Immediate Family
About Gwladys verch Rhiwallon, Queen of Deheubarth
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Royal Family of Gwynedd - The Unofficial "History" of Gruffudd, Nephew of Iago; http://www.ancientwalesstudies.org/id74.html. (Steven Ferry, December 4, 2019.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Battle of Mynydd Carn; http://www.ancientwalesstudies.org/id35.html. (Steven Ferry, May 26, 2020.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Owain ap Cadwgan and Nest ferch Rhys-an Historic Fiction?; http://www.ancientwalesstudies.org/id160.html. (Steven Ferry, August 14, 2020)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Ancestry of King Rhys ap Tewdwr of Deheubarth; http://www.ancientwalesstudies.org/id309.html (Steven Ferry, January 4, 2023.)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Ifor Bach, Lord of Senghenydd; http://www.ancientwalesstudies.org/id316.html (Steven Ferry, August 4, 2023.)
Gwladys verch Rhiwallon
born about 1041 Powys, Wales
father: *Rhiwallon ap Cynfyn
born about 1025 Powys, Wales died 1070 (slain) Battle of Mechain, Montgomeryshire, Wales
mother: unknown
- Sioned (Jonet) verch Rhiwallon born about 1037? Powys, Wales
spouse: Rhys ap Tewdwr born about 0997 Carmarthanshire, Wales or Brittany, France died 1093 Brecknock, Breconshire, Wales
- Gruffydd ap Rhys born about 1081 Llandilo, Carmarthshire, Wales died April 1137
- Nest verch Rhys Princess of Deuhebarth born about 1073 Dynevor Castle, Carmarthenshire, Wales
Additional sources:
From Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands database (http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/WALES.htm):
GWLADUS, daughter of RHIWALLON ap Cynfyn & his wife ---. The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales records in 1106 that "Cadwgan son of Bleddyn and Gwladus daughter of Rhiwallon, the mother of Nest were cousins, as Bleddyn and Rhiwallon, sons of Cynvyn, were brothers"[429].
m RHYS ap Tewdr (-killed in battle near Brecknock Castle [Mar/Apr] 1093).
The Annales Cambriæ record that "filius Teudur Resus" started to rule in 1077[422]. The Gwentian Chronicle records that "Rhys son of Tewdwr came from Llydaw and put in a claim to the principality of South Wales as lawful heir" in 1077[423]. He succeeded in 1078 as King of Deheubarth. The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales records that "Rhys son of Tewdwr began to reign" in 1077[424]. The Annales Cambriæ record that "Resus filius Teudur" was expelled from his kingdom by "filiis Bledint, scilicet Madauc, Cadugan et Ririt" in 1087[425]. The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales records that "Rhys son of Tewdwr was expelled from his territory by the sons of Bleddyn, sons of Cynvyn, to wit Madog, and Cadwgan, and Rhirid, and he himself retreated into Ireland, and immediately afterwards he collected a fleet of the Gwyddelians and returned again, and then the battle of Llych Crei took place, and the sons of Bleddyn were slain" in 1087, adding that "Rhys son of Tewdwr gave an immense sum of money to the mariners, the Scots and Gwyddelians who had come to assist him"[426]. Florence of Worcester records that "Res Walanorum rex" was killed in battle during Easter week "iuxta castellum Brecheniean" in [1093], after which "kings ceased to reign in Wales"[427]. The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales records that "Rhys son of Tewdwr king of South Wales was killed by the French, who inhabited Brecheiniog, and then fell the kingdom to the Britons" in 1091[428].
