Immediate Family
About Henri 'le Jeune' de Champagne, comte de Champagne
Descrição: Conde de Champagne (1181-1197) Rei de Jerusalém(1192 a 1197).Participou da Terceira Cruzada. Seus tios eram: Philippe Auguste e Richard Heart of Lion. Participou da Batalha de Arsouf em 07/09/1191. Depois de ter casado com a viuva de Conrad de Montferrat (Isabella of Jerusalem). Ele tenta retomar a cidade de Jerusalém, mas ele acaba deixando a Terra Santa, para ir para Inglaterra ajudar seu irmão (Jean sans Terre). Morreu caindo da janela de seu palácio.
Henry II, Count of Champagne
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Henry II of Champagne or Henry I of Jerusalem (July 29, 1166 – September 10, 1197), was count of Champagne from 1181 to 1197, and king of Jerusalem from 1192 to 1197, although he never used the title of king.
[edit] Biography
Henry was the eldest son of Count Henry I of Champagne and Marie of France, a daughter of King Louis VII of France and Eleanor of Aquitaine. His father died in 1181, and his mother ruled as regent until 1187.
In 1190 Henry left for the East, after having his barons swear to recognize his younger brother Thibaut as his successor should he fail to return. He joined the Third Crusade, arriving ahead of his uncles, King Philip II of France and King Richard I of England. Initially, he was one of the leaders of the French contingent at the siege of Acre before Philip's arrival. He is said to have been a member of the group involved in the abduction of Isabella of Jerusalem, to get her to consent to a divorce from Humphrey IV of Toron so that she could be married to Conrad of Montferrat. Henry was related to Conrad through both his maternal grandparents. According to Baha ad-Din ibn Shaddad, he was wounded at Acre on 15 November.
Later on in the campaign, Henry shifted his allegiances to Richard. In April 1192, King Richard sent Henry as his representative from Acre to Tyre, to inform Conrad of Montferrat of his election as King of Jerusalem. Henry then returned to Acre. A few days later, Conrad was murdered by two Hashshashin. Henry came back to Tyre two days later, ostensibly to help organise Conrad's coronation, but found that a funeral was being prepared instead. He was immediately betrothed to the newly-widowed - and pregnant - Queen Isabella of Jerusalem. They were married just eight days after Conrad's death.
The marriage was glossed romantically by some of the chroniclers: that Isabella was so taken with Henry's physical attractions (he was 20 years younger than Conrad) that she asked him to marry her. Since she was already known to be pregnant with Conrad's child (Maria of Montferrat), the marriage was considered scandalous by some, but it was politically vital for her to acquire another husband to defend the kingdom. However, some consultation with the Haute Cour might have been expected.The couple went on to have two daughters, Alice and Philippa.
Henry asked for permission from his uncle Richard, who gave it promptly: however, since Richard was suspected of Conrad's murder, this raises further questions about the whole episode. Indeed, Henry, who was known to the Arabs as "al-kond Herri", later sought an alliance with the Hashshashin, and was invited to visit their fortress stronghold, al-Kahf. To demonstrate his authority, the grand master of the Hashshashin beckoned to two adherents, who immediately flung themselves from the ramparts to their deaths. The Hashshashin then offered to commit a murder for Henry, as an honour to their guest. Henry demurred, concluded the treaty, and departed. Patrick A. Williams has suggested Henry himself as a suspect in Conrad's murder, although it would have been a risky undertaking without his uncle's support.
Henry died in 1197, falling from a first-floor window at his palace in Acre. There are varying accounts in different manuscripts of the Old French Continuation of William of Tyre, also known as The Chronicle of Ernoul. The majority suggest that a window-lattice or balcony gave way as he leaned against it. A servant, possibly a dwarf named Scarlet, also fell, after trying to save him by catching hold of his hanging sleeve, but he weighed too little to pull the king (who was tall and strongly-built) back. Another version suggests that Henry had been watching a parade from the window, when a party of Pisan envoys entered the room. Turning to greet them, he stepped backwards and overbalanced. Whatever the exact circumstances, Henry was killed outright; the servant, who suffered a fractured femur, raised the alarm, but later died of his injury. Some accounts suggest that Henry might have survived if his servant had not landed on top of him.
His widow Queen Isabella remarried soon after his death. Her fourth (and last) husband was Amalric of Lusignan, king of Cyprus. Henry's heir-general was his eldest daughter Alice who was soon married to her stepbrother King Hugh I of Cyprus and whose heirs represent the senior line of Counts of Champagne.
Henry left behind several difficulties for Champagne. He had borrowed a great deal of money to finance his expedition to Jerusalem, and for his marriage; and the succession to the county of Champagne would later be contested by his daughters. In 1213, supporters of his nephew Theobald IV of Champagne alleged to a papal legate that the annulment of Isabella's marriage to Humphrey of Toron (who was still alive during her marriage to Henry) was invalid, and therefore the girls were illegitimate. However, this was questionable: the legitimacy of Isabella's daughter by Conrad, Maria, and the right of her descendants to the throne of Jerusalem was never challenged, and if Maria was legitimate, so too were Isabella's daughters by Henry. Theobald eventually had to buy off both Alice and Philippa at considerable cost.
[edit] Fictional representations
Henry has generally been treated favourably in novels about the Third Crusade. However, in Alan Gordon's The Widow of Jerusalem (2003), he is one of the chief villains. This treatment may be influenced by Patrick A. Williams's article, listed below.
[edit] Sources
* Morgan, M. R. The Chronicle of Ernoul and the Continuations of William of Tyre,1973
* Payne, Robert. The Dream and the Tomb, 1984
* Runciman, Steven. A History of the Crusades, vol. 3, 1954
* Wheeler, Bonnie. Eleanor of Aquitaine: Lord and Lady, 2002
* Williams, Patrick A. "The Assassination of Conrad of Montferrat: Another Suspect?", Traditio, vol. XXVI, 1970.
