Dirk II Count in Frisia Reign 928/944 – 988 Predecessor Dirk I Successor Arnulf Born 920/930 Died 6 May 988 Egmond, West Friesland, Duchy of Lower Lorraine Burial Egmond, West Friesland, Duchy of Lower Lorraine Spouse Hildegard of Flanders Issue Arnulf Egbert, Archbishop of Trier Erlinde, Abbess of Egmond House of Holland Father Dirk I Mother Geva
Dirk II or Theoderic II (920/930 – 6 May 988) was a count in West Frisia, (west of the Vlie) predecessor of the counts of Holland. He was the son of Dirk I, count in West Frisia, and Geva (or Gerberge).
[edit] Career
In 983 Emperor Otto III confirmed his rights to properties and territories in the counties of Maasland, Kinhem (Kennemerland) and Texla (Texel), thus stretching along the entire Hollandic coast (as well as inland). Count Dirk II built a fortress near Vlaardingen, which later was the site of a battle between his grandson Dirk III and an Imperial army under Godfrey II, Duke of Lower Lorraine.
He rebuilt Egmond Abbey and its wooden church in stone to house the relics of Saint Adalbert, the project starting in 950. Adalbert was not well known at that time, but he was said to have preached Christianity in the immediate surroundings two centuries earlier. The abbey was given to a community of Benedictine monks from Ghent, who replaced the nuns originally at Egmond, probably in the 970s. His daughter Erlint or Erlinde, who was abbess at the time, was made abbess of the newly-founded Bennebroek Abbey instead.
[edit] Family
Dirk married Hildegarde (thought to be a daughter of Count Arnulf of Flanders, based on the names of her children), and had three known children. His son Arnulf became Count of Holland and Frisia after Dirk's death. The younger son Egbert became Archbishop of Trier in 977. His daughter Erlinde was abbess of Egmont, until that institution was changed by her father from a nunnery into a monastery, after which she became abbess of Bennebroek.
Dirk died in 988 and was buried in the stone church at Egmond, which he had built there. Hildegard died two years later and was also buried there.
Dirk II
Reign 928/944 – 988
Born 920/930
Died May 6, 988
Place of death Egmond
Buried Egmond
Predecessor Dirk I
Successor Arnulf
Consort Hildegard of Flanders
Offspring Arnulf
Egbert, Archbishop of Trier
Erlinde, Abbess of Egmond
Father Dirk I
Mother Geva
Dirk II (of Diederik II) (930 – 6 mei 988) was een Friese graaf uit de 10e eeuw die tussen 965 en 988 het feitelijke bewind voerde over drie graafschappen die tezamen het gehele kustgebied tussen de Oosterschelde en het Vlie opvulden, zijnde de gouwen: Masaland, Kinhem en Texla. Het formele leenschap beruste bij de Utrechtse bisschop. In het verleden is wel aangenomen dat Dirk II de zoon was van Dirk I. Tegenwoordig gaat men ervan uit dat hij de zoon was van een zoon van Dirk I, die ook wel wordt aangeduid als Dirk I bis, en Gerberga (Geva) van Hamaland.
Dirk II (920/930 - 6 May 988) was Count of Frisia (west of the Vlie) and Holland. He was the son of Count Dirk I and Geva (or Gerberge).
In 983 Emperor Otto III confirmed his rights to properties and territories in the counties of Maasland, Kinhem (Kennemerland) and Texla (Texel), thus stretching along the entire Hollandic coast (as well as inland). Count Dirk II built a fortress near Vlaardingen, which later was the site of a battle between his grandson Dirk III and an Imperial army under Godfrey II, Duke of Lower Lorraine.
He rebuilt the wooden church and the Abbey of Egmond in stone to house the relics of Saint Adalbert, the project starting in 950. Adalbert was not well known at that time, but he was said to have preached Christianity in the immediate surroundings two centuries earlier. The abbey was also to be for a community of Benedictine monks from Ghent, replacing the nuns, probably in the 970s. His daughter Erlint, who was abbess at the time, was made abbess of another, newly founded, convent.
