m secondly (10 May 1070) INES de Barcelona, daughter of RAMON BERENGUER I "el Viejo" Comte de Barcelona & his third wife Almodis de la Marche ([1055/56]-[before 12 Nov 1076]). “Wigo” (signed “Wigonis comitis”) granted “sponse mee…Agnetis” various properties “in dotalitio”, including “castellum Albionem…Moratum…et Vallem…in comitatu Viennensis” by charter dated “VI Id Mai, luna XXma VIa regnante Henrico rege”, subscribed by “Pontii episcopi”[2647], the date corresponding to the year 1070. Her parentage is confirmed by the publication of the testament of "comitis Barchinone…Raimundi Berengarii" dated 12 Nov 1076 includes a residuary provision that, in case of the death of his three other children, his counties would revert to "filium Guigonis de Albion quem habuit de filia sua Agnes"[2648]. The wording of the testament implies that both Ines and her husband were deceased at the time.
1054 |
1071 |
1100 |
Age 46