Henry Hawn of Genesee and Cayuga Counties, New York
Four children are identified as the offspring to Henry Hawn, of Genesee and Cayuga Counties. Two have historically reliable, with multiple attestations for date of birth, and two have no supporting historical record or reference.
Vital statistical information for Jacob Hawn, and James Washington Hawn, does exist. However, no record for either Mary or Michael has been discovered, or reliably cited. Additionally, the known and accepted facts pertaining to Jacob and James, does not include, reference, or imply, any information concerning their father, or their mother, or of siblings.
The stated intended objective for the followng profile narrative, is to offer both adequate circumstantial evidence, and reasonably cited historical record for a confident identification of Henry Hawn of Genesee and Cayuga County as progenitor of my Hawn family lineage and as the father of Jacob Hawn and James Washington Hawn respectively.
Henry (or possibly Heinrich) Hawn
Before anything else, I wish to encourage the visitor to this profile, following or during this narrative to check the ‘Sources’ section for materials and references to the first North American male progenitor of my Hawn lineage.
Empirically speaking, there is little, if anything that can or perhaps should be sourced as definitive evidence for Henry Hawn as stated. In fact, as of present, the most reliable sources for the name, country of origin, immigration, known progeny and general timeline for Henry Hawn is derived from two principal historical source citations:
1: *Clark, Robert Carlton, Ph.D. "History of the Willamette Valley Oregon."
Vol. 3. Chicago: Chapman Publishing Company, 1927. p. 633.
W. R. BUNN (See: W R Bunn – Sources Section):
"He is survived by Mrs. Bunn, who now resides in Portland, Oregon. She was born in Lafayette and was a daughter of Jacob Hawn, whose father, Henry Hawn, was born in Germany and when a young man went to Canada and afterward to Pennsylvania, removing thence to Genesee county, New York, where his son, Jacob Hawn, was born and reared. One brother, James, died in California and another brother, Michael, passed away in Pennsylvania leaving a fortune, but as there were no heirs this was turned over to the state. There was also one sister, Mary.
And 2: *Re: Jacob Hawn b. 1804 Genesee Co. NY
By Richard Sandstrom December 01, 2005 at 08:06:46 (Genealogy.com)
In reply to: Jacob Hawn b. 1804 Genesee Co. NY
More About Jacob Hawn: Burial: Pike Cemetery, Yamhill, Oregon, USA Occupation: Carpenter (according to 1850 census)
Children of Henry Hawn are:
Family myth is that Henry may have been Heinrich and that he married in Canada.
(Please Note) Neither citations reference any knowledge per to the name of Henry’s spouse, the place or dates of birth for Michael and Mary, nor (aside of Michael) further mention of their eventual outcomes.
Since there is lingering, persistence of claim regarding the identity of Henry’s spouse; I will leave that for my conclusion to address.
It is not at all clear or evident to me, to what degree these two references may or may not be independent of one another in terms of original source. They may in fact derive from the same.
Since both references are attached to histories of the children, and descendants of Jacob Hawn, I find both accurate and factual to details and dating.
Both refer to my direct-line ancestor, James, as dying in California, which is also accurate.
If as both references cite, son Michael died without heir at unknown date in Pennsylvania, it is highly unlikely a genealogy will be found for him. My hope is that if, as one of the references claim, that he left a substantial inheritance acquired by the state of Pennsylvania, I may be able to locate some mention of him by survey of early state records.
Neither reference makes further mention of the residence, or outcome for the only mentioned sister, Mary.
I have reviewed a couple claims that she removed to "Ohio", and “may” have married a man by surname of Gruber – however – this is completely outside of any known historical or reliable sourced material to my knowledge.
Luckily, my great uncle, Jacob Hawn has some historical notoriety attached to him (See: Jacob Hawn ), thus allowing for these mere snippets of genealogical mention, upon which succeeding generations have been able to turn.
To my knowledge however, no additional information has been claimed as a candidate source outside of these noted citations.
I invite the visitor to also see the considerable material in the Geni profiles for: Jacob Hawn, above, and James Washington Hawn ( James Hawn ).
As a descendant of James Washington Hawn, the second historically dated son of Henry Hawn and unnamed spouse, I cannot offer a familial tradition nor ‘myth’ regarding my second great grandfather, Henry. There is sufficient circumstantial evidence for some confidence in affirming him as the above referenced individual. But this very cautious confidence comes with specific disclaimers.
