My Heritage site shows his birthdate as June 9 1614.
The Bergen family, or, the descendants of Hans Hansen Bergen, one of the early settlers of New York and Brooklyn, L. I., with notes on the genealogy of some of the branches of the Cowenhoven, Voorhees, Eldert,, Stoothoof, Cortelyou, Stryker, Suydam. Lott, Wyckoff, Barkeloo, Lefferts, Martense, Hubbard, Van Brunt, Vanderbilt, Vanderveer, Van Nuyse, and other Long Island families
by Bergen, Teunis G., 1806-1881
Hans Hansen Bergen; b. in or near Bergen, Norway; d. 1654, in New Amsterdam. m. Sarah Joris Rapalje (1625-1685) Hans and Sarah had 8 children:
48 Hans Hansen BERGEN.1 Born in 1627 in Bergen, Norway.1,2 Immigrated before 1633 to Holland from Bergen, Norway.2 Immigrated in 1633 to New Amsterdam from Holland.2 Immigrated about 1643 to the Wallabout.2 Hans Hansen died about 1654 in Wallabout, New Amsterdam, Kings, New York.2 Occupation: ship carpenter, tobacco cultivator.2
From http://dlib.nyu.edu/findingaids/html/bhs/arc_006_bergen/bioghist.html
In 1639, Hans Hansen Bergen married Sara Rapalje, who was mistakenly rumored to have been the first European child born in the colony of New Netherland. They had eight children, among them Michael Hansen Bergen (baptized November 4, 1646), who held civil office for several years and was one of the patentees named in Governor Thomas Dongan's patent of May 13, 1686, which provided the land grant that established the village of Breuklen in the colony of New York. He and his wife, Femmetje Bergen (nee Theunis) had five children.
1. Teunius G. Bergen, Register of Early Settler of Kings County New York (reprint 1973), pg. 32. "
He was a native of Bergen in Norway, a ship carpenter by trade who removed from thence to Holland. From Holland he emigrated in 1633 to N.A. where he took up his residence working at his trade and at one period culivating a tobacco plantation...about 1643 removed to his plantation of 400 acres at the Wallabout for which he obtained a patent on the 30th Mar. 1640."
2. Edward Coolbaugh Hoagland, Twigs From Family Trees or 162 Early American and Foriegn Lineages, pg. 47-8.
3. William Sawyer Bergen, Jacob Milton Bergen Family of Long Island New York (1995 Gateway Press Baltimore, Maryland), pg. XII-XIII, 1, Appendix A-2. "
...Hans Hans (Bergen) immigrated to New Amsterdam in 1633...
Our Hans Hans the Norg, Hans Noorman or Nas Hanszen Noorman as he was variously called, had children and they were named Hansen. The Bergen family name (male side) begins in America in 1633 with the arrival of Hans Hansen, an immigrant from Norway via Holland, in New Amsterdam...
Our Hans after immigrating to New Amsterdam 1633, lived on Manhatten Island and owned property by Fort Amsterdam. He married Sarah De. Rapalya in 1639. Sarah was but 14 years old and had been born at Fort Orange (now Albany, N.Y.) in 1625 Jans shows in several Dutch court cases. One case, in 1648, was very serious and the prosecutor asked for a sentence of death. Hans had transported military hardware, a serious crime. Had this sentence been carried out we would have little more to write about. Luckily Hans was reprived. Hans purchased property in Wallabout, Brooklyn in 1639 for a farm to which he and Sarah and family moved in late 1640's and where he ultimately died in 1654. after Hans death, Sarah married Tunis Gysbertsen Bogaert. Tunis took over the land patents that his wife Sarah had inherited from Hans leaving the children with none of their father's land. - - -
Hans, the ancestor of the Bergen Family in America was a native of Norway. He was a ship carpenter who moved to Holland. From there, he emigrated to New Amsterdam, arriving about April 1633 in one of the vessels of the fleet of William Von Tiller. The ships were the Zoutberg (Salt Moutain), the Carvel St. Marten and the Hope. He applied his trade and in 1638, he cultivated tobacco on the Plantation of Andries Hudden on Manhatten Island. He was called by various names as Hansz, Hans the Norg, Hans Noorman, Hans Hansen, Hans Hanzsen Noorman, etc. In1639 he married Sarah Rapalje daughter of Joris Jansen Rapalje.....
In 30 March 1647, Hans was awarded a patent for 200 morgens (440+ acres) of land in Wallabout (Brooklyn, N.Y.) where he resided until his death. His property was bounded by that of Joris Rapalje and Rem Jansen Vanderbeck (Remsen) his father-in-law. There is evidence in other deeds that he owned land in Brooklyn in the Bushwick area in 1642 before patents were issued. Hans died there 1653/4. Sarah sold the lot on Pearl St. at New Amsterdam on 30th May 1654 shortly after his death. It is described as being on Pearl Street between Whitehall and State Streets and being 30 foot wide by 100 feet deep. It was situated at the Fort Amsterdam wall..."
4. David M. Ricker, Genealogical and Biographical Directory to Persons in New Netherlands From 1613 to 1674 Volumes I, II, III, IV, 2000, CD #11 V011_01V1, Familty Tree Maker's Family Archives, pg. 116. COMMENTS: Har.= Ricker's History of Harlem; KCo = Bergen's Early Settlers of Kings County, L.I.; CFSev = Seversmith's Colonial Families of Long Island; PA = Pearson's First Settler's of Albany; PS = Pearson's First Settlers of Schnectady; PAT = Nelson's History of The City of Paterson and County of Passaic, N.J.; HHHC = Winfield's History of Hudson County; SCL = Evjen's Scandnavian Immigrants in New York 1660 - 1674 : AnN = Ricker's Annals of Newtown; WP = Davis' Winchester Patriarchs; GNYF = Talcott's Genealogical Notes of New York Families; WNYHS = The New York Abstract of Wills by the New York Historical Society; REC = The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record; NNC = New Netherland Connections. "
From The Bergen Family by Teunis G. Bergen, Albany, N.Y., 1876, beginning on page 15:11
1. HANS HANSEN BERGEN, the common ancestor of the Bergen family of Long Island, New Jersey and their vicinity, was a native of Bergen in Norway, a ship-carpenter by trade, and removed from thence to Holland. From Holland he emigrated, in 1633, to New Amsterdam, now New York, probably arriving at Fort Amsterdam in April of that year with Wouter Van Twiller, the second Director General, in one of the vessels of the fleet, consisting of
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the West India Company's ships, the Salt Mountain, (de Zoutberg,), of twenty guns, commanded by Juriaen Blanck,1 the Carvel St. Martyn, and the Hope, which vessels accompanied the Salt Mountain in her voyage from the fatherland.
In the early colonial and other records, his name appears in various forms, his surname or patronymic, Bergen, derived from the place of his nativity, being generally omitted, as was the custom among the Hollanders and other Northern European nations in those days, and is the custom among some of them at the present time, and that of his father, Hans, in the form of "Hansen", or "Hansz", representing the son of Hans, being generally added with other appendages referring to the land of his birth.2
[Footnotes on Page 16]:
1 Juriaen Blanck, Sen., was assessed in an early tax list of the city of New York £50, and Juriaen Blanck, Jr., a goldsmith, £100. In 1657, the name of Juriaen Blanck appears on the list of small burgers. In 1665, he resided in Pearl street, west of Broad, and his name appears among those who took the oath of allegiance on the English conquest in 1664. In 1674 his property on Pearl street was valued at $1,000. In 1686, his widow, Tryntje Claes, resided in Pearl street.
2 A man's name is the mark by which he is distinguished from other men. By our present almost universal practice, it is composed of his Christian name and his surname. The one is given to him at his birth or baptism, the other, as at present practiced, derived from the common name of his parents. Anciently, among most European nations, there was but one name, surnames not commonly coming into use until the middle of the fourteenth century. The insufficiency of the Christian name to distinguish the particular individual where there were many bearing the same name, led necessarily to the giving of surnames. These in the great majority of cases were composed of the name of the place where the individual was born or dwelt, his occupation, some peculiarity in his appearance, character, history, qualities, or by adding to his Christian name that of his father, as Hans Hanse, representing Hans, the son of Hans. The latter was the common practice in this country among the descendants of the Netherlanders until about the beginning of the eighteenth century, when it gradually ceased, and the surnames then in use haye been since continued. Under it many families among us, although derived from a common ancestor, are now distinguished by different surnames, as for instance, the descendants of Adrlaen Reyerse, of Flatbush, are now known by the
[footnote cont'd. on page 21]:
surnames of Reyersen, Martense and Adriance. This change from generation to generation of surnames causes great difficulty in genealogical researches. The prefix of Van, meaning from, has also in many families been dropped. This is the case with the Couwenhovens, Ditmarses, and most of the Voorhees in our midst.
