Matching family tree profiles for Henry "the Quaker" Horn
Immediate Family
About Henry "the Quaker" Horn
A Patriot of the American Revolution for NORTH CAROLINA. DAR Ancestor # A058420
BIOGRAPHY: Elected 1775 Second Major Minute Men for Edgecombe County North Carolina. Elected in 1776 Reorg of Military DAR Patriot Index From the files of Hugh B. Johnston, Jr. Wilson North Carolina Warren County, Georgia MARRIAGES From 1784 to 1850 Page 13Quaker Rich Square Monthly meeting Pg 8 Edgecombe County North Carolina (Tarboro) The North Carolina Wills Page 317 1798 April, HORN, HENRY, Patience (wife); William, Esther, Isaac, Jeremiah, Henry, Charity, Joel, Damaris, Mourning, Phoebe, Selah(Celia),
BIOGRAPHY: THE WILL OF HENRY HORN, 1716-1798 This will is recorded vol. p 47, Wayne Co. North Carolina Will Book A-Z TEXT OF THE WILL Be it remembered that I Henry Horn of Wayne County and State of North Carolina do make & ordain this my lastwill & Testament revoking & all others heretofore made by me. ITEM I give & bequeath to my wife Patience one feather bed and furniture (to wit) that on which we sleep, One black mare, one hunting saddle, one bridle, two young cows andcalves, one sow three pigs, one small pine chest, six earthen plates, two cups and four bowls, two basins, 2 dishes, ten pewter plates, two silver spoons, Table & Tea spoons, 2 iron pots, 1 frying pan, one cotton wheel, one pair cards, one tub,one pail, one pigeon, 3 setting chairs, one small pine table, one case of knives & forks, & six pewter spoons, to her & her heirs forever. ITEM I lend to my beloved & wife the use of my Lands & plantation I bought of Richard ??? During her widowhood but no longer. ITEM I give & bequeath to my sons & daughters viz William, Ester, Isaac, Henry, and Charity, Joel & Demaris the sum of five shillings each. ITEM I give & bequeath to my daughters (to wit) Mourning, Phebe & Selah, the sumof ten pounds current money to each of them; to them and heirs forever. ITEM I give & bequeath to my son Jeremiah all that Tract of parcel of Land called the Wiggins place to him & his heirs forever. ITEM I give & bequeath to my Grandson JosiahHorn, all my wrights in the Lands on the North side of Tarriver and above? Kirby Creek whereon he lives to him & heirs forever. ITEM I give & bequeath to my Negroes, Will ??? their freedom & two cows, two sows & pigs to their only use & benefitin. ITEM my will & desire respecting my other Negroes (to wit) Isaac, Shadrack, Meshack, Duck or Patience, is that if at any time the law of our country will admit of their freedom, then they shall be free, but until then I do hereby de????e them in the care of my Executors and Guardians over them in all cases with equal authority as if I had made an absolute legacy of them , to them, yet not so as to sell them for gain. ITEM I give & bequeath to my sons Jacob, Thomas & Jeremiah all and every part of my Estate which is not heretofore bequeath or directed, including the land lent my wife after her marriage or decease to be Equally divided amongst them & their heirs forever. ITEM I do constitute & appoint my Sons Jacob, Thomas, & Jeremiah Horn's executors of this my last will & Testament, ratifying & confirming the same under my Hand& Seal this 30 day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and ninety seven. Signed and acknowledged in the presence ofUs, HENRY HORN S-E-A-L Jess Parker John Doudan Sara Doudan Henry and Ann listed in Quaker Records (Rich Square MM) June 7, 1775 Henry and wife Ann disowned by Quaker Church Sept. 16, 1775 Henry and Ann, regarding their breach of discipline, action deferred Feb. 17, 1776 Henry and wife Ann and children Jacob and Joel Horn Phebe Ricks and Charity Battle disowned Henry was a member of Rich Square monthly meeting of Quakers, Edgecombe Co. Henry Horn was disowned by the Quakers, 16 May 1767.September 16, 1775 Henry and Ann, regarding their breach of discipline, action deferred. On February 17, 1776 Henry and wife Ann and children Jacob and Joel, Phebe Ricks and Charity Battle were disowned. Removing from Edgecombe County about 1780,the family settled in Wayne County, N.C., where they are listed in the 1790 U. S. Census, and where Henry Horn died in 1798, leaving a will. Henry is listed in DAR Patriot Index--Centennial Edition as served in Revolutionary War with England, 2Major MM PS North Carolina. Of Henry and Ann's thirteen children, at least three, Thomas, Jacob and Jeremiah, migrated to Wayne Co., Indiana.
BIOGRAPHY: Henry was born in 1716, probably in Nansemond County, VA, and presumably lived there until his parents moved south to nearby NC. Henry's father, William, had clearly purchased property in Chowan precinct by 1737, probably as early as 1730 or earlier, property located at "the head of the branches of Ahoskey Pocoson", just south of Rich Square, the site of a Quaker meeting house. It seems likely that Henry encountered his future wife, Ann Purcell, in Virginia prior to moving south, since the Purcell family lived in Southampton County, VA, just west of Nansemond County.
