Hawise de Louvain

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Hawise de Louvain

Also Known As: "de Lovaine", "van Leuven", "Basset"
Birthplace: Little Easton, Essex, England
Death: November 07, 1256 (36-45)
Little Easton, Essex, England
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Sir Matthew I de Lovaine, of Little Easton and Muriel (Amy) de Lovaine/de Grey
Wife of Sir Phillip Bassett, Justiciar of England
Mother of Aliva Bassett, Countess of Norfolk and Margery FitzJohn
Sister of John Delovaine; Alinore Delovaine; Alissa Bassett and Matthew II de Lovaine, of Little Easton
Half sister of Walter de Gray, Archbishop of York, Lord Chancellor. and Hawise de Gray

Managed by: James Fred Patin, Jr.
Last Updated:
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Hawise de Louvain's Timeline

Little Easton, Essex, England
Royal Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, England (United Kingdom)
November 7, 1256
Age 41
Little Easton, Essex, England
January 13, 1941
Age 41
January 13, 1941
Age 41
January 13, 1941
Age 41
January 13, 1941
Age 41
January 13, 1941
Age 41