GEOFFROY de Bretagne, son of CONAN I "le Tort" Duke of Brittany & his wife Ermengarde d'Anjou ([980]-20 Nov 1008). His parentage is confirmed by the Chronico Sancti Michaelis which records that "Gaufridus Dux Britanniæ filius Conani filii Juhelli Berengarii" died in 1008 "dum pergeret Romam causa orationis"[137]. He succeeded his father 992 as GEOFFROY I Duke of Brittany. A charter dated 1026 recalls that "Gaufridus, Conani Curvi filius" was killed "apud Concuruz prelium"[138]. The Chronicon Kemperlegiense records the death "dum pergeret Romam" in 1008 of "Gauffridus Dux Britanniæ filius Conani filii Iuhaëlis Berengarii"[139]. m (996) HAVISE de Normandie daughter of RICHARD I "Sans-Peur" Comte [de Normandie] & his second wife Gunnora --- (-21 Feb 1034). Guillaume of Jumièges names “Emma...secunda Hadvis...tertia Mathildis” as the three daughters of Richard and his wife “Gunnor ex nobilissima Danorum prosapia ortam”, adding that Havise married “Goiffredo Britannorum comiti” by whom she had “Alanum et Eudonem duces”[140]. A charter dated 1008 records that, after the death of "Gaufrido comite Britanniæ", "filii eius Alanus et Eudo cum matre eorum Hadeguisia" restored the abbey of Saint-Méen[141]. "…Aduise matre eorum comitum…" signed the charter dated to [1013/22] under which "Alanus et Egio Britannorum monarchi" founded the priory of Livré "in pago Redonensi"[142]. The Chronico Kemperlegiensi records the death "1034 IX Kal Mar" of "Haduisa comitissa Britanniæ, vidua Gauffridi"[143].
Duke Geoffroy I & his wife had three children:
1. ALAIN de Bretagne ([997]-poisoned Montgommery 1 Oct 1040). A charter dated 1026 recalls that "Gaufridus, Conani Curvi filius" was killed "apud Concuruz prelium", stating that "quo defuncto, Alanus filius eius…renum patris suscipiens", witnessed by "Alanus comes…Heudo frater eius"[144]. Guillaume of Jumièges names “Emma...secunda Hadvis...tertia Mathildis” as the three daughters of Richard and his wife “Gunnor ex nobilissima Danorum prosapia ortam”, adding that Havise married “Goiffredo Britannorum comiti” by whom she had “Alanum et Eudonem duces”[145]. He succeeded his father in 1008 as ALAIN III Duke of Brittany. The Chronicon Kemperlegiense records that "Alanus filius eius" succeeded "Gauffridus Dux Britanniæ filius Conani filii Iuhaëlis Berengarii" in 1008[146]. A charter dated 1008 records that, after the death of "Gaufrido comite Britanniæ", "filii eius Alanus et Eudo cum matre eorum Hadeguisia" restored the abbey of Saint-Méen[147]. "Alanus et Egio Britannorum monarchi" founded the priory of Livré "in pago Redonensi" by charter dated to [1013/22], signed by "…Aduise matre eorum comitum, Rivalloni vicarii, Triscanni…"[148]. "Alanus Britannice gentis dux atque princeps" founded the abbey of Saint-Georges de Rennes by charter dated to [1028/30], witnessed by "Eudo meus germanus, Gozolinus vicecomes, Rivallonis vicarius, Alanus Cornugallie comes…"[149]. Orderic Vitalis records that "Alannus Britannorum comes" was poisoned “a Normannis in Normania”[150]. The Chronicon Britannico records the death in 1040 of "Alanus Comes Redonensis", another manuscript specifying that "Alanus Dux Britanniæ" died "Kal Apr"[151]. m (1018) as her first husband, BERTHE de Blois, daughter of EUDES II Comte de Blois et de Chartres & his second wife Ermengarde d'Auvergne (-[11/13] Apr 1085). The Chronicon Kemperlegiense records that "Alanus filius eius" succeeded "Gauffridus Dux Britanniæ filius Conani filii Iuhaëlis Berengarii" and married "Bertham filiam Odonis Comitis Carnotensis"[152]. The Flandria Generosa names "Berta comitissa" daughter of "altera Ermengardis comitissa", when outlining the basis for the consanguinity between Baudouin VII Count of Flanders and his wife Havise de Bretagne which constituted grounds for the couple's separation[153]. She married