One: although the Ontario Canada immigration record of arrival (that ages Henry in his early twenties) in 1797 from Germany, is consistent with what little information exists to compare it with, it must be clearly stated that a date of relocation to the United States is not currently known, if one even exists. At present, no additional Canadian records with warrant can be cited.
Two: although the historically dated, geographically referenced materials (Sources) are likewise consistent with known or claimed information on Henry; it must be clearly stated there are several contemporaries with the same name; a few with uncomfortably close geographic locales and vital stats with my Henry to rule out conclusively, a duplication of personal information that may, or may not, refer to my ancestor (See Sources and attached ‘Notes’).
It is precisely for this reason, that I have requested this profile be ‘Mastered’ as a means of preserving what appears logical, while acknowledging what may be possible, without intrusion of the one upon the other through data merges, unless deemed appropriate.
Personally, the most enduring and I believe, historically reliable traces pointing backward to a progenitor named ‘Henry’ can be gleaned by way of male Hawn descendant naming traditions using combinations of ‘Henry’ in their names (Select View Family Tree) to view those in my direct line with this personal article of information I believe relevant.
Finally, concerning the name of Henry’s spouse….
In several Ancestry, and FamilySearch records, the name “Hannah Crawford” appears. In fact, as recently as the date of this narrative, another FamilySearch user, once again, overwrote my designation of Henry’s spouse as “Unknown” with Hannah Crawford 1775 – 1835 LWXR-RMN again with no source, no reference, nor narrative evidence. The only information that has ever been cited along with this name is:
However, there are no other references, sources, nor narratives from which to speculate any confidence as to where or how this names appears in connection with Henry. There are dates of birth in Connecticut, and with a death date and location in Pennsylvania….but there are serious contentions to consider.
First of all, there are records for Henry Hawn(s), intentionally plural, residing in Pennsylvania circa the relevant cited dates. However, and I cannot stress this enough, there is sound evidence for more than one Henry Hawn.
And to date, neither have any attribute connecting him with a Hannah Hawn, or Hannah Crawford. This is significant, if as the claim cites, Hannah survived Henry by a decade or so. If they were the known parents of Michael, also in Pennsylvania, why are there no references? And to only further the caution, there is mention of a historical Pennsylvania contemporary to Michael Hawn, but he comes with noted spouse, and children. This contradicts the two known family references – one of which is quite unusual in its specificity of him dying without issue, and inheritance claimed by the state! Further, the only known family references are of Jacob having had German parents, and that Henry married in Canada. There is no mention whatsoever, of either Hannah Crawford, or Connecticut.
Frankly, I have tired of trying to convince other FamilySearch researchers of the need for restraint without merit of additional source, as it applies to the issue of “Hannah Crawford”. However, I will seek guidance from Geni Curator’s as how to best acknowledge the issue, without conceding unnecessarily to this unfounded claim.
Joachim Hawn, 3/3/2016
Name and date in bold, middle of page:
The most interesting thing about the Earmarks is that they were recorded by our earliest homebuilders in Western New York. For this reason below is published a complete alphabetical list of all pioneers whose names appear in the Northampton Record Book as owners of Earmarks, with the dates of the records:
Adams, Asa: (date not recorded) Arnold, Daniel: Apr. 9, 1807. Atchinson, Asa: June 22, 1807. Atchinson, Austin: Aug. 26, 1818. Atchinson, Bezaleel: Sept. 6, 1800. Atchinson, Jacob: Oct. 9, 1806. Atchinson, John: Oct. 9, 1806. Atchinson; Roswel: July 1, 1816. Atchinson, Stephen: Mar. 2,1802. Atchinson, Sylvester: Apr. 28, 1801. Baker, Capt. Asa: July 27, 1799. Bancroft, Elihu: May 24, 1813. Banning, William: Apr. 14, 1807. Barns, John: Mar. 17, 1799. Beach, Jessee: Apr. 4, 1799. Beach, Michael: May 20, 1800. Beach, Phillip: Apr. 3, 1798; Apr. 28, 1801. Bedford, John: Aug. 28, 1801. Beech, Shelton: May 20, 1800; June 22, 1807. Bigelow, Zenos: Apr. 2, 1799. Bixby, David: Nov. 22, 1822. Blaesdel, John G.: June 12, 1817. Blood, Solomon; Apr. 22, 1799. Briggs, Sanford: Jan. 18, 1805. Brockway, Abner Jr.: June 13, 1807. Brockway, Marvin: June 18, 1807. Brockway, Pickett; Apr. 12, 1817. Brown, Daniel: Apr. 30, 1805. Brown, Elisha U: Apr. 3,1810. Brown, Justus; Dec. 19, 1815. Brown, William B.: Dec. 26, 1810. Buel, Daniel; Apr. 8, 1801. Bullard, Asa N.: Dec. 4, 1819. Canfield, Seba: Apr. 28, 1797. Castle, Abraham: May 24, 1813. Castle, Abram: Jan. 18,1805. Castle, Isaac: Apr. 6, 1812; May 24, 1813. Castle, Jehiel: Aug. 26,1799; May 24, 1813. Castle, Nelson: Mar. 21, 1821. Castle, Samuel: May 24, 1813; May 11, 1818. Chamberlain, Ezekiel: Aug. 26, 1799. Chamberlain, Hinds: Apr. 8, 1799. Cheney, John: Apr. 6, 1812. Cherry, John: Apr. 6, 1812. Church, Ira: Apr. 14, 1807. Church, Lazarus: May 18, 1805. Clark, Gabriel: Apr. 23, 1818. Colby, Abraham: Apr. 10, 1802; Jan. 18, 1805. Colby, Eastman: May 12, 1806; Apr. 1, 1813. Colby, Ephriam: Jan. 18, 1805; May 4, 1805. Colby, Isaac: May 26, 1806. Colby, Merrell: May 6, 1806. Colby, Timothy: Apr. 6, 1806; Apr. 7, 1806. Colby, Zacheus: May 4, 1805. Colburn, Joseph: Apr. 14, 1823. Collins, Calvin: Oct. 15, 1818. Crane, John: June 15, 1820. Curtis, Augustus: Apr. 8, 1799. Curtis, Jotham: Apr. 28, 1801. Cuttings, Elijah: Mar. 2, 1802. Dart, Abijah: May 24, 1824. Davis, Daniel: Sept. 24, 1799. Davis, Hope: July 1, 1807. Davis, Samuel: June 2, 1806. Davison, Norman: Apr. 3, 1810. Davison, Rufus: Apr. 7, 1801; Apr. 21, 1806. Delaney, Peter: June 5, 1821. Denton, Josiah: July 7,1817. Dillingham, John: Mar. 2, 1802. Dix, Orin: June 1, 1820. Douglass, Cyrus: (No date) Dugan, Christopher: May 5, 1800. Fanshon, Elias: June 17, 1818. Farwell, Elisha: Mar. 7, 1799. Fish, Col. Josiah: May 10, 1797. Flagg, Samuel: May 6, 1806. Forsyth, John: Mar. 15, 1800. Fox, Jabish: Mar. 29, 1800. Freeman, Benjamin: June 21, 1805. French, Joseph: Apr. 1,1813. Fulton, Daniel: May 6, 1818. Ganson, John Jr.: Mar. 15, 1800. Gates, Oliver: Feb. 17, 1814. Goodhue, George: May 20, 1800. Goodrich, Zebalun: Mar 3, 1806. Goodwin, Ezekiel Jr.: June 12, 1812. Goowin, Theoder: Apr . .3, 1813. Granger, Eli: May 20, 1797. Gregory, Samuel: Mar. 8, 1803; May 23, 1817. Hale, Israel Junr: Mar. 3, 1802. Hall, Gilbert: Jan. 28, 1800. Hall, Nehemiah: May, 1806. Hanford, Charles: Sept. 6, 