BIOGRAPHY: Henry Horn, his wife Ann, and their children are frequently mentioned in the Quaker records of the Rich Square Monthly Meeting from 1761 to 1776, and in the Perquimans meeting from 1757 - 1759, consistent with their residing in the Ahoskie area, just south of Rich Square, during the early part of their lives.
BIOGRAPHY: It originally appeared to me that Henry bought property in NC as early as 1730, when he was only 14 years old, based on this peculiar abstract of this Bertie deed [" C232(106) Henry Baker of Chowan Precinct to Henry (William) Horn (Horne). May 12, 1730. 30 pounds for 110 acres. On Ahoskey Pocoson, Adj John Gray. Land bought of William Faulk. Patent date Feb 1 1725. Wit: John Beverly, Henry Beverly."] In Feb 2000, I obtained a copy of the original of this deed and of the following deed, recording the sale of the same property in 1737 [E153%28180%29 " Henry Horne to Thomas Horne July 6 1737. 20 pounds for 110 acres. On upper end of Ahoskey Pocoson adj. John Davison. Land bought of Henry Baker, and granted to William Faulk by patent for 110 acres. Feb 1 1725. Wit: Charles Horne, Michael Horne, Moses Horne. August Court 1737]. "
BIOGRAPHY: In the original of the peculiar 1730 Bertie deed above, the name Henry Horne is used multiple times as the purchaser. In only ONE location the name William Horne is clearly written in a context that suggests it may be an error by the scribe. The original of the deed recording the 1737 sale of clearly the same property by Henry Horne to Thomas Horne, contains no reference to a William Horne (see Bertie E153-180). Since Henry the Quaker was only 14 years old in 1730, it seems unlikely that he was buying this property. It nows seems more likely that the purchaser here is Henry Horne + Elizabeth, who d in 1761, probably the brother of William of Nansemond and Richard of Northampton.
BIOGRAPHY: Numerous property transactions are recorded in this Ahoskey area after 1741 involving "Henry Horn of Edgecomb County", but since both this Henry Horn and his presumed uncle, the Henry Horn who was married to Elizabeth Stephenson, both lived in this area prior to the older Henry's death in 1761, the particular Henry involved in a given transaction during this period is often not obvious.
BIOGRAPHY: A Henry Horn of Edgecomb County is recorded as having bought 250 acres on the north side of the Tar River in 1741, selling the same property, with his wife, Susana, a year later. The same couple bought 25 acres south of the Tar River in 1745. Initially I had no idea who this "Henry Horn and Susana" were, but the probability occurs to me that "Susana" may have been a familiar or alternative name for Ann Purcell, the wife of Henry the Quaker. I am aware of no alternative explanation for the identity of this couple.
BIOGRAPHY: In Jan of 2002, I have located evidence of a Tar River land patent to a Henry Horne in 1742, In Hoffman's Abstracts of Land Patents, 1735 - 1764, Colony of North Carolina: "Henry Horn, 5 May 1742, 170 acres in Edgecombe County on the S. side of the Tar River at the mouth of Dogwood Creek, joining the river.", providing further indication that Henry the Quaker began acquiring properties in the Tar River area about 1740.
BIOGRAPHY: The following deed abstract clearly records an early purchase of substantial property in the Rocky Mount area by Henry the Quaker. "THOMAS KERBY of Edge Co to HENRY HORN of Edge Co 10 Mar 1743/44 110 pounds current money of Va. 299 acres more or less on the north side of Tarr River now in the possession of the sd KERBY and ELIZABETH his wife and is part of a patent for 500 acres to the sd KERBY 6 Mar 1729." It appears that the residual 200 acres of the 500 acre 1729 grant to Kerby was bought by Henry and Ann in 1752, as recorded in the following abstract. "352(148) THOMAS KIRBY of Edge Co to HENRY HORN of Edge co 16 Sept 1752 20 pounds 200 acres on the north side of Tar river, joining Stoney creek all houses, orchards, fences etc. Wit: BENJAMIN BUNN, JAMES RICKS, CHARLES JONES. Reg Edge Co Nov Ct 1752 B Wynns CC."
BIOGRAPHY: I believe this is almost certainly HenryQ, since the location near Rocky Mount is in the area where he owned properties throughout much of his life, divesting himself through gifts to his descendants in the 1780's and 1790's. This may be the 200 acres Henry sold to his son Wm in 1761 ["254-%2875%29 Henry Horn of Edgecomb Co to his son William Horn of same. 21 Dec 1761. 50 pounds Va. 200 acres on the north side of Tar river, joining Stoney Creek.Wit: John Page, Joseph Pittman(a Quaker), Isaac Horn. Dec Ct 1761. Jams Hall DCC]. I also suggest that this property might be the source of the name, Kirby's creek, employed in Henry's bequest to grandson Josiah in his will.