[Page 21]:
Among these forms may be found that of "Hans Hansen Van Bergen in Noorwegan," "Hans Hansen Noorman," "Hans Noorman," "Hans Hansen de Noorman," "Hans Hansz," "Hans Hansen,"1 etc. The term "Noorman," meaning the Northman, evidently refers to Norway, and was applied to natives of that place, as for instance, Claes Carstensen, married at New Amsterdam in 1646, is said in the marriage entry to be from Norway, and subsequently he is called the "Noorman." Like unto the great mass of the original emigrants to this country, he probably belonged to an humble class in society, and came hither to better his prospects and fortune. Of his European ancestry nothing is known, which is the case with most of the early emigrants to New Netherlands; intercourse with their relatives in the fatherland having long ago ceased, and having, no doubt, been obstructed in consequence of the piratical conquest of the colony by the English in 1664, during a time of peace. Of the private letters which passed between the early settlers and their European relatives, which might have thrown light upon their previous position, very few remain,2 none having been found relating to Hans Hansen. Many families can be
[Footnotes on Page 21]:
1 On referring to the original records, which were generally signed by the parties interested, we find the same mark affixed to these various names by which Hans Hansen Bergen was known; thus clearly establishing that they were intended for the same person. It is common sense and fact that a man's particular mark was intended for and is the evidence of his identity, as much as his full signature would be.
2 The writer has in his possession several letters written by relatives of the Voorhees family in the fatherland, to their friends in this country, and they are the only ones he has discovered in his examination of old papers and documents among the descendants of the Netherlanders in Kings county.
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traced by our records with certainty to the first immigrant, but few beyond this without calling loudly upon the imagination for assistance in the engrafting of them upon some European stock of a similar name.
[Page 38]:
HANS. HANSEN BERGEN resided for some years in New Amsterdam (now New York), where he owned and probably occupied a lot on the present Pearl street, butting against the fort, lying between the lots of Jan Snedeker,2 and that of Joris (Jansen) Rapalie,3 of one rod and two feet in breadth in front, one rod and nine feet in rear, with an average length of nine rods and five feet, Dutch measure,
[Footnotes on Page 38]:
2Jan Snedeker's (the common ancestor of the Snedekers of this country), patent, dated July, 1645, was for a double lot south of the fort on Manhattan Island; he was in this country as early as 1640, a shoemaker by trade, kept a tavern in New Amsterdam, in 1642, in December of which year he was complained of for selling beer of short measure, and finally settled in Flatbush, where he resided in 1654, and owned and cultivated a farm.
3Joris or (George Jansen) Rapalie's patent for a lot on Manhattan Island, was dated March 18, 1647.
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for which he received a patent dated March 13, 1647.1 In 1638 Hans Hansen was engaged in the cultivation of a tobacco plantation on land of Andries Hudden,2 on Manhatten Island. From a deed dated Feb. 19, 1639, of Claes Claessen Swits to Maryn Adriaensen,3 for 400 gl., of the house and plantation "heretofore in the occupation of
[Footnotes on Page 40]:
1A Dutch rod is 12 feet and 3 inches, and a Dutch foot 11 inches and three hundred and four one-thousandths of an inch, English measure. A Dutch mile is three English miles.
2Andries Hudden, born in Amsterdam in 1608, came to this country in 1629, and m. Geertruyd Boornstra, widow of Hendrick de Foreest. He was a member of the director's council in 1633, 1636, and 1637, surveyor general in 1642, commissary of the colony on the South river (Delaware) in 1645 and 1647; returned to New Amsterdam, and again surveyor general in 1654. In 1657 he returned to the South river, and died in 1663, while on his way to Maryland. The plantation of Hudden, which Hansen cultivated, was located on the north-east side of Manhattan Island, behind, or in the rear of Curler's land; it consisted of 100 morgens, and the patent for the same was dated July 20, 1638. Jacobus Van Curler's land or plantation lay on the East river, and included in its boundaries the point or hook called by the Indians Nechtanc, now known as Curler's Hook. Sept. 28, 1640, Curler leased for three years this plantation to William Hendricksen, Gyshert Cornelissen, tailor, and Thomas, after which he sold the same to William Beeckman. (See vol. I, p. 253, and vol. III, p. 300, of O'Callaghan's manuscript translation Dutch Manuscripts.)
3Maryn Adriaensen, came from Veere in the Netherlands, in 1631 (having previously sailed with Claes Campain, a notorious pirate and freebooter, in alliance with the Barbary powers), as boatswain. He settled on the patroon Van Rensselaer's estate about 1632, and afterwards engaged in the North river trade, establishing himself near the present Pearl and Wall streets, in New Amsterdam. Maryn, who appears to have been a drunkard and turbulent citizen, made an attempt upon the life of the Director Kieft, who charged him with the odium of the late unfortunate Indian war, for which he was imprisoned in 1643. Robert Pennoyer testified in regard to the matter, on the 23d of March, 1643; that he on the 21st inst., heard Lysbet Tyson (Maryn's wife), say in the tavern (after he had asked her twice what ailed her), "Robert, my husband, will kill the commander; go and catch him," etc. (See vol. 11, p. 92, O'Callaghan's manuscript translation Dutch Manuscripts). For his attempt on the life of the director, he was sent, in 1643, in irons, to Holland for trial, but afterwards returned, and May 11, 1647, he obtained from Director Kieft a patent for fifty morgens at "Awiehaken," adjoining Hoboken, N. J. His wife, after his death, May 3, 1654, m. Geerlief Michielsen.
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Master Fiscox and Hans Hansen (Bergen), situated on the North river of New Netherland, near the plantation heretofore occupied by Tonis (Teunis) Nyssen,"1 it is evident that he was also interested in this plantation, he and Fiscox having probably taken possession of and cultivated the same prior to the granting of patents, and before he was engaged in the cultivation of Hudden's land. They probably sold out to Swits, the record of which has not been seen. These premises Adriaensen agreed to sell on the 1st of April, 1640, to Hendrick Pieterson, both being drunk at the time, and the whole company not very sober (as the record of May 5, 1640, says), which sale was declared void by the court, and not carried into effect.2
Jan. 23d, 1643, for 1,000 Carolus gl., Maryn Adriaensen sold to Thomas Hall, tobacco planter, to be paid May 1st, 1644, in cash, for which he gave a note, "the plantation situate on the Island of Manhattan on the North river, heretofore cultivated by Hans Hansen" (Bergen).3
November 20th, 1642, Thomas Hall4 obtained a patent
[Footnotes on Page 41]:
1Vol. I, p. 82, O'Callaghan's manuscript translation Dutch Manuscripts.
2Vol. I, p. 236, O'Callaghan's manuscript translation Dutch Manuscripts.
3Vol. II, p. 87, O'Callaghan's manuscript translation Dutch Manuscripts. These premises were probably the same which Adriaensen bought of Swits.
4Thomas Hall, an Englishman, who, having been taken prisoner by the Dutch while engaged in an attempt against the colony on the Delaware river, was released on parole, took up his permanent residence in New Amsterdam as early as 1639, and Sept. 17th of that year he and George Homs (Holmes), also an Englishman, made a contract between them to commence a tobacco plantation and build a house near Deutel (now Turtle) Bay on Manhatten Island, for which they received a patent, Nov. 15th, 1639, and of which he sold his half to Homs, Nov. 17th, 1641, as per R. D. church records of New York. "Thomas Halen, of Clocester, m. Anna Mitfort, of Bristol, widow of Willem Cuyck." Suppose this to be Thomas Hall. June 18th, 1653, Gerret Jansen, from Oldenburgh, conveyed to Hall 45 1/2 morgens and 125 rods of land and valley, called Pannebacker's (tile baker's) bouwery, or bouwery No. 5, on Manhatten Island, afterwards owned by William Beekman. Hall was at one
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for premises described as land on Manhattan Island, "on the North river, formerly occupied by Edward Fiscox,1 Hans Hansen (Bergen), Maryn Adriaensen, having been owners, bounded on the north by the plantation of the late Director Wouter Van Twiller,2 and Laurens Dircksen, baker, and eastward by the swamp." This patent, dated prior to the above sale by Adriaensen to Hall, having by the description, an appearance of being the same premises, may have been obtained in consequence of some prior agreement. The premises, as near as can be ascertained, lay on the part of the island called Greenwich, in the present 9th ward. Teunis Nyssen (Denyse), two of whose daughters married sons of Hans Hansen, also possessed a plantation in this vicinity.
From an agreement with Mr. Moyr, in 1642, in relation to a yawl, and from a law suit in 1643, in relation to a shallop (sloop), it may be inferred that Hansen was engaged at his trade of shipwright, in addition to the cultivation of tobacco and farming.
In the beginning of 1643, the river Indians, who were time a magistrate of the city, resided on Smith's valley in 1665, and died in 1670, leaving no children. There was a Thomas Hall in Virginia, as early as 1620, who may have been this Thomas.
[Footnotes on Page 42]:
1Edward Fiscox's widow, Janne Schabuels, married March 12th, 1645, Jan Haes, who obtained, April 2d, 1647, a patent for 38 morgens and 485 rods on the East river, on the west hook of Rechkawick (Brooklyn), adjoining Frederick Lubbertsen's land. He had a daughter Jenne, baptized Feb. 24th, 1641.
2Van Twiller obtained a patent for 100 morgens in 1638, of land "lying hard by Sapakanickan, or Greenwich, bounded on the north by the road from the strand along Jan Van Rotterdam's and on the west by his the aforementioned plantation and that of Edward Fiscox, and so far into the woods as to include the one hundred morgens." (See vol. GG, of patents, office sec. of state.) This plantation he leased Sept. 12th, 1639, to Thomas Hall, in which it was described as a tobacco plantation near Sapokanikan on the North river, fenced all around, with one good dwelling house, occupied by George Homes (Holmes) and Thomas Hall (See vol. I, p. 324, O'Callaghan's translation Dutch Manuscripts.)
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attacked by their dreaded enemies, the Mohawks, fled to the vicinity of the Dutch settlements for protection. While reposing in fancied security, Director Kieft, on the application of some rash individuals, and contrary to the advice of some of the best men in the colony, allowed an expedition to be fitted out, who in the night attacked the unsuspecting natives at Pavonia and Curler's Hook, and foully murdered some 120 of them. On this, some of the settlers on Long Island, to show their prowess, and probably fearing that the Long Island Indians would make common cause with the much abused River Indians, petitioned the director for leave to attack the Mareckkawick or Brooklyn Indians, a branch of the Canarisie tribe. This petition was signed by Gerret Wolferson (Couwenhoven), Jacob Wolferson (Couwenhoven), Dirck Wolfman,1 Hans Hansen (Bergen), and Lambert Huybertsen Mol. The director, in consequence of these Indians having been peaceable, wisely
[Footnotes on Page 43]:
1Dirck Wolfman was probably the same person as Dirck Wolff or de Wolff, who formed a company and obtained, March 31st, 1661, articles and conditions empowering them to make salt pans and manufacture salt in New Netherland. Under this, with the consent of Gysbert op Dyck, who claimed to have a patent for Coney Island, they undertook to erect works on said island, but were prevented by the inhabitants of Gravesend. For this they sued the town of Gravesend, and June 12th, 1662, the court gave judgment for the town on, the ground that Updike's patent was null, not having been signed by the governor, and recorded by mistake, and therefore possession of said island under said patent was invalid. Of this decision Wolff and company appear to have complained to the directors in Holland, who, Dec. 6th, 1662, wrote to Gov. Stuyvesant for information and a map of the island. In the meantime, on the complaint of Abel de Wolff (probably a brother of Dirck), a member of the company, on the 15th of June, 1662, an order was issued to summon the magistrates of Gravesend to answer before the governor and council, who on the 22d inst issued an order not to molest Mr. de Wolff's workmen employed in making salt on Coney Island. This experiment in the manufacture of salt from the waters of the ocean in this climate was probably unprofitable, and therefore abandoned. (See vol. x, pp. 7, 150, and 155, and vol. xiv, pp. 15 and 79, of Dutch Manuscripts, office secretary of state, Albany.)
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refused the request, but gave permission "in case they evince a hostile disposition, every man must do his best to defend himself." Under this permission, but contrary to its spirit, a secret expedition was organized against the Indians, whom they plundered of two wagon loads of corn, killing three of their number, while endeavoring to save their property.
In consequence of this attack, they made common cause with the River Indians, the tomahawk was raised against all the Dutch settlements, whose residents fled to New Amsterdam for protection, leaving their buildings to the torch, and their cattle and plantations at the mercy of, and to be destroyed by the savages.
From the above petition it appears that Hans Hansen at this date resided on his Long Island tract.
In consequence of the almost universal devastation made by the aroused and enraged savages (caused by Kieft's mismanagement), and the complaints and clamor of the people, Keift was induced to call together the commonalty of the Manhattans, who met in October, 1643, in the fort, to take into consideration the propositions which should be submitted to them for the general good. Among the names of those who signed the resolutions adopted at this meeting appears that of Hans Hansen, with the mark "H" affixed; from which it is evident that he had fled to the city for safety from his plantation, of which city he again was considered a resident.1
When, in consequence of the general distress, the director sent a friendly message to the Long Island Indians, the indignant savages would not listen, but standing afar off, derided his messenger, calling out: "Are ye our friends? Ye are merely corn thieves." However, on the arrival of spring, when the Long Island Indians wanted to plant their
[Footnotes on Page 44]:
1Vol. I, p. 191, Colonial Documents.
[Page 45]
corn, they relented, and a peace was patched up between them.
By a receipt entered on the register of the provincial secretary, it appears that on the 23d of April, 1644, Hans Hansen and George Rapalie, his father-in-law, hired cattle to William Smith of Stamford, and on the 29th of November of the same year he gave a note to Cornelis Maersen of Rensselaerswick for 250 guilders for wheat bought of him. George Rapalie also appears at the same time to have bought 215 guilders worth of wheat from Maersen.1
On the 30th of March, 1647, he obtained from Governor Kieft a patent for "a piece of land situated on Long Island, in the kil of Jorse Rapalie, it extends from his house north by east till to Lambert Huybertsen's (Mol) plantation, further on the kil of Jan the Swede, according to the old marks till to the kil of Mespatches, to and along the criplebush (swamp), further to the division line of Derick Volkertsen's2 land, which he purchased from Wilcock,3
[Footnotes on Page 45]:
1Vol. II, p. 136, Dutch Manuscripts, secretary of state's office, Albany. Cornelis Maersen was dead in 1649, Cornelis Teunisse Bos being trustee of his estate, and Teunis Dircksen Poentie, guardian of his children.
2Sept. 9, 1653, Derick Volckertsen (the Norman), a carpenter by trade, conveyed to Jacob Hay 25 morgens of land with a valley of 6 morgens, beginning at the hook of Mespacht's kil on Long Island, and thence running south south-west along the river. Dirck's patent covered the neck of land embraced between the kil of "Mespatches," now Newtown creek, and Norman's kil, now Bushwick creek. Stiles, in his Brooklyn (vol. II, p. 321), says he "lived on the northerly side of Bushwick creek, near the East river in an old stone honse." From his being known as Derick, the Norman, and his plantation being in the vicinity, Bushwick creek derived its ancient name of Norman's kil.
3A Michell Wilcokes, aged 31, emigrated from England to Virginia in the Prosparouse in 1610, and an Elizabeth Wilcokes, aged 23 (probably his wife), in the Concord in 1621; also a Capt. John Willcockes in the Bona Noua in 1620. A John Wilcox or Wilcock, born in Elsburgh, was a trader in 1646, on the South river. A John Wilcocks resided in Virginia in 1623. (Hotten's List of Emigrants, pp. 188 and 246.)
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"and the division of Henry Satley,1 containing 200 morgens" (400 acres).
