Hilma Johanna Isaksdotter Pohjanen

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Hilma Johanna Isaksdotter Pohjanen

Birthplace: Nuoksujärvi, Korpilombolo fs, Sverige (Sweden)
Death: June 22, 1952 (75)
Kirnujärvi, Korpilombolo fs, Sverige (Sweden)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Isak Johansson Pohjanen and Eva Katarina Isaksdotter Kuoppala
Wife of Isak Vilhelm Hansson Palo
Mother of Isak Valfrid Palo
Sister of Maria Kristina Isaksdotter Isaksdotter Pohjanen; Ida Elmina Raattamaa; Isak Vilhelm Isaksson Pohjanen; Selma Agneta Isaksdotter Pohjanen; Johan Valdemar Isaksson Pohjanen and 2 others

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Hilma Johanna Isaksdotter Pohjanen's Timeline

July 5, 1876
Nuoksujärvi, Korpilombolo fs, Sverige (Sweden)
June 22, 1952
Age 75
Kirnujärvi, Korpilombolo fs, Sverige (Sweden)