BIOGRAPHY: Some of Henry's assets may have been derived from his wife's endowment. Henry and Ann sold Virginia property in 1762, as documented in Southampton County Deed Book 3, pp 110-111. [Henry Horn and wife Ann of Edgecombe County, North Carolina to Newitt Drew, dated 14 Jan 1762. 100 acres on the west side of Angelica Swamp on Purcell's branch (given sd Ann, wife of sd. Henry, by father Thomas Purcell on 12 Dec 1745), S: Henry (signed) Horn and Ann (signed) Horn, W: Hardy (signed) Harris and Aaron (signed) Harris].
BIOGRAPHY: In his later years Henry moved south into Wayne County, where numerous deeds identify him as living "south of Contentnea Creek", below Wilson NC.
BIOGRAPHY: One of the earliest references to Henry Horn that I find in Wayne County records is in Deed Book 3, #409, p. 9. , recording William Alford in 1785 selling 400 acres to James Cobb: the deed locates the property adjoining Henry Horn. Several following references from this Wayne County Deed Book identify Henry Horn as living on property on the south side of Contentnea Creek.
BIOGRAPHY: I have not located a deed showing Henry Horn's initial acquisition of property in Wayne County. The handwritten text of Henry's will clearly indicates that the plantation left to his wife and thence to three of his sons was "bought of Richard...". The text appears to me to read "bought of Richard Horn(e)" with either a "Sr" or "Jr" interlineated above the "Horn(e)". However, I have as yet not found a deed transferring any property from a Richard Horn(e) or from any other "Richard" to Henry Horn. Wayne county was excised from Dobbs County in about 1780. At TSLA, with an extensive collection of NC County Records, I found that there are no Dobbs County records extant as such, since many were lost and others were transferred to the archives of the counties which were constructed from the "lost county" of Dobbs, suggesting that such records of Henry's property transfers prior to the formation of Wayne county (in 1779) might be in Wayne Co records. In Wayne County Deed Book 5E p 372 there is the following incomplete citation. Henry Horn, Senr of Dobbs County, NC bought land, witnessed by Thomas Horn, Sept 27 1777. I suggest that this citation may be a reference to Henry's purchase of his last plantation, probably from Richard Horne, Jr. This citation clearly indicates that Henry Horn is "of" and thus already lives in Dobbs County, which is soon to become Wayne County, in 1779.
BIOGRAPHY: Also in property not clearly accounted for in my analysis, Henry Horn received a Granville Grant of 425 acres in Johnston county in June 1756, property lying "on both sides of Poplar Swamp". In 1756 the lands of Wayne County-to-become (in 1779) was a part of Johnston County. At the present time I cannot locate a Poplar "Swamp" in this region. However, in a gazeteer of Place Names in this region, [William Murphy, Dobbs County Crown Patents, 1759-1775] Murphy identifies a Wayne County stream called Poplar Branch as flowing northeast into Black Creek. Black Creek is located south of and flows into Contentnea Creek. Therefore, it appears likely that in Henry Horn's final years, in Wayne County, he lived on or near the property he acquired by the Granville Grant of 1756.
BIOGRAPHY: The following Edgecomb County deed abstract refers to "Henry Horn of Wayne.." giving Edgecomb county property to his son Jacob. "535-(276) Henry Horn of Wayne Co to his son Jacob Horn of Edge Co. 1 Mar 1783. Deed of gift. 350 acres, joining Tar River, Hilliard, Compass Creek, sd Jacob Horn, a white oak marked "A", Joel Horn, Cool Spring Gut. Wit: Hardy Harris, Joel Horn, Jacob Johnson. May CT 1783. Edw Hall CC."
BIOGRAPHY: And the following 1785 Nash County abstract refers to Henry Horn "of Wayne County" selling two tracts of property in Nash County. "DB3-346 Henry Horn of Wayne Co to Joseph White Sr of Nash Co. Mar 25 1785. For 400 silver dollars two tracts of land: 1) 550 acres adjoining Robert Young, Joseph White, Widow Thompson, Whitehead's Mill Swamp, and Ready Branch; (2) 450 acres adjoining the aforesaid tract, Isaac Hilliard, and Little Pig Basket Creek. The first tract was granted to Nathaniel Folsome by Earl Granville on June 30 1760, came by descent to Israel Folsome and was conveyed by him to Ebenezer Folsome on June 22, 1762. The second tract was granted to Ebenezer Folsome by Carl Granville on Aug. 8 1761 and both tracts were conveyed to Henry Horn by Ebeneqer Folsome on Nov 24, 1772. Wit: John Bond, David Pridgen, and Redmun Bunn."
BIOGRAPHY: In accompanying annotated Maps I will attempt define the location of properties acquired and sold by Henry Horn, the Quaker.