This patent, as near as can be ascertained, covered the farms of Abraham Boerum, Jeremiah A. and Abraham A. Remsen on the Wallabout bay, marked Schols, Remsen, and Boerum, on Butts's map of Brooklyn. It extended back beyond these farms to the old Bushwick cross roads, and to the meadows adjoining Newtown; the land of Lambert Huybertsen Mol on its north side being the patent in the town of Bushwick (since Williamsburgh), which adjoined the then Brooklyn boundary. "The kil of Jorse Rapalje," known as Rinnegackonck, mentioned in the patent, extended for several hundred feet along the westerly side of the patent, as may be seen on the sketch or map of its westerly end hereinafter contained. "The kil of Jan the Swede" is known as Bushwick creek, and that of "Mespatches" (Newtown creek), against both of which (the rear or northeasterly portion) the patent bounded.
That the plantation of Remmert (Rem) Jansen Vanderbeeck, from Jeveren, blacksmith (who married Jannetje, daughter of Jores Jansen Rapalie), the common ancestor of the Remsen family of this vicinity, lay on the south of Hansen's, and between Hansen's and Jores (George) Jansen Rapalie's, and that it was at an early period in his possession, is evident from the following entries in the colonial records: "April 8, 1643, Remmert Jansen (Vanderbeek)
[Footnotes on Page 46]:
1Henry Satley (Sateley, or Sawtell), on the minutes of the council of June 6th, 1644, appears as plaintiff in a suit against Adam Mat (Mot), for the value of timber delivered. A Henry Sawtell, supposed to be the same as Satley, appears among the patentees of Flushing in 1645, and afterwards lived many years in Newtown, where his name appears on Dongan's patent of 1686, and where he probably died. In addition to Volkertsen, Mol and Satley's lands, Hansen's plantation appears for some 500 yards to have bounded on its northerly side, against the patent of Abraham Rycken, of 1640, which patent lay between Hansen's lands and Newtown creek, on which it had a frontage of about 500 paces. (See Stiles's Brooklyn, vol. II, p. 319.)
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"leased for three years to John Lock and John Picces, his plantation on Long Island for 108 gl. 1 Augt. 31, 1651, Remmert Jansen (Vanderbeek) leases to Barent Jansen Bal and Hendrick Dircksen a certain bouwery lying and situate on the south side of Hans Hansen's (Bergen) bouwery called in Indian Rinnegackonck," for four years, etc.2 It thus appears that the plantations of Rapalie and his two sons-in-law, Hans Hansen Bergen and Remmert Jansen Vanderbeek adjoined each other; and without doubt one of the objects, if not the main one, of the selection of the locations, was, to group together in one neighborhood near relatives, who could thus more easily assist each other.
Remmert Jansen Vanderbeek died in 1681, probably intestate. In 1683 his property was assessed to his widow. April 10, 1696, his children, Joris Remsen, Rem Remsen, Jacob Remsen, Jeronimus Remsen, Daniel Remsen, Abraham Remsen, Jan Dorlandt (who m. Anna Remsen), Aris Vanderbilt (who m. Hildegonde or Hilletje Remsen), Joseph Hegeman (who m. Femmetje Remsen), Gerret Hansen [Van Nostrand] (who m. Jannetje Remsen), Elbert Adriaensen (who m. Cateline Remsen), and Marten Adriaensen (who m. Sarah Remsen), conveyed their father's plantation at the Wallebocht, "on the southerly side of the land of Tunis Gysbertsen (Bogaert); also bounded by the kil in the Wallebocht, as set forth in the patent for the same, also with the length, breadth, width, and number of morgens made known in said patent," etc., etc., to Isaac Remsen and Jeremias Remsen, their brothers.3 All the children of Remmert appear to have joined in this conveyance except his oldest son Jan, who died in the year
[Footnotes on Page 47]:
1Vol. II, p. 97, O'Callaghan's manuscript translation Dutch Manuscripts.
2Vol. III, p. 271, O'Callaghan's manuscript translation Dutch Manuscripts.
3Deed in possession of Jeromus I. Johnson; and not recorded.
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when the conveyance was given, and who may have been dead at its date. From its language it is evident there was a patent from the government for the same, of which no copy has been seen. March 27th, 1704, said Isaac Remsen conveyed to his brother "Jeremyas" Remsen, "all that one-half of a certain plantation situate, lying and being at Bruckelen, in King's county abovesaid, at a place commonly called and known by the name of the Walaboght, bounded northerly by the land of Theunis Gysbertse Boogaert, and is further limited by the creek of said Waleboght, and so stretcheth in the woods,"1 etc. By this conveyance, Jeremias Remsen became the sole owner of the plantation. Sept. 26th, 1776, Jeremias Remsen by will devised said plantation unto Barent Johnson, the husband of Ann, a daughter of Jeromus Remsen, and Jane Remsen, said Jane being a sister of said Jeremias.2 Oct. 2d, 1782, Barent Johnson, by his will,3 authorized his executors to sell his real estate in Brooklyn and Bushwick, and divide the proceeds among his children, in pursuance of which they sold and conveyed, May 1st, 1793, of said real estate, 117 acres, generally known as the homestead farm, to Gen. Jeremiah Johnson, one of the sons of said Barent,4 and 67 acres to Abraham Messerole (who m. Catalina, a daughter of said Barent), being on the rear or easterly end of the part sold to Johnson,5 and extending to the Bushwick road, which 67 acres is marked Abraham Messerole on Butts's map of Brooklyn.
On his 200 morgens at the Wallabout, Hans Hansen Bergen resided as early as 1648, and may have resided at an earlier period, and there he continued to reside until his
[Footnotes on Page 48]:
1Deed not recorded.
2Recorded lib. 35, p. 13, office surrogate New York.
3Recorded lib. 39, p. 174, office surrogate New York.
4Recorded lib. 37, p. 71, office register county of Kings.
5Recorded lib. 55, p. 497, office register county of Kings.
[Page 49]
death, which took place in the latter part of 1653, or the beginning of 1654.1 He however must, either by extinguishing the Indian title or otherwise, have been in possession of this plantation prior to the date of his patent, for in the patent of Abraham Rycken of August 8th, 1640, his land is located on Long Island, opposite Rinnegakonck, bounded by Gysbert Ryken, Hans Hansen, etc.; in a deed of the 29th of July, 1641, of Cornelis Jacobsen Stille2 to Lambert
[Footnotes on Page 49]:
1He was probably living July 19th, 1653, for on that date, in a suit in the burgomaster's and schepen's court of New Amsterdam, of Jacob Vis against "Hans Hansen," a default was entered against both parties, as was at the same term of the court in the case of a suit of the same plaintiff against "Jores Rapalie," the father-in-law of Hansen. This Jacob Vis or Visch, appears to have been a litigious person. In 1654, he sued Johannes Withart for wages, lost his case in the burgomaster's and schepen's court, but gamed it on an appeal to the council. July 2, 1658, he and Frederick Lubbertsen had a suit, in which the latter obtained judgment, from which Vis appealed to the council. In 1660 he and Andries de Haes had a suit, who also obtained judgment, from which Vis also appealed, and in 1662, he appealed in a suit between him and Isaac Vermeulen.
2"Cornelis Jacobsen, alias Stille," sold July 29th, 1641, to Lambert Huybertsen Mol, the house and plantation on Long Island adjoining Hans Hansen (Bergen), in breadth along the river 300 paces; and on the same width in towards the woods as far as he may cultivate conveniently, without prejudice, for 220 gl., as per vol. I, p. 288 O'Callaghan's manuscript translation Dutch Manuscripts. Gov. Kieft granted, Sept. 7th, 1641, to Lambert Huybertsen Mol, a patent for the above premises, described as "a certain piece of land lying on Long Island on the East river of New Netherland near the creek of Rinnegaconck, formerly occupied by Cornelis Jacobsen Stillen (the silent), containing 25 morgens, bounded on the south in the breadth by Hans Hansen, the breadth of the said land appearing by the mark of the West India Company, cut in a tree where it is bounded on the north by the East river," as per vol. G. G. of patents, office of secretary of state. Feb 26th, 1667, Gov. Nicolls granted to Jacob Kip a confirmatory patent for the above premises, Kip having probably bought out Mol or his heirs. Dec. 24th, 1693, Maria Kipp, executrix of the will of Jacob Kipp, deceased, late of Kipp's bay, of the city of New York, and Johannes Kipp of New York, brewer, conveyed to James Bobin a plantation in Bushwick, "lying near unto a creek or kil, formerly called or known by the name of Rinnegaconcke, and is adjoining next to the land now or late belonging to Hans Hansen (Bergen) on the south, where it takes up the breadth as the trees formerly hath been markt with the marke of the West India
[footnote cont'd. on page 50]:
company, and on the north it goes alongst the river 225 rodd, containing in the whole about 50 acres or thereabout," which land was formerly bought by the said Jacob Kipp of one "Lambert Huberts Mol." (See lib. 11, p. (???), office register King's county) March 23d and 24th, 1721, James Bobin, by lease and release, conveyed to Isaac Bobin, the above premises, by the same boundaries contained in the deed of Maria Kipp, executrix, to said James Bobin, which conveyance is recorded in vol. 12, pages 105 to 107, in office of secretary of state.
