Historical records matching Hilde Tittel (née Jaffé)
Immediate Family
About Hilde Tittel (née Jaffé)
Hildegard ("Hide") Jaffé was born in Berlin in 1907. She grew up in a well-to-do Jewish family. Her father (Georg Jaffé) ran the family lumber wholesale business. Her mother, Alice Portner, was the daughter of one of Georg's older sisters, Regina Portner (née Jaffé). Hilde had an older sister, Hanni, with whom she was very close.
In 1928, Hilde married Dr. Heinrich Tittel, a chemist and veteran WWI pilot, who was not Jewish. They initially lived together near Berlin in Oranienburg but moved to Heinrich's hometown of Schweinfurt in 1934 shortly after the birth of their first child, Klaus. In 1939, Hilde gave birth to their second son, Rolf.
In January 1941, Heinrich tragically died in an avalanche while on a ski trip in Galtür, Austria. With her "Aryan" husband deceased, Hilde was no longer in a "protected marriage" and was therefore exposed to the full extent of the antisemitic policies of the Nazis. When her two-year-old son, Rolf, became ill with an ear infection less than 3 months later, the local hospital denied her son proper medical care, and his condition rapidly deteriorated leading to his death. Seven months later, after facing threats that her older son, Klaus, would be taken away from her and that she would be forced to leave her home and eventually sent to a concentration camp, she ended her life using the gas from or kitchen stove. Klaus made the grisly discovery of his dead mother coming home from school that afternoon. One month before his 8th birthday, Klaus had become an orphan.
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
- Tittel, Hildegard Alice
- geborene Jaffé geboren am 14. Februar 1907 in Berlin (Wilmersdorf) / - / Stadt Berlin wohnhaft in Schweinfurt
- Todesdatum/-ort: 03. Oktober 1941, Schweinfurt Freitod
Hilde Tittel (née Jaffé)'s Timeline
1907 |
February 14, 1907
Berlin, Germany
1939 |
January 3, 1939
Schweinfurt, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany
1941 |
October 3, 1941
Age 34
Schweinfurt, Bavaria, Germany