From Medlands:
1. ---. No indication has been found of the identity of Rorans’s husband. m RORANS, daughter of ---. Gervais Archbishop of Reims wrote concerning the relics of Saint Mélaine to Even Abbé de Saint-Mélaine, dated [1055/67], naming "Rorans avia mea" [which, from the wording of other parts of the document, must mean great-grandmother not grandmother] and recording that she was granted the domaine of Argentré "in Cenomanensi pago" by way of dower, specifying that it was transmitted to "nepoti suo, quem de filio suscepit, Haimoni patri meo"[74]. One child:
a) son . The name of Rorans's son is not known, but his existence is confirmed by the source dated [1055/67] quoted below in which his son is named. m ---. One child:
i) HAMON [Hamelin] de Château-du-Loir (-15 Jan [1030]).
...Gervais Archbishop of Reims wrote concerning the relics of Saint Mélaine to Even Abbé de Saint-Mélaine, dated [1055/67], naming "Rorans avia mea" and recording that she was granted the domaine of Argentré "in Cenomanensi pago" by way of dower, specifying that it was transmitted to "nepoti suo, quem de filio suscepit, Haimoni patri meo"[224]. "Hugo Cenomannensis comes" donated property to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel by charter dated 1014, witnessed by "Roscelini vicecomitis, Hameli de Leido Castello, Haymonis de Medano, Herberti fratris comitis, Droci filii Milonis, Odilarii Drudi"[225]. The necrology of Le Mans Cathedral records the death "XVIII Kal Feb" of "Haimo de Castro Lit"[226].
m (1006 or before) HILDEBURGE de Bellême, daughter of YVES de Creil Seigneur de Bellême & his wife --- (-27 Oct ----). Avesgaud Bishop of Le Mans gave the church of Parigné-l'Evèque and Loué to "unam Hildeburgi sorori suæ primogenitæ et alteram Godehilde germanæ suæ secundæ" by charter dated [1000][227]. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. Bishop Gervais names "avunculi mei Avesgaudi…genitoris cum genetrice mea Haimonis et Hildeburga" in his testament dated [1040/47], which also specifies that "avunculi mei domini Avesgaudi episcopi" died "apud Verdunis VI Kal Nov" on returning from Jerusalem, that "sororis eius, matris mee Hyldeburge" died the same day that "patris mei Haimonis" died "XVIII Kal Feb", and that he was ordained "XIV Kal Jan"[228].
Hamon & his wife had five children:
1. GERVAIS de Château-du-Loir (Château-du-Loir 2 Feb 1007-Reims 4 Jul 1067). The Cartulaire of Château-du-Loir records the birth "Non Feb 1007" of "Gervasius apud Castrum Lidi"[229]. Brother of Robert according to Orderic Vitalis250. He succeeded his father as Seigneur de Château-du-Loir. Bishop of Le Mans 19 Dec 1036. Archbishop of Reims 15 Oct 1055. The death of Archbishop Gervasius "III Kal Jul" is recorded in the cartulary of Château-du-Loir[230]. The necrology of Le Mans Cathedral records the death "IV Non Jul" of "Cenomannensium ecclesie antistes Gervasius, necnon etiam Remensium ecclesie post archiepiscopus"[231].
2. ROBERT "Brochard" de Château-du-Loir (-30 Jun [1065/67]). "Suavis miles" gave land to "senioris mei Gervasii" for the foundation of the priory of Saint-Jean-de-la-Motte by charter dated [1028/36], subscribed by "Gervasio fratribusque ipsius: Avisgaudo, Guillelmo, Roberto"[232].
- see below.
3. AVESGAUD de Château-du-Loir . "Suavis miles" gave land to "senioris mei Gervasii" for the foundation of the priory of Saint-Jean-de-la-Motte by charter dated [1028/36], subscribed by "Gervasio fratribusque ipsius: Avisgaudo, Guillelmo, Roberto"[233].
4. GUILLAUME de Château-du-Loir . "Suavis miles" gave land to "senioris mei Gervasii" for the foundation of the priory of Saint-Jean-de-la-Motte by charter dated [1028/36], subscribed by "Gervasio fratribusque ipsius: Avisgaudo, Guillelmo, Roberto"[234]. Gervais Bishop of Le Mans donated the course of the stream of Villedieu to the abbey of La Trinité de Vendôme by charter dated 25 Jun 1039, signed by "Gervasii presulis" and subscribed by "Guillelmi fratris eius, Raherii de Boloria"[235]. m ---. The name of Guillaume's wife is not known. Guillaume & his wife had [one possible child]:
a) [HUGUES de Château-du-Loir . "Herbertus…cum Gervasii episcopi, Hugo nomine" donated the church of Saint-Pierre des Ormes to the abbey of Saint-Aubin d'Angers by charter dated [1056/60][236]. None of the recorded charters in which the sons of Robert, brother of Archbishop Gervais, are named record a son named Hugues. In addition, no record has been found that the archbishop's sister Rotrude had a son named Hugues. The archbishop's brother Guillaume appears to have survived later than the brother Avesgaud. It is therefore probable that Hugues was the son of Guillaume, although there is no proof that this is the case. The cartulary of Château-du-Loir refers to, but does not reproduce, an agreement between "Hugues le Long Seigneur de Château-du-Loir neveu de Gervais et son héritier" and the abbey of La Trinité de Vendôme under which Hugues settled his dispute with the abbey concerning the ponds of Villedieu[237]. Although the original has not been checked, there must be some doubt about the accuracy of the document as there is no other record of "Hugues" being the successor of Gervais. "Fulco de Matefelon" recognised rights of the monks of Saint-Serge d'Angers by charter dated [1090], witnessed by "Hugo de Castello Lidi"[238]. m (1072 or before) ALEXANDRIE de Bouloire, daughter of --- de Bouloire & his wife ---. The document naming "Hugues le Long Seigneur de Château-du-Loir neveu de Gervais et son héritier" specifies that he acted with his wife "Alexandrie fille d'un seigneur de Bouloire"[239].
5. ROTRUDE de Château-du-Loir (-after [1050]). The monks of Marmoutier record a donation by "Guido, castri…Vallis…in pago Cenomannensi conditorem ac possessorem", with the consent of "suorumque filiorum…Haimonis…Gervasii atque Guidonis, simulque Agnetis", by charter dated to [1050], witnessed by "…Rotrudis uxor predicti Widonis, Gualterius filius eius…"[240]. Her parentage is confirmed by a charter dated to [1100] under which the monks of Angers Saint-Aubin recall the history of "ecclesiam de Comburniaco", seized by "Fulcho comes" [Foulques III "Nerra" Comte d´Anjou] and given to "Hamelino de Castro Ledi", who granted it to "Widdoni de Valle cum filia sua in maritagio"[241]. If this report is correct, Rotrude must have married before [1030], the estimated date of death of her father. The monks of Marmoutier record the division of Laval fair and market profits with "Guido de Valle", with the consent of "filii eius Hamon, Hildelinda, Agnes, Hildeburgis et Guido et Gervasius" by charter dated to [1050], witnessed by "…Rotrudis supradicti Guidonis uxor, Gualterius filius eius…"[242]. These charters confirm Rotrude´s first marriage, from which "Gualterius filius eius" was presumably born. m firstly ---. The name of Rotrude´s first husband is not known. m secondly ([before 1030]) as his second wife, GUY [I] Sire de Laval, son of --- (-after 1064). Rotrude & her first husband had one child:
a) GAUTHIER . The monks of Marmoutier record a donation by "Guido, castri…Vallis…in pago Cenomannensi conditorem ac possessorem", with the consent of "suorumque filiorum…Haimonis…Gervasii atque Guidonis, simulque Agnetis", by charter dated to [1050], witnessed by "…Rotrudis uxor predicti Widonis, Gualterius filius eius…"[243].
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Chateau, Eure Et Loire, France
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February 2, 1007
Pays de la Loire, France
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January 15, 1031
Age 51
Château-du-Loir, 72071, Sarthe, Pays de la Loire, France,
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