[Page 50]
bert Huybertsen Mol, he describes his plantation as next to Hans Hansen, on Long Island; and in the patent to Doughty and his associates of Mespat, on the 28th of March, 1642, embracing nearly the whole of Newtown, their lands are bounded by the meadows of "Hans Hansen."1 On the early settlement of this country by Europeans, lands appear to have been taken possession of and cultivated by individuals, in some cases for years before ground briefs or patents were issued, the rights of the occupant respected and the premises conveyed from one to another, the same as they have since been taken possession of by squatters on the public domains of the United States, and like them were allowed or entitled to a preemption right. Reference is also made to Hansen's lands in a survey of the disputed bounds between Newtown and Bushwick, made by Capt. James Hubbard of Gravesend, about 1669, the draft of which is still preserved, and purports to be a "description of Mispath Kills, soe farre as to point out ye setuation of ye place, for som ffarther information of two houses formerly inhabited, ye one by Hance ye Boore (farmer) wch were Hance Hansonn, ye other called ye Poles house."2 From this it may be inferred that Hans Hansen Bergen's dwelling house was located within the boundaries of the town of Bushwick, near Mespat kills, but the probabilities are it was locared in Brooklyn, for Teunis Gisbertsen Bogaert, his successor on his patent, who no doubt occupied Hans's dwelling
[Footnotes on Page 50]:
1Riker's Newtown, p. 18.
2Riker's Newtown, p. 83.
[Page 51]
house, was one of the schepens of Brooklyn in 1671, and was assessed in Brooklyn as late as 1683.
To settle this dispute between Bushwick and Newtown, Gov. Lovelace appointed "Thomas Delavall, Matthias Nicols, Jeames Hubbard, Jacques Courteleau, Elbert Elbertson, and Elias Doughty," as commissioners, who made a report June 28th, 1672, which report was approved of by Gov. Dongan and council, April 28th, 1684, with the following boundary: "Beginning from Scudder's pond next to the ffence of Hendrick Barnt Smith's and Streching with a South South East Line to the Mountain or hills, and so along the said hills aboute three hundred rod abutting to the Limits of Brookland; beginning again from the hills with a North-West Line to a Nut tree markt & standing in the small Bushes, & from said tree with a Right Line Between tunas Gisbert (Bogaert, formerly Hans Hansen Bergen's) & Jacob Kipp's to the East River, and along the said River to the Normans Creek & further the Normans Corner & David Yokmans Corner, Streching by the East River along to the Corner of Maspeth Kill, and so all a Long to the Depth of said Kill at Humphry Clay's, and from thence to the depth of said Kill to Scudder's pond over the Creek to Hendrick Barnt Smith aforesaid." By the above boundary Gov. Dongan granted a patent to Bushwick in February, 1687.
There is also another reference to Hansen's lands, showing that they extended to the west branch of Mespat kills, or Newtown creek, on "A Draft Demonstrating how the Townes of Newtown, Brookland, Boswick and Flat Bush Do Interfere (???) Laid Down Pr. Aug. Graham, sur." As surveyed "pursuant to his Excellenceys warrent, dated the 6th of Feb., 1692, made Jan. 9, 1694," and on file in the office of the secretary of state, Albany, a copy of which is inserted in Riker's Newtown. On this
[Page 52]
draft, or map, "the ffence of hans hansen" is laid down and located adjoining "Mespat Kill."
Riker, in his History of Newtown, states, that from a careful survey of the patent, he arrives at the conclusion, that Hans's patent "must have covered a part, and perhaps the whole of the present settlement at the Bushwick cross roads."1
There is a tradition in the family, which probably may have some foundation, that Hansen, while engaged in the cultivation of his plantation, was chased by the Indians, when for safety he took refuge in a tree, where they soon discovered him. Supposing his end to be near, he commenced singing in a melodious voice, with which he was blessed, the hymn which commences with, "In mijn grootste nood o' Heere." (In my greatest need, O Lord.) His singing so charmed his pursuers, that after listening for some time in delight, they left him unmolested and free to go on his way rejoicing; thus proving the truth of the words of Congreve in the play of "The Mourning Bride," "Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast."
From the records of the Reformed Dutch church of the city of New York, Hans Hansen was among the witnesses at the following baptisms:--Oct. 14th, 1639, "Hans Hanszen" and Anneken Dominco, witnesses at baptism of "Jacoh," son of "Abraham Ryck" (Riker). Jan. 19th, 1642, "Hans Noorman," "Pieter Loockermans," and "Catharina Trico," witnesses at baptism of "Michiel," son of "Michiel Paulusz" (Vandervoort)?? Jan. 1st, 1642, "Hans Hanszen Noorman," "Gysbert Corneliszen," "Cornelis Willunszen," and "Christina Vynen," witnesses at baptism of "Sytie," daughter of "Laurens Pieterszen, Noorman." June 28th, 1643, "Hans Hanszen," "Re
[Footnotes on Page 52]:
1Riker's Newtown, p. 18.
[Page 53]
Janszen" (Vanderbek), and "Jannetje Rappalje" (wife of said Rem), witnesses at baptism of "Jeronymus," son of "Joris Rappalje" (father-in-law of Hans Hansen). Oct. 12th, 1653, Hans Hanszen," "Joris Jansen Rapalje," and "Catalyn Hieronymus," witnesses at baptism of "Pieter, son of Pieter Pieterszen" (Van Nest), and "Judith Rapalje."
His widow, Sarah, shortly after his death, married Tenis or Teunis Gisbertsen Bogaert, the ancestor of the Bogerts in this vicinity, who immigrated from Heykoop in Holland in 1652, and who in 1676, '77, and '78 was one of the trustees and overseers of Brooklyn, by whom she had several children.
After Sarah's death Bogaert m. (2d), Feb. 16th (or Nov. 12th), 1687, Geertje Jans, widow of Derick Dey. Sarah early became a church member in New York, and united with the Dutch Reformed church at Brooklyn by certificate, April 10th, 1661. She died about 1685, aged about sixty, and the following is a copy of her mark:
On the 4th of April, 1656,1 "Sarah Joresey (daughter of Jores), first born Christian child in New Netherlands and widow of Hans Hansen," petitions the governor and council for some meadows adjoining the 2002 morgen granted her at the "Waalebocht;" 3 states that her neighbors mow the meadows in question and disturb her in the use of them, although they have meadows adjoining their own lands, and that she is burdened with seven children;
[Footnotes on Page 53]:
1See vol. VI, p. 353, Dutch Manuscripts, office secretary state, Albany.
2Two hundred morgen in the original Dutch record, erroneously translated twenty morgen by Vanderkemp.
3This is the earliest date that the word Waalebogt appears on the colonial records, it being known previous to this as the bend of Merechkawick, the latter being the Indian name for Brooklyn.
[Page 54]
she also asks an exemption from taxes. The meadows were granted, but the exemption refused. Sarah, in stating in this memorial that she was a widow, neglected to state that she was again married, and the wife of Bogaert, which latter must have been the case, judging from the New York baptismal record of their first-born child, Aartje, who is entered, as hereinbefore set forth, as baptized Dec. 19, 1655. No evidence has been found on the colonial records showing that Sarah received a grant from the government or Indians of 200 morgen, except her statement in the petition. She doubtless resided at this time on the farm patented to Hans Hansen Bergen, her late husband, and probably when referring to the land granted her, intended to be understood as referring to those lands. From this petition has probably arisen, with the aid of a little stretch of the imagination, the story of the Indians having presented her with a farm in consideration of her having been the first born white child in the colony.