BIOGRAPHY: The Kirby's creek property which Henry mentions in the bequest to his grandson Josiah in this will above is probably the 200 acres which Henry had bought from Thomas Kirby in 1752 and then sold to his son Wm in 1761 "on the north side of Tar river, joining Stoney Creek", property sold by Col William to his Josiah in 1791. Henry's peculiar phraseology in the will, ie, "all my wright in the Lands on the North side of Tarriver", probably reflects that there was some question of ownership of this property, a circumstance which often afflicted Colonel William's assets.
Henry "The Quaker" HORN Elected 1775 Second Major Minute Men for Edgecombe County North Carolina. Elected in 1776 Reorg of Military DAR Patriot Index From the files of Hugh B. Johnston, Jr. Wilson North Carolina Warren County, Georgia MARRIAGES From 1784 to 1850 Page 13 Quaker Rich Square Monthly meeting Pg 8 Edgecombe County North Carolina (Tarboro) A Quaker, William Horn of Nasemond Co. Va. was the father of Henry Horn b Nov. 21, 1716 2. Henry Horn son of William married first Ann Purcel in 1737, Residence was established in Edgecomb Co. N. C. Henry was a member of Rich Sq. monthy meetings of Quakers in Edgecomb Co. He was the father of 13 children
The North Carolina Wills Page 317 1798 April, HORN, HENRY, Patience (wife); William, Esther, Isaac, Jeremiah, Henry, Charity, Joel, Damaris, Mourning, Phoebe, Selah (Celia), THE WILL OF HENRY HORN, 1716-1798 This will is recorded vol. p 47, Wayne Co. North Carolina Will Book A-Z TEXT OF THE WILL Be it remembered that I Henry Horn of Wayne County and State of North Carolina do make & ordain this my last will & Testament revoking & all others heretofore made by me. ITEM I give & bequeath to my wife Patience one feather bed and furniture (to wit) that on which we sleep, One black mare, one hunting saddle, one bridle, two young cows and calves, one sow three pigs, one small pine chest, six earthen plates, two cups and four bowls, two basins, 2 dishes, ten pewter plates, two silver spoons, Table & Tea spoons, 2 iron pots, 1 frying pan, one cotton wheel, one pair cards, one tub, one pail, one pigeon, 3 setting chairs, one small pine table, one case of knives & forks, & six pewter spoons, to her & her heirs forever. ITEM I lend to my beloved & wife the use of my Lands & plantation I bought of Richard ??? During her widowhood but no longer. ITEM I give & bequeath to my sons & daughters viz William, Ester, Isaac, Henry, and Charity, Joel & Demaris the sum of five shillings each. ITEM I give & bequeath to my daughters (to wit) Mourning, Phebe & Selah, the sum of ten pounds current money to each of them; to them and heirs forever. ITEM I give & bequeath to my son Jeremiah all that Tract of parcel of Land called the Wiggins place to him & his heirs forever. ITEM I give & bequeath to my Grandson Josiah Horn, all my wrights in the Lands on the North side of Tarriver and above? Kirby Creek whereon he lives to him & heirs forever. ITEM I give & bequeath to my Negroes, Will & Jude, their freedom & two cows, two sows & pigs to their only use & benefit in. ITEM my will & desire respecting my other Negroes (to wit) Isaac, Shadrack, Meshack, Duck or Patience, is that if at any time the law of our country will admit of their freedom, then they shall be free, but until then I do hereby deposit them in the care of my Executors and Guardians over them in all cases with equal authority as if I had made an absolute legacy of them , to them, yet not so as to sell them for gain. ITEM I give & bequeath to my sons Jacob, Thomas & Jeremiah all and every part of my Estate which is not heretofore bequeath or directed, including the land lent my wife after her marriage or decease to be Equally divided amongst them & their heirs forever. ITEM I do constitute & appoint my Sons Jacob, Thomas, & Jeremiah Horn's executors of this my last will & Testament, ratifying & confirming the same under my Hand& Seal this 30 day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and ninety seven. Signed and acknowledged in the presence of Us, HENRY HORN S-E-A-L Jesse Parker John Doudan Sara Doudan Henry and Ann listed in Quaker Records (Rich Square MM) June 7, 1775 Henry and wife Ann disowned by Quaker Church Sept. 16, 1775 Henry and Ann, regarding their breach of discipline, action deferred Feb. 17, 1776 Henry and wife Ann and children Jacob and Joel Horn Phebe Ricks and Charity Battle disowned Henry was a member of Rich Square monthly meeting of Quakers, Edgecombe Co. Henry Horn was disowned by the Quakers, 16 May 1767. September 16, 1775 Henry and Ann, regarding their breach of discipline, action deferred. On February 17, 1776 Henry and wife Ann and children Jacob and Joel, Phebe Ricks and Charity Battle were disowned. Removing from Edgecombe County about 1780, the family settled in Wayne County, N.C., where they are listed in the 1790 U. S. Census, and where Henry Horn died in 1798, leaving a will. Henry is listed in DAR Patriot Index--Centennial Edition as served in Revolutionary War with England, 2 Major MM PS North Carolina. Of Henry and Ann's thirteen children, at least three, Thomas, Jacob and Jeremiah, migrated to Wayne Co., Indiana.
