Immediate Family
About Herleava d'Evreux
Herlève, Havlive, Oterleve, Herleve
Her parents are not known.
Spouse: Robert d'Evreux, also called "le Danois", archbishop of Rouen.
1. Richard, Count of Évreux (d. 1067).
2. Rudolph d'Évreux. Ralph de Gacé, Sire de Gace. He married Basilla, daughter of Gerard Flaitel. They had one son, Robert, who died without heirs. Basilla married secondly Hugh de Gournay.
3. daughter, married Gerard de Fleitel
4. William d'Évreux. married Hawise de Echauffour, daughter of Giroie, Lord of Échauffour, and had a daughter, Judith, who married Roger I of Sicily.
LINKS updated 11-22-2015
ROBERT, son of RICHARD I Comte [de Normandie] & his second wife Gunnora (-1037). Guillaume of Jumièges names “ Robertum atque Malgerium aliosque duos” as the sons of Richard and his wife “Gunnor ex nobilissima Danorum prosapia ortam”[2514]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Robertus archiepiscopus Rothomagensis" as brother of "dux Normannie Richardus II"[2515]. He is named as brother of Richard II Duke of Normandy by Orderic Vitalis[2516]. Robert of Torigny names "Ricardum…qui ei successit et Robertum postea archiepiscopum Rothomagensium et Malgerium comitem Curbuliensem, aliosque duos" as the sons of "Ricardi primi ducis Normanniæ" & Gunnora[2517]. Comte d'Evreux. Archbishop of Rouen 989, after his parents married to legitimise him to regularise his appointment[2518]. An agreement between the abbots of Jumièges and Bougeuil concerning an exchange of land in Poitou, by charter dated [13 Apr/4 Apr] 1012, is subscribed by "Richardus…filius Ricardi principi magni…Robertus archiepiscopus…ecclesie Rotomagensis et Vuillelmus et Malgerus fratres Richardi comitis…"[2519]. Guillaume of Jumièges records the succession of Robert after the death of his brother, his siege of “Ebroicum...urbem” due to his enmity for “Robertum archipræsulum” who fled to “Robertum regem Francorum” before being reconciled with Duke Robert[2520]. Robert of Torigny records the death in 1037 of "Robertus…archiepiscopus Rothomagensis"[2521].
m HERLEVA, daughter of ---. She is called "a wife named Herleve" whom the bishop took "in his capacity as count" by Orderic Vitalis[2522]. Orderic Vitalis, in another passage, says that "the practice of celibacy among the clergy was so relaxed that not only priests but even bishops freely shared their beds with concubines and openly boasted of their numerous progeny"[2523]. Chibnall mentions that clerical marriage was formally prohibited in Normandy in the 1064 Council of Lisieux[2524]. Ambivalence towards the marriage of senior members of the clergy in early medieval times is discussed by Taglia[2525]. The author highlights the uncertainty existing before the 12th century regarding the regularity of such marriages, and the legitimacy of any children produced, the position remaining unclear until the ecumenical councils of Lateran I (1123) and Lateran II (1139) which ruled that the major holy orders were an impediment to marriage.