The lot of Hans Hansen in New Amsterdam was sold by Sarah in 1654, shortly after his decease; the records at Albany showing "a patent granted upon a transport made by Sarah Jooresay, the widow of Hans Hans, bearing date the 30th day of May, 1654, unto Caes Bording,1 for a certain lot of ground with the Housing thereupon within this city, lying on the south side of the fort, between Jan Snedeker's and Jores Rapalje's, containing in length on
[Footnotes on Page 54]:
1Caes or Claes Claesen Bording, of New Amsterdam, was a trader to the South river and Fort Orange. In 1648 and 1653, he was accused of dealing in contraband articles and smuggling. (See Albany County Records, p. 206.) In 1705, Bording's heirs sold the house and lot he purchased in 1654 of Sarah, widow of Hans Hansen Bergen, with apparently some adjoining land, to Cannon, for £180, described as on Pearl street, between Whitehall and State streets, about 30 feet front and 110 feet deep. (See Valentine's Manual, 1860, p. 561.) He m. Susanna Lues, and had several children baptized in the Reformed Dutch church of New Amsterdam.
[Page 55]
"the east side 9 rod, 2 feet, and 2 inches, and on the west side 9 rod, 8 feet, and 3 inches; in breadth behind on the west side 1 rod, 9 feet and 6 inches, and on south side 2 rod and 3 feet, by virtue of a groundbrief granted unto Hans Hansen aforesaid, dec'd, now for a confirmation," etc. This patent is dated June 1, 1667.
February 21st, 1656, a suit was brought and tried on the 28th, in the burgermaster's and schepen's court in New Amsterdam, by Paulus Schrick,1 against Sarah Joris (the widow of Hans Hansen), for the payment of a note of 84 florins and 5 stuyvers, 2 signed by her deceased husband in April, 1651. Defendant stated "she knows nothing of the debt, inasmuch as the plaintiff hath not spoken to her for a long time, and also it was not counted in the settlement of the deceased's estate." She requested a delay of payment until next harvest, which was agreed to by the plaintiff.
On the 6th of July, 1661, the director general and council gave notice that they had sold to "Warnaer Wessels3 and
[Footnotes on Page 55]:
1Paulus Schrick, from Nouremburg, who m. November 29th, 1658, Maria Verlett, widow of Johannes Van Beeck, was a merchant of New Amsterdam as early as 1652, who traded at Albany (Beverwyck), where, in 1654, he purchased property which he sold in 1659, in which year he is styled a merchant at Hartford, to which place he probably removed. He died prior to 1664, for April 9th in that year his widow, "Maria Verleth," married her 3d husband, Willem Teller, one of the first settlers of Schenectady, afterwards a resident of Albany, and in 1692 of the city of New York. On the records, Paulus is styled the Heer, which properly translated means Mister, some translating it Lord, others, the Honorable. On the 31st of August, 1662, he obtained a patent for two morgens at the kolck, New Amsterdam, probably a confirmation of a previous patent of Oct. 7, 1653. May 11th, 1686, Paulus Shrick, of Hartford, m. Maria De Peyster, of New York. This may have been a son of the first Paulus, who in 1681 became a communicant of the Reformed Dutch church of New York.
2A florin or guilder is about forty cents, and a stuyver two cents of our currency.
3A Niccolas Wesell, aged 28, came to Virginia in the Abigall, in 1621, and settled in Elizabeth city. (Hotten's History of Emigrants, p. 182 and 261.)
[footnote cont'd. on page 56]:
Warnaer Wessels farmed the excise on beer and wine retailed in New Amsterdam, Breukelen, Midwout, and Amersfoort, in 1654 and 1655 and probably until 1662 (having associates during a portion of the time), in March, of which year he was arrested and imprisoned for being in arrears.
[Page 56]
Mr. Paulus Van der Beecq," the tenths due that year to the lords patroons from the village of "Breuckelen, the Ferry, Gouwanus and Waalebocht unto the Bouwery of Hans Hansen (Bergen), deceased, inclusive," and ordered the residents within said district "not to remove any Grain, Peas, Maize, or Tobacco from the land, before and until they have agreed for the Tenths with the above mentioned persons," under a penalty of fifty guilders, in addition to the just value of the tenths. (New York Mss. IX, 687.)
On the conquest of the colony of New Netherland by the English in 1664, the governor, as an acknowledgment of their new masters, and perhaps in addition for the purpose of obtaining fees, required the inhabitants to take out new patents. Bogaert, Sarah's second husband, taking advantage of this, appears to have taken out the new patent for Hans Hansen's 200 morgen in his own name, instead of that of Hans's children, who were entitled to the same, and of whose possession of any portion thereof no record has been found, nor any evidence showing that he made them any compensation for their patrimonial estate, unless the payment of a debt due by Hans to the West India Company of 778 gl., or $311.20, which Bogaert paid Oct. 13th, 1671, to the English government, as is hereinafter set forth, is viewed as compensation. It is possible, although not very probable, that compensation was made, and that the written evidence has disappeared in the lapse of time. If Bogaert defrauded the orphan children, he was not the only guilty one, for the records show that in those days there were others similarly situated, who took out the new or
[Page 57]
confirmatory patents in their own names. The patent of Bogaert is as follows:--"Richard Nicolls, Esq. Whereas there was a patent or groundbrief heretofore granted by the Dutch Governor William Kieft unto Hans Hansen, bearing date the 30th day of March, 1647, for a certain parcel of land lying and being in the West Riding of Yorkshire upon Long Island, within the Kill then commonly called Jorse Rapalye's Kill, whose bounds did stretch along by the said Jorse Rapalye's House northeast and by east unto the Plantation then appertaining to Lambert Huberts (Mol), so on to John the Swede's Kill to the markt bounds, and then to the Kill belonging to Mespath by the swamp, from whence to run by the fence of Derick Volckersen's land which he bought of Willcocks, and so along by that belonging to the land of Henry Saetly, containing by estimation about 400 acres of ground, now the right and title to the said parcell of land being devolved upon Teunis Gisberts, who married the widow and Relict of Hans Hansen aforesaid, for a confirmation unto the said Teunis Gisberts," etc.
Dated April 5, 1667.
In consequence of Hans Hansen Bergen and Jores Jansen Rapalie both making their marks to documents,1 it may
[Footnotes on Page 57]:
1Other early emigrants also made their marks, among whom were Wolfert Garretse Van Couwenhoven, ancestor of the Cowenhoven or Conover family; Pieter Claesen, of the Wyckoff family; Albert Albertse, of the Terhune family; Jan Van Ditmarsen, of the Ditmars family; Jan Van Kerk[ERRATA: For "Van Kerk," read "Ver Kerk"], of the Van Kerk family; Pieter Janse, of the Staats family; Jan Van Cleff, of the Van Cleef family; Pieter Cornelise, of the Luyster family; Adriaen Andriesse, of the Onderdonk family; Derick Jansen, of the Hoogland family; Hendrick Willemse, of the Boerum family; Joost Durie, of the Duryea family; Titus Sirox, of the Titus family; Jan Aersen, of the Vanderbilt family; Adam Brower, of the Brower family; Nicholas Stillwell, of the Stillwell family; John Lake, of the Lake family; Thomas Whitlock, of the Whitlock family;
[footnote cont'd. on page 58]:
and nearly all the early residents of Gravesend, very few of the English settlers being able to write.
[Page 58]
perhaps fairly be inferred that they were illiterate men in an age when the natives of Holland were generally educated, and carried their schoolmasters as well as clergymen with them to their colonies; but this is not positive evidence, for it was customary in those days for persons who were able to write, in some instances to make a mark, the same as a seal is affixed to writings. The writer has, however, in no instance seen their signatures, and perhaps they were less educated than the Hollanders, being natives of other lands.
On the 12th of February, 1667, a patent was granted to "Sarah, the widow of Hans Hans," upon a transcript bearing date the 10th day of March, 1663, made by Johannes Megapolensis,1 for a certain lot of ground in the city of New York, "lying and being on the south side of the Princes Graft, to the West of Michael Jans, and to the East of Susanna the Negrines, containing in breadth on the North and South sides one and fifty foot six inches, and on the West side nine feet."