secondly (after 14 May 1046) Hugues IV Comte du Maine (-26 Mar 1051). The Actus pontificum Cenomannis records that Bishop Gervais arranged the marriage of "Hugonem…Herberti filium" and "Bertam…Alani Britannorum comitis olim coniugem"[154]. Orderic Vitalis records that "Hugo filius Herberti", after the death of "Alannus Britannorum comes" who was poisoned “a Normannis in Normania”, married “Bertam ipsius relictam, Tedbaldi Blesensium comitis sororem”[155]. Her second marriage is confirmed by the Chronicon Ruyensis Cœnobii which records the death in 1062 of "Herbertus Cenomannensium Comes et frater uterinus Conani ducis"[156]. "Berta comitissa Alani Redonensis ducis uxor" donated property to Sainte-Croix de Quimperlé, for the souls of "filie nostre Hadeuis comitisse Hoelis ducis Britannie conjugis et…filiorum suorum, meorum…nepotum Alani et Mathie", by charter dated 1075, signed by "Alanus nothus filius Conani comitis…familiars comitisse Haduis neptis mee…"[157]. The Chronicon Britannico records the death in 1084 of "Bertha Comitissa mater Conani"[158]. The Chronicon Britannico Alter records the death in 1085 of "Bertha religiosa Comitissa", stating that she restored "Monasterium S. Melanii"[159]. The necrology of Chartres cathedral records the death "II Id Apr" of "Berta comitissa"[160]. The Chronicon Ruyensis Cœnobii records the death in 1085 of "Berthæ comitissæ"[161]. The Chronicon Kemperlegiensis records the death "Kal Jun" in 1085 of "Bertha Comitissa Britanniæ, mater Conani Ducis, soror Fulconis"[162], although no other record has been found which confirms that Berthe had a brother named Foulques. Mistress (1): ---. The name of Duke Alain's mistress is not known. Duke Alain III & his wife had two children: a) CONAN de Bretagne (-[Anjou] 11 Dec 1066). His parentage is confirmed by the necrology entry which names his mother (see below), read together with the sources which confirm his mother's marriage. He succeeded his father in 1040 as CONAN II Duke of Brittany, but was deprived of the duchy by his paternal uncle Eudes. He retaliated, captured Eudes and imprisoned him in chains, confirming himself as duke in 1057[163]. "Abbatissa…Addela…soror…Alani Britannie ducis" issued a charter dated 1050, before "Conanum comitem…eius nepotem", relating to the rights of the abbey of Saint-Georges de Rennes[164]. The Breton/Norman war of 1064/65 was triggered by the rebellion of Rivallon [I] de Dol, who was supported by Guillaume II Duke of Normandy. Robert of Torigny records the death in 1066 of "Conanus dux Britanniæ"[165]. The Chronicon Britannico records the death in 1066 of "Conanus dux Britanniæ filius Alani"[166]. Another manuscript of the Chronicon Britannico names "Comes Britannorum Conanus iuvenis et maliciosus" when recording that he attacked Anjou and died there in 1066[167]. The necrology of Chartres cathedral records the death "III Id Dec" of "Conanus Britannorum comes", stating that "Berta comitissa mater eius" donated property for his soul[168]. Conan had one illegitimate son by an unknown mistress: i) ALAIN (-after 1075). "Alanus nothus filius Conani comitis" witnessed the charter dated 1075 under which "Berta comitissa Alani Redonensis ducis uxor" donated property to Sainte-Croix de Quimperlé, for the souls of "filie nostre Hadeuis comitisse Hoelis ducis Britannie conjugis et…filiorum suorum, meorum…nepotum Alani et Mathie"[169]. b) HAVISE de Bretagne (-19 Aug 1072). The Flandria Generosa names "Havisis Namnetensis comitissa" as daughter of "Berta comitissa", when outlining the basis for the consanguinity between Baudouin VII Count of Flanders and his wife Havise de Bretagne which constituted grounds for the couple's separation[170]. The Chronicon Briocensi records the marriage of "Hasevisiam sororem…Conani Ducis" and "Hoellus Dux"[171]. Her marriage is confirmed by the charter dated to before 1072 under which "Constancius" donated property to the abbey of Redon with the consent of "Jedear uxore mea" and affirmed by "Hoel comes et Haduis comitissa, Alanus et Mathias et Eudo filii eorum"[172], read together with another passage in the Flandria Generosa which names "comes Alanus" as son of "Havisis Namnetensis comitissa"[173]. She was heiress of her brother Conan II Duke of Brittany in 1066. The necrology of Chartres cathedral records the death "XIV Kal Sep" of "Haduisis filia Berta comitisse"[174]. The Chronicon Universum in the cartulary of Sainte-Croix de Quimperlé records the death in 1072 of "Hadeuguis comitissa"[175]. m (1066) HOËL Comte de Nantes, de Cornouaïlle, et de Léon, son of ALAIN "Caignart" Comte de Cornouaïlle & his wife Judith de Nantes (-13 Apr 1084). Duke Alain III had one illegitimate child by Mistress (1): c) GEOFFROY (-St Courentin 25 Oct 1084). The Historia sancti Florentii Salmurensis records the donation by "comes Brittaniæ Goffredus cognomento Bastardus cum…uxoris suæ Bertæ", undated[176]. His parentage is suggested by the charter dated 1050 relating to the abbey of Saint-Georges de Rennes witnessed by "Comes Eudo et nepos eius Gaufridus, Robertus vicecomes et frater eius Eudo…Guichomarus filius Alani vicecomitis…"[177]. The Chronicon Britannico Alter records that "Gaufredus Comes bastardus" was captured in 1084 "apud Redonensem urbem"[178]. The Chronicon Kemperlegiensis records that "Gaufridus Comes Redonensis nothus" died in captivity in 1084 "apud Sanctum Courentinum…XXV Oct"[179]. m BERTHE, daughter of ---. The Historia sancti Florentii Salmurensis records the donation by "comes Brittaniæ Goffredus cognomento Bastardus cum…uxoris suæ Bertæ", undated[180].
2. EUDES de Bretagne (-Cesson 1079, bur Saint-Brieuc). Guillaume of Jumièges names “Emma...secunda Hadvis...tertia Mathildis” as the three daughters of Richard and his wife “Gunnor ex nobilissima Danorum prosapia ortam”, adding that Havise married “Goiffredo Britannorum comiti” by whom she had “Alanum et Eudonem duces”[181]. A charter dated 1008 records that, after the death of "Gaufrido comite Britanniæ", "filii eius Alanus et Eudo cum matre eorum Hadeguisia" restored the abbey of Saint-Méen[182]. "Alanus et Egio Britannorum monarchi" founded the priory of Livré "in pago Redonensi" by charter dated to [1013/22], signed by "…Aduise matre eorum comitum, Rivalloni vicarii, Triscanni…"[183]. A charter dated 1026 recalls that "Gaufridus, Conani Curvi filius" was killed "apud Concuruz prelium", recalling that "quo defuncto, Alanus filius eius…renum patris suscipiens", witnessed by "Alanus comes…Heudo frater eius"[184]. "Alanus Britannice gentis dux atque princeps" founded the abbey of Saint-Georges de Rennes by charter dated to [1028/30], witnessed by "Eudo meus germanus, Gozolinus vicecomes, Rivallonis vicarius, Alanus Cornugallie comes…"[185]. Eudes appears to have ruled Brittany jointly with his brother until the death of their mother in 1034. Following disputes with his brother, a division of territories was agreed, Eudes taking the dioceses of Dol, Saint Malo, Saint Brieuc and Tréguier, at which time he can be said to have become Comte de Penthièvre. "Manigenius…miles" founded the priory of Saint-Cyr-lès-Rennes and donated it to Tours Saint-Julien by charter dated 23 May 1037, subscribed by "Alanus dux…Eudonis fratris Alani ducis Britannorum, Gotzelini vicecomitis, Rualentis domini Doli…"[186]. After the death of his brother in 1040, Eudes seized Brittany and excluded his nephew, succeeding as EUDES I Duke of Brittany. According to Orderic Vitalis, Eudes ruled the country "freely without acknowledging any lord for 15 years"[187]. However, his nephew retaliated, captured Eudes and imprisoned him in chains[188]. - COMTES de PENTHIEVRE.
3. ADELA de Bretagne (-1067). "Abbatissa…Addela…soror…Alani Britannie ducis" issued a charter dated 1050, before "Conanum comitem…eius nepotem", relating to the rights of the abbey of Saint-Georges de Rennes[189]. The Chronicon Ruyensis Cœnobii records the death in 1067 of "Adela Abbatissa Conani Ducis amita"[190]. Abbess of Saint-Georges at Rennes.
Profile was originally held to be married to Robert d'Ivry as below [keeping this note in case doubt is cast in the future] Terry jackson Curator 23/Nov. 2014
From Medlands
son of --- (-[1060] or after). m as her first husband, AUBREE, daughter of ---. Chibnall speculates that she may have been Aubrée, illegitimate daughter of Hugues d'Ivry Bishop of Bayeux & his mistress ---, which would have provided her grandson with a claim to Ivry by inheritance[965], although this assumes that her illegitimacy presented no obstacle to such a claim. Her two marriages are shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[966] but the primary sources which confirm them have not yet been identified. She married secondly Albert de Cravent. Robert & his wife had [two] children
Parents: Richard 'Sans-Peur' and Gunnor de Crépon
Spouse: Geoffroy de Bretagne
1. Alain de Bretagne
2. Evenus
3. Eudes, Comte de Penthievre
4. Adela
7. HAVISE (-21 Feb 1034). Guillaume de Jumièges names Hadvise, wife of "Geoffroi comte des Bretons", as the second of the three daughters of Duke Richard and Gunnora, and in a later passage records her marriage after the death of her father[121].
A charter dated 1008 records that, after the death of "Gaufrido comite Britanniæ", "filii eius Alanus et Eudo cum matre eorum Hadeguisia" restored the abbey of Saint-Méen[122]. "…Aduise matre eorum comitum…" signed the charter dated to [1013/22] under which "Alanus et Egio Britannorum monarchi" founded the priory of Livré "in pago Redonensi"[123].
The Chronico Kemperlegiensi records the death "1034 IX Kal Mar" of "Haduisa comitissa Britanniæ, vidua Gauffridi"[124].
m (996) GEOFFROY I Duke of Brittany, son of CONAN I "le Tort" Duke of Brittany & his wife Ermengarde d'Anjou ([980]-20 Nov 1008).
GEOFFROY de Bretagne, son of CONAN I "le Tort" Duke of Brittany & his wife Ermengarde d'Anjou ([980]-20 Nov 1008). His parentage is confirmed by the Chronico Sancti Michaelis which records that "Gaufridus Dux Britanniæ filius Conani filii Juhelli Berengarii" died in 1008 "dum pergeret Romam causa orationis"[136]. He succeeded his father 992 as GEOFFROY I Duke of Brittany. Guillaume de Jumièges records that comte Geoffroy died on the return journey from a pilgrimage to Rome, having left his two sons under the protection of Richard II Duke of Normandy[137]. A charter dated 1026 recalls that "Gaufridus, Conani Curvi filius" was killed "apud Concuruz prelium"[138]. The Chronicon Kemperlegiense records the death "dum pergeret Romam" in 1008 of "Gauffridus Dux Britanniæ filius Conani filii Iuhaëlis Berengarii"[139].
m (996) HAVISE de Normandie, daughter of RICHARD I "Sans-Peur" Comte [de Normandie] & his second wife Gunnora --- (-21 Feb 1034). Guillaume de Jumièges names Hadvise, wife of "Geoffroi comte des Bretons", as the second of the three daughters of Duke Richard and Gunnora, and in a later passage records her marriage after the death of her father[140]. A charter dated 1008 records that, after the death of "Gaufrido comite Britanniæ", "filii eius Alanus et Eudo cum matre eorum Hadeguisia" restored the abbey of Saint-Méen[141]. "…Aduise matre eorum comitum…" signed the charter dated to [1013/22] under which "Alanus et Egio Britannorum monarchi" founded the priory of Livré "in pago Redonensi"[142]. The Chronico Kemperlegiensi records the death "1034 IX Kal Mar" of "Haduisa comitissa Britanniæ, vidua Gauffridi"[143].
Duke Geoffroy I & his wife had four children:
1. ALAIN de Bretagne ([997]-poisoned Montgommery 1 Oct 1040). A charter dated 1026 recalls that "Gaufridus, Conani Curvi filius" was killed "apud Concuruz prelium", stating that "quo defuncto, Alanus filius eius…renum patris suscipiens", witnessed by "Alanus comes…Heudo frater eius"[144]. Guillaume de Jumièges names "Alain et Eudes" as the two sons of Geoffroy and Havise[145]. He succeeded his father in 1008 as ALAIN III Duke of Brittany. The Chronicon Kemperlegiense records that "Alanus filius eius" succeeded "Gauffridus Dux Britanniæ filius Conani filii Iuhaëlis Berengarii" in 1008[146]. A charter dated 1008 records that, after the death of "Gaufrido comite Britanniæ", "filii eius Alanus et Eudo cum matre eorum Hadeguisia" restored the abbey of Saint-Méen[147]. "Alanus et Egio Britannorum monarchi" founded the priory of Livré "in pago Redonensi" by charter dated to [1013/22], signed by "…Aduise matre eorum comitum, Rivalloni vicarii, Triscanni…"[148]. "Alanus Britannice gentis dux atque princeps" founded the abbey of Saint-Georges de Rennes by charter dated to [1028/30], witnessed by "Eudo meus germanus, Gozolinus vicecomes, Rivallonis vicarius, Alanus Cornugallie comes…"[149]. Orderic Vitalis states that Duke Alain was "poisoned in Normandy by the Normans"[150]. The Chronicon Britannico records the death in 1040 of "Alanus Comes Redonensis", another manuscript specifying that "Alanus Dux Britanniæ" died "Kal Apr"[151]. m (1018) as her first husband, BERTHE de Blois, daughter of EUDES II Comte de Blois et de Chartres & his second wife Ermengarde d'Auvergne (-[11/13] Apr 1085). Her parentage and both her marriages are recorded to by Orderic Vitalis[152]. The Chronicon Kemperlegiense records that "Alanus filius eius" succeeded "Gauffridus Dux Britanniæ filius Conani filii Iuhaëlis Berengarii" and married "Bertham filiam Odonis Comitis Carnotensis"[153]. The Flandria Generosa names "Berta comitissa" daughter of "altera Ermengardis comitissa", when outlining the basis for the consanguinity between Baudouin VII Count of Flanders and his wife [Hawise] de Bretagne which constituted grounds for the couple's separation[154]. She married secondly (after 14 May 1046) Hugues IV Comte de Maine (-26 Mar 1051). The Actus pontificum Cenomannis records that Bishop Gervais arranged the marriage of "Hugonem…Herberti filium" and "Bertam…Alani Britannorum comitis olim coniugem"[155]. Her second marriage is confirmed by the Chronicon Ruyensis Cœnobii which records the death in 1062 of "Herbertus Cenomannensium Comes et frater uterinus Conani ducis"[156]. "Berta comitissa Alani Redonensis ducis uxor" donated property to Sainte-Croix de Quimperlé, for the souls of "filie nostre Hadeuis comitisse Hoelis ducis Britannie conjugis et…filiorum suorum, meorum…nepotum Alani et Mathie", by charter dated 1075, signed by "Alanus nothus filius Conani comitis…familiars comitisse Haduis neptis mee…"[157]. The Chronicon Britannico records the death in 1084 of "Bertha Comitissa mater Conani"[158]. The Chronicon Britannico Alter records the death in 1085 of "Bertha religiosa Comitissa", stating that she restored "Monasterium S. Melanii"[159]. The necrology of Chartres cathedral records the death "II Id Apr" of "Berta comitissa"[160]. The Chronicon Ruyensis Cœnobii records the death in 1085 of "Berthæ comitissæ"[161]. The Chronicon Kemperlegiensis records the death "Kal Jun" in 1085 of "Bertha Comitissa Britanniæ, mater Conani Ducis, soror Fulconis"[162], although no other record has been found which confirms that Berthe had a brother named Foulques. Mistress (1): ---. The name of Duke Alain's mistress is not known. Duke Alain III & his wife had two children:
a) CONAN de Bretagne (-[Anjou] 11 Dec 1066). His parentage is confirmed by the necrology entry which names his mother (see below), read together with the sources which confirm his mother's marriage. He succeeded his father in 1040 as CONAN II Duke of Brittany, but was deprived by his uncle Eudes. He retaliated, captured Eudes and imprisoned him in chains, confirming himself as duke in 1057[163]. "Abbatissa…Addela…soror…Alani Britannie ducis" issued a charter dated 1050, before "Conanum comitem…eius nepotem", relating to the rights of the abbey of Saint-Georges de Rennes[164]. The Breton/Norman war of 1064/65 was triggered by the rebellion of Rivallon [I] de Dol, who was supported by Guillaume II Duke of Normandy. Robert of Torigny records the death in 1066 of "Conanus dux Britanniæ"[165]. The Chronicon Britannico records the death in 1066 of "Conanus dux Britanniæ filius Alani"[166]. Another manuscript of the Chronicon Britannico names "Comes Britannorum Conanus iuvenis et maliciosus" when recording that he attacked Anjou and died there in 1066[167]. The necrology of Chartres cathedral records the death "III Id Dec" of "Conanus Britannorum comes", stating that "Berta comitissa mater eius" donated property for his soul[168]. Conan had one illegitimate son by an unknown mistress:
i) ALAIN (-after 1075). "Alanus nothus filius Conani comitis" witnessed the charter dated 1075 under which "Berta comitissa Alani Redonensis ducis uxor" donated property to Sainte-Croix de Quimperlé, for the souls of "filie nostre Hadeuis comitisse Hoelis ducis Britannie conjugis et…filiorum suorum, meorum…nepotum Alani et Mathie"[169].
b) HAVISE de Bretagne (-19 Aug 1072). The Flandria Generosa names "Havisis Namnetensis comitissa" as daughter of "Berta comitissa", when outlining the basis for the consanguinity between Baudouin VII Count of Flanders and his wife [Hawise] de Bretagne which constituted grounds for the couple's separation[170]. The Chronicon Briocensi records the marriage of "Hasevisiam sororem…Conani Ducis" and "Hoellus Dux"[171]. Her marriage is confirmed by the charter dated to before 1072 under which "Constancius" donated property to the abbey of Redon with the consent of "Jedear uxore mea" and affirmed by "Hoel comes et Haduis comitissa, Alanus et Mathias et Eudo filii eorum"[172], read together with another passage in the Flandria Generosa which names "comes Alanus" as son of "Havisis Namnetensis comitissa"[173]. She was heiress of her brother Conan II Duke of Brittany in 1066. The necrology of Chartres cathedral records the death "XIV Kal Sep" of "Haduisis filia Berta comitisse"[174]. The Chronicon Universum in the cartulary of Sainte-Croix de Quimperlé records the death in 1072 of "Hadeuguis comitissa"[175]. m (1066) HOËL V Comte de Nantes, de Cornouaïlle, et de Léon, son of ALAIN "Caignart" Comte de Cornouaïlle & his wife Judith de Nantes (-13 Apr 1084).
Duke Alain III had one illegitimate child by Mistress (1):
c) GEOFFROY (-St Courentin 25 Oct 1084). The Historia sancti Florentii Salmurensis records the donation by "comes Brittaniæ Goffredus cognomento Bastardus cum…uxoris suæ Bertæ", undated[176]. His parentage is suggested by the charter dated 1050 relating to the abbey of Saint-Georges de Rennes witnessed by "Comes Eudo et nepos eius Gaufridus, Robertus vicecomes et frater eius Eudo…Guichomarus filius Alani vicecomitis…"[177]. The Chronicon Britannico Alter records that "Gaufredus Comes bastardus" was captured in 1084 "apud Redonensem urbem"[178]. The Chronicon Kemperlegiensis records that "Gaufridus Comes Redonensis nothus" died in captivity in 1084 "apud Sanctum Courentinum…XXV Oct"[179]. m BERTHE, daughter of ---. The Historia sancti Florentii Salmurensis records the donation by "comes Brittaniæ Goffredus cognomento Bastardus cum…uxoris suæ Bertæ", undated[180].
2. EVENUS [Linzo%C3%ABl] de Bretagne ([997/98]-after 1037). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.
3. EUDES de Bretagne (-Cesson 1079, bur Saint-Brieuc). Guillaume de Jumièges names "Alain et Eudes" as the two sons of Geoffroy and Havise[181]. A charter dated 1008 records that, after the death of "Gaufrido comite Britanniæ", "filii eius Alanus et Eudo cum matre eorum Hadeguisia" restored the abbey of Saint-Méen[182]. "Alanus et Egio Britannorum monarchi" founded the priory of Livré "in pago Redonensi" by charter dated to [1013/22], signed by "…Aduise matre eorum comitum, Rivalloni vicarii, Triscanni…"[183]. A charter dated 1026 recalls that "Gaufridus, Conani Curvi filius" was killed "apud Concuruz prelium", recalling that "quo defuncto, Alanus filius eius…renum patris suscipiens", witnessed by "Alanus comes…Heudo frater eius"[184]. "Alanus Britannice gentis dux atque princeps" founded the abbey of Saint-Georges de Rennes by charter dated to [1028/30], witnessed by "Eudo meus germanus, Gozolinus vicecomes, Rivallonis vicarius, Alanus Cornugallie comes…"[185]. Eudes appears to have ruled Brittany jointly with his brother until the death of their mother in 1034. Following disputes with his brother, a division of territories was agreed, Eudes taking the dioceses of Dol, Saint Malo, Saint Brieuc and Tréguier, at which time he can be said to have become Comte de Penthièvre. "Manigenius…miles" founded the priory of Saint-Cyr-lès-Rennes and donated it to Tours Saint-Julien by charter dated 23 May 1037, subscribed by "Alanus dux…Eudonis fratris Alani ducis Britannorum, Gotzelini vicecomitis, Rualentis domini Doli…"[186]. After the death of his brother in 1040, Eudes seized Brittany and excluded his nephew, succeeding as EUDES I Duke of Brittany. According to Orderic Vitalis, Eudes ruled the country "freely without acknowledging any lord for 15 years"[187]. However, his nephew retaliated, captured Eudes and imprisoned him in chains[188].
