a) [AGNES de Poitou . Agnes was the daughter of Duke Guillaume VI according to Szabolcs de Vajay, although he cites no source in support of this[455]. According to Richard, Duke Guillaume VI died childless[456]. Agnes is shown as the possible daughter of Duke Guillaume VII "l'Aigret" in Europäische Stammtafeln[457], marrying Pierre I Comte de Savoie as her second husband although she would have been only about six years old at the time of her supposed first marriage with Ramiro King of Aragon. From an onomastic point of view, it is surprising that a daughter of Duke Guillaume VI would have been named Agnes, a name which appears to have been introduced into the family of the Comtes de Poitou only after the third marriage of Duke Guillaume V to Agnes de Mâcon. The primary source which confirms her marriage to King Ramiro has not yet been identified.
m ( [1054] ) as his second wife, RAMIRO I King of Aragon, illegitimate son of SANCHO III King of Navarre & his mistress Sancha de Aibar (Aibar [1008]-killed in battle Graus 8 May 1063, bur Monastery of San Juan de la Peña).]
/!\ -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnes_of_Aquitaine,_Countess_of_Savoy...
[ could be her cousin Agnes of Aquitaine, countess of Savoy wife in 1064 to Peter I, count of Savoy ]