Henry Horn< of Wayne County and State of North Carolina do make & ordain this my last will & Testament revoking & all others heretofore made by me. ITEM I give & bequeath to my wife Patience one feather bed and furniture (to wit) that on which we sleep, One black mare, one hunting saddle, one bridle, two young cows and calves, one sow three pigs, one small pine chest, six earthen plates, two cups and four bowls, two basins, 2 dishes, ten pewter plates, two silver spoons, Table & Tea spoons, 2 iron pots, 1 frying pan, one cotton wheel, one pair cards, one tub, one pail, one pigeon, 3 setting chairs, one small pine table, one case of knives & forks, & six pewter spoons, to her & her heirs forever. ITEM I lend to my beloved & wife the use of my Lands & plantation I bought of Richard ??? During her widowhood but no longer. ITEM I give & bequeath to my sons & daughters viz William, Ester, Isaac, Henry, and Charity, Joel & Demaris the sum of five shillings each. ITEM I give & bequeath to my daughters (to wit) Mourning, Phebe & Selah, the sum of ten pounds current money to each of them; to them and heirs forever. ITEM I give & bequeath to my son Jeremiah all that Tract of parcel of Land called the Wiggins place to him & his heirs forever. ITEM I give & bequeath to my Grandson Josiah Horn, all my wrights in the Lands on the North side of Tarriver and above? Kirby Creek whereon he lives to him & heirs forever. ITEM I give & bequeath to my Negroes, Will ??? their freedom & two cows, two sows & pigs to their only use & benefit in. ITEM my will & desire respecting my other Negroes (to wit) Isaac, Shadrack, Meshack, Duck or Patience, is that if at any time the law of our country will admit of their freedom, then they shall be free, but until then I do hereby de????e them in the care of my Executors and Guardians over them in all cases with equal authority as if I had made an absolute legacy of them , to them, yet not so as to sell them for gain. ITEM I give & bequeath to my sons Jacob, Thomas & Jeremiah all and every part of my Estate which is not heretofore bequeath or directed, including the land lent my wife after her marriage or decease to be Equally divided amongst them & their heirs forever. ITEM I do constitute & appoint my Sons Jacob, Thomas, & Jeremiah Horn's executors of this my last will & Testament, ratifying & confirming the same under my Hand& Seal this 30 day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and ninety seven. Signed and acknowledged in the presence of Us, HENRY HORN S-E-A-L Jess Parker John Doudan Sara Doudan Henry and Ann listed in Quaker Records (Rich Square MM) June 7, 1775 Henry and wife Ann disowned by Quaker Church Sept. 16, 1775 Henry and Ann, regarding their breach of discipline, action deferred Feb. 17, 1776 Henry and wife Ann and children Jacob and Joel Horn Phebe Ricks and Charity Battle disowned Henry was a member of Rich Square monthly meeting of Quakers, Edgecombe Co. Henry Horn was disowned by the Quakers, 16 May 1767. September 16, 1775 Henry and Ann, regarding their breach of discipline, action deferred. On February 17, 1776 Henry and wife Ann and children Jacob and Joel, Phebe Ricks and Charity Battle were disowned. Removing from Edgecombe County about 1780, the family settled in Wayne County, N.C., where they are listed in the 1790 U. S. Census, and where Henry Horn died in 1798, leaving a will. Henry is listed in DAR Patriot Index--Centennial Edition as served in Revolutionary War with England, 2 Major MM PS North Carolina. Of Henry and Ann's thirteen children, at least three, Thomas, Jacob and Jeremiah, migrated to Wayne Co., Indiana.
Research Notes: BIOGRAPHY: Henry was born in 1716, probably in Nansemond County, VA, and presumably lived there until his parents moved south to nearby NC. Henry's father, William, had clearly purchased property in Chowan precinct by 1737, probably as early as 1730 or earlier, property located at "the head of the branches of Ahoskey Pocoson", just south of Rich Square, the site of a Quaker meeting house. It seems likely that Henry encountered his future wife, Ann Purcell, in Virginia prior to moving south, since the Purcell family lived in Southampton County, VA, just west of Nansemond County.
BIOGRAPHY: Henry Horn, his wife Ann, and their children are frequently mentioned in the Quaker records of the Rich Square Monthly Meeting from 1761 to 1776, and in the Perquimans meeting from 1757 - 1759, consistent with their residing in the Ahoskie area, just south of Rich Square, during the early part of their lives.
BIOGRAPHY: Numerous property transactions are recorded in this Ahoskey area after 1741 involving "Henry Horn of Edgecomb County", but since both this Henry Horn and his presumed uncle, the Henry Horn who was married to Elizabeth Stephenson, both lived in this area prior to the older Henry's death in 1761, the particular Henry involved in a given transaction during this period is often not obvious.