This page was last modified on 18 June 2010 at 05:01.
Henry II of Champagne
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Henry II of Champagne (Henry I of Jerusalem) (July 29, 1166 – September 10, 1197), was count of Champagne from 1181 to 1197, and king of Jerusalem from 1192 to 1197, although he never used the title of king.
Henry was the eldest son of Count Henry I of Champagne and Marie of France, a daughter of King Louis VII of France and Eleanor of Aquitaine. His father died in 1181, and his mother ruled as regent until 1187.
In 1190 Henry left for the East, after having his barons swear to recognize his younger brother Thibaut as his successor should he fail to return. He joined the Third Crusade, arriving ahead of his uncles, King Philip II of France and King Richard I of England. Initially, he was one of the leaders of the French contingent at the siege of Acre before Philip's arrival. He is said to have been a member of the group involved in the abduction of Isabella of Jerusalem, to get her to consent to a divorce from Humphrey IV of Toron so that she could be married to Conrad of Montferrat. Henry was related to Conrad through both his maternal grandparents. According to Baha al-Din, he was wounded at Acre on 15 November.
Later on in the campaign, Henry shifted his allegiances to Richard. In April 1192, King Richard sent Henry as his representative from Acre to Tyre, to inform Conrad of Montferrat of his election as King of Jerusalem. Henry then returned to Acre. A few days later, Conrad was murdered by two Hashshashin. Henry came back to Tyre two days later, ostensibly to help organise Conrad's coronation, but found that a funeral was being prepared instead. He was immediately betrothed to the newly-widowed - and pregnant - Queen Isabella of Jerusalem. They were married just eight days after Conrad's death.
The marriage was glossed romantically by some of the chroniclers: that Isabella was so taken with Henry's physical attractions (he was 20 years younger than Conrad) that she asked him to marry her. Since she was already known to be pregnant with Conrad's child (Maria of Montferrat), the marriage was considered scandalous by some, but it was politically vital for her to acquire another husband to defend the kingdom. However, some consultation with the Haute Cour might have been expected.The couple went on to have two daughters, Alice and Philippa.
Henry asked for permission from his uncle Richard, who gave it promptly: however, since Richard was suspected of Conrad's murder, this raises further questions about the whole episode. Indeed, Henry, who was known to the Arabs as "al-kond Herri", later sought an alliance with the Hashshashin, and was invited to visit their fortress stronghold, al-Kahf. To demonstrate his authority, the grand master of the Hashshashin beckoned to two adherents, who immediately flung themselves from the ramparts to their deaths. The Hashshashin then offered to commit a murder for Henry, as an honour to their guest. Henry demured, concluded the treaty, and departed. Patrick A. Williams has suggested Henry himself as a suspect in Conrad's murder, although it would have been a risky undertaking without his uncle's support.
Henry died in 1197, falling from a first-floor window at his palace in Acre. There are varying accounts in different manuscripts of the Old French Continuation of William of Tyre, also known as The Chronicle of Ernoul. The majority suggest that a window-lattice or balcony gave way as he leaned against it. A servant, possibly a dwarf named Scarlet, also fell, after trying to save him by catching hold of his hanging sleeve, but he weighed too little to pull the king (who was tall and strongly-built) back. Another version suggests that Henry had been watching a parade from the window, when a party of Pisan envoys entered the room. Turning to greet them, he stepped backwards and overbalanced. Whatever the exact circumstances, Henry was killed outright; the servant, who suffered a fractured femur, raised the alarm, but later died of his injury. Some accounts suggest that Henry might have survived if his servant had not landed on top of him.
His widow Queen Isabella remarried soon after his death. Her fourth (and last) husband was Amalric of Lusignan, king of Cyprus. Henry's heir-general was his eldest daughter Alice who was soon married to her stepbrother King Hugh I of Cyprus and whose heirs represent the senior line of Counts of Champagne.
Henry left behind several difficulties for Champagne. He had borrowed a great deal of money to finance his expedition to Jerusalem, and for his marriage; and the succession to the county of Champagne would later be contested by his daughters. In 1213, supporters of his nephew Theobald IV of Champagne alleged to a papal legate that the annulment of Isabella's marriage to Humphrey of Toron (who was still alive during her marriage to Henry) was invalid, and therefore the girls were illegitimate. However, this was questionable: the legitimacy of Isabella's daughter by Conrad, Maria, and the right of her descendants to the throne of Jerusalem was never challenged, and if Maria was legitimate, so too were Isabella's daughters by Henry. Theobald eventually had to buy off both Alice and Philippa at considerable cost.
Fictional representations
Henry has generally been treated favourably in novels about the Third Crusade. However, in Alan Gordon's The Widow of Jerusalem (2003), he is one of the chief villains. This treatment may be influenced by Patrick A. Williams's article, listed below.
Morgan, M. R. The Chronicle of Ernoul and the Continuations of William of Tyre,1973
Payne, Robert. The Dream and the Tomb, 1984
Runciman, Steven. A History of the Crusades, vol. 3, 1954
Wheeler, Bonnie. Eleanor of Aquitaine: Lord and Lady, 2002
Williams, Patrick A. "The Assassination of Conrad of Montferrat: Another Suspect?", Traditio, vol. XXVI, 1970.
Comte palatin de Champagne et roi de Jérusalem (1192-1197).
Henri 'le Jeune' de Champagne, comte de Champagne's Timeline
1166 |
July 29, 1166
Champagne, Dordogne, Aquitaine, France
1196 |
Champagne, France
1197 |
September 10, 1197
Age 31
Jerusalem, Israel
Age 30
???? |