Robert & his wife had four children:
1. RICHARD d'Evreux (-1067, bur Fontenelle, monastery of Saint-Wandrille[2526]). Orderic Vitalis names him son of "Archbishop Robert"[2527]. “...Ricardus filius Roberti...” subscribed the charter under which Guillaume Duke of Normandy donated the church of Arques to Saint-Wandrille, dated to [1035/55][2528]. Comte d'Evreux. "Ricardus Rotberti archiepiscopi filius" donated a mill at Evreux to the abbey of Jumièges by charter dated [26 Mar 1038/14 Apr 1039][2529]. "Richardus, archipræsulis Roberti filius…et uxor mea Godehyldis" founded Saint-Sauveur d´Evreux, in which "Godehylde filia mea" became a nun, by undated charter[2530]. "Ricardus comes Ebroicensis" donated the church of Gravigny to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, dated [1052/66][2531]. Orderic Vitalis names “Ricardus comes Ebroicensis, Rodberti archiepiscopi filius...” among the leading lords under Guillaume II Duke of Normandy[2532]. He took part in the battle of Hastings 14 Oct 1066[2533]. m (after [1040]%29 as her second husband, GODECHILDIS, widow of ROGER [II] de Tosny [Conches], daughter of ---. Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Richardus Ebroicensis comes filius Roberti Archiepiscopi” married “uxore Rogerii de Toenia” by whom he had “Willelmum qui nunc Ebroicensibus principatur”[2534]. The Miracles of Sainte-Foy recount her being cured of a serious illness by miracle, when she was still married to her first husband[2535]. Henry I King of England confirmed the foundation of Conches by "Rogerius senior de Toenio et filius eius Radulphus senex et Radulphus juvenis filius prædicti Radulphi senis et Rogerius filius Radulphi juvenis", quoting the donation by "Godehildis comitissa Ebroicæ civitatis, quondam uxor Rogerii de Totteneio" with the consent of "seniore meo comite Richardo", dated to [1130][2536]. "Richardus, archipræsulis Roberti filius…et uxor mea Godehyldis" founded Saint-Sauveur d´Evreux, in which "Godehylde filia mea" became a nun, by undated charter[2537]. Comte Richard & his wife had three children:
a) GUILLAUME "Crespin" d'Evreux (-18 or 20 Apr 1118, bur Fontenelle, monastery of Saint-Wandrille[2538]). Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Richardus Ebroicensis comes filius Roberti Archiepiscopi” married “uxore Rogerii de Toenia” by whom he had “Willelmum qui nunc Ebroicensibus principatur”[2539]. The Brevis Relatio de Origine Willelmi Conquestoris records that "Willelmo comite Deurons" contributed 80 ships towards the invasion of England in 1066[2540]. Orderic Vitalis names “...Guillermus Ricardi Ebroicensis comitis filius...” among those who took part in the battle of Hastings[2541]. Comte d'Evreux. He was taken prisoner during the siege of the castle of Sainte-Suzanne in 1085[2542]. Orderic Vitalis records that “comes Ebroicensis” requested Robert [III] Duke of Normandy to return “Bathventum et Nogionem, Vaceium et Craventionem, Scoceium [Bavent, near Troarn, Noyon-sur-Andelle, Gacé, Gravençon, Ecouché], aliosque fundos Radulfi patrui mei...Caput Asini” to him and grant “Pontem Sancti Petri” [Pont Saint-Pierre] to “ Guillelmo Bretoliensi”, which the duke agreed to, except “Scoceium” which was held by “Girardus de Gornaco...qui de eadem parentela prodierat, filius...Basiliæ Girardi Fleitelli filiæ”, dated to [1089][2543]. Orderic Vitalis records that “Guillelmus” [Guillaume de Breteuil] gave “tria millia librarum” to “avunculo suo Radulpho” [Raoul [III] de Tosny] for his ransom as part of the peace settlement of the Evreux/Tosny war and appointed “Rogerium consobrinum suum Radulfi filium” [Roger [II] de Tosny] as his heir and that Guillaume Comte d´Evreux also named Roger as his heir[2544]. He and his wife were exiled from Normandy to Anjou in 1112 by Henry I King of England who restored the county to them in late Feb 1113[2545]. Henry II King of England confirmed the property of the abbey of Saint-Martin de Troarn, including donations by "…Willelmi comitis Ebroicensis et Helewisie uxoris sue…", by charter dated to [1155/57][2546]. He was "struck down by apoplexy" and, after his death without children, King Henry "took the county of Evreux into his own hands" because the count's nephew Amaury de Montfort "had forfeited the king's favour by his effrontery"[2547]. The necrology of the monastery of Ouche records the death "18 Apr" of "Willelmus comes Ebroicensis"[2548]. The necrology of the church of Evreux records the death "20 Apr" of "Willelmus comes Ebroicensis"[2549]. m HELVISE de Nevers, daughter of GUILLAUME [I] Comte de Nevers & his first wife Ermengarde Ctss de Tonnerre (-[Feb 1113/18 Apr 1118], bur Noyon[2550]). She, her father and her husband are named by Orderic Vitalis, who says she was[2551]. Orderic Vitalis records the bitter dispute between “Helvisa...comitissa” and “Isabelem de Conchis”, adding that Helvise was “ facunda, sed atrox et avara” and that in war she rode armed like a knight, while Isabelle was “dapsilis et audax atque jocosa...amabilis et grata”[2552]. "Willelmi comitis Ebroicensis, Helvisse comitisse" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Martin, Troarn by charter dated to [1100/14][2553]. Henry II King of England confirmed the property of the abbey of Saint-Martin de Troarn, including donations by "…Willelmi comitis Ebroicensis et Helewisie uxoris sue…", by charter dated to [1155/57][2554].
b) AGNES d'Evreux . Orderic Vitalis records that “ Conchis filius Rogerii de Toenia” kidnapped “Agnetem uterinam sororem suam, Ricardi Ebroicensium comitis filiam” by night and married her to “Simoni de Monteforti”, who in exchange granted “filiam eiusdem Simonis...Isabel” to Raoul[2555]. In other passages Orderic names her and specifies that she was the daughter of Richard and sister of Guillaume[2556]. The date of her marriage is estimated from the marriage of her daughter which is dated to 1089. m ([before 1070]) as his third wife, SIMON Seigneur de Montfort-l'Amaury, son of AMAURY Seigneur de Montfort & his wife Bertrade --- (-25 Sep [1087], bur Epernon).
c) GODECHILDE d'Evreux . "Richardus, archipræsulis Roberti filius…et uxor mea Godehyldis" founded Saint-Sauveur d´Evreux, in which "Godehylde filia mea" became a nun, by undated charter[2557]. Nun at Evreux.
2. RAOUL d'Evreux (-1051). Orderic Vitalis names him as the son of "Archbishop Robert"[2558]. Seigneur de Gacé et de Varenguebec. His properties are listed by Orderic Vitalis as “Bathventum et Nogionem, Vaceium et Craventionem, Scoceium” [Bavent, near Troarn, Noyon-sur-Andelle, Gacé, Gravençon, Ecouché][2559]. Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Gislebertus comes Ocensis filius Godefridi comitis...tutor Willelmi pueri sed domini...cum Fulcoio filio Geroii“ were killed while riding with “Wascelino de Ponte Erchenfredi”, adding that the crime was committed by “Odonis Grossi et audacis Roberti filii Geroii” at the instigation of “Rodulfus de Waceio filii Roberti archiepiscopi”[2560]. Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Rodulphum de Wacceio” was chosen as “tutorem” of Guillaume II Duke of Normandy[2561]. Robert of Torigny names "Radulfo de Waceio filio Roberti archiepiscopi Rothomagensis" as murderer of "Gislebertus filius…Godefridi"[2562]. Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Turstenus cognomento Guz, Ausfridi Dani filius...præses Oximensis” rebelled against Guillaume II Duke of Normandy at “Falesiæ castellum”, which was attacked by the duke´s forces led by “Rodulfus Waceiensis magister militum”, and was forced to flee into exile, dated to early during the reign of Duke Guillaume II from the context[2563]. m as her first husband, BASILIE, daughter of GERARD Flaitel & his wife --- (-16 Jan [1099/1100]). Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Galterium Giffardum primum” married “unam filiarum Girardi Flatelli” and that “alteram...Basiliam relictam Rodulphi de Waceio” married [secondly] “Hugo de Gornaco”[2564]. She married secondly Hugues de Gournay. The Chronicon Beccense records a donation by "tres matronæ nobiles…Basilia uxor Hugonis de Gornaco, et Amfrida neptis ipsius Basiliæ, et Eva uxor Guillelmi Crispini", who lived at the abbey, adding that they died on three Sundays, "Amfrida…IV Non Jan…Basilia…XVII Kal Feb…Eva…X Kal Feb" [dating the passage to 1099 or 1100][2565]. Raoul & his wife had one child:
a) ROBERT d'Evreux (-[1063]). Orderic Vitalis records the death of “Rodbertus de Waceio filius Rodulphi filii Rodberti archiepiscopi” childless and the inheritance of “totam hæreditatem eius” by “Willermus dux cognatus eius”, dated to [1063] from the context[2566]. Seigneur de Gacé.