He married Hildegarde (thought to be a daughter of Count Arnulf of Flanders, based on the names of her children), and had three known children. His son Arnulf became Count of Holland and Frisia after Dirk's death. The younger son Egbert became Archbishop of Trier in 977. Their daughter Erlinde was abbess of Egmont, until that institution was changed by her father from a nunnery into a monastery, after which she became abbess of Bennebroek.
Dirk died in 988 and was buried in the stone church at Egmond, which he had built there. Hildegard died two years later and was also buried there.
Dirk II (920/930 – 6 May 988) was Count of Frisia (west of the Vlie) and Holland. He was the son of Count Dirk I and Geva (or Gerberge).
[edit] Career
In 983 Emperor Otto III confirmed his rights to properties and territories in the counties of Maasland, Kinhem (Kennemerland) and Texla (Texel), thus stretching along the entire Hollandic coast (as well as inland). Count Dirk II built a fortress near Vlaardingen, which later was the site of a battle between his grandson Dirk III and an Imperial army under Godfrey II, Duke of Lower Lorraine.
He rebuilt Egmond Abbey and its wooden church in stone to house the relics of Saint Adalbert, the project starting in 950. Adalbert was not well known at that time, but he was said to have preached Christianity in the immediate surroundings two centuries earlier. The abbey was given to a community of Benedictine monks from Ghent, who replaced the nuns originally at Egmond, probably in the 970s. His daughter Erlint or Erlinde, who was abbess at the time, was made abbess of the newly-founded Bennebroek Abbey instead.
[edit] Family
Dirk married Hildegarde (thought to be a daughter of Count Arnulf of Flanders, based on the names of her children), and had three known children. His son Arnulf became Count of Holland and Frisia after Dirk's death. The younger son Egbert became Archbishop of Trier in 977. His daughter Erlinde was abbess of Egmont, until that institution was changed by her father from a nunnery into a monastery, after which she became abbess of Bennebroek.
Dirk died in 988 and was buried in the stone church at Egmond, which he had built there. Hildegard died two years later and was also buried there.
Dirk II
Reign 928/944 – 988
Born 920/930
Died May 6, 988
Place of death Egmond
Buried Egmond
Predecessor Dirk I
Successor Arnulf
Consort Hildegard of Flanders
Offspring Arnulf
Egbert, Archbishop of Trier
Erlinde, Abbess of Egmond
Father Dirk I
Mother Geva
Dirk II (of Diederik II) (930 – 6 mei 988) was een Friese graaf uit de 10e eeuw die tussen 965 en 988 het feitelijke bewind voerde over drie graafschappen die tezamen het gehele kustgebied tussen de Oosterschelde en het Vlie opvulden, zijnde de gouwen: Masaland, Kinhem en Texla. Het formele leenschap beruste bij de Utrechtse bisschop. In het verleden is wel aangenomen dat Dirk II de zoon was van Dirk I. Tegenwoordig gaat men ervan uit dat hij de zoon was van een zoon van Dirk I, die ook wel wordt aangeduid als Dirk I bis, en Gerberga (Geva) van Hamaland.
Dirk II (920/930 - 6 May 988) was Count of Frisia (west of the Vlie) and Holland. He was the son of Count Dirk I and Geva (or Gerberge).
In 983 Emperor Otto III confirmed his rights to properties and territories in the counties of Maasland, Kinhem (Kennemerland) and Texla (Texel), thus stretching along the entire Hollandic coast (as well as inland). Count Dirk II built a fortress near Vlaardingen, which later was the site of a battle between his grandson Dirk III and an Imperial army under Godfrey II, Duke of Lower Lorraine.