BIOGRAPHY: A Henry Horn of Edgecomb County is recorded as having bought 250 acres on the north side of the Tar River in 1741, selling the same property, with his wife, Susana, a year later. The same couple bought 25 acres south of the Tar River in 1745. Initially I had no idea who this "Henry Horn and Susana" were, but the probability occurs to me that "Susana" may have been a familiar or alternative name for Ann Purcell, the wife of Henry the Quaker. I am aware of no alternative explanation for the identity of this couple.
BIOGRAPHY: In Jan of 2002, I have located evidence of a Tar River land patent to a Henry Horne in 1742, In Hoffman's Abstracts of Land Patents, 1735 - 1764, Colony of North Carolina: "Henry Horn, 5 May 1742, 170 acres in Edgecombe County on the S. side of the Tar River at the mouth of Dogwood Creek, joining the river.", providing further indication that Henry the Quaker began acquiring properties in the Tar River area about 1740.
BIOGRAPHY: The following deed abstract clearly records an early purchase of substantial property in the Rocky Mount area by Henry the Quaker. "THOMAS KERBY of Edge Co to HENRY HORN of Edge Co 10 Mar 1743/44 110 pounds current money of Va. 299 acres more or less on the north side of Tarr River now in the possession of the sd KERBY and ELIZABETH his wife and is part of a patent for 500 acres to the sd KERBY 6 Mar 1729." It appears that the residual 200 acres of the 500 acre 1729 grant to Kerby was bought by Henry and Ann in 1752, as recorded in the following abstract. "352(148) THOMAS KIRBY of Edge Co to HENRY HORN of Edge co 16 Sept 1752 20 pounds 200 acres on the north side of Tar river, joining Stoney creek all houses, orchards, fences etc. Wit: BENJAMIN BUNN, JAMES RICKS, CHARLES JONES. Reg Edge Co Nov Ct 1752 B Wynns CC."
BIOGRAPHY: I believe this is almost certainly HenryQ, since the location near Rocky Mount is in the area where he owned properties throughout much of his life, divesting himself through gifts to his descendants in the 1780's and 1790's. This may be the 200 acres Henry sold to his son Wm in 1761 ["254-%2875%29 Henry Horn of Edgecomb Co to his son William Horn of same. 21 Dec 1761. 50 pounds Va. 200 acres on the north side of Tar river, joining Stoney Creek.Wit: John Page, Joseph Pittman(a Quaker), Isaac Horn. Dec Ct 1761. Jams Hall DCC]. I also suggest that this property might be the source of the name, Kirby's creek, employed in Henry's bequest to grandson Josiah in his will.
BIOGRAPHY: Some of Henry's assets may have been derived from his wife's endowment. Henry and Ann sold Virginia property in 1762, as documented in Southampton County Deed Book 3, pp 110-111. [Henry Horn and wife Ann of Edgecombe County, North Carolina to Newitt Drew, dated 14 Jan 1762. 100 acres on the west side of Angelica Swamp on Purcell's branch (given sd Ann, wife of sd. Henry, by father Thomas Purcell on 12 Dec 1745), S: Henry (signed) Horn and Ann (signed) Horn, W: Hardy (signed) Harris and Aaron (signed) Harris].
BIOGRAPHY: In his later years Henry moved south into Wayne County, where numerous deeds identify him as living "south of Contentnea Creek", below Wilson NC.
BIOGRAPHY: One of the earliest references to Henry Horn that I find in Wayne County records is in Deed Book 3, #409, p. 9. , recording William Alford in 1785 selling 400 acres to James Cobb: the deed locates the property adjoining Henry Horn. Several following references from this Wayne County Deed Book identify Henry Horn as living on property on the south side of Contentnea Creek.
BIOGRAPHY: I have not located a deed showing Henry Horn's initial acquisition of property in Wayne County. The handwritten text of Henry's will clearly indicates that the plantation left to his wife and thence to three of his sons was "bought of Richard...". The text appears to me to read "bought of Richard Horn(e)" with either a "Sr" or "Jr" interlineated above the "Horn(e)". However, I have as yet not found a deed transferring any property from a Richard Horn(e) or from any other "Richard" to Henry Horn. Wayne county was excised from Dobbs County in about 1780. At TSLA, with an extensive collection of NC County Records, I found that there are no Dobbs County records extant as such, since many were lost and others were transferred to the archives of the counties which were constructed from the "lost county" of Dobbs, suggesting that such records of Henry's property transfers prior to the formation of Wayne county (in 1779) might be in Wayne Co records. In Wayne County Deed Book 5E p 372 there is the following incomplete citation. Henry Horn, Senr of Dobbs County, NC bought land, witnessed by Thomas Horn, Sept 27 1777. I suggest that this citation may be a reference to Henry's purchase of his last plantation, probably from Richard Horne, Jr. This citation clearly indicates that Henry Horn is "of" and thus already lives in Dobbs County, which is soon to become Wayne County, in 1779.