On the 30th of July, 1671, a patent was granted to "Cathaline, widow of Jores Rapalje," deceased, for a lot in New York.
The following are copies, or abridgments, of the entries on the early colonial records relating to Hans Hansen Bergen, and which have a bearing upon his biography:--
From vol. 1, p. 19, Dutch Manuscripts, office secretary
[Footnotes on Page 58]:
1Jobannes Megapolensis was the first minister of Albany, where he commenced service under the patronage of the patroon, in 1642. In 1649, he served the church in New Amsterdam, and died about 1669. He was the first protestant missionary to the Indians, preceding by several years John Eliot in New England. His father was a minister in Koedyk in Holland, and his son Samuel was minister in New York from 1664 to 1668.
[Page 59]
state, Albany, and vol. 1, p. 22, of O'Callaghan's manuscript translation:
"Conditions and stipulations agreed on between Andries Hudde and Hans Hansen Noorman on the 9th day of July, 1638, in manner as hereafter followeth.
"1. The above named Andries Hudde shall by the first opportunity of ships send hither from Holland to Hans Hansen aforesaid 6 to 8 persons, with implements necessary for a Tobacco plantation.
"2. Hans Hansen shall be bound to place the aforesaid persons on the Flatland situate on the Island of the Manhates behind Corlaers land.
"3. Hudde shall be bound to pay the expenses of the passage over and of engaging them, and to send the vouchers of expenses over with them.
"4. Hans Hansen shall also be bound to provide dwellings and Tobacco houses, as many as the time will permit; he shall also be bound to put the persons who shall come from Patria (fatherland) to work for the profit of them.
"5. Hans Hansen also shall have authority over them in Hudde's absence, without being therein commanded by others. He shall likewise be bound to repay half the expenses which the abovenamed Hudde shall incur. In like manner he must also provide such supply of victuals as shall be necessary for so many persons on condition that Andries Hudde shall in like manner repay half the expense which Hans shall incur here.
"Mr. Hudde shall also be bound to pay Hans Hansen for his industry whatever arbitrators shall judge right. Likewise, Hudde shall not be at liberty to demand from said Hans Hansen any rent for the land, but shall be bound to assist in every way with effects (goods) which
[Page 60]
"he hath here, if he have no use for them and were not prevented; and all this until Hudde shall have returned back, when further arrangements shall be made. For what is above written parties pledge their persons and property real and personal, present and future, submitting to the Provincial Court of Holland, and all other Courts, Judges and Justices, all in good faith without guile or deceit. In testimony of this these presents are confirmed with our usual signatures.
"Thus done in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland this 10th July ? 1638.
"A. HUDDEN. "This is the mark of "Hans Hansen aforesaid."
From vol. 1, p. 23 of Dutch Manuscripts, office secretary state, Albany, O'Callaghan's manuscript translation:
"This day, date underwritten, before me Cornelis Van Tienhoven, Secretary of New Netherland, appeared Hans Hansen van Bergen en Norwegan (from Bergen in Norway), and he the appearer declared that he hath granted full power and authority to the Honble wise and prudent Mr Wouter Van Twiller, late Director of New Netherlands, as he hereby constitutes and empowers the above named Van Twiller to collect all such moneys as are due to the appearer from Isbrant Adriaensen or his heirs, and the aforesaid Van Twiller shall have power to dispose of the said moneys as the appearer shall order him, holding as satisfied and paid whenever the heirs shall have satisfied and paid the aforesaid moneys to the Honble Mr Van
[Page 61]
"Twiller, hereby also exonerating them from all further demands.
"This done in Fort Amsterdam on the Island Manhates this 18th July ? 1638.
"This is the mark of Hans Han'sen
"from Bergen aforesaid."
From vol. IV, p. 76, Dutch Manuscripts, office secretary state, Albany, and as translated by O'Callaghan:
"Aug. 30, 1640.
"Jan Jacobsen from Vreeland,1 plff.,
"David Davitsen2 and Hans
Noorman, defts.
"In case of delivery of fence rails.
"After defendants had acknowledged to have purchased 800 fence rails from the plaintiff, which they have not received, the plaintiff is held to prove that he had said 800 fence rails in the woods."
No further entry of the case, and probably settled.
[Footnotes on Page 61]:
1Jan. Jacobsen was in New Amsterdam as early as Sept. 25th, 1633, on which date he let Hendrick. Herman or Harmensen have six cows on halves. Aug. 15th, 1639, he entered into a marriage contract with Marrctje Peters, of Copenhagen, and July 6th, 1643, he bought of Jan Fransen a house and farm on Manhattan Island, which he afterwards sold to Lambert Van Valckenburch. The Vreelands are numerous in Hudson county, New Jersey, but they are the descendants of Michiel Jansen, who came from Brockhuysen, Holland, in 1636.
2David Davitsen's name, an Englishman by birth, first appears on the records of the colony on the 13th of January, 1639. December 14th, 1640, he with others leased of Director Kieft a tract of land on Manhattan Island near Bestevaer's cripplebush. In 1649 he with others purchased a large tract of the Indians on the South river (Delaware), where he then resided.
[Page 62]
In a matter relating to a yawl, the following entry occurs on the colonial records, in 1642:
"Andries Jansen declares that Mr Moyr made an agreement with ?? in the beginning of the year 1642, that he should make his yawl as wide as Frederix's yawl, for 125 gl.
11th July, 1642."
December 11th, 1641 (page 141, vol. IV, O'Callaghan's Manual translation Dutch records):
"Nicholas Looper, pltff.,
"George Rapalje, also against ??, Defts.
"Pltff. demands restitution of a cross cut saw which ?? has in his home.
"Ordered that ?? bring the saw here the next court day."
Jan. 8th, 1642 (page 143, vol. IV, O'Callaghan's Manual translation Dutch records):
"??, Pltff.,
"Nicolas Sloper (Looper), Deft.
"Pltff. demands from Deft. a cross cut saw which he says belongs to him.
"Deft. denies the demand; offers to leave it to his oath.
"Pltff. cannot prove that it is his saw and declines the oath.
"Deft. swears the saw belongs to him.
"Plff's demand is dismissed and he is condemned."
[Page 63]
From vol. II, p. 187, of O'Callaghan's Manual translation Dutch Manuscripts:
"William Smith residing at Stamford, acknowledges to have received the following cattle from ?? and George Rapalje on the following conditions to wit:--If said cattle shall arrive at Stanford healthy and strong, and remain in health, he William Smith, promises to restore the said cattle within a year from date at Stanford, provided that the increase shall be divided half and half. It is also stipulated that ?? and George Rapalje shall run the risk of the death (of the cattle); but if the cattle happen to die through the neglect of William Smith, he must pay for them.
"The following are the cattle delivered by ??:
"Two milch cows, one of which is with calf.
"One ox of last year.
"One heifer of last year.
"One bull calf of 1644.
"One heifer calf. of 1644.
"Two mares, 1 of 6 and the other of four years.
"Four sows.
"The following are the cattle delivered by Geo. Rapalje:
"Two milch cows.
"Two heifers of 1644.
"One heifer of 1644.
"He William Smith submits his person and property to all costs.
"Done the 23d April ? 1644 in Fort Amsterdam, New Netherland.
"This is the mark of
"William Smith.
"To my knowledge.
[Page 64]
In April, 1625, the first cattle of which we have any account were sent to the colony, consisting of 103 head of stallions, mares, bulls and cows for breeding, and a considerable number of sheep. They were landed on Nooten, now Governor's Island, but were soon transferred to Manhattan Island, in consequence of the want of water. The first account of cattle on a farm, is in a lease of Jan. 24th, 1638, of Cornelis Van Tienhoven of his bowery, called Vredendale, for six years to Claes Cornelisen Swits and Jan Claes Alteras, in which it was stipulated that Van Tienheven should furnish his tenants with four mares and three cows: the first of swine, in a lease of May 14th, 1638, of Barent Dircksen to Cornelis Jacobsen and son: and the first of goats, is the hiring for three years, on the 18th of July, 1638, of two on halves by Wouter Van Twiller to Jurian Rodolph.