4. ADELA de Bretagne (-1067). "Abbatissa…Addela…soror…Alani Britannie ducis" issued a charter dated 1050, before "Conanum comitem…eius nepotem", relating to the rights of the abbey of Saint-Georges de Rennes[189]. The Chronicon Ruyensis Cœnobii records the death in 1067 of "Adela Abbatissa Conani Ducis amita"[190]. Abbess of Saint-Georges at Rennes.
Havoise de Normandie (ou Hawise), née en 977 et morte à Rennes le 22 février 1034, est une princesse du duché de Normandie.
Fille du duc Richard Sans-Peur et d’une de ses « frilla », Gunnor, d’une puissante famille de la noblesse viking.
Ayant épousé Geoffroi Ier de Bretagne en 1003, alors que son frère Richard II de Normandie prenait pour femme Judith, elle est devenue, à la mort de son mari, duchesse douairière de Bretagne et régente pour son fils mineur Alain III, futur duc des Bretons.
Richard I, Duke of Normandy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He married 1st (960) Emma (not to be confused with Emma of France), daughter of Hugh "The Great" of France, and Hedwiga de Sachsen. They were betrothed when both were very young. She died 19 Mar 968, with no issue.
According to Robert of Torigni, not long after Emma's death, Duke Richard went out hunting and stopped at the house of a local forester. He became enamoured of the forester's wife, Seinfreda, but she being a virtuous woman, suggested he court her unmarried sister, Gunnor, instead. Gunnor became his mistress, and her family rose to prominence. Her brother, Herefast de Crepon, may have been involved in a controversial heresy trial. Gunnor was, like Richard, of Norse descent, being a Dane by blood. Richard finally married her to legitimize their children:
Richard II "the Good", Duke of Normandy (966)
Robert, Archbishop of Rouen, Count of Evreux, died 1037.
Geoffrey, Count of Eu, b. abt 962 died abt 1015. (Parentage [mother] not certain)
Mauger, Earl of Corbeil, died after 1033; his alleged grandson (or perhaps great-grandson) was Robert Fitzhamon, an important Anglo-Norman baron.
Robert Danus, died between 985 and 989
Emma of Normandy (c.985-1052) wife of two kings of England.
Maud of Normandy, wife of Odo II of Blois, Count of Blois, Champagne and Chartres
Hawise of Normandy (b. ca. 978), d. 21 February 1034. m. Geoffrey I, Duke of Brittany
Beatrice of Normandy, Abbess of Montvilliers d.1034 m. Ebles of Turenne (d.1030 (divorced)
Papia m. Gilbert de St Valery.
Fressenda (ca. 995-ca. 1057), m. Tancred of Hauteville.
Muriella m. Tancred of Hauteville.
Geoffrey I, Duke of Brittany
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He married Hawise of Normandy, daughter of Richard I of Normandy and an unknown mistress.
Geoffrey and Hawise had:
Alan III his successor
Eudes, Count of Penthievre
Emma married Ives, Vicomte de Cotentin.
Hawise was also called Hadwissa.
She was the illegitimate daughter of Richard I of Normandy.
Hawise married Geoffroy I, comte de Bretagne, son of Conan I "le Tort", comte de Rennes and Ermengarde d'Anjou, between 996 and 999.
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p339.htm#i7825 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
978 |
Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Upper Normandy, France (Франция)
1000 |
Bretagne, France
1001 |
Saint-Pierre-Quiberon [Penthièvre], Morbihan, Brittany, France (Франция)
1034 |
21 февраля 1034
Возраст 56
Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, Brittany, France (Франция)
февраль 1034
Возраст 56
Rennes, Ille-Et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France
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