BIOGRAPHY: Also in property not clearly accounted for in my analysis, Henry Horn received a Granville Grant of 425 acres in Johnston county in June 1756, property lying "on both sides of Poplar Swamp". In 1756 the lands of Wayne County-to-become (in 1779) was a part of Johnston County. At the present time I cannot locate a Poplar "Swamp" in this region. However, in a gazeteer of Place Names in this region, [William Murphy, Dobbs County Crown Patents, 1759-1775] Murphy identifies a Wayne County stream called Poplar Branch as flowing northeast into Black Creek. Black Creek is located south of and flows into Contentnea Creek. Therefore, it appears likely that in Henry Horn's final years, in Wayne County, he lived on or near the property he acquired by the Granville Grant of 1756.
BIOGRAPHY: The following Edgecomb County deed abstract refers to "Henry Horn of Wayne.." giving Edgecomb county property to his son Jacob. "535-(276) Henry Horn of Wayne Co to his son Jacob Horn of Edge Co. 1 Mar 1783. Deed of gift. 350 acres, joining Tar River, Hilliard, Compass Creek, sd Jacob Horn, a white oak marked "A", Joel Horn, Cool Spring Gut. Wit: Hardy Harris, Joel Horn, Jacob Johnson. May CT 1783. Edw Hall CC."
BIOGRAPHY: And the following 1785 Nash County abstract refers to Henry Horn "of Wayne County" selling two tracts of property in Nash County. "DB3-346 Henry Horn of Wayne Co to Joseph White Sr of Nash Co. Mar 25 1785. For 400 silver dollars two tracts of land: 1) 550 acres adjoining Robert Young, Joseph White, Widow Thompson, Whitehead's Mill Swamp, and Ready Branch; (2) 450 acres adjoining the aforesaid tract, Isaac Hilliard, and Little Pig Basket Creek. The first tract was granted to Nathaniel Folsome by Earl Granville on June 30 1760, came by descent to Israel Folsome and was conveyed by him to Ebenezer Folsome on June 22, 1762. The second tract was granted to Ebenezer Folsome by Carl Granville on Aug. 8 1761 and both tracts were conveyed to Henry Horn by Ebeneqer Folsome on Nov 24, 1772. Wit: John Bond, David Pridgen, and Redmun Bunn."
BIOGRAPHY: In accompanying annotated Maps I will attempt define the location of properties acquired and sold by Henry Horn, the Quaker.
BIOGRAPHY: The Kirby's creek property which Henry mentions in the bequest to his grandson Josiah in this will above is probably the 200 acres which Henry had bought from Thomas Kirby in 1752 and then sold to his son Wm in 1761 "on the north side of Tar river, joining Stoney Creek", property sold by Col William to his Josiah in 1791. Henry's peculiar phraseology in the will, ie, "all my wright in the Lands on the North side of Tarriver", probably reflects that there was some question of ownership of this property, a circumstance which often afflicted Colonel William's assets.
Noted events in his life were: American Revolutionary War:Elected 1775 Second Major Minute Men for Edgecombe County North Carolina Elected in 1776 Reorg of Military DAR Patriot Index From the files of Hugh B. Johnston, Jr. Wilson North Carolina Warren County, Georgia
Henry married Anne (Mourning) Purcell, daughter of Thomas Purcell and Elizabeth Last Name not known now, in 1737 in Edgecombe County, North Carolina. (Anne (Mourning) Purcell was born on Apr 1, 1723 in Nansemond County, Virginia and died in Apr 1798 in Wayne County, North Carolina.)
Henry also married Patience Last Name not known now about 1776. (Patience Last Name not known now died in 1798.)
Please contact me (David Talbot Sr.) with any corrections or additions you may have via e-mail below Send E-mail to TALBOTDL@COMCAST.NET
• Military Service 45, Second Major, Minute Men, Revolutionary War - Edgecombe County, North Carolina American Revolutionary War: Elected 1775: Second Major Minute Men for Edgecombe County North Carolina Elected 1776: Reorg of Military From DAR Patriot Index
• Change of Residence 217, From Edgcombe to Wayne County, North Carolina, Abt 1780
• Federal Census 7, General Population Schedule, 1790 - Wayne County, North Carolina Wayne County. No township specified.
White Males White Males White Females Other Slaves 16+ < 16 Free
Thomas Horn 1 3 7 1 Henry Horn 1 1 5 5 Jeremiah Horn 1 2 2 2 Damaris Horn 1 1 2 1
• Religion 45,217,222,549, Quaker, Rich Square Monthly Meetings - Edgecombe County, North Carolina Excommunicated in 1775 for allowing daughter to marry a non-Quaker.
Per Robert Sharp:
Henry was a member of Rich Square monthly meeting of Quakers, Edgecombe Co. Henry Horn was disowned by the Quakers, 16 May, 1767. September 16, 1775 Henry and Ann, regarding their breach of discipline, action deferred. On February 17, 1776, Henry and wife Ann and children Jacob and Joel , Phebe Ricks and Charity Battle were disowned.