In 1640 the price of fresh meat was 5 stivers (10 cents) per pound; in 1650 about the same price, in which year a milch cow with her second or third calf was worth 130 gl., or $52, a year old sow from 20 to 24 gl., and a ewe sheep the same price.
From vol. II, p. 136, Dutch Manual, office secretary of state, Albany, and vol. II, p. 235, O'Callaghan's translation Dutch Manuscripts:
"Before me, Cornelis Van Tienheven, Secretary of New Netherland, appeared ??, who in the presence of the undersigned witnesses acknowledges to be well and truly indebted unto Cornelis Maersen,1 residing in the colonie of the Patroon Renselaer, in the sum of two hundred and fifty guilders, being for the purchase of one hundred skepels of wheat delivered to him
[Footnotes on Page 64]:
1Cornelis Maeson or Maersen purchased, Oct. 24th, 1646, the plantation of Volckert Evertsen on the North river, adjoining the plantation of Wonter Van Twiller and Thomas ??.
[Page 65]
"by John Damen1 before the execution hereof. Which aforesaid sum he, ?? promises to pay on the first of April next ? 1645. For further security and performance hereof, free of costs and charges he, ?? pledges his person and property, movable and immovable, present and future, submitting the same to all courts, tribunals and judges.
"In testimony whereof this is signed by ?? and the witnesses hereunto invited this 9th December ? 1644, in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland.
"This is the mark of ??
"made by himself.2
"This is the mark
of George Rapalje made by himself as witness.
"WILLEM DE KAY, witness.
"To my knowledge,
[Footnotes on Page 65]:
1John or Jan Janse Damen obtained a patent April 16th, 1638, for two lots in New Amsterdam, where he resided. March 15th, 1645, he received a patent for ?? morgens and 386 rods of land, called the Kalck hook on Manhattan Island, which for the past ten years had been in his possession. He made his will Jan. 12th, 1649, and Jan. 21st, 1651, Ariaentje Cuirllje, his widow, appointed curators to his estate. There was a Jan Cornelise Damen, who bought in 1686 the patent of Pieter Ceaser Italian of June 17th, 1643, at the Waalebocht, of 24 morgens and 250 rods and upwards, which Jan Cornelise m. Fytje or Sophia Martens, and had seven children baptized in this country.
2This mark, it will be perceived, differs from the preceding ones, but there is no question of its being that of Hans Hansen. George Rapalic, the father-in-law of Hanse, and a witness on the obligation, in another obligation of about the same period, acknowledged himself to be indebted unto Cornelis Maersen 250 gl. for 86 skepels of wheat, to which Hans Hansen as a witness makes the same mark.
[Page 66]
From vol. IV, p. 286, O'Callaghan's translation Dutch Manuscripts, office secretary state, Albany:
"Aug. 23d, 1646.
"At the request of Cosyn Gerritsen1 it is ordered that ?? prove in eight days that the sword sold by him to the petitioner belonged to him, and no one had any claim to it. In default whereof the attachment is dissolved."
"Aug. 30th, 1646.
"??, Pltff.,
"Cosyn Gerritsen, Deft.
"For payment of a sword.
"Plea and answer being heard, Cosyn Gerritsen is condemned to pay for the sword, or to prove, as he says that the sword was the company's."
[Footnotes on Page 66]:
1The first account of Cosyn Gerritsen (Van Putten), is of March 30th, 1640, when he gave a power of attorney to Aert Gerritsen to collect money coming to him, probably a legacy, from the estate of his deceased aunt (Susanna Ellfertsen), of Hoom in Holland. May 10th, 1640, he had a son Gerrit baptized in New Amsterdam, and several children afterwards. From an indenture of June 15th, 1643, of Albert Cornelisen (Wanetenaer), to Cosyn Gerritsen, it appears that he was a wheelwright by trade. May 13th, 1647, he received a patent for 34 morgens land on Manhattan Island, adjoining Van Twiller plantation and the Sapokan wagon road. Putten is a town in Gelderland, of 3,233 inhabitants in 1841.
[Page 67]
From vol. IV, p. 239, Dutch Manuscripts, office secretary of state, Albany, and as translated by Dr. O'Callaghan:
"Nov. 7, 1645.
"??, Pltff.,
"Lambert Clomp,1 Deft.
"On payment of 255 ft. to deliver the half of a 'shaloup'" (sloop).
"Defendant acknowledged to have purchased the sloop, on condition that it was delivered tight and should be seaworthy.
"Ordered, if the vendor can prove that the sloop was seaworthy, when the sale took place or afterwards, and that Cornelis Teunesen2 neglected or refused to fulfill the contract, then Deft. is condemned to pay according to agreement."
From vol. IV, p. 251, Dutch Manuscripts, office secretary state, Albany, and as translated by Dr. O'Callaghan:
"Feby 8, 1646.
"??, Pltff.
"Lambert Clomp, Deft.
"For purchase of sloop Pharnambucko.
"Having seen the suit between Plff. and Deft. for sale
Hans Hansen Bergen, the common ancestor of the Bergen family of Long Island, New Jersey and their vicinity, was a native of Bergen, Norway. He was a ship carpenter by trade and moved to Holland. From Holland he emigrated, in 1633 to New Amsterdam, New Netherland, now New York, probably arriving at Fort Amsterdam in April of that year with Wouter Van Twiller, the second Director General, in one of the vessels of the Dutch fleet, consisting of the West India Company's ships, "The Salt Mountain", a vessel of twenty guns, commanded by Juriean Blanck.
Among the many names of Hans Hansen Bergen are that of "Hans Hansen van Bergen in Noorwegan", "Hans Hansen de Noorman", "Hans Hansz", "Hans Hansen", etc.
In 1638 Hans Hansen Bergen was engaged in the operation of a tobacco plantation on land of Andries Hudden on Manhattan Island, situated near the North River of New Netherlands in the area now know as Greenwich Village.. In 1643, Bergen was engaged at his trade of shipwright, in addition to his tobacco cultivation. On March 30, 1647, Hans Hansen Bergen obtained, from Governor Kieft, a patent for a piece of land situated on Long Island ( now located at what is presently Brooklyn) at the Wallabout, for some 200 morgens (about 400 acres). He continued to reside there until his death which took place at the latter part of 1653, or the beginning of 1654.
There is a tradition in the family, which probably may have some foundation, that Hans Hansen Bergen, while engaged in the cultivation of his plantation, was chased by the Indians, when for safety, he took refuge in a tree, where they soon discovered him. Supposing his end to be near, he commenced singing in a melodious voice, with which he was blessed, the Dutch hymn which commences with "In mijn grootse nood o' Heere" or “In my Greatest Need O Lord”. His singing so charmed the Indians, that after listening for some time in delight, they left him unmolested and free to go on his way rejoicing.
He and his wife, Sarah Rapalie were first members of the Reformed Dutch Church of the City of New York and thereafter with the Dutch Reformed Church of Brooklyn. The children of Hans Hansen Bergen and his wife, Sarah Rapalie are: 1. Anneken, baptized July 22, 1640 2. Brecktje, baptized July 27, 1642 3. Jan, baptized April 17, 1644 4. Michiel, baptized November 4, 1646 5. Joris, baptized July 18, 1694 6. Marritje, baptized October 8, 1651 7. Jacob, baptized September 21, 1653, and 8. Catalyn, baptized November 30, 1653, who probably died young.
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My husband died on 23 Aug. 1990 so genealogy became the lowest priority in life - in fact it sat on the back burner until late 1993 and then started back up slowly
In 1997 I bought family Tree with some data disks and foudn the "cheaper" ones to help me finish documenting what I had
@R1400726690@ U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,60525::0 1,60525::118366823
@R1400726690@ U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,60525::0 1,60525::118366823
@R1400726690@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=113667298&pi...
@R503450768@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=158643364&pi...
Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. @R53090871@
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=151966435&pi...
1600 |
Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
1633 |
Age 33
New York
Emmigrated via Holland to New Amsterdam in 1633 |
Age 33
New Amsterdam, New Netherlands
Age 33
New Amsterdam, New Netherlands
1640 |
July 22, 1640
Flatbush, New Netherland Colony
1642 |
July 27, 1642
New Amsterdam, New Netherland Colony
1643 |
1644 |
April 17, 1644
Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, United States