He rebuilt the wooden church and the Abbey of Egmond in stone to house the relics of Saint Adalbert, the project starting in 950. Adalbert was not well known at that time, but he was said to have preached Christianity in the immediate surroundings two centuries earlier. The abbey was also to be for a community of Benedictine monks from Ghent, replacing the nuns, probably in the 970s. His daughter Erlint, who was abbess at the time, was made abbess of another, newly founded, convent.
He married Hildegarde (thought to be a daughter of Count Arnulf of Flanders, based on the names of her children), and had three known children. His son Arnulf became Count of Holland and Frisia after Dirk's death. The younger son Egbert became Archbishop of Trier in 977. Their daughter Erlinde was abbess of Egmont, until that institution was changed by her father from a nunnery into a monastery, after which she became abbess of Bennebroek.
Dirk died in 988 and was buried in the stone church at Egmond, which he had built there. Hildegard died two years later and was also buried there.
NOTE:Graaf van Holland en behalve in Kennemerland en Texel ook graaf in Maasland, vermeld tussen 10 juni 953 en 1 april 988. Op 25-08-985 schonk Otto III de bezittingen in Maasland, Kennemerland en Texel, die Dirk II tot nu toe in leen had. Dirk II bezit nu het gebied van Maas tot Vlie.
Vroeger nam men aan dat hij de zoon is geweest van Dirk I en Geva. Tegenwoordig is men er welhaast zeker van dat er tussen Dirk I en Dirk II nog een graaf met de naam Dirk moet hebben bestaan. Gravin Geva zou dan de echtgenote van deze Dirk I bis geweest moeten zijn. In 938 vond de verloving van de nog erg jonge Dirk II plaats met Hildegard, de dochter van graaf Arnulf I van Vlaanderen. Kort hierna, op 2 of 5 oktober 939, sneuvelde zijn vader (of grootvader) Dirk I in de slag bij Andernach. Omdat Dirk II toen nog maar ongeveer acht jaar oud was, werd hij onder bescherming van zijn aanstaande schoonouders, vermoedelijk in de St. Pieterabdij te Gent, opgevoed. Dirk II moet ergens tussen 941 en 949 meerderjarig geworden zijn (vijftien jaar). Als één der eerste zaken regelde hij de bouw van een stenen klooster te Egmond. Dit diende ter vervanging van het houten klooster dat daar door zijn vader voor nonnen was gebouwd. Dirk II bevolkte dit klooster met monniken uit de St. Pietersabdij te Gent. Toen zijn verloofde Hildegard de leeftijd van 12 jaar had bereikt (omstreeks 950) trad hij met haar in het huwelijk. Uit het huwelijk werden in ieder geval drie kinderen geboren, Arnulf, die hem later als Graaf opvolgde, Egbert, die later aartsbisschop van Trier werd, en een dochter Erlindis. Zijn zoon Arnulf werd te Gent geboren (hij werd daarom ook wel Arnulf Gandensis genoemd). Dirk II had veel invloed, ook te Vlaanderen. Na het overlijden van zijn schoonvader Arnulf, op 27 maart 965, trad hij enige tijd op als voogd voor diens opvolger, de minderjarige Arnulf II van Vlaanderen. Hij bezette van 965 tot 988 het graafschap Gent waardoor hij naast leenman van Otto I ook leenman van de Franse koning Lotharius werd. Toen Otto II met Lotharius brak koos Dirk II voor Otto. Zijn zoon en opvolger Arnulf werd in 981 met 12 ruiters met de Duitse keizer meegezonden op diens tocht naar Italië. Zijn andere zoon Egbert kreeg zijn opleiding bij de broer van de Duitse keizer, Bruno van Keulen. In 976 werd zoon Egbert kanselier van de Duise keizer en in 977 werd hij nog zeer jong aartsbisschop van Trier. Toen de Duitse keizer in 983 overleed ontbrandde er een troonstrijd. Aanvankelijk steunde Dirk de Hertog van Beieren tegen diens jonge neef Otto, maar toen die zich in 985 ten gunste van deze Otto terugtrok, erkende Dirk II deze Otto III toch. Als dank ontving Dirk II goederen en inkomsten in het Maasland (tussen Lier en IJssel), in Kennemerland en op Texel.