• Deed 44, From Henry Horn to William Horn, 8 Mar 1797 - Wayne County, North Carolina Quote from Roger G. Horn:
Henry Horn pays 45 pounds Virginia money to his son, Colonel William, undoubtedly that the prodigal son William wanted, to clear any cloud to the claim of his son Thomas to the property that William felt he was entitled to. The text is somewhat cluttered, but I believe it is clear that this is the effect and intent of The 8 March deed, the text of which follows:
" This Indenture made this Eighth day of March in the year one thousand seven hundred & ninety-seven Between Henry Horn of Wayne County and State of North Carolina, and Thomas Horn of the same place witnesseth that the said Henry Horn for a consideration of the sum of Forth five pounds Virgina Currency paid to William Horn doth acquit and Discharge the said Thomas Horn haith given Granted Bargained & sold unto the said Thomas Horn all my wright to and privilege in all the Lands formerly belonging to William Row Deceased with my benefit thereunto belonging Including the plantation whereon William Horn now lives To Have and To Hold the said land above Granted with Every appurtenance thereto belonging to him the said Thomas Horn his Heirs and assigns forever and I the said Henry Horn do for my self my Heirs Executors or Administrators acquit all claim in said Land and do warrant & defend the title thereof against the lawfull Claim of other person or persons whatsoever, in anywise. In Witness whereof I do hereto set my hand with my seal this day and year above written. Signed and Acknowledged in the presence of Henry Horn S_E_A_L Wm Horn Nash County ---lig & term 1797 Jeremiah Horn
The written Deed was in open Court Patience Horn duly proved by the Oath of Wm Horn & ordered to be registered.
• Will 123,549, Henry Horn, Written 30 Mar 1797; Proved April 1798. - Wayne County, North Carolina March 30, 1797, Wayne Co., NC, Recorded Vol. P. 47, Will Book A-Z
Be it remembered that I, Henry Horn of Wayne County & State of North Carolina do make & ordain this my last will & Testament, revoking & all others heretofore made by me.
ITEM I give & bequeth to my wife Patience one feather bed & furniture (to wit) that on which we sleep, One black mare, one hunting saddle, one bridle, two young cows and calves, one sow and three pigs, one small pine chest, six earthen plates, two cups and four bowls, two basins, 2 dishes, ten pewter plates, two silver spoons, Table & Tea spoons, 2 iron potts, 1 frying pan, one cotton wheel, one pair cards, one tub, one pail, one pigen, 3 setting chairs, one small pine table, one case of knives & forks, & six pewter spoons, to her & her heirs forever.
ITEM I lend to my above & wife the use of my Lands & plantation I bought of Richard ???? during her widowhood but no longer.
ITEM I give & bequeath to my sons and daughters viz William, Esther, Isaac, Henry, Charity, Joel and Demaris, the sum of five shillings each.
ITEM I give & bequeath to my daughter (to wit) Mourning, Phebe, & Selah, the sum of ten pounds current money to each of them, to them and their heirs forever.
ITEM I give & bequeath to my son Jeremiah all that Tract of parcel of Land called the Wiggins place, to him & his heirs forever.
ITEM I give & bequeath to my Grandson Josiah Horn, all my wright in the Lands on the North side of Tarriver and above Kirby's Creek whereon he now lives to him & his heirs forever.
ITEM I give & bequeath to my negrows, Will & Jude, their freedom & to them two cows, two sows & pigs to their only use & benefit in.
ITEM my will & desire respecting my other negroes (to wit) Isaac, Shadrack, Meshack, Duck or Patience, is that if at any time the laws of our Country will admit of their freedom, then they shall be free, but untill then, I do hereby deposit them in the care of my Executors as Guargians over them in all cases with equal authority as if I had made an absolute legacy of them, to them, yet not so as to sell them for gain.
ITEM I give & bequeath to my sons Jacob, Thomas, & Jeremiah all & every part of my Estate which is not heretofore bequeathed or directed, including the land lent my wife after her marryage or decease, to be Equally divided amongst them, to them & their heirs forever.
ITEM I do constitute & appoint my Sons Jacob, Thomas, & Jeremiah Horn's. executors of this my last Will & Testament, rattifying & confirming the same under my Hand & Seal this thirtieth day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and ninety-seven.
Signed and acknowledged in presence of us,
HENRY HORN S_E_A_L Jesse Parker John Doudna Sarah Doudna
Proved April 1798.
@R-2138756323@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
Ancestry Family Tree
Henry "the Quaker" Horn's Timeline
1716 |
November 20, 1716
Suffolk, Nansemond County, Virginia
1738 |
March 30, 1738
Nansemond, Suffolk, Virginia, United States
1740 |
April 6, 1740
Edgecombe, North Carolina, USA
1742 |
May 7, 1742
Wayne, North Carolina, USA
1744 |
June 10, 1744
Edgecombe County, North Carolina, United States
1747 |
March 10, 1747
Edgecombe County, North Carolina, United States
1748 |
March 10, 1748
Wayne, North Carolina, USA
1749 |
September 14, 1749
Edgecombe County, North Carolina, United States
1751 |
August 14, 1751
Edgecombe, North Carolina, USA