public profile
x ROBERT de Grantmesnil (-killed in battle 17 Jun [1040])
xx >17 Jun [1040] GUILLAUME d'Evreux, s/o ROBERT Comte d'Evreux Archbishop of Rouen & his mistress Herleva
- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORMANDY%20NOBILITY.htm#HawisedauGi...
4. HAWISE . Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Geroius” married “Turstini de Monteforti...filiam...Gislam” by whom he had “septem filios et quatuor filias...Ernaldus et Fulcoius...Willelmus et Rodulfus Mala-Corona, Robertus, Hugo et Geroius, Heremburgis et Emma, Adelais et Hadvisa”[213]. Orderic Vitalis records that "Geroius" married “Gislam Turstini de Basteburgo filiam” by whom he had “septem filios et quatuor filias...Ernaldus, Willermus, Fulcoius, Radulfus Mala-corona, Rodbertus, Hugo et Geroius, Heremburgis, Hadvisa, Emma, Adelais”, adding in a later passage that Hawise married firstly “Rodberto de Grentemaisnilio”, by whom she had “Hugonem et Rodbertum et Ernaldum et totidem filias”, and secondly “Willermo Rodberti archiepiscopo filio” by whom she had “Judith” who later married “Rogerii comitis Siciliæ”[214]. Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Richardus Ebroicensis comes...Willelmus...frater eius” married “Hadevisam filia Geroii relictam Roberti de Grentemaisnil”[215]. As Hawise had six children by her first husband, it is unlikely that she was born much later than 1015 and must therefore have been one of her parents’ older children.
was born in Echaffour, Normandie, France.
Parents: Giroie Le Goz De Montreuil d'Eschauffen and Gisela Bertrand de Bastenburg married about 1001.
Hawise d'Eschauffen married Robert de Grentmesnil before 1025 (he was killed in battle in 1036). They had six chidren.
She then married Guillaume (William) d'Evreux. They had one child.
HAWISE . Orderic Vitalis gives her parentage, her two husbands and seven children, six by her first marriage, one by her second[261].
m firstly ROBERT de Grantmesnil, son of --- (-killed in battle 17 or 18 Jun 1036).
m secondly GUILLAUME d'Evreux, son of ROBERT Comte d'Evreux Archbishop of Rouen [Normandy] & his mistress Herleva ---. He is named by Orderic Vitalis, who specifies that he was "son of Archbishop Robert"[262].
ROBERT de Grantmesnil, son of --- (-killed in battle 17 or 18 Jun 1036). Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Robert de Grandménil" died on 18 Jun from wounds received three weeks earlier when fighting "Roger de Beaumont" in support of the rebellion against Guillaume II Duke of Normandy in the early years of the duke's reign[273]. The necrology of the monastery of Ouche records the death "17 Jun" of "Robertus de Grentemesnil"[274].
m as her first husband, HAWISE, daughter of GIROIE & his wife Gisla de Bastembourg (-10 May ----). Orderic Vitalis gives her parentage, names her two husbands and seven children, six by her first marriage, one by her second[275]. She married secondly Guillaume d'Evreux [Normandie]. The necrology of the monastery of Ouche records the death "10 May" of "Haudvisa mater Hugonis de Grentesmesnil"[276].
Robert & his wife had six children:
1. HUGUES de Grantmesnil ([1025]-in England 22 Feb 1098, bur Saint-Evroul). Guillaume de Jumièges names (in order) "Hugues et Robert…et Ernaud" as sons of "Robert de Grandménil"[277].
2. ROBERT de Grantmesnil (-St Euphemia 15 Nov 1089[278]). Guillaume de Jumièges names (in order) "Hugues et Robert…et Ernaud" as sons of "Robert de Grandménil"[279]. He is named and his parentage given by Orderic Vitalis[280]. In another passage, Orderic Vitalis records that "Guillaume fils de Giroie et…ses neveux Hugues de Grentemenil et Robert son frère" restored the monastery of Ouche de Saint-Evroul[281]. Robert of Torigny's De Immutatione Ordinis Monachorum records that "Willermus filius Geroii monachus Becci et nepotes eius Robertus et Hugo de Grentemaisnil" restored "monasterium Sancti Ebrulfi apud Uticum"[282]. He restored the monastery of Ouches in 1050 with his brother Hugues[283]. Abbot of St Evroul, later of St Euphemia in Calabria. Malaterra records the marriage "apud Sanctum Martinum" of "abbatum Sanctæ Euphemiæ Robertum…Judicta sorore sua" and Count Roger[284]. Bishop of Troina. Archbishop of Messina[285].
3. ARNAUD de Grantmesnil . Guillaume de Jumièges names (in order) "Hugues et Robert…et Ernaud" as sons of "Robert de Grandménil", recording that Arnaud was young and left to his older brothers' protection by their father when he died[286]. His parentage is given by Orderic Vitalis[287]. He went to Italy in [1050][288]. Malaterra names "iuvenis…Arnaldus…frater iuvenculæ uxoris eius [Rogerii comitis Siciliæ]"[289].
4. daughter . Orderic Vitalis refers to three daughters without naming them individually[290]. same person as…? AGNES de Grantmesnil (-29 Sep ----). The necrology of the monastery of Ouche records the death "29 Sep" of "Agnes soror Hugonis de Grentemesnil"[291].
5. ADELINA de Grantmesnil . She must be one of the three unnamed daughters referred to by Orderic Vitalis[292]. She is named in, and her parentage deduced from, the reference in Orderic Vitalis to her two sons[293]. She is presumably one of the three unnamed daughters referred to by Orderic Vitalis290. m HONFROI de Tilleul, son of ---. He is named husband of Adelina by Orderic Vitalis293. Honfroi & his wife had [two] children:
a) ARNAUD de Tilleul . Orderic Vitalis records that "Drogo filius Goisfredi de Novo-Mercato et Rogerius Erneisi de Coluncis filius nepos Guillelmi de Guarenna et Ernaldus Unfridi de Telliolo filius, nepos ex sorore Hugonis de Grentemaisnilio" donated revenue[294].
b) [ROBERT of Rhuddlan . Orderic Vitalis says that he was nephew of Hugues de Grantmesnil[295]. The editor specifies that he was the son of Honfroi de Tilleul[296], but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified.]
6. EMMA . She must be one of the three unnamed daughters referred to by Orderic Vitalis[297]. She is named as the sister of Judith d'Evreux by Orderic Vitalis, who specifies that she married "another count whose name I cannot recall"[298]. In another passage, the same source specifies that their mother had only one daughter by her second marriage[299]. It must be concluded that Emma was one of their mother's daughters by her first marriage. She fled Normandy with her [half] sister Judith. m ---.
2nd husband:
GUILLAUME d'Evreux . He is named as "son of Archbishop Robert" by Orderic Vitalis[1583]. m as her second husband, HAWISE, widow of ROBERT de Grantmesnil, daughter of GIROIE Seigneur d'Enghien & his wife Gisla de Bastenbourg (-10 May ----). Orderic Vitalis names her, gives her parentage, her two husbands and seven children, six by her first marriage, one by her second[1584]. Guillaume de Jumièges names "Hadvise fille de Giroie et veuve de Robert de Grandménil" as wife of "Guillaume frère de Richard [comte d'Evreux et fils de Robert l'archevêque]"[1585]. The necrology of the monastery of Ouche records the death "10 May" of "Haudvisa mater Hugonis de Grentesmesnil"[1586]. Guillaume & his wife had one child:
a) JUDITH d'Evreux (-1076). Orderic Vitalis names her, gives her parentage and records her marriage[1587]. In another passage, the same source specifies that her mother had only one daughter by her second marriage[1588]. Her half-brother Robert de Grandmesnil, Abbé de Saint-Evroul-sur-Ouche, was her guardian. After quarrelling with Guillaume II Duke of Normandy, he fled Normandy with Judith, her brother and sister, first to Rome where he tried to seek redress from the Pope, and then to Robert Guiscard in Apulia who had founded the abbey of Santa Eufemia in Calabria for him[1589]. Malaterra records the marriage "apud Sanctum Martinum" of "abbatum Sanctæ Euphemiæ Robertum…Judicta sorore sua" and Count Roger[1590]. m (San Martino d'Agri Nov 1061) as his first wife, ROGER de Hauteville, son of TANCRED de Hauteville & his [second wife] [Fressenda] ([1031]-Mileto 22 Jun 1101, bur Mileto, Abbey of the Holy Trinity). His brother installed him as ROGER I Count of Sicily in 1072.
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p219.htm#i24827 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
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1015 |
1024 |
Grentemesnil, Calvados, Normandy, France
1032 |
Grentemesnil, Calvados, Normandy
Grandmesnil, Basse-Normandie, France
1034 |
Grentemesnil, Calvados, Normandy, France
1040 |
Normandy, France
1992 |
July 22, 1992
Age 977