On 6 May 1636, William Debnam was listed as a headright for Captain (later Colonel) Christopher Calthorpe of "Thropland."
William Debnam married Katherine (Unknown). They were the parents of four known children:
Kathrine (Debnam) (Taliaferro) Jones
Ann (Debnam) Hoyle
Mary (Debnam) Smith
William Debnam, Jr.
In the fall of 1648 William Debnam was one of four men ordered to appraise the estate of his neighbor Abraham Turner. Dednam had acquired land on Ware River in "Mojack" Bay, Charles River (later Gloucester) County by 10 Oct 1642, when his property is mentioned as abutting a patent granted to Abraham Turner. He himself patented two parcels in Mockjack Bay ten years later: 600 acres on 6 May 1652 (one of the headright names listed is__Dickinson), and 1500 acres on 26 May 1653, both these patents were renewed, after his death, on 13 Jan 1661.
William Debnam, Sr. received a Mobjack Bay patent in 1652, totaling 2,100 acres.
see Mary Burton Derrickson McCurdy, "The Towneleys and Warners of Virginia and their English Connections," The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, v. 81, p. 361, note 151, and J. B. C. Nicklin, ibid., v. 56, pp. 208-210. Nicklin erred, however, in assuming that Mary Debnam and her sisters were the daughters of "Henry Deadman" of Rappahannock River, Virginia. They were the issue of William and Catherine Debnam of York and Gloucester counties. After the death of William Debnam in 1657, his widow married the Rev. Charles Grymes of Gloucester County (ibid., v.81, p. 360).
Born in England
William first appears in Virginia records in a land patent recorded on 6 May 1636 for Christopher Calthorpe, In the fall of 1648 he was one of four men ordered to appraise the estate of his neighbor Abraham Turner. Dednam had acquired land on Ware River in "Mojack" Bay, Charles River
Dednam had acquired land on Ware River in "Mojack" Bay, Charles River (later Gloucester) County by 10 Oct 1642, when his property is mentioned as abutting a patent granted to Abraham Turner
Henry was granted 350 acres of land on Rappahannock River June 27, 1650
On November 18, 1653, Henry Dedman was granted 400 acres in Lancaster County bounded with the land of Mr. James Bagnall and with another tract now in the possession of the said Deadman
Henry Dednam's residence probably was in Gloucester County at Severn River; he also owned land south of York River
Citing This Record "Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/39TK-5HZ : accessed 2014-08-13), entry for William Henry /Dedman/.
1600 |
1629 |
March 29, 1629
Burnley Parish, Lancashire, England (United Kingdom)
1630 |
January 1, 1630
Igtham, Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1637 |
1655 |
June 6, 1655
Age 55
Gloucester , Virginia