Dirk II van HOLLAND, geb. ca. 930/31, verloofd (938), waarsch. verm. 941-988, graaf in Kennemerland, Texel en Maasland, kreeg die lenen in vrij eigendom (25-8-985), graaf van Gent en in het Waasland (965-988), overl. 6-5-988, begr. Egmond (abdijkerk), tr. ca. 950
Hildegard van VLAANDEREN, geb. ca. 936, overl. 11-4-990, begr. Egmond (abdijkerk).
In het verleden werd aangenomen dat Dirk II de zoon was van Dirk I; hoewel nog altijd niet bewezen gaat men er tegenwoordig van uit dat hij de zoon was van een andere Dirk I, die ook wel wordt aangeduid als Dirk I bis en Geva N.N. (van Hamalant ?); voorlopig gaan we er van uit dat dat Dirk I bis zijn vader was.
Werd na de dood van zijn vader onder bescherming van zijn aanstaande schoonvader (hij was in 938 verloofd met Hildegard) te Gent opgevoed; op 15 juni 950 schonk Dirk II aan Egmond ter ere van de bijzetting van St. Adelbert een stenen kloosterkerk ter vervanging van het afgebrande houten klooster dat daar door zijn vader voor de nonnen was gebouwd en bevolkte het met monikken uit Gent; waarschijnlijk ter gelegenheid van de wijding van deze kerk schonk hij de abdij later tevens het "Evangeliarium van Egmond", thans een van Nederlands belangrijkste cultuurhistorische voorwerpen uit de vroege middeleeuwen; het negende-eeuwse handschrift werd circa 975 door hem verworven en bevat de tekst van de vier evangeli�n; Dirk en Hildegard zijn afgebeeld op twee miniaturen, die Dirk voor de gelegenheid aan het boek liet toevoegen; volgens sommige schrijvers zijn de miniaturen van de hand van hun zoon Egbert; de tekst bij een van de miniaturen luidt in vertaling: "Dit boek werd geschonken door Dirk en zijn geliefde vrouw Hildegard aan de genadige vader Adalbert, opdat hij hen rechtvaardig zal gedenken in alle eeuwigheid."; het evangeliarium bevindt zich thans in de collecties van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek in Den Haag en de figuren in de miniaturen gelden als oudste afbeeldingen van Nederlandse personen; bouwde een kerk te Rijnsburg boven het graf van Dirk I; na het overlijden van zijn schoonvader Arnulf (27-3-965) trad Dirk II enige tijd op als voogd voor diens minderjarige opvolger Arnulf II van Vlaanderen; hij veroverde de grafelijke burcht in Gent in 965 en bezette het graafschap Gent en het land van Waas van 965 tot 988.
De plaatsnaam Hillegersberg (Rotterdam) is vernoemd naar Hildegard van Vlaanderen: Dirk II was eigenaar van het aldaar bestaande Bergan, wat versterkte plaats of gehucht betekent.
Dirk II (born 920/930 - died 6 May 988) was Count of Frisia (west of the Vlie) and Holland. He was the son of Count Dirk I and Geva (or Gerberge).
He married Hildegarde (thought to be a daughter of Count Arnulf of Flanders, based on the names of her children), and had three known children. His son Arnulf became Count of Holland and Frisia after Dirk's death. The younger son Egbert became Archbishop of Trier in 977. Their daughter Erlinde was abbess of Egmont, until that institution was changed by her father from a nunnery into a monastery, after which she became abbess of Bennebroek.
Dirk died in 988 and was buried in the stone church at Egmond, which he had built there. Hildegard died two years later and was also buried there.
Dirk II (920/930 – 6 May 988) was Count of Frisia (west of the Vlie) and Holland. He was the son of Count Dirk I and Geva (or Gerberge).
In 983 Emperor Otto III confirmed his rights to properties and territories in the counties of Maasland, Kinhem (Kennemerland) and Texla (Texel), thus stretching along the entire Hollandic coast (as well as inland). Count Dirk II built a fortress near Vlaardingen, which later was the site of a battle between his grandson Dirk III and an Imperial army under Godfrey II, Duke of Lower Lorraine.
He rebuilt Egmond Abbey and its wooden church in stone to house the relics of Saint Adalbert, the project starting in 950. Adalbert was not well known at that time, but he was said to have preached Christianity in the immediate surroundings two centuries earlier. The abbey was given to a community of Benedictine monks from Ghent, who replaced the nuns originally at Egmond, probably in the 970s. His daughter Erlint or Erlinde, who was abbess at the time, was made abbess of the newly-founded Bennebroek Abbey instead.
Dirk married Hildegarde (thought to be a daughter of Count Arnulf of Flanders, based on the names of her children), and had three known children. His son Arnulf became Count of Holland and Frisia after Dirk's death. The younger son Egbert became Archbishop of Trier in 977. His daughter Erlinde was abbess of Egmont, until that institution was changed by her father from a nunnery into a monastery, after which she became abbess of Bennebroek.
Dirk died in 988 and was buried in the stone church at Egmond, which he had built there. Hildegard died two years later and was also buried there.
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirk_II,_Count_of_Holland
Dirk II (born 920/930 - died 6 May 988) was Count of Frisia (west of the Vlie) and Holland. He was the son of Count Dirk I and Geva (or Gerberge).
He married Hildegarde (thought to be a daughter of Count Arnulf of Flanders, based on the names of her children), and had three known children. His son Arnulf became Count of Holland and Frisia after Dirk's death. The younger son Egbert became Archbishop of Trier in 977. Their daughter Erlinde was abbess of Egmont, until that institution was changed by her father from a nunnery into a monastery, after which she became abbess of Bennebroek.
Dirk died in 988 and was buried in the stone church at Egmond, which he had built there. Hildegard died two years later and was also buried there.
Dirk II (920/930 – 6 May 988) was Count of Frisia (west of the Vlie) and Holland. He was the son of Count Dirk I and Geva (or Gerberge).
In 983 Emperor Otto III confirmed his rights to properties and territories in the counties of Maasland, Kinhem (Kennemerland) and Texla (Texel), thus stretching along the entire Hollandic coast (as well as inland). Count Dirk II built a fortress near Vlaardingen, which later was the site of a battle between his grandson Dirk III and an Imperial army under Godfrey II, Duke of Lower Lorraine.
He rebuilt Egmond Abbey and its wooden church in stone to house the relics of Saint Adalbert, the project starting in 950. Adalbert was not well known at that time, but he was said to have preached Christianity in the immediate surroundings two centuries earlier. The abbey was given to a community of Benedictine monks from Ghent, who replaced the nuns originally at Egmond, probably in the 970s. His daughter Erlint or Erlinde, who was abbess at the time, was made abbess of the newly-founded Bennebroek Abbey instead.
Dirk married Hildegarde (thought to be a daughter of Count Arnulf of Flanders, based on the names of her children), and had three known children. His son Arnulf became Count of Holland and Frisia after Dirk's death. The younger son Egbert became Archbishop of Trier in 977. His daughter Erlinde was abbess of Egmont, until that institution was changed by her father from a nunnery into a monastery, after which she became abbess of Bennebroek.
Dirk died in 988 and was buried in the stone church at Egmond, which he had built there. Hildegard died two years later and was also buried there.
Dietrich (or Dirk) II, Count of West Friesland, was founder of Egmont Abbey.
Arnulf (Gent, 951-993), ook wel Arnulf Gandensis genoemd (Volgt 3) Egbert (952-994), aartsbisschop van Trier Erlindis (953-1012), zou volgens de legende genezen zijn van blindheid.