Rhys & his wife had four children:
a) GORONW (-beheaded 1093). The Gwentian Chronicle records that "Goronwy son of Rhys" was beheaded after the death of his father, dated to 1091 in the text, but dateable to 1093 according to the other sources quoted above[430].
b) NEST . The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales names, in 1106, "Nest daughter of Rhys son of Tewdwr and wife of Gerald the steward" and "Gwladus daughter of Rhiwallon, the mother of Nest", when recording that "Owain [son of Cadwgan son of Bleddyn]…accompanied by a small retinue [visited] her as his kinswoman" in the castle in which his father organised a feast and later reentered the castle and abducted her "with her two sons and daughter and also another son that he [=her husband] had by a concubine"[431]. Giraldus Cambrensis names "Henricus…regi Henrici primi filius…ex nobili Nesta, Resi filii Theodori filia" in South Wales[432]. She was abducted by Owain son of Cadwgan ap Bleddyn from castle Ceanrth Bychan in 1109. m (1100) GERALD FitzWalter of Windsor, son of WALTER FitzOther of Windsor & his wife Beatrice --- (-before 1136). Custodian of Pembroke Castle. Mistress of HENRY I King of England, son of WILLIAM I "the Conqueror" King of England & his wife Mathilde de Flandre (Selby, Yorkshire Sep 1068-Château de Lyon-la-Forêt, near Rouen 1 Dec 1135, bur Reading Abbey, Berkshire). Mistress of STEPHEN Constable of Cardiff Castle, by whom she had one illegitimate child:
i) ROBERT FitzStephen . The Expugnatio Hibernica records that "Robertus filius Stephani" was freed from prison in Wales, naming "matre…Nesta, Resi magni filia"[433]. The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales names "Robert son of Stephen by Nest daughter of Rhys son of Tewdwr" when recording that "the lord Rhys" had removed him from "the castle of Aberteivi" which he had destroyed[434]. m ---.
c) GRUFFYDD ap Rhys ([1090]-murdered 1137). The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales records that "Gruffudd son of Rhys son of Tewdwr, king of South Wales, came from Ireland to Dyved…returned to his patrimony" in 1112 adding that he "passed about two years, sometimes with Gerald steward of Pembroke Castle, his brother-in-law who had married his sister Nest…"[437].
d) HYWEL (-after 1112). The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales records that "Gruffudd son of Rhys…and Howel his brother" went to "Gruffudd son of Cynan" in 1112, adding that "this same Howel had been in the prison of Ernulf son of Roger, the lord of Castle Baldwin" and "escaped in a maimed state with broken limbs out of the prison"[438].
Name: Gwladus Verch Rhiwallon 1
Sex: F
Birth: ABT 1041 in Powys, Montgomeryshire, Wales 1
Death: Deceased 1
ID: I03401 Gwladus verch Rhiwallon
"Note: Her marriage to Walter Fitz Other is indicated in many internet sources. However it is not backed by Burke's Peerage. Additionally her daughter Nesta is documented to be the wife of Walter's son Gerald Fitz Walter which would not have been likely if Gerald's mother were Gwladus. She may have been mother of some of Walter's children, instead of Beatrice?"
Perhaps the answer to your above quandary is the possiblity that the Gladys/Gwladys that married Walter fitzOtho was not the dau of Rhywallon ap Cynfyn, Prince of Powys. Turton indicates Walter's wife was Gladys dau of Havallon ap Eynfyn Prince of North Wales (no further info on him). My notes do not show that Turton listed a second marriage for Walter to Beatrice.
This, if true (& with Turton, that's a BIG if), would eliminate the problem of the son of Walter marrying the dau of Gwladus verch Rhiwallon.
[JohnFaye (8 Jun 05).FTW]
No primary and few secondary sources support this story. It more than likely arises from a confusion with the next generation (Gerald of Windsor and Nest verch Rhys). There is also no existing record of any such person as "Havallon ap Eynfyn" in any known spelling.
Father: Rhywallon Ap Conwyn b: ABT 1024
Marriage 1 Rhys Ap (Tudor) Tewdor King Of South Wales b: ABT 1035 in Deheubarth, Wales
Nesta Verch Rhys b: ABT 1080 in Dynevor Castle, Carmarthenshire, Wales
Margared Verch Rhys b: ABT 1082 in Wales
Gwladys verch Rhiwallon, Queen of Deheubarth's Timeline
1060 |
1077 |
Dynevor Castle, Carmarthenshire, Wales
1079 |
Dynevor Castle, Carmarthenshire, Wales
1084 |
Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, , Wales
1085 |
Dynevor, Llandyfesisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales (United Kingdom)