1800. Harford, Charles: Mar. 2, 1803. Harmon, John: June 30, 1803. Hawn, Henry: May 15, 1802. Hendee, Cyrenius: June 15, 1822. Henry, William: June 10, 1817. Heth, Reuben: May 20, 1801. Hills, Amon: May 12, 1820. Hincher, William: Jan. 18, 1805. Holmes, Clark: Sept. 18, 1819. Hotchkiss, Noah: July 3,1822. Hunt, Joseph: Mar. 29, 1800. Huntley, George: Oct. 24; 1805; Apr. 5, 1810. Irons, Daniel: May 14, 1823. Jewett, Gibbons: Apr. 25, 1805. Johnson, Daniel: Nov. 28, 1807. Kent, Majr. Elijah: May 10, 1797. Kimball, John: Apr. 2, 1806. King, Sally: Jan. 18, 1805. Lacy, William: June 1, 1822. Laybourn, Christopher: Sept. 6, 1800. Leonard, Jonth.: Sept. 4, 1804. Leonard, Lewis: Apr. 3, 1798; Dec. 8, 1807. Leonard, Silas: Sept. 6,1800; Dec. 8, 1807. Limbacker, Harry S.: (Parma) May 25, 1824. Long, Richard: Mar. 23, 1803. Lucas, Ira: June 9, 1810. Lucas, Reuben: Apr. 19, 1807. Madden, Alpheus: May 3, 1806. Maddin, Timo. : June 2, 1806. Mapes, Caleb: June 12, 1812; July 7, 1817. Markham, Arnold: Mar. 29, 1800; June 12, 1812. Mather, Augustus: Apr. 14,1817. Morgan, Joseph: June 28, 1807. Morgan, Lewis: Jan. 18, 1805. Mosier, Thomas: Apr. 14, 1817. Moyer, Christian: June 21, 1817. Moyer, Garrit: Apr. 28, 1815. Mulkins, Henry: Apr. 7, 1801. Nettleton, Phileman: Mar. 29. 1800. Nichol, Joseph: Dec. 8, 1807; May 3, 1806. Nichol, Lewis: Dec. 11, 1807. Nichol, Nathan: Mar. 7, 1799; Dec. 8, 1807. Nicoll, Isaac: June 21, 1805. Ogden, Jonathan: Dec. 18, 1807. Olmstead,Jeremiah:Apr. 26,1797. Osgood, Moses: Mar. 25, 1814. Peck, George: May 25, 1822. Philips, Henry: Nov. 16, 1820. Ponto, James: Mar. 29, 1800; Mar. 22, 1806. Randall, Stephen, Jr.: May 23, 1820. Rathbone, Samuel: Jan; 15, 1808. Reynolds, Nathan: July 13, 1822. Rice, Olney F.: June 2, 1807. Richard, William: June 27, 1807. Robard, Sept. 23, 1816; June 28, 1817. Rockwell, John: May 28, 1805. Rowe, Abel: Jan. 2, 1800. Rowe, Dan: Apr. 28, 1801; Mar. 8, 1803. Ryan, William: Feby. 24, 1802. Schoonover, Jacob: Apr. 3, 1798. Schoonover, Jonas: Apr. 7, 1801; June 28, 1807. Scott, Isaac: Apr. 7, 1801. Shaw, Augustus B.: June 28,1807. Sheffer, Peter: Mar. 10, 1801. Sherwin, Abner: Sept. 6, 1800. Sikes, Warner: (Parma) Nov. 10, 1823. Smith, Isaac: Apr. 7, 1801. Smith, John: (Parma) May 5, 1823. Spencer, Austin: Sept. 23, 1816. Spencer, William H.: Apr. 8, 1799; June 21, 1805. Stevens, Zahred: (Parma) May 25, 1824. Tucker, Ephraim: Dec. 26, 1810. Usher, Aron c.. Apr. 18, 1805. Utley, Asa: Apr. 28,1797; May 5, 1800. Utley, Samuel: Mar. 3, 1802. Utter, Ebenezer: Mar. 23, 1803. Wadham, Jonathan: Apr. IS, 1821 Wansey, John: June 28, 1807. Warner, Warham: June 17, 1817. Webb, Ariel: May 30, 1818. Webster, Isaac P.: Apr. 4, 1814. Webster, John: Oct. 8, 1806; Aug. 21, 1817. Webster, John D.: May 20, 1807. Webster, Stephen: Dec. 19, 1807. Webster, Thomas: Aug. 21, 1817. Webster, William: Apr. 24, 1815. Weston, Nehemiah: May 20,1800. Whitcomb, Thos.: Apr. 26, 1797. Wickson, Joshua: Sept. 27, 1800. Widener, Henry: July 21, 1807. Wilbor, Charles: Mar. 29, 1800. Willey, Bennajah: Apr. 15, 1807. Willey, George Warren: May 4. 1805. Wilkinson, Isaac: Feb. 19, 1808. Winchel, Justice: May 5, 1823. Wood, James: Apr. 10, 1802. Wood, Lemuel: July 21, 1807. Worthington, Justin: Jan. 18, 1805. Wortman, Andrew: May 28,1802. line
1775 |
1804 |
January 13, 1804
Genesee County, New York, United States
1815 |
Probably Gennesse, New York, United States
1823 |
Age 48
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