The demise of Gofraid, King of Lochlann and father of Amlaíb and Imhar (or Ímar) and Auisle is recorded in the Fragmentary Annals of Ireland in 873:
Ég righ Lochlainne .i. Gothfraid do tedmaimm grána opond. Sic quod placuit Deo. (The death of the king of Lochlainn i.e. Gothfraid of a sudden and horrible fit. So it pleased God.)
http://www.ucc.ie/celt/Vikings%20in%20Scotland%20and%20Ireland.pdf (page 36-37)
Some historians believe that this passage is actually a record of Ímar's death in 873 rather than his father's death.- Alex Moes
The Fragmentary Annals of Ireland record that in 849:
the sixth year of the reign of Máel Sechlainn, Amlaib Conung, son of the king of Lochlann, came to Ireland, and he brought with him a proclamation of many tributes and taxes from his father, and he departed suddenly. Then his younger brother Imar came after him to levy the same tribute.
This source is then clear that Amlaib is the son of Gofraid, who is the king of Lochlann, although the location of "Lochlann" is the subject of some dispute. This word is often translated as "Norway" although Ó Corráin (1998) argues that Lochlann "is Viking Scotland and probably includes Man" at this time and suggests an early date for an organised Kingdom of the Isles.
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Hyfaidd ap Bleddri versus Sons of Rhodri Mawr; http://www.ancientwalesstudies.org/id266.html. (Steven Ferry, May 5, 2021.)
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