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Gustav Ernesaks (1908 - 1993)

Birthplace: Perila, Peningi vald, Harjumaa
Death: January 24, 1993 (84)
Tallinn, Eesti (Estonia) (vaata Vaba Eestlane 28/1-1993)
Place of Burial: Metsakalmistu vana osa, kv. 4, 4263 C, Tallinn, Harjumaa
Immediate Family:

Son of Kustav Ernesaks and Johanna Ernesaks
Husband of Stella Ernesaks
Partner of Naima Kasak
Father of Ott Ernesaks; Jüri Ernesaks and Peep Ernesaks
Brother of Oswald Ernesaks and Erich Ernesaks

Managed by: Lauri Kreen
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Gustav Ernesaks

Gustav Ernesaks (12. detsember 1908 Perila, Raasiku vald – 24. jaanuar 1993 Tallinn) oli eesti helilooja ja koorijuht. Gustav Ernesaks (12 December 1908 in Perila, Peningi Parish – 24 January 1993 in Tallinn) was an Estonian composer and a choir conductor

Sündis / Birth 29.11.1908 VKJ / O.S. (12.12 UKJ / N.S.)

Saaga EAA.1210.1.168:15?544,427,1219,815,0.

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Gustav Ernesaks's Timeline

December 12, 1908
Perila, Peningi vald, Harjumaa
October 12, 1938
November 29, 1940
April 13, 1946
January 24, 1993
Age 84
Tallinn, Eesti (Estonia)
January 31, 1993
Age 84
Metsakalmistu vana osa, kv. 4, 4263 C, Tallinn, Harjumaa