public profile
Hildouin IV de Montdidier (d 1063), fils du comte Hildouin III de Montdidier, seigneur de Ramerupt. Par mariage il devient comte de Roucy de 1033 à 1063.
Il épousa Alix de Roucy (v.1015-1020 † 1062), fille d'Ebles Ier de Roucy, comte de Roucy et archevêque de Reims, et de Béatrice de Hainaut.
Ils eurent :
from French Wikipedia
From https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/chamdampjo.htm#HilduinIVMontdidier... Medieval Lands database]:
HILDUIN [IV] of Ramerupt(-[1063])
s/o HILDUIN [III] Lord of Ramerup
x ADELAIDE de Roucy d/o EBLES Comte de Roucy & Beatrix de Hainaut ([1015/20]-1062)
1. EBLES [II] of Ramerupt (-May 11030
2. ANDRE de Ramerupt (-after 1118)
3. BEATRIX of Ramerupt (-2 Sep after 1129)
4. MARGARET of Ramerupt .
5. ERMENTRUDE de Ramerupt (-1102 or after)
6. ADA de Ramerupt (-after 1121, bur Abbaye de Liessies)
7. ADELA de Ramerupt (-[1068/69], bur Saint-Hubert, Ardennes)
8. AELIS of Ramerupt
9. FELICIE de Ramerupt ([1060]-3 May 1123
HILDUIN [IV] de Ramerupt, son of HILDUIN [III] Seigneur de Ramerupt & his wife --- (-1063). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Comte de Montdidier. Seigneur de Ramerupt. "Vir nobilis Hugo Bardul" donated property to Montiérender by charter dated [1061/62 or before], subscribed by "Teobaldi comitis, Hilduini comitis, Burdini de Belfort, Manasse filii eius"[1062]. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/chamdampjo.htm#HilduinIVMontdidier...
m ADELAIDE de Roucy, daughter of EBLES Comte de Roucy & his wife Beatrix de Hainaut ([1015/20]-1062). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Aelidam et Hadewidem" as the two daughters of "Ebalus de Roceio " & his wife, specifying that "omnes comites de Roceio et de Arceis sive de Ramerupt vel de Brena super Albam" descended from Adelaide[1063]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Adelidem et Hadevidem" as the two daughters of "Ebalus de Roceio " and his wife Beatrix, specifying that "secunda filia…soror…Hadevidis nupsit Helduino comiti de Ramerut[1064]. Her birth date is estimated from her mother's estimated birth date and the fact that Adelaide herself gave birth to her youngest child in [1060].
Hilduin [IV] & his wife had nine children:
1. EBLES [II] de Ramerupt (-May 1103). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ebalus…de Roceio et Andreas de Ramerut et Arceis comites" as the two sons of "Hilduinus de Ramerut" & his wife Adelaide[1065]. Comte de Roucy. - COMTES de ROUCY. m. (before 1082) SIBYLLE de Apulia, daughter of ROBERT “Guiscard” Duke of Apulia & his second wife Sichelgaita di Salerno. [1092]/1117. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Sybilla" as wife of "comitis Ebali de Roceio" but does not give her origin[1201]. The Alexeiad records that Robert "Guiscard" married "the other [daughter] to Eubulus who was himself a count of great distinction" but does not name her[1202].
2. ANDRE de Ramerupt (-after 1118). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ebalus…de Roceio et Andreas de Ramerut et Arceis comites" as the two sons of "Hilduinus de Ramerut" & his wife Adelaide[1066]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Ebalum comitem…et Andream comitem de Ramerut et filias" as children of "comes Helduinus [et] Adelaide"[1067]. Seigneur de Ramerupt et d'Arcis-sur-Aube. m firstly ADELA, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. m secondly as her second husband, GUISEMODE, widow of HUGUES Seigneur de Pleurs, sister of BAUDOUIN Monk at Molesme, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her origin and two marriages has not yet been identified.
3. BEATRIX de Ramerupt (-2 Sep after 1129). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Beatrix" as second daughter of Ebles Comte de Roucy and incorrectly names her husband "Rotroldo comiti de Pertico"[1076]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "comitis Hilduini de Rameruth maior natu filia dicta Beatrix" as wife, also incorrectly, of "Rotaldo comiti de Pertica"[1077]. She is named as wife of Geoffroy Comte du Perche by Orderic Vitalis, incorrectly saying that she was daughter of "the count of Rochefort"[1078] and specifying in another passage that her son Rotrou was consanguineus of Alfonso I King of Aragon[1079]. m GEOFFROY de Châteaudun, son of ROTROU Vicomte de Châteaudun, Comte de Mortagne & his wife Adelise de Bellême (-mid-Oct 1100, bur Nogent-le-Rotrou[1080]). He succeeded his father in [1080] as Comte de Mortagne. He adopted the title Comte du Perche after 1090.
