Historical records matching Guigues Raymond, comte d'Albon
Immediate Family
half sister
half brother
half brother
About Guigues Raymond, comte d'Albon
3. GUIGUES dit Raymond ([1074/75]-5 Dec after 1096). "Wigo Albionis comes" named "fratres mei Guigonis cognomento Raimundi, Richardi, Armannique" in his donation to Cluny dated 1079[200]. He is referred to, but not named, in the testament of "comitis Barchinone…Raimundi Berengarii" dated 12 Nov 1076 as residuary beneficiary of the county of Barcelona in case of the death of the testator's three children[201].
m (1085 or before) as her second husband, [ITA Raymonde] de Forez, [divorced wife] of [RENAUD [II] Comte de Nevers], daughter of ARTAUD [II] Comte de Forez et de Lyon & his wife Raymonde ---. The Origine et Historia Brevi Nivernensium Comitum records that "Guillelmus…[filios]…Renaldum" married firstly "filiam unicam [Artaldi] comitis Foratensis"[202]. La Mure’s Histoire des Comtes de Forez states that "Guy-Raymond de Viennois" married "Ide-Raymonde de Forez, fille d’Artaud V…comte de Lyon et de Forez et d’Ide son épouse" and refers to the couple’s donation of "quelques terres situées au pays de Forez" to Cluny dated 1085, adding that the property in question was Ita’s dowry[203]. La Mure does not quote the charter in question nor provide a precise source reference, apart from referring to Guichenon’s Histoire de Savoie. This charter has not been found in the compilation of Cluny charters edited by Bernard and Bruel so presumably has since disappeared. It is not now therefore possible to state whether the charter explicitly confirms Ita Raymonde’s affiliation, although on this point there appears no reason to doubt that La Mure had the document available when he was writing as his description of its contents is precise. Two difficulties remain. The first difficulty is the date of the supposed Cluny charter, as at that time Guigues would still have been a child (his estimated birth date appears robust). The second difficulty is that Ita must have been considerably older than her second husband, assuming that she was the same daughter who had previously married Renaud [II] Comte de Nevers, as she had a daughter by her first marriage. One possibility is that Artaud [II] Comte de Forez et de Lyon had two daughters, despite the Origine et Historia asserting that Comte Renaud’s wife was "filiam unicam". It should be noted that no source has been identified which confirms that Guigues’s wife had previously been the wife of Comte Renaud. If there was only one daughter, she must have been divorced from her first husband, although no source has been found which confirms that this is correct. It should be noted that La Mure asserts that Renaud [II] Comte de Nevers was Ita’s second husband, married after the death of Guigues, but this appears difficult to reconcile with the chronology of the different families with which she was connected.
Guigues & his wife had one child:
Guigues Raymond, comte d'Albon's Timeline
1071 |
1096 |
Age 25
1099 |