Immediate Family
About Hatheburg, Countess of Merseburg
Was Gerlint of Merseburg a sister or another name of Hatheburg?
Hatheburg of Merseburg: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hatheburg of Merseburg Born 876 Died after 909
Spouse(s): Henry the Fowler
Issue: Thankmar
Hatheburg Father: Erwin of Merseburg:
Hatheburg (also Hatheburch) (* 876 in Merseburg; † on 21 June after 909) was the first wife of Henry the Fowler, later king of East Francia (Germany). After their marriage was dissolved, Hatheburg became abbess of a convent.
Hatheburg was the daughter of Erwin of Mersburg, who possessed property in Hassegau and Friesenfeld. The name of Hatheburg's mother is Wendilgarde and her mother's sister, Hildegard, was married to Thietmar, Count of Merseburg, who was Henry the Fowler's military tutor (vir disciplinae militaris peritissmus). Erwin had no sons and Hatheburg and her sister were the heirs to his property.
Erwin Graf von Merseburg
- vor 909
Eventuell Sohn des Grafen Albwin
Lexikon des Mittelalters: Band III Spalte 2191
- ******************** Erwin, Graf von Merseburg
+ vor 909
Schwiegervater König HEINRICHS I.
Erwin war reich begüterter Herr der Merseburger Altenburg und - obwohl nicht als comes nachgewiesen - wahrscheinlich Graf im Hochseegau
oo Tante mütterlicherseits des Grafen Siegfried (+ 937)
Er hinterließ sein Erbe zwei Töchtern, deren eine, Hatheburg, sich vor 909 in zweiter Ehe mit HEINRICH I. vermählte. Obwohl nach der Geburt Thangmars die Ehe annulliert wurde, behielt HEINRICH das Erbe des Grafen Erwin. Der Streit um diesen Besitz war 938 wesentliche Ursache für den Aufstand Thangmars gegen seinen Halbbruder OTTO I.
R. Schölkopf, Die sächs. Grafen (919-1024)(Stud. und Vorarb. zum Hist. Atlas Niedersachsens 22, 1957), 35.
"King Henry I"
In those fighting , HEINRICH had recognized the importance of a place that had long played a role as a border festival against the Sorbs. It was Merseburg that was in the early stages of urban development and whose "old castle" belonged to Count Erwin . In the mighty belt, the goods of the Liudolfing house moved from the Harz to S-Thuringia, westwards to Eichsfeld and Hersfeld Abbey, from the Elbe to Werra and Fulda. There was only one major gap in this move: on that Saalebogen, as crowning and dominating the country was Merseburg. From here, the count Erwin den Hasgau and den , who had probably been tested and perhaps fallen in the border fightGau Friesenfeld (Frisonenfeld) managed. His daughters were two daughters; one of them, Hatheburg , married but widowed again, the other unknown by name and fate. The Church had focused on the rich and politically significant inheritance; under her influence, Hatheburg probably took the veil.
W aitz, Georg: Page 15
Check: "Stuart, Roderick W. 'Royalty for Commoners, The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philippa'. Fourth edition, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company."
Hatheburg, Countess of Merseburg's Timeline
876 |
877 |
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890 |
905 |
Weimar, Thüringen, Ostenfrankenreich
906 |
Köln, (Present North Rhine-Westphalia), Herzogtum Lotharingia, Ostenfrankenreich (Present Germany)
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