From Medlands
GERVAIS de Château-du-Loir (Château-du-Loir 2 Feb 1007-Reims 4 Jul 1067). The Cartulaire of Château-du-Loir records the birth "Non Feb 1007" of "Gervasius apud Castrum Lidi"[229]. Brother of Robert according to Orderic Vitalis250. He succeeded his father as Seigneur de Château-du-Loir. Bishop of Le Mans 19 Dec 1036. Archbishop of Reims 15 Oct 1055. The death of Archbishop Gervasius "III Kal Jul" is recorded in the cartulary of Château-du-Loir[230]. The necrology of Le Mans Cathedral records the death "IV Non Jul" of "Cenomannensium ecclesie antistes Gervasius, necnon etiam Remensium ecclesie post archiepiscopus"[231].
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1007 |
February 2, 1007
Pays de la Loire, France
1067 |
July 4, 1067
Age 60
Rheims, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France