Matching family tree profiles for Johannes (Jan) Hendrik
Immediate Family
About Johannes (Jan) Hendrik
Resolutions of the Council of Policy of Cape of Good Hope Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa Reference code: C. 67, pp. 55−76. Dingsdagh den 24 Augustus 1723, voormiddags. Notes: [1] Johannes Coetsee was die seun van Dirk Coetsee en Sara van der Schulp, en is in 1688 gebore. Hy is in 1713 met Anna Elizabeth Paal getroud. Sy versoekskrif kan gevind word in C.230: Requesten, 1723, pp. 305−306. [2] Sien C.230: Requesten, 1723, p. 307. [3] Sien C.230: Requesten, 1723, pp. 319−327. [4] Hy het in 1719 as soldaat na die Kaap gekom. In 1721 is hy as plaasarbeider aan Paul Roux verhuur, en in 1723 aan Maria Catharina le Febre. [5] Sy was die dogter van Pierre le Febre en Maria de Grave, en is in 1686 gebore. Voor haar troue met Haarhoff was sy reeds twee keer getroud: met Gabriel le Roux en Jean Roi. [6] Sien C.230: Requesten, 1723, pp. 315−316. [7] Sy was die dogter van Johannes Hofman, 'n vryburger van Drakenstein, en is in 1707 gebore. [8] In sowel die oorspronklike versoekskrif as die Haagse Kopie staan "laten". [9] 'n Gedeelte waarin De la Fontaine besonderhede verstrek omtrent tekortkomende en beskadigde voorrade uit die negosiepakhuis en die skepe Zeepost en Hof niet altijd Zomer, is hier weggelaat. Die Raad het besluit om die grootste gedeelte daarvan as verliese af te skryf, en die res te verkoop. Sien C.18: Resolutiën, 1723−1724, pp. 311−314; C.29l: Memoriën, 1710−1726, pp. 401−402. [10] Die kladnotule van hierdie resolusie kan gevind word in C.113: Klad Notulen, 1721−1725, p. 191.
b5 Johannes gedoop: 1 Feb 1688, getroud: 15 Oct 1713 Anna Elisabeth Paal
c1 Sara gedoop: 10 Dec 1713, getroud: J. Nel; hertroud: Ockert van Schalkwyk
c2 Anna Jacoba gedoop: 10 May 1716, getroud: E. Nel
c3 Margaretha gedoop: 8 Jan 1719, getroud: Johannes Slabbert
c4 Dirk gedoop: 20 Apr 1721, burger Stellenbosch, getroud: 27 Sep 1748 Johanna Visser
c5 Johannes Jacobus gedoop: 11 Jan 1728, burger Stellenbosch, getroud: Johanna Cloete
c6 Jacobus 8 Oct 1730, burger Stellenbosch, getroud: 6 Jan 1754 Maria Margaretha Cloete
c7 Anna Jacoba gedoop: 28 Mar 1734, getroud: Floris Visser
For further details go to the following link: b5 Johannes » 1.2.1688, x 15.10.1713 Anna Elisabeth Paal GR - C C de Villiers Vol 2 bygewerk deur Cor Pama
South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers (Cape Town Archives), 1660-1970 ," database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : 8 November 2017), Jan Coetse and Anna Elizabeth Paal, 15 Oct 1713, Marriage; citing p. , Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, State Archives, Cape Province; FHL microfilm 2,214,092.
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Oct 6 2020, 20:14:50 UTC
- Reference: WikiTree Genealogy - SmartCopy: Jan 6 2021, 18:26:04 UTC
English translation.
Resolutions of the Council of Policy of Cape of Good Hope Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa Reference code: C. 67, pp. 55−76. Thursday, August 24, 1723, in the morning. Notes: [1] Johannes Coetsee was the son of Dirk Coetsee and Sara van der Schulp, and was born in 1688. He married Anna Elizabeth Paal in 1713. His petition can be found in C.230: Requesten, 1723, pp. 305−306. [2] See C.230: Requests, 1723, p. 307. [3] See C.230: Requests, 1723, pp. 319−327. [4] He came to the Cape in 1719 as a soldier. In 1721 he was hired as a farm laborer to Paul Roux, and in 1723 to Maria Catharina le Febre. [5] She was the daughter of Pierre le Febre and Maria de Grave, and was born in 1686. Before her marriage to Haarhoff, she had been married twice: to Gabriel le Roux and Jean Roi. [6] See C.230: Requests, 1723, pp. 315−316. [7] She was the daughter of Johannes Hofman, a free citizen of Drakenstein, and was born in 1707. [8] "Both" appears in both the original petition and the Hague Copy. [9] A section in which De la Fontaine provides details about deficient and damaged supplies from the bargain warehouse and the ships Zeepost and Hof not always Summer, has been omitted here. The Board decided to write off most of it as losses, and sell the rest. See C.18: Resolutions, 1723−1724, pp. 311−314; C.29l: Memories, 1710−1726, pp. 401−402. [10] The draft minutes of this resolution can be found in C.113: Draft Minutes, 1721−1725, p.
Johannes (Jan) Hendrik's Timeline
1688 |
December 1, 1688
Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
December 1, 1688
1713 |
December 10, 1713
1716 |
May 10, 1716
1719 |
January 8, 1719
Stellenbossch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1721 |
1727 |
November 16, 1727
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
1730 |
October 8, 1730
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
1734 |
March 28, 1734
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa