Immediate Family
half sister
half brother
half brother
half brother
half brother
About Inge Bårdson
Inge II Bårdsson (født 1185, død 1217) var en norsk konge. Han var sønn av Sverre Sigurdssons søster Cecilia og høyadelsmannen Bård Guttormsson av Reinsætten. Hans halvbror var Skule Bårdsson som ble Norges første hertug. Inge ble valgt til konge av birkebeinerne i 1204. Han hadde kongesete i Trondheim, og hadde også herredømme over store deler av vestkysten. Borgerkrigsperioden i norsk historie varte fra 1130 til 1240. Han kjempet mot baglerne frem til 1208, da det kom til forlik mellom ham og baglerkongen Filippus Simonsson, som fikk styre over Viken. Forliket fant sted på Kvitsøy i Rogaland og ble kjent som «Kvitsøyforliket». Konfliktene mellom baglere og birkebeinere tok slutt da både Inge og Filippus døde i 1217. Etterfølgeren, Håkon IV Håkonsson, ble anerkjent av både baglere og birkebeinere. Inge er gravlagt i Nidarosdomen i Trondheim.
Inge Baardson was king of Norway from 1204 to 1217. His reign was within the later stages of the period known in Norwegian history as the age of civil wars. Inge was the king of the birkebeiner faction. The conclusion of the settlement of Kvitsøy with the bagler faction in 1208 led to peace for the last nine years of Inge’s reigns, at the price of Inge and the birkebeiner recognising bagler rule over Viken (the Oslofjord-area).
Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi
Inge II Bårdsson (født 1185, død 1217) var en norsk konge. Han var sønn av Sverre Sigurdssons søster Cecilia og høyadelsmannen Bård Guttormsson av Reinsætten. Hans halvbror var Skule Bårdsson som ble Norges første hertug. Inge ble valgt til konge av birkebeinerne i 1204.
Han hadde kongesete i Trondheim, og hadde også herredømme over store deler av vestkysten. Borgerkrigsperioden i norsk historie varte fra 1130 til 1240.
Han kjempet mot baglerne frem til 1208, da det kom til forlik mellom ham og baglerkongen Filippus Simonsson, som fikk styre over Viken. Forliket fant sted på Kvitsøy i Rogaland og ble kjent som «Kvitsøyforliket». Konfliktene mellom baglere og birkebeinere tok slutt da både Inge og Filippus døde i 1217. Etterfølgeren, Håkon IV Håkonsson, ble anerkjent av både baglere og birkebeinere. Inge er gravlagt i Nidarosdomen i Trondheim.
* OCCUPATION: Norges konge 1204-1217
* BIRTH: 1185, Rein, Rissa
* DEATH: 23 Apr 1217
Konge av Norge 1204 - 1217
Inge II Baardsson , King of Norway (1) M, #113015, b. 1185, d. 1217 Last Edited=10 May 2003 Consanguinity Index=0.15%
Inge II Baardsson , King of Norway was born in 1185. (1) He was the son of Baard Guttormsson and Cecily Sigurdsdottir. (1) He married Cyrid (?). (1) He died in 1217. (1)
Inge II Baardsson , King of Norway succeeded to the title of King Inge II of Norway in 1205. (1) Child of Inge II Baardsson , King of Norway and Cyrid (?) -1. Guttorm Ingesson d. c 1230 (1)
Inge Baardson (1185 - 23 April 1217), (Norwegian Inge Bårdsson, Old Norse Ingi Bárðarson), was king of Norway from 1204 to 1217. His reign was within the later stages of the period known in Norwegian history as the age of civil wars. Inge was the king of the birkebeiner faction. The conclusion of the settlement of Kvitsøy with the bagler faction in 1208 led to peace for the last nine years of Inge’s reigns, at the price of Inge and the birkebeiner recognising bagler rule over Viken (the Oslofjord-area).