4. MARGUERITE de Ramerupt . The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Margareta" as third daughter of Ebles Comte de Roucy and names her husband "comiti Hugonis de Claromonte Baluacensi"[1081]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "secundam filiam comitis Helduini de Rameruth dictam Margaretam" as wife of "Hugo comes de Claro-monte"[1082]. m HUGUES de Clermont [en-Beauvaisis] dit de Mouchy, son of ---. 1067.
5. ERMENTRUDE de Ramerupt (-1102 or after). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ermentrudis" as fourth daughter of Ebles Comte de Roucy and names her husband "Theobaldo comiti de Rimnello"[1083]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "tertiam…Hilduini comitis filiam Ermentrudem" as wife of "Theobaldus comes de Rinnel"[1084]. m THIBAUT [I] Comte de Reynel, son of OLRI Comte de Reynel & his wife --- (-before 11 Apr 1101).
6. ADA de Ramerupt (-bur Abbaye de Liessies). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ada…de Guisia" as sixth daughter of Ebles Comte de Roucy[1085]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "quartam…Hilduini comitis filiam Adam" as wife firstly of "Godefridus de Guisia" and secondly of "Galterum de Aat" and thirdly of "Theoderico de Avesnis"[1086]. She built the convent of Lessies with her third husband, where she retired after his death and was buried[1087]. m firstly GEOFFROY Seigneur de Guise, son of ---. m secondly GAUTHIER Seigneur de Ath, son of ---. m thirdly THIERRY Seigneur d'Avesnes, son of WEDRICUS "Ad-barbam" d'Avesnes & his wife --- (-[1106]).
7. ADELA de Ramerupt (-[1068/69], bur Saint-Hubert, Ardennes). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Adele" as seventh daughter of Ebles Comte de Roucy and names her husband "Arnulfo comiti de Chisneio"[1088], although the chronology favours Adela being the sister rather than daughter of Ebles. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis clarifies the question when it refers to, but does not name, "quintam…Hilduini comitis filiam" as wife of "Arnulfus comes de Cinni"[1089]. “Arnulphus comes cum coniuge mea Adelais, filius Ludovici comitis” founded a monastery “in villa Pyrorum…in honore S. Sulpitii”, subject to “ecclesiæ S. Petri et S. Hugberti in Ardenna”, by undated charter signed by “Arnulphi comitis et Manasse fratris eius”[1090]. "Arnulfus comes cum coniuge mea Adelais filius Ludoguici comitis" donated revenue from the church of Prix to Ardenne Saint-Hubert by charter dated to 1066, signed by "Arnulfi comitis et Manasse fratris eius…"[1091]. "Arnulfus comes cum coniuge mea Adelail, filius Ludoguici comitis" founded the priory of Priez by charter dated 1068, signed by "Arnulphi comitis et Manasse fratris eius…"[1092]. The Chronicle of Saint-Hubert records the burial of "Adeladis uxor Arnulphi, soror…Ebali Roceiensis" at Saint-Hubert, dated to [1068/69] from the context[1093]. m as his first wife, ARNOUL II Comte de Chiny, son of LOUIS [II] Comte de Chiny & his wife Sophie --- (-16 Apr 1106).
8. AELIS de Ramerupt . The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Aeliz de Sarrata in Burgundia" as fifth daughter of Ebles Comte de Roucy[1094]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "sexta filia Hilduini comitis Adelidis" as mother of "filium columbine simplicitatis nomine Bartholomeum…[et] Ebalum"[1095]. m CONON "Falcon" de La Sarraz [Grandson], son of ADALBERT & his wife --- (-before 1114).
9. FELICIE de Ramerupt ([1060]-3 May 1123[1096], bur Monastery of San Juan de la Peña). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to the first of the seven daughters of Count Ebles as, inaccurately, wife of "regi Galicie Sanctio" but does not name her[1097]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis is somewhat more accurate in referring to, but still not naming, "septima filia…Hilduini" as wife of "Sanctio regi Hispanie" by whom she had "Hildefonsum regem et fratrem eius, qui ei successit in regnum. Cuius filiam cum regni gubernaculis comes inclitus Barcinonensis, qui paganos impugnare non desinit, duxit uxorem"[1098]. The Crónica de San Juan de la Peña records that King Sancho married "muller Doña Felicia"[1099]. The Monumenta Historiæ Tornacensis names "Feliciæ materteræ vestræ filium" as wife of "in Hispaniam regem Hildefonsum"[1100]. "Sancius rex Aragonensium…cum filio meo Petro et uxore mea regina…Felicia" granted the monastery of Sauve-Majeure, Gironde to the church of Pamplona by charter dated to [1086/94][1101]. m (1076[1102] or before) as his second wife, SANCHO I King of Aragon [SANCHO V King of Navarre], son of don RAMIRO I King of Aragon & his first wife Gilberga [Hermesenda] de Cousserans ([1042/43]-Huesca 4 Jun 1094, bur Monastery of San Juan de la Peña) .
Hildouin IV Count Montdidier and Roucy (1010-1062) [Pedigree]
Son of Hildouin III Count of Montdidier and _____ DAMMARTIN
REF MRL. Count and Seigneur de Rameru.
REF AR7. Seigneur of Rameru.
REF RGD. In this database, Hildouin III is the father of Felice
de Rouci, and Hildouin of Montdidier is the fater of Beatrice
de Montdidier who married Geoffrey de Perche.
b. ABT 1010
r. Montdidier, Somme, France
d. ABT 1062
d. 1063
Married Adelaide of Rouci (1014-1063)
1. Adela de ROMERU (-1068) m. Arnold_II Count Wareq, Ivoix, Chiny (-1106)
2. Beatrice of Roucy (-1129) m. Geoffrey II de Perche Count of Perche and Mortagne (-1100)
3. Margaret de ROUCY
4. Felice of Rouci (-1086) m. Sancho Ramírez I de Aragon King of Aragon (1042-1094)
5. Andre de ROUCY Seigneur de Romeru
6. Adelaide de ROUCY m. Conan I Seigneur de Grandson (1050-1114)
7. Hilduin IV de ROUCI Seigneur de Ramem, d'Arcis (-1063) m. Adelaide de RHIEMS
1. "Ancestral roots of certain American colonists who came
to America before 1700",
Frederick Lewis Weis, 1992, seventh edition.
The earlier editions were called: "Ancestral roots of
sixty colonists who came to New England 1623-1650"
2. "Plantagenet Ancestry",
3. "The Royal Descents of 500 Immigrants",
Gary Boyd Roberts, 1993.
4. "Royalty for Commoners",
Roderick W. Stuart, 1992, 2nd edition.
This book lists all of the known ancestors of John of Gaunt,
which amounts to most of the Medieval royalty of Europe. Also
see the following article: "A Mediaeval Miscellany:
Commentaries on Roderick W. Stuart's Royalty for Commoners,"
The American Genealogist 69 (April 1994)
5. "The Lineage and Ancestry of HRH Prince Charles",
Gerald Paget.
6. "Medieval GEDCOM Files",
Marlyn R. Lewis.
7. "Royal Genealogical Database",
Home Page
8. "LDS Ancestral File".
Hilduin IV de ROUCI Seigneur de Ramem, d'Arcis (-1063) [Pedigree]
Son of Hildouin IV Count Montdidier and Roucy (1010-1062) and Adelaide of Rouci (1014-1063)
d. 1063
Married Adelaide de RHIEMS
1. Adele de ROUCY m(1) Godfrey de GUISE
2. Ebles II Comte de Roucy (-1094) m(2) Sybille (Matilde) HAUTEVILLE (-1090)
3. Marguerite de ROUCI (1035-) m. Hugh de_Creil Count of Clermont in Beauvaisis Count de Clermont (1030-1101)
1. "Plantagenet Ancestry",
2. "Ancestors of American Presidents",
Gary Boyd Roberts.
3. "Ancestral roots of certain American colonists who came
to America before 1700",
Frederick Lewis Weis, 1992, seventh edition.
The earlier editions were called: "Ancestral roots of
sixty colonists who came to New England 1623-1650"
Hildouin de Montdidier, died 1063. He was the son of 28. Hildouin de Montdidier et Rameru III and 29. Lesseline ?. He married 15. Alice de Roucy.
15. Alice de Roucy, died 1063. She was the daughter of 30. Ebles de Roucy and 31. Beatrix of Hainault.
Children of Hildouin de Montdidier and Alice de Roucy are:
i. Marguerita de Roucy et Montdidier, born Abt. 1045; died Abt. 1110; married Hugh of Clermont I Abt. 1065 in Picardy, France; born Abt. 1030 in Clermont, Oise, France; died Abt. 1102.
ii. Ebles de Roucy et Montdidier, married Sybilla de Hauteville; died Abt. 1090.
7 iii. Beatrice de Montdidier, married Geoffrey du Perche et Mortaigne I.
iv. Felicia de Roucy et Montdidier, died 14 April 1086; married Sancho-Ramirez de Aragon, IV, V 1063; died 4 June 1094.
v. Adelheid de Roucy et Montdidier, born Abt. 1050 in La Sarraz, Waadt, Switzerland; married (1) Gauthier de Roeux; married (2) Falko Conan de Grandison; born Abt. 1050 in La Sarraz, Waadt, Switzerland; died 1114.
vi. Andre de Roucy et Montdidier, married Agnes de Brainne.
Hildouin IV de Montdidier Seigneur De Rameru
M, b. 1000, d. 1062
Last Edited 20 Sep 2006
Name Variation Hildouin IV de Montdidier Seigneur De Rameru was also known as Hildouin IV, Count de Montdidier.
Birth* He was born in 1000 in Montdidier, Somme, France.
Marriage* He married Alice (Adela) de Roucy, daughter of Ebles I, de Roucy , Count of Reims and Bâeatrice, Countess of Hainault, in 1031.
Death* Hildouin IV de Montdidier Seigneur De Rameru died in 1062.
Alice (Adela) de Roucy b. circa 1014, d. 1063
* Margaret (Marguerite) De Montdidier+ b. c 1045, d. c 1110
Hilduin was also called Hilduin I de Roucy, and Hildouin d'Arcis-sur-Aube.
He married Alix, comtesse de Roucy, daughter of Ebles I, comte de Reims & de Roucy and Beatrix de Hainaut, in 1031.
Hilduin died in 1063 at the age of 53 years.
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p346.htm#i5683 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
Hilduin IV became Count of Roucy and Montdidier through his marriage with Adela. "Europaische Stammtafeln," Band III, gives his death year as 1061.
Montdidier is a town in northern France which dates from the Merovingian period, perhaps deriving its name from the imprisonment of Lombard king Didier there in the 8th Century - it is on a hill on the Don river. See "Genealogist," X:85. Hildouin de Rameru was also Count of Roucy in right of his wife.
Cokayne's "Complete Peerage" (Chester, p.165), identifies him as
MARGARET's father.
Count of Montdidier and Roucy. Weis' "Ancestral Roots . . ." (111:25),
(149:22A), (151:22), has him as Hilduin III. (246:22) refers to him as
Hildouin de Ramerau.
Stuart's "Royalty For Commoners" (95:31), (170:31) & (266:31) call him
Hilduin IV.
References: [PlantagenetA],[PresidentsA],[ES],[AR7]
Hildouin III de RAMERU Count of Montdidier [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 was born 1010 in Ramerupt, Aube, France. He died 1063 in Montdidier, Somme, Picardie, France. Hildouin married Adele de ROUCY on 1031 in Montdidier, Somme, Picardie, France.
Adele de ROUCY [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 was born 1019 in Roucy, Aisne, France. She died 1062 in Montdidier, Somme, Picardie, France. Adele married Hildouin III de RAMERU Count of Montdidier on 1031 in Montdidier, Somme, Picardie, France.
They had the following children:
Hilduin was Seigneur of Ramerupt and Count of Montdidier, and by marriage he was Count of Roucy.
THIERRY (-[1106]). The Chronicon Lætiense names "Theodericus" as one of the sons of "Wedricus cognomen Ad-barbam"[741]. Seigneur d'Avesnes. Robert Count of Flanders confirmed the possessions of Cambrai Saint-Aubert “in villa de Keans” by charter dated 1102, in the presence of “Everardi de Tornaco, Theodorici de Avethuis...”[742]. The Liber de Restauratione Sancti Martini Tornacensis names "Theoderico Avesniensi" as husband of "Ada [filia Hilduini comitis]"[743]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that the "abbatia de Letiis" was restored by "Theodericum de Avesnis et Aldam uxoris eius"[744]. “Gossuini de Montibus, Theoderici de Avesnis, Theoderici de Aldenarda, [Segardi] de Ceocs, Manasse de Betunia, Fastredi, Walteri de Lens, Walcheri de Chirvia, Anselli de Ribodimonte...” subscribed a charter dated 1084 for the abbey of Saint-Denis en Brocqueroie[745]. m as her third husband, ADA de Ramerupt, widow firstly of GEOFFROY Seigneur de Guise and secondly of GAUTHIER Seigneur d’Ath, daughter of HILDUIN [IV de Montdidier et de Ramerupt Comte de Roucy] & his wife Adelaide de Roucy (-bur Abbaye de Liessies). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "quartam…Hilduini comitis filiam Adam" as wife firstly of "Godefridus de Guisia" and secondly of "Galterum de Aat" and thirdly of "Theoderico de Avesnis"[746]. The Chronicon Lætiense names "Ada" as wife of "Theodericus"[747]. The Chronicon Lætiense names "Ada de Avesnis cognata" of "Ebalus filius [Petronill%C3%A6]"[748]. She and her third husband built the convent of Lessies, where she retired after his death and was buried[749].
1010 |
June 22, 1010
1034 |
Roucy, Aisne, France
1037 |
Champagne, France
1040 |
Montdidier, Somme, Picardie, France
1045 |
December 6, 1045
Montdidier, Somme , Picardy, France
Roucy, Aisne, Picardy, France
1050 |
Roucy, Aisne, Picardie, France
Rameru, France
1060 |
Montdidier, Somme, Hauts-de-France, France