G15.4 R. Israel Aryey Leib Margulies, Admur Przemyslany, born in Przemyslany in 1892 and died in East Finchley, London on January 18, 1955, married Pesha (Peszy), daughter of R. Isaac Babad of Tartakow (see Chapter XI- Branch D). He was named after his maternal grandfather who died in 1891. He was Admur Przemyslany in Cricklewood, north-west London where he settled in 1927 with his family.
The Unbroken Chain - Neil Rosenstein (3rd Edition) Volume 3, Chapter 7, pages 210-211
The Jewish Chronicle - Jan 21 1955
The death occurred on Tuesday, at the age of 62, of the Premishlaner Rebbe, Rabbi Israel L. Margulies, writes Mr. S. B. UNSDORFER. For nearly 30 years he had played a leading role in strengthening the religious life of the London community. Apart from being a sympathetic orator with a charm and simplicity of speech which commended his words to the learned and unlearned alike, be was a constructive religious leader. He established his own Beth Hamedrash in the East End, in Cricklewood, and, during the last year, in Hampstead Garden Suburb, and was one of the founders of the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations. He was appointed a member of the Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah and in that capacity recited chapters of the Psalms at the opening of the Knessia Gedola in Jerusalem last June.
Rabbi Margulies' greatest enthusiasm was for Jewish education, and the North West London Jewish Day Schools, of which he was a founder, and which has 260 pupils, is a standing tribute to his enterprise.
The children of the school flanked the street as the cortege passed on its way to Enfield. A large assembly, which included the Chief Rabbi, gathered at the synagogue in Minster Road, where the traditional ceremony of "Hakafot" was performed, and orations were delivered by leading rabbinical personalities.
The late Rabbi, who is survived by his wife, three sons, and six daughters, was of illustrious stock—a descendant of the Baal Shem and a great-grandson of Rabbi Meir of Premishlan. The aim of constructing a part of the defences of Judaism guided him throughout his active life and it was one which he succeeded in transmitting to his children. They, the sons and sons-in-law, who include Rabbi A. Babad, of Sunderland and Rabbi S. Pinter, Principal of the Yesodey Hatorah Schools, have, by their activities, shown his influence.
שימש ברבנות החל מצעירותו ועד להסתלקותו. תחילה שימש כרב הצעיר דק"ק טארטיקוב , עד מלחמת העולם הראשונה, שאז עבר להתגורר בבודאפעסט למשך כחמש שנים, ושם קיבל "קוויטלעך" [%D7%A4%D7%AA%D7%A7%D7%90%D7%95%D7%AA] בהסכמת המהרי"ד מבעלז זיע"א, משנת תר"פ כיהן כדיין דחסידי בעלזא בק"ק לבוב, עד שנת תרפ"ז, שאז עבר ללונדון ושימש שם כרב בית המדרש באיסטענד, ולאחר מכן בשכונת קריקלוואד נפטר ביום כ"ד טבת שנת תשט"ו, זוגתו הרבנית מ' פעשא ע"ה נפטרה ביום ה' שבט שנת תש"ל"
1892 |
Peremyshlyany, Peremyshlyans'kyi district, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
1914 |
1915 |
January 1, 1915
1919 |
August 15, 1919
Budapest, Hungary
1920 |
April 25, 1920
1924 |
October 8, 1924
Lviv, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
1926 |
1929 |
May 1, 1929
1932 |
November 17, 1932
England, United Kingdom