Inge’s father, Bård, was a prominent lendmann from the Trøndelag region. He was an early supporter of king Sverre, who brought the birkebeiner faction to power in the late 12th century after years of war against king Magnus Erlingsson. Inge’s mother, Cecilia, was the daughter of an earlier king, Sigurd Munn. She had been married to the lawspeaker Folkvid in Värmland in Sweden. After her brother, Sverre, had won the throne of Norway, she left her husband and travelled to Sverre in Norway, claiming she had been wedded to Folkvid against her will. The archbishop annulled her marriage to Folkvid, and Sverre gave her to his trusted follower Bård Guttormsson in marriage. Inge was Bård and Cecilia’s only son. [edit] Accession
After king Sverre died in 1202, his son, Haakon, and his grandson, Guttorm, died within two years. The birkebeiner were thus left without any direct successors of Sverre to choose as their king (the existence of another grandson of Sverre, Haakon Haakonsson, was as yet unknown to them). Sverre’s old adversaries, the bagler, were exploiting the situation to launch a new invasion of Viken under their king, Erling Steinvegg. After the infant king Guttorm’s death in august 1204, the birkebeiner needed a strong leader to oppose the bagler threat. The birkebeiner leaders wanted earl Haakon the Crazy, who had earlier been appointed to rule the kingdom in king Guttorm’s infancy. Haakon was Inge’s older half-brother, the son of Cecilia and Folkvid. However, Eirik, archbishop of Nidaros, and the farmers of Trøndelag insisted on choosing Inge, who had until then ruled Trøndelag under Guttorm. A compromise was reached, whereby Inge became king, while earl Haakon became leader of the army, and received half the royal income. [edit] Reign
The next four years saw intense fighting between the birkebeiner and the bagler. The bagler king Erling died in 1206, but the bagler continued the fight under their new king, Philippus Simonsson. The bagler mostly controlled the Viken area, with the cities of Tønsberg and Oslo, king Inge controlled Trøndelag with Nidaros, while Bergen in western Norway changed hands several times. On 22 April 1206 the bagler attacked Nidaros during wedding celebrations for Inge’s sister Sigrid, and Inge himself only barely escaped with his life after swimming the Nidelva river in freezing temperatures. The next year, the birkebeiner launched a successful attack on the bagler stronghold of Tønsberg, but the war dragged on with neither side able to gain a decisive victory. In autumn of 1207, archbishop Tore of Nidaros and bishop Nikolas of Oslo, a prominent bagler, started negotiations for a settlement of the birkebeiner and bagler. They succeeded in bringing about a meeting between the kings Inge and Philippus, and earl Haakon, at Kvitsøy in Rogaland in the autumn of 1208. A settlement was made, whereby Philippus agreed to give up the title of king and his royal seal. He was to remain in control of eastern Norway with Viken, except Bohuslän, with the title of earl under king Inge. Earl Haakon was given western Norway with Bergen, while Inge would be the only king, overlord of Philippus and Haakon and direct ruler of Trøndelag with Nidaros. To seal the treaty, Philippus married king Sverre’s daughter and king Inge’s cousin, Kristina Sverresdotter.
The peace treaty held for the rest of Inge’s reign. However, Philippus did not respect its provisions and continued to use the title of king, and kept his royal seal. The relationship between Inge and his brother Haakon seems to have been at times tense. When it became clear that Philippus was continuing to call himself king, Haakon made attempts to have himself declared king as well, but Inge refused to accept this. Instead, an agreement was drawn up by which the brother that survived the other would inherit the other’s lands, while a legitimate son of either would inherit them both. Haakon had a legitimate son, while Inge only had an illegitimate son, Guttorm (b. 1206) by a concubine called Gyrid. In 1214, Inge suppressed a rising by the farmers of Trøndelag – earl Haakon was suspected of having had a hand in the rising. Open conflict between the two brothers never broke out, however, and Haakon died of natural causes in Bergen just after christmas of 1214. Inge took over his part of the kingdom.
