Fm fmgMedlands
a) GUILLAUME [I] de Fiennes (-[17 Oct 1239/4 Jul 1240]). The Historia Comitum Ghisnensium names "Willelmum, Thomam et Eustacium et filias" as the children of "de Fielnis…Engelramnum" and his wife "nobilem de Tingreio Sibillam…"[612]. “Willelmus filius Ingelrami dominus de Fielnes” donated property to Andres, with the consent of "uxore mea Agnete et filio meo Ingelramno", by charter dated 1 Jan 1203 witnessed by "Radulfo de Fielnes patruo meo…Joanne de Tingri…"[613]. The Testa de Nevill includes a writ of King John dated 1212 which records that "Willelmus de Fienes" held "manerium de Mortok que fuit de dominico regis de dono comitis Willelmi filii Reginaldi filii Stephani qui manerium predictum dedit [Faramo] de Bolonia pro servicio i militis" in Somerset[614]. An undated order (listed between orders dated 16/17 Oct 1239) granted respite to “William de Fiennes” for certain scutages[615]. An undated order (listed with orders dated 4 Jul 1240) records that King Henry III “upon the death of William de Fiennes, has taken homage from Enguerrand, son and heir of the said William” for his lands[616].
m AGNES de Dammartin, daughter of AUBRY [II] Comte de Dammartin & his wife Mathilde de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis (-after 10 Apr 1244). “Willelmus filius Ingelrami dominus de Fielnes” donated property to Andres, with the consent of "uxore mea Agnete et filio meo Ingelramno", by charter dated 1 Jan 1203 witnessed by "Radulfo de Fielnes patruo meo…Joanne de Tingri…"[617]. Her parentage and marriage are indicated by an enquiry in 1267 which adjudged property of “Philippus olim comes Bolonie et...Matildis” to “Matheus comes Domni-Martini, domini Guillelmus de Fienes, Baldoinus de Fienes, Michael de Fienes, Ingerannus de Pinquegniaco et Renaudus de Pinquegniaco, heredes comitisse Matildis Bolonie”[618]. An order dated 10 Apr 1244 relating to “manerium de Marthoc...quod fuit Enger de Fenles”, permitted “Agn. matrem ipsius Inger” to administer aspects of the property[619]. Guillaume & his wife had six children:
i) ENGUERRAND [II] de Fiennes (before 1 Jan 1203-after 18 Jul 1267). “Willelmus filius Ingelrami dominus de Fielnes” donated property to Andres, with the consent of "uxore mea Agnete et filio meo Ingelramno", by charter dated 1 Jan 1203 witnessed by "Radulfo de Fielnes patruo meo…Joanne de Tingri…"[620]. - see below.
ii) MATHILDE de Fiennes (-after 1244). Her parentage is confirmed by a charter of Ardres dated 1232 which records a dispute between "Balduinum" and "dominum Willelmum de Fielnes socerum eius"[621]. The testament of "Baudewins cuens de Ghisnes et castelains de Broborgh", dated 1244, made gifts "par le creancement Mahaut me femme e Ernol mon fil ainnei e mon hoir"[622]. m BAUDOUIN [III] Comte de Guines, son of ARNOUL Comte de Guines & his wife Beatrix de Bourbourg (-after May 1244).
iii) BAUDOUIN de Fiennes (-after May 1270). An enquiry in 1267 adjudged property of “Philippus olim comes Bolonie et...Matildis” to “Matheus comes Domni-Martini, domini Guillelmus de Fienes, Baldoinus de Fienes, Michael de Fienes, Ingerannus de Pinquegniaco et Renaudus de Pinquegniaco, heredes comitisse Matildis Bolonie”[623]. m ([Jul 1248/Dec 1252]) as her second husband, MELISENDE Kiéret [Qui%C3%A9ret], widow of ARNOUL [III] de Cayeux Seigneur de Longvilliers, daughter of HUGUES [II] Kiéret Seigneur de Douriez & his wife Agnes d’Hermelinghen (-after [1257/58]).
iv) RENAUD de Fiennes (-after 1235).
v) MICHEL de Fiennes (-after 1267). Pope Urban IV mandated “Michael de Fienes canon of Terouanne...” regarding disturbing the archbishop of Canterbury, dated 24 Feb 1264[624]. An enquiry in 1267 adjudged property of “Philippus olim comes Bolonie et...Matildis” to “Matheus comes Domni-Martini, domini Guillelmus de Fienes, Baldoinus de Fienes, Michael de Fienes, Ingerannus de Pinquegniaco et Renaudus de Pinquegniaco, heredes comitisse Matildis Bolonie”[625].
vi) GUILLAUME de Fiennes (-after 1267).
Other data
Helped win Magna Charta from King John--1214
For more information on the Fiennes family geneaology: http://www.kentarchaeology.ac/digiarchive/ColinFlight/dover-constab...
1160 |
Fiennes, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie, France
1175 |
Tolleshunt, Essex, England
1190 |
1192 |
Tolleshunt, Essex, England
1200 |
Martock, Somerset, England
1206 |
1239 |
October 17, 1239
Age 79
Palestine (Palestine, State of)
1933 |
November 11, 1933
Age 79
November 11, 1933
Age 79