3. GUILLAUME d'Evreux . Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Richardus Ebroicensis comes...Willelmus...frater eius” married “Hadevisam filia Geroii relictam Roberti de Grentemaisnil”[2567]. He is named as "son of Archbishop Robert" by Orderic Vitalis[2568]. m (after 17 Jun [1040]%29 as her second husband, HAWISE, widow of ROBERT de Grantmesnil, daughter of GIROIE & his wife Gisla de Bastenbourg (-10 May
). Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Richardus Ebroicensis comes...Willelmus...frater eius” married “Hadevisam filia Geroii relictam Roberti de Grentemaisnil”[2569]. Orderic Vitalis records that "Geroius" married “Gislam Turstini de Basteburgo filiam” by whom he had “septem filios et quatuor filias...Ernaldus, Willermus, Fulcoius, Radulfus Mala-corona, Rodbertus, Hugo et Geroius, Heremburgis, Hadvisa, Emma, Adelais”, adding in a later passage that Hawise married firstly “Rodberto de Grentemaisnilio”, by whom she had “Hugonem et Rodbertum et Ernaldum et totidem filias”, and secondly “Willermo Rodberti archiepiscopo filio” by whom she had “Judith” who later married “Rogerii comitis Siciliæ”[2570]. The necrology of the monastery of Ouche records the death "10 May" of "Haudvisa mater Hugonis de Grentesmesnil"[2571]. Guillaume & his wife had [two] children:
a) JUDITH d'Evreux (-1076). Orderic Vitalis names “Judith” who later married “Rogerii comitis Siciliæ” as the child of “Willermo Rodberti archiepiscopo filio” and his wife[2572]. Orderic Vitalis records that “duæ sorores uterinæ Rodberti abbatis [Robert de Grantmesnil, ex-abbot of Ouche] Judith et Emma” had been left “apud Uticum in capella sancti Ebrulfi...sub sacro velamine”, that when they learnt that “Rodbertum fratrem suum” was established in Apulia with “secular power” (“sæculari potentia”) they left for Italy where they both married, Judith marrying “Rogerius Siciliæ comes” and Emma marrying “aliusque comes, cujus nomen no recolo”, dated to [1061/63][2573]. Malaterra records the marriage "apud Sanctum Martinum" of "abbatum Sanctæ Euphemiæ Robertum…Judicta sorore sua" and Count Roger[2574]. m (San Martino d'Agri Nov 1061) as his first wife, ROGER de Hauteville, son of TANCRED de Hauteville & his [second wife] [Fressenda] ([1031]-Mileto 22 Jun 1101, bur Mileto, Abbey of the Holy Trinity). His brother installed him as ROGER I Count of Sicily in 1072.
b) [EMMA . Orderic Vitalis records that “duæ sorores uterinæ Rodberti abbatis [Robert de Grantmesnil, ex-abbot of Ouche] Judith et Emma” had been left “apud Uticum in capella sancti Ebrulfi...sub sacro velamine”, that when they learnt that “Rodbertum fratrem suum” was established in Apulia with “secular power” (“sæculari potentia”) they left for Italy where they both married, Judith marrying “Rogerius Siciliæ comes” and Emma marrying “aliusque comes, cujus nomen no recolo”, dated to [1061/63][2575]. The reference to Judith and Emma being “sorores uterinæ” suggests that they did not share the same father as Robert. However, in another passage, the same source names Judith as the child (implicitly “only child”) of “Willermo Rodberti archiepiscopo filio” and his wife[2576]. It is therefore unclear whether Emma was one of Robert´s full sisters or half-sisters, although the order of the names of the two sisters suggests that Emma was younger than Judith and therefore born from the same marriage of their mother. m ---.]
4. GAUTHIER de Rosmar . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.
Herlève, Havlive, Oterleve, Herleve
Herleava d'Evreux's Timeline
964 |
Rouen, Seine Maritime, Normandy, France
986 |
Evreux, Eure, Normandy, France
987 |
Évreux, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France
988 |
Of, Rouen, Seine-Inferieure, France
1005 |
Evreux, Eure, Normandy, France
1008 |
Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France
1050 |
Age 86
Poiters, France
Age 86
1940 |
July 20, 1940
Age 86