In 1217, Inge fell ill in Nidaros. During his illness, he appointed his younger half-brother, Skule Bårdsson, earl and leader of the army. On 23 April 1217, Inge died. He was buried in Nidaros Cathedral. He was succeeded as king by the 13-year-old Haakon Haakonsson, an illegitimate grandson of king Sverre, who had been raised at the courts of king Inge and earl Haakon since they became aware of his existence in 1206. Skule continued as earl and de facto ruler for the next few years. [edit] Appraisal of Inge
Many historians have seen Inge as a rather weak king. He never achieved control over all of Norway, and agreed to a power-sharing with the bagler, which he stuck to even though Philippus broke the agreement by continuing to style himself as "king". As a reaction to such views, others have claimed that Inge was a strong ruler, in that he was able to withstand the pressure of the more war-like among the birkebeiner and put a halt to the destructive civil wars for a time.
The bagler sagas - a contemporary source - describes Inge as a quiet and calm man, who shied away from feasting and preferred to spend his time in his own quarters with close friends - a character trait which was held against him by some of his men. He was weak of health after his near brush with death during the attack on Nidaros in 1206.
Inge’s father, Bård, was a prominent lendmann from the Trøndelag region. He was an early supporter of king Sverre, who brought the birkebeiner faction to power in the late 12th century after years of war against king Magnus Erlingsson. Inge’s mother, Cecilia, was the daughter of an earlier king, Sigurd Munn. She had been married to the lawspeaker Folkvid in Värmland in Sweden. After her brother, Sverre, had won the throne of Norway, she left her husband and travelled to Sverre in Norway, claiming she had been wedded to Folkvid against her will. The archbishop annulled her marriage to Folkvid, and Sverre gave her to his trusted follower Bård Guttormsson in marriage. Inge was Bård and Cecilia’s only son.
Inge II Bårdsson (født 1185, død 1217) var en norsk konge. Han var sønn av Sverre Sigurdssons søster Cecilia og høyadelsmannen Bård Guttormsson av Reinsætten. Hans halvbror var Skule Bårdsson som ble Norges første hertug. Inge ble valgt til konge av birkebeinerne i 1204.
Han hadde kongesete i Trondheim, og hadde også herredømme over store deler av vestkysten. Borgerkrigsperioden i norsk historie varte fra 1130 til 1240.
Han kjempet mot baglerne frem til 1208, da det kom til forlik mellom ham og baglerkongen Filippus Simonsson, som fikk styre over Viken. Forliket fant sted på Kvitsøy i Rogaland og ble kjent som «Kvitsøyforliket». Konfliktene mellom baglere og birkebeinere tok slutt da både Inge og Filippus døde i 1217. Etterfølgeren, Håkon IV Håkonsson, ble anerkjent av både baglere og birkebeinere. Inge er gravlagt i Nidarosdomen i Trondheim.
Inge II Bårdsson (født 1185, død 1217) var en norsk konge. Han var sønn av Sverre Sigurdssons søster Cecilia og høyadelsmannen Bård Guttormsson av Reinsætten.
Hans halvbror var Skule Bårdsson som ble Norges første hertug. Inge ble valgt til konge av birkebeinerne i 1204. Han hadde kongesete i Trondheim, og hadde også herredømme over store deler av vestkysten. Borgerkrigsperioden i norsk historie varte fra 1130 til 1240.
Han kjempet mot baglerne frem til 1208, da det kom til forlik mellom ham og baglerkongen Filippus Simonsson, som fikk styre over Viken. Forliket fant sted på Kvitsøy i Rogaland og ble kjent som «Kvitsøyforliket». Konfliktene mellom baglere og birkebeinere tok slutt da både Inge og Filippus døde i 1217. Etterfølgeren, Håkon IV
Håkonsson, ble anerkjent av både baglere og birkebeinere. Inge er gravlagt i Nidarosdomen i Trondheim.
Inge Bårdsson Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopediGå til: navigasjon, søk Inge II Konge av Norge Navn: Inge Bårdsson Regjeringstid: 1204 - 1217 Født: 1185 Død: 1217 Foreldre: Bård Guttormsson og Cecilia Sigurdsdatter, datter av Sigurd Munn
Inge II Bårdsson (født 1185, død 1217) var en norsk konge. Han var sønn av Sverre Sigurdssons søster Cecilia og høyadelsmannen Bård Guttormsson av Reinsætten. Hans halvbror var Skule Bårdsson som ble Norges første hertug. Inge ble valgt til konge av birkebeinerne i 1204.
