Gratian, Western Roman Emperor

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Gratian, Western Roman Emperor's Geni Profile

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Flavius Gratianus Augustus

Birthplace: Sirmium, Pannonia
Death: August 25, 383 (19-28)
Lyons-la-Forêt, Upper-Normandy, France (Assassinated)
Immediate Family:

Son of Valentinian I, Roman Emperor and Marina Severa
Husband of Flavia Maxima Constantia and Flavia Laeta
Half brother of Gratianus Flavius Augustus ( Federatus ); Galla; Valentina Justa; Valentinian II, Roman Emperor; Sister of Aelia and 2 others

Occupation: Western Roman Emperor (375-383), Emperor of the West in 375 (for 5 days)
Managed by: Gene Daniell
Last Updated:

About Gratian, Western Roman Emperor

Gratian (latin: Flavius Gratianus) var romersk keiser 4. august 367 – 25. august 383. Han var sønn av Valentinian I. Som den første keiser favoriserte han kristendommen på bekostning av den tradisjonelle religion. Han avviste de hedenske titler som keiseren normalt hadde, som pontifex maximus, og forbød alle religiøse seremonier i senatet.

GRATIAN Flavian Augustus Emperor of the West

Born : 359 Sirmium, Pannonia

Died : 25 Aug 383 Assassinated in Lyon during revolt of Maximus

Father VALENTIAN I Flavius Emperor of the West

Mother Marina Severa Empress of the West

Marriage - Constantia Princess of the East\West

Children -

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Gratian, Western Roman Emperor's Timeline

Sirmium, Pannonia
August 25, 383
Age 24
Lyons-la-Forêt, Upper-Normandy, France