Immediate Family
About Immed IV, Graf im Bistum Utrecht
- https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immed_IV_van_Hamaland
He was a great grandson of Arnulf, Count of Flanders, and his wife Adèle de Vermandois. He was also a descendant of the Saxon hero Widukind.
- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Immeddied983
b) [IMMED [III] (-27 Jan 983). Widukind records that Meinwerk Bishop of Paderborn was "paterno genere a Thiedrico Mathilde reginæ fratre"[86]. Graf in Utrecht. The necrologium Abdinhofense records the death "IV Kal Feb" of "Immeth comes pater Meinwerci episocopi"[87].
m as her first husband, ADELA, daughter of WICHMANN [V] Graaf van Hamaland & his wife Liutgard of Flanders (-22 Mar [1014/16]). The Vita Meinwerci names "uxorem de terra Saxoniæ, Athelam nomine" as wife of Immed[88]. Widukind records that Meinwerk Bishop of Paderborn was "materno a Wichmanno, Herimanni ducis nepote, propinquo Ottonis I"[89]. Alpertus names "Adela sorori domnæ Liutgardæ", commenting that Adela was "clamosa in voce, lasciva in verbis, veste composite, animo dissoluta", the subsequent paragraph recording that, after her sister died, Adela took all her property which she had intended for the church before "vidua lasciva" married Baldric as her second husband[90]. She married secondly (before 996) Baldric Count in Drenthe. "Otto…Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed the rights and privileges of Kloster Elten naming "filiam Lutgardam…abbatissam [et] filia Adela…[et] Baldericus…maritus Adele" by charter dated 18 Dec 996[91]. The wife of "Baldericus" was the daughter of "Wicmanni, cuius maiores magnam partem Germaniæ et maxime circa littoral oceani imperia tenebant"[92]. Thietmar records that the wife of Baldric encouraged her husband to arrange for the murder of "Count Wichmann" in 1016[93]. She is named "Adelæ uxoris Baldrici" in a later (undated) passage recording her death[94]. The work of Thiodericus names "Ida comitissa eius [=Baldricus] coniunx" ("Ida" presumably being an error for "Adela") and records her death "11 Kal Apr" without specifying the year[95]. Immed [III] & his wife had five children:
Immed IV, Graf im Bistum Utrecht's Timeline
940 |
Sachsen, Germany
963 |
Wassenberg, Rheinland, Prussia
975 |
Renkum, Gelderland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
980 |
983 |
January 29, 983
Age 43
Northeim, Niedersachsen, Deutschland (Germany)
Age 43
???? | |||
???? | |||
???? |