Han hadde kongesete i Trondheim, og hadde også herredømme over store deler av vestkysten. Borgerkrigsperioden i norsk historie varte fra 1130 til 1240.
Han kjempet mot baglerne frem til 1208, da det kom til forlik mellom ham og baglerkongen Filippus Simonsson, som fikk styre over Viken. Forliket fant sted på Kvitsøy i Rogaland og ble kjent som «Kvitsøyforliket». Konfliktene mellom baglere og birkebeinere tok slutt da både Inge og Filippus døde i 1217. Etterfølgeren, Håkon IV Håkonsson, ble anerkjent av både baglere og birkebeinere. Inge er gravlagt i Nidarosdomen i Trondheim.
Notes for Kong Inge II Bårdsson av Norge Inge Bårdsson, 1185-1217, sønn av Ceccilia, kong Sverre Sigurdssons søster, og lendemann Bård Guttormsson til Rein i Trøndelag. Valgt til konge av birkebeinerne i 1204, kjempet mot baglerne til 1208, da de stridende møttes til forlik på Kvitsøy. Bondeopprør i Trøndelag mot kong Inge i 1213. Kilde “Braathens Safes kongerekke”
Inge II Bårdsson (født 1185, død 1217) var en norsk konge. Han var sønn av Sverre Sigurdssons søster Cecilia og høyadelsmannen Bård Guttormsson av Reinsætten. Hans halvbror var Skule Bårdsson som ble Norges første hertug. Inge ble valgt til konge av birkebeinerne i 1204.
Han hadde kongesete i Trondheim, og hadde også herredømme over store deler av vestkysten. Borgerkrigsperioden i norsk historie varte fra 1130 til 1240.
Han kjempet mot baglerne frem til 1208, da det kom til forlik mellom ham og baglerkongen Filippus Simonsson, som fikk styre over Viken. Forliket fant sted på Kvitsøy i Rogaland og ble kjent som «Kvitsøyforliket». Konfliktene mellom baglere og birkebeinere tok slutt da både Inge og Filippus døde i 1217. Etterfølgeren, Håkon IV Håkonsson, ble anerkjent av både baglere og birkebeinere. Inge er gravlagt i Nidarosdomen i Trondheim.
Inge Bårdssons stamtavle i tre generasjoner Inge Bårdsson
Far: Bård Guttormsson
Farfar: Guttorm Åsulvsson Farfars far: Åsolv Skulesson Farfars mor: Tora Skoftesdatter Farmor: Sigrid Torkjellsdatter Farmors far: Torkjell på Fugl Farmors mor: Hallkatla Sveinsdatter Mor: Cecilia Sigurdsdatter Morfar: Sigurd II Munn Morfars far: Harald IV Gille Morfars mor: Tora Guttormsdatter Mormor: Gunhild? Mormors far: (?) Mormors mor: (?)
Inge 2 Bårdsson Rein of Norway 1 SmartMatches Birth: 1185 in Rein.Rissa.Sør-Trøndelag.Norway Death: 1217 Sex: M Father: Bård Guttormson Rein b. 1150 in Rein.Rissa.Sør-Trøndelag.Norway. Mother: Cicilia Sigurdsdatter of Norway b. in Norway
Changed: 8 Oct 2002 01:00:00
Spouses & Children Torbjørg Åsulvsdatter Rein (Wife) b. in Rein.Sør-Trøndelag.Norway Children: Guttorm Ingesson Nidaros
Inge II of Norway From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Inge Bårdsson King of Norway Reign 1204 – 23 April 1217 Coronation none Born 1185 Died 23 April 1217
Nidaros Buried Nidaros Cathedral Consort none Issue Guttorm Ingesson (1206–?) (illeg.) Father Bård Guttormsson (died 1194) Mother Cecilia Sigurdsdotter (died 1180s) Inge Baardson (1185 - 23 April 1217), (Norwegian Inge Bårdsson, Old Norse Ingi Bárðarson), was king of Norway from 1204 to 1217. His reign was within the later stages of the period known in Norwegian history as the age of civil wars. Inge was the king of the birkebeiner faction. The conclusion of the settlement of Kvitsøy with the bagler faction in 1208 led to peace for the last nine years of Inge’s reigns, at the price of Inge and the birkebeiner recognising bagler rule over Viken (the Oslofjord-area).
