Immediate Family
About Gjertrud Erlingsdatter
Gjertrud Erlingsdatter på Sola
- Daughter of Erling Skjalgsson, på Sola and Astrid Tryggvesdatter. Fagrskinna tells that Erling had sons, but does not give the names. Snorre believed that Erling and Astrid had six children. The years of birth of the children are unknown. The children that Heimskringla mentions are: Aslak Erlingsson married to Sigrid or Gunhild [9] Sveinsdatter - daughter of Ladejarlen Svein Håkonsson , Skjalg Erlingsson , Sigurd Erlingsson, Lodin Erlingsson, Tore Erlingsson, Gjertrud Erlingsdatter and Ragnhild Erlingsdatter married to Torgeir or Torberg Arnes - https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erling_Skjalgsson
- Born: Birth: circa 1006 in Sola, Rogaland, Norge (Norway)
- Deceased: 1060, Giske, Norway, Giske, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
- The bear bear descended from Arne Arnessøn , who was King Olav Haraldssøn's faithful follower, although he was also married to a daughter of Erling Skjalgsson. Their son, Jon, married Rannveig, Thore Dog, and inherited the Bjarkog estate. By Jon's Sons, Vidkun participated in Magnus Barfot's North Sea train. Vidkun's Son's Son Vidkun Erling's son was King Magnus Erlingsson's Trailer and was killed 1183, and with him extinct Arne Arnessøn's male Descendants. The Bjarkog estate now went to Vidkun's sister Ragna, who later married the layman Bjarne Maardssons in Haalogaland; from them descended the younger Bjarkø family. ( Litt . : "Ann. F. North. Oldk. 1846": "Arnmødlings Plate" by PA Munch ; "Norsk Tidsskr." 1850. ed. By Chr. Lange ). (OA Ø.). C. Br. - http://runeberg.org/salmonsen/2/2/0141.html
- Married: Arne Arnesson Giske, Son of Arne Arnmodson, til Giske and Tora Torsteinsdatter Galge
- Jon Arnesson Giske, inherited the Bjarkog estate. He was born about 1033, died about 1095. Married Ranveig Sigurdsdatter (Tore Dog) from Bjarkøy.
Erling Skjalgsson, by Large Norwegian encyclopedia History Norwegian and Nordic history Norway's history Norwegian history up to 1050.
Erling Skjalgsson was a Norwegian Herse and Landman . He belonged to a powerful western chieftain family, and lived himself at Sola on Jæren . According to the sagas, Erling married Olav Tryggvason 's sister Astrid ; in return, he and his family supported the king and gained great importance for Olav's rule in Norway.
Erling is said to have been lent all the land between the Sognefjord and Lindesnes ; on the other hand, according to Snorri , he refused to receive the title of earl and would only be called herse like his fathers. However, he is also called lendmann and was one of the first chiefs to be referred to by this ombudsman name.
Erling Skjalgsson accompanied King Olav (Tryggvason) on his train to Pomerania , but did not participate in the Battle of Svolder . During Earl Håkon's rule in Norway, he is said to have remained independent for a long time. He was called "Rygjakongen", the king of the Rygenes (the Rogalanders). After earl Eirik 's journey to England, Erling made peace with earl Svein , and fought for him against Olav Haraldsson (Olav the Holy) at Nesjar in 1016. After the defeat, Erling reconciled with King Olav and retained his powerful position in Western Norway, now as the king's lieutenant.
Despite the settlement, he never got on well with Olav Haraldsson, and after the murder of Erling's relative Asbjørn Selsbane, they became personal enemies. In 1027, Erling joined the Danish king Canute the Mighty and sent his two sons to England. In 1028 he was surprised by King Olav the Saint in Boknafjorden and cut down by one of the king's men.
Erling is portrayed as humane towards his subordinates and faithful to his friends, but proud and unwilling to bow to any superior.
His daughter Ragnhild (or Astrid) was married to Torberg Arnesson , and their daughter Tora became the mother of King Olav Kyrre . Erling thus became the ancestor of the later Norwegian kings.
