Ilonka Arpadi (ili Jelena Lijepa-Zvonimirova) je za Hrvatsku najnegativnija ženska vladarica u srednjem vijeku. To je kćerka magjarskog kralja Bele I. Arpadovića i sestra njegova nasljednika madjarskog Ludovika II., a postala je snaha slavonskom banu Stjepanu Svetislaviću i Strezini Bribirki, kao supruga njegovog sina isto slavonskog bana i potom hrvatskog kralja Dmitra Zvonimira. Kao udovica nakon smrti Zvonimirove je odigrala barem 3 poznate negativne uloge u završnom uništavanju srednjovjeke Kraljevine Hrvatske:
Nije rodila nijednoga muškog potomka, čime se nakon Zvonimira ugasila izravna muška loza dinastije Trpimirovića.
Lažno se predstavljala po Zvonimiru navodno "jedinim" ženskim sljednikom Trpimirovića - iako je istodobno takodjer po ženskoj lozi još postojao i Krešimirov unuk tj. sin Nede Krešimirove i neretvanskog bana Marjana II. Slavca - Petar II. Slavac Krešimirov (Petar Svačić).
Svojim upornim spletkama je u Kraljevini Hrvatskoj stvorila anarhiju s više protustranki koje su se borile za prevlast i razarale državu.
Svojim nezakonitim spletkama je na hrvatsko prijestolje nastojala silom dovesti magjarske Arpadoviće.
Povukla je njihovu vojsku preko Drave u Hrvatsku, gdje su potom Magjari ubili njezina dinastičkog konkurenta (kojeg je znala ali prešutila), tj. zadnjega hrvatskog kralja po ženskoj lozi i bana po muškoj lozi, Petra II. Slavca-Krešimirovog.
Zbog svega toga, Ilonka Arpadi ili Jelena Lijepa je medju svim starohrvatskim čelnicama najštetnija i izrazito negativna naša vladarica iz srednjeg vijeka, koja se po pogubnosti za Hrvatsku može usporediti samo još s novijom Milkom Planinc iz komunističke Jugoslavije.
BÉLA I 1060-1063, GÉZA I 1074-1077, LÁSZLÓ I 1077-1095
m (in Poland [1039/42]%29 [RYKSA] of Poland
King Béla & his wife had eight children:
8. ILONA [Jelena Lijepa] (-before 1095). Her parentage is confirmed by the Chronicle of Joannes Archidiaconus Goricensis which records that "bano Svinimir" married "Belæ, Geysa et Ladislaus…ducum sororem" in 1064[520]. "Stephanus olim…dux Chroatorum" donated property to "monasterium sancti Stephani", in the presence of "Suinimiri regis domini mei, Lepe regine, Radouani filii regis", by charter dated 1078[521]. The Chronica Hungarorum states that "rex Zolomerus Dalmatiæ" was "sororius Geysæ" when recording the help he gave in the Hungarian war against Carinthia[522]. After the death of her son [1090], she assumed power as ILONA Queen of Croatia. Faced with considerable opposition from the Croatian nobility, her brother László I King of Hungary intervened to protect her interests[523]. m ([1064]%29 ZVONIMIR DMITAR Ban of Slavonia, son of --- (-after 1089). His territory was joined to Croatia, although continued to enjoy local independence, in return for his being named heir to King Kresimir IV. He appears to have deposed King Kresimir IV, and was crowned [late 1075/early 1076] as ZVONIMIR DMITAR King of Croatia.
Árpád-házi Ilona horvát királyné
A Wikipédiából, a szabad enciklopédiából
Árpád-házi Ilona (1050 után – 1091 körül) magyar királyi hercegnő, házassága révén horvát királyné.
Édesapja I. Béla magyar király, Vazul magyar herceg és egy Tátony nembeli leány harmadik fia. Édesanyja Richeza lengyel hercegnő, II. Mieszko Lambert lengyel fejedelem és Richeza lotharingiai grófnő leánya.
Ilonának három fiútestvére (I. Géza, I. László, Lambert herceg) és három leánytestvére (Zsófia weimari-isztriai őrgrófné, majd szász hercegné, Eufémia morva hercegné és egy ismeretlen nevű) volt.
Ilonát 1063 körül feleségül adták Zvonimir Demeter horvát királyhoz. Házasságukból két gyermek ismert, Radovan, aki tizenéves korában, még szülei életében meghalt, és Claudia, aki egy horvát nemes neje lett. 1089-ben meghalt férje.
Source / Forrás:
Jelena Lijepa
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jelena Lijepa (English: Helen the Beautiful, Hungarian: Ilona) was Queen of Croatia. She was born a Hungarian princess (Ilona) and was the daughter of Árpád dynasty King Bela I, sister to King Ladislaus I of Hungary, granddaughter of Polish King Mieszko II Lambert, and a great-granddaughter of Csar Samuil of Bulgaria. She became Queen of Croatia during her marriage with Croatian King Dmitar Zvonimir, a distant relative whom she married in 1063. They had a son, Radovan, who died in his late teens or early twenties.
Jelena had excellent family connections, being a daughter of Arpad King Bela I, a granddaughter of Polish King Mieszko II Lambert himself the uncle of Canute the Great King of Danes and England, a great-granddaughter of Csar Samuil and the aunt to Ladislaus' daughter Piroska, christened Irene, the mother of future Byzantine Emperor Manuel I and the wife of Byzantine Emperor John II Komnenos, brother of the historian Anna Comnena.
Jelena was very popular with the Croatians, and they often called her Jelena Lijepa (Helen the Beautiful). She is thought to have been a joint ruler with her husband Zvonimir, and they saw their kingdom expand during his 14-year rule until his death in 1089. Upon the death of King Zvonimir, Jelena was said to have been quietly plotting the inheritance of the Croatian Crown for her brother, the King of Hungary, which caused a decade of war and instability in the kingdom. Jelena died around 1091.
She is not to be confused with Jelena of Zadar, who was the wife of Mihajlo Krešimir II in the 10th century.
Forrás / Source:
1050 |
1075 |
1080 |
1091 |
Age 41
???? | |||
???? |