Contents [hide] 1 Background 2 Accession 3 Reign 4 Appraisal of Inge 5 Sources
[edit] Background Inge’s father, Bård, was a prominent lendmann from the Trøndelag region. He was an early supporter of king Sverre, who brought the birkebeiner faction to power in the late 12th century after years of war against king Magnus Erlingsson. Inge’s mother, Cecilia, was the daughter of an earlier king, Sigurd Munn. She had been married to the lawspeaker Folkvid in Värmland in Sweden. After her brother, Sverre, had won the throne of Norway, she left her husband and travelled to Sverre in Norway, claiming she had been wedded to Folkvid against her will. The archbishop annulled her marriage to Folkvid, and Sverre gave her to his trusted follower Bård Guttormsson in marriage. Inge was Bård and Cecilia’s only son.
[edit] Accession After king Sverre died in 1202, his son, Haakon, and his grandson, Guttorm, died within two years. The birkebeiner were thus left without any direct successors of Sverre to choose as their king (the existence of another grandson of Sverre, Haakon Haakonsson, was as yet unknown to them). Sverre’s old adversaries, the bagler, were exploiting the situation to launch a new invasion of Viken under their king, Erling Steinvegg. After the infant king Guttorm’s death in august 1204, the birkebeiner needed a strong leader to oppose the bagler threat. The birkebeiner leaders wanted earl Haakon the Crazy, who had earlier been appointed to rule the kingdom in king Guttorm’s infancy. Haakon was Inge’s older half-brother, the son of Cecilia and Folkvid. However, archbishop Eirik of Nidaros and the farmers of Trøndelag insisted on choosing Inge, who had until then ruled Trøndelag under Guttorm. A compromise was reached, whereby Inge became king, while earl Haakon became leader of the army, and received half the royal income.
[edit] Reign The next four years saw intense fighting between the birkebeiner and the bagler. The bagler king Erling died in 1206, but the bagler continued the fight under their new king, Philippus Simonsson. The bagler mostly controlled the Viken area, with the cities of Tønsberg and Oslo, king Inge controlled Trøndelag with Nidaros, while Bergen in western Norway changed hands several times. On 22 April 1206 the bagler attacked Nidaros during wedding celebrations for Inge’s sister Sigrid, and Inge himself only barely escaped with his life after swimming the Nidelva river in freezing temperatures. The next year, the birkebeiner launched a successful attack on the bagler stronghold of Tønsberg, but the war dragged on with neither side able to gain a decisive victory. In autumn of 1207, archbishop Tore of Nidaros and bishop Nikolas of Oslo, a prominent bagler, started negotiations for a settlement of the birkebeiner and bagler. They succeeded in bringing about a meeting between the kings Inge and Philippus, and earl Haakon, at Kvitsøy in Rogaland in the autumn of 1208. A settlement was made, whereby Philippus agreed to give up the title of king and his royal seal. He was to remain in control of eastern Norway with Viken, except Bohuslän, with the title of earl under king Inge. Earl Haakon was given western Norway with Bergen, while Inge would be the only king, overlord of Philippus and Haakon and direct ruler of Trøndelag with Nidaros. To seal the treaty, Philippus married king Sverre’s daughter and king Inge’s cousin, Kristina Sverresdotter.