Through his daughter Geirtrud, married to Torberg's brother Arne, he became the ancestor of the Bjarkøy family (see also Arnmødling family). Erling's male descendants, his son Aslak and his descendants, lived as powerful chieftains on Sola for over 100 years after his death.
Source: The article is taken from the paper encyclopedia Store norske lexikon
SUBJECT CONSULTANT FOR THE ARTICLE: Per G. Norseng , University of Southeast Norway
- Huitfeldt-Kaas, HJ ; Brinchmann, Chr .; Kolsrud Oluf (1899–1950). "First volume. Secular Sigiller until the year 1400. ». Norwegian Sigiller from the Middle Ages. Published by public measure . Kristiania Lithografiske Aktiebolag and the Mallingske Boktrykkeri, Kristiania 1924.
- CM Munthe : «Norwegian genealogies», Norwegian genealogical journal , Volume I, Oslo 1928, pages 32 ff, pages 155 ff and pages 336 ff, especially pages 375-382 («Bjarkøy-Giske-etten»)
- Hans Cappelen and Knut Johannessen : Norwegian municipal weapons , Oslo 1987, pages 201-203 (with municipal weapons Troms and Bjarkøy and seal drawings for Bjarne Erlingsson 1288 and 1303)
- Huitfeldt cheese 1924
- VikingPedia / (Viking - Vikinger - Vikingr / History Book by SWD) By Sores Welat Demir - https://books.google.com/books?id=6BW9DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA371&lpg=PA371&d...
- Historisk tidsskrift: udgivet af Den norske historiske forening, Volumes 3-4 - https://books.google.com/books?id=nXoWAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA552&lpg=PA552&d...
- The Ancestry and Descendants of Marit Andersdatter Christopherson (Qual) (4 December 1856-22 September 1932), page 117 - https://www.academia.edu/39877468/The_Ancestry_and_Descendants_of_M...
- VikingPedia / (Viking - Vikinger - Vikingr / History Book by SWD), By Sores Welat Demir, page 371 - https://books.google.com/books?id=6BW9DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA371&lpg=PA371&d...
- Wikipedia - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erling_Skjalgsson
- Erling Skjalgsson and the legend of Gravhaugen (in Norwegian)
- Krag, Claus (28 September 2014). "Erling Skjalgsson" – via Store norske leksikon.
- "Erling Skjalgsson". www.ux.uis.no.
- Krag, Claus (28 August 2014). "Olav 2 Haraldsson Den Hellige" – via Store norske leksikon.
- Krag, Claus (28 September 2014). "Svein Håkonsson" – via Store norske leksikon.
- "Erling Skjalgsson fra Sola (Skjalgsson Trail - Hogstad)". fornminner.no. Archived from the original on 2013-05-24. Retrieved 2010-10-27.
- "Erling Skjalgsson". 29 May 2017 – via Store norske leksikon.
- Torberg Arnesson (Store norske leksikon)
- Giskeætten (Store norske leksikon)
- Krag, Claus (28 September 2014). "Torberg Arnesson" – via Store norske leksikon.
- Røskaft, Merete (28 August 2014). "Tora Torbergsdatter" – via Store norske leksikon.
- VikingPedia / (Viking - Vikinger - Vikingr / History Book by SWD), By Sores Welat Demir - https://books.google.com/books?id=6BW9DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA557&lpg=PA557&d...
Om Gjertrud Erlingsdatter (Norsk)
Gjertrud Erlingsdatter
- f. ca 1006 på Sola, foreldrene var Erling Sjalgsson og Astrid Trygvesdotter
- Gjertrud var gift med Arne Arnesson Giske. De hadde barna Jon og Vigleik
Gjertrud Erlingsdatter's Timeline
1006 |
Sola, Rogaland, Norway
1033 |
Giske, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
1035 |
Giske Møre og Romsdal, Norway
1060 |
Age 54
Giske, Møre og Romsdal, Norway