, Alexander Harthcapill [Ardincaple] of that ilk, Thomas of Buchanane [Buchanan], John Lindesay [Lindsay] of Bunull, Malcolm Mcclery [McCleary], John Blare [Blair] of Fynewik [Finnich] at Fynewik, and Thomas, lord Erskyne [Erskine]. Witnesses: George Ermane, John ?Bu, Sir William Lindesay [Lindsay], kt., Robert Lile [Lyle], John Lindesay [Lindsay], John Richardsone [Richardson], Thomas Bissat [Bisset], Robert of Erskyne [Erskine], James Cambell [Campbell], sir Thomas Blare [Blair], chaplain, Stevin Sproile [Sproul], Watt Alansone [Allanson], Robert Stewart, Mr. Alexander Stewart, Walter of Buchanane [Buchanan] of that ilk, Thomas Sympill [Semple], Alexander Cambell [Campbell], John of Calbraith, Malcolm Richardsone William Patriksone [Patrickson], James Auchinlek [Affleck], James Haire [Hair], Andrew Brangly. Note, 15th June, that action between Lord Dernely [Darnley] and his son on one part, and laird of Glennegas [Gleneagles] and his son on other part, is continued till 8 October. Tongue, seal gone. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Haldane Family of Gleneagles, Perthshire, reference GD198/58


4 October 1492: Instrument of sasine in favour of John Boyll as heir of his father John Boyll of Wanfra in the lands of Rysholme in the Barony of Dalry. James Fergushill, sheriff depute of Hugh Campbell of Loudoun and sheriff of Ayr. Witnesses: John Blayr of that ilk and others. John Boyd, notary. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Montgomerie Family, Earls of Eglinton, reference GD3/1/10/108

Printed Evidence

Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum. The Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513. Edited by James Balfour Paul, FSA. Scot. (H. M. General Register House, Edinburgh, 1882), 1153 pp. including indices and errata


  1. The Scots Peerage V: 493-4
  2. Stirnet: Campbell 04
  3. Clan MacFarlane
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George Campbell of Loudoun's Timeline

Glenurchy, Argyll, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Loudoun, Ayrshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Louden, Ayshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
October 4, 1492
Loudoun Hill, East Ayrshire, Scotland, United Kingdom