The peace treaty held for the rest of Inge’s reign. However, Philippus did not respect its provisions and continued to use the title of king, and kept his royal seal. The relationship between Inge and his brother Haakon seems to have been at times tense. When it became clear that Philippus was continuing to call himself king, Haakon made attempts to have himself declared king as well, but Inge refused to accept this. Instead, an agreement was drawn up by which the brother that survived the other would inherit the other’s lands, while a legitimate son of either would inherit them both. Haakon had a legitimate son, while Inge only had an illegitimate son, Guttorm (b. 1206) by a concubine called Gyrid. In 1214, Inge suppressed a rising by the farmers of Trøndelag – earl Haakon was suspected of having had a hand in the rising. Open conflict between the two brothers never broke out, however, and Haakon died of natural causes in Bergen just after christmas of 1214. Inge took over his part of the kingdom.
In 1217, Inge fell ill in Nidaros. During his illness, he appointed his younger half-brother, Skule Bårdsson, earl and leader of the army. On 23 April 1217, Inge died. He was buried in Nidaros Cathedral. He was succeeded as king by the 13-year-old Haakon Haakonsson, an illegitimate grandson of king Sverre, who had been raised at the courts of king Inge and earl Haakon since they became aware of his existence in 1206. Skule continued as earl and de facto ruler for the next few years.
[edit] Appraisal of Inge Many historians have seen Inge as a rather weak king. He never achieved control over all of Norway, and agreed to a power-sharing with the bagler, which he stuck to even though Philippus broke the agreement by continuing to style himself as "king". As a reaction to such views, others have claimed that Inge was a strong ruler, in that he was able to withstand the pressure of the more war-like among the birkebeiner and put a halt to the destructive civil wars for a time.
The bagler sagas - a contemporary source - describes Inge as a quiet and calm man, who shied away from feasting and preferred to spend his time in his own quarters with close friends - a character trait which was held against him by some of his men. He was weak of health after his near brush with death during the attack on Nidaros in 1206.
[edit] Sources Our main sources to Inge's reign are the bagler sagas, which were written during and shortly after his reign. Inge is also mentioned less extensively in the start of Håkon Håkonsson's saga. The first Norwegian royal letter to survive dates from the days of Inge's reign, however, it was written by Inge's rival Philippus.
Inge Baardson (Norwegian: Inge Bårdsson, Old Norse: Ingi Bárðarson) (1185 – 23 April 1217) was king of Norway from 1204 to 1217. His reign was within the later stages of the period known in Norwegian history as the age of civil wars. Inge was the king of the birkebeiner faction. The conclusion of the settlement of Kvitsøy with the bagler faction in 1208 led to peace for the last nine years of Inge’s reigns, at the price of Inge and the birkebeiner recognising bagler rule over Viken (the Oslofjord-area).
Inge’s father, Bård, was a prominent lendmann from the Trøndelag region. He was an early supporter of king Sverre, who brought the birkebeiner faction to power in the late 12th century after years of war against king Magnus Erlingsson. Inge’s mother, Cecilia, was the daughter of an earlier king, Sigurd Munn. She had been married to the lawspeaker Folkvid in Värmland in Sweden. After her brother, Sverre, had won the throne of Norway, she left her husband and travelled to Sverre in Norway, claiming she had been wedded to Folkvid against her will. The archbishop annulled her marriage to Folkvid, and Sverre gave her to his trusted follower Bård Guttormsson in marriage. Inge was Bård and Cecilia’s only son.
After king Sverre died in 1202, his son, Haakon, and his grandson, Guttorm, died within two years. The birkebeiner were thus left without any direct successors of Sverre to choose as their king (the existence of another grandson of Sverre, Haakon Haakonsson, was as yet unknown to them). Sverre’s old adversaries, the bagler, were exploiting the situation to launch a new invasion of Viken under their king, Erling Steinvegg. After the infant king Guttorm’s death in August 1204, the birkebeiner needed a strong leader to oppose the bagler threat. The birkebeiner leaders wanted earl Haakon the Crazy, who had earlier been appointed to rule the kingdom in king Guttorm’s infancy. Haakon was Inge’s older half-brother, the son of Cecilia and Folkvid. However, Eirik, archbishop of Nidaros, and the farmers of Trøndelag insisted on choosing Inge, who had until then ruled Trøndelag under Guttorm. A compromise was reached, whereby Inge became king, while earl Haakon became leader of the army, and received half the royal income.
The next four years saw intense fighting between the birkebeiner and the bagler. The bagler king Erling died in 1206, but the bagler continued the fight under their new king, Philippus Simonsson. The bagler mostly controlled the Viken area, with the cities of Tønsberg and Oslo, king Inge controlled Trøndelag with Nidaros, while Bergen in western Norway changed hands several times. On 22 April 1206 the bagler attacked Nidaros during wedding celebrations for Inge’s sister Sigrid, and Inge himself only barely escaped with his life after swimming the Nidelva river in freezing temperatures. The next year, the birkebeiner launched a successful attack on the bagler stronghold of Tønsberg, but the war dragged on with neither side able to gain a decisive victory. In autumn of 1207, archbishop Tore of Nidaros and bishop Nikolas of Oslo, a prominent bagler, started negotiations for a settlement of the birkebeiner and bagler. They succeeded in bringing about a meeting between the kings Inge and Philippus, and earl Haakon, at Kvitsøy in Rogaland in the autumn of 1208. A settlement was made, whereby Philippus agreed to give up the title of king and his royal seal. He was to remain in control of eastern Norway with Viken, except Bohuslän, with the title of earl under king Inge. Earl Haakon was given western Norway with Bergen, while Inge would be the only king, overlord of Philippus and Haakon and direct ruler of Trøndelag with Nidaros. To seal the treaty, Philippus married king Sverre’s daughter and king Inge’s cousin, Kristina Sverresdotter.
The peace treaty held for the rest of Inge’s reign. However, Philippus did not respect its provisions and continued to use the title of king, and kept his royal seal. The relationship between Inge and his brother Haakon seems to have been at times tense. When it became clear that Philippus was continuing to call himself king, Haakon made attempts to have himself declared king as well, but Inge refused to accept this. Instead, an agreement was drawn up by which the brother that survived the other would inherit the other’s lands, while a legitimate son of either would inherit them both. Haakon had a legitimate son, while Inge only had an illegitimate son, Guttorm (b. 1206) by a concubine called Gyrid. In 1214, Inge suppressed a rising by the farmers of Trøndelag – earl Haakon was suspected of having had a hand in the rising. Open conflict between the two brothers never broke out, however, and Haakon died of natural causes in Bergen just after Christmas of 1214. Inge took over his part of the kingdom.
In 1217, Inge fell ill in Nidaros. During his illness, he appointed his younger half-brother, Skule Bårdsson, earl and leader of the army. On 23 April 1217, Inge died. He was buried in Nidaros Cathedral. He was succeeded as king by the 13-year-old Haakon Haakonsson, an illegitimate grandson of king Sverre, who had been raised at the courts of king Inge and earl Haakon since they became aware of his existence in 1206. Skule continued as earl and de facto ruler for the next few years.
Appraisal of Inge
Many historians have seen Inge as a rather weak king. He never achieved control over all of Norway, and agreed to a power-sharing with the bagler, which he stuck to even though Philippus broke the agreement by continuing to style himself as "king". As a reaction to such views, others have claimed that Inge was a strong ruler, in that he was able to withstand the pressure of the more war-like among the birkebeiner and put a halt to the destructive civil wars for a time.
The bagler sagas - a contemporary source - describes Inge as a quiet and calm man, who shied away from feasting and preferred to spend his time in his own quarters with close friends - a character trait which was held against him by some of his men. He was weak of health after his near brush with death during the attack on Nidaros in 1206.
Our main sources to Inge's reign are the bagler sagas, which were written during and shortly after his reign. Inge is also mentioned less extensively in the start of Håkon Håkonsson's saga. The first Norwegian royal letter to survive dates from the days of Inge's reign, however, it was written by Inge's rival Philippus.
Konge av Norge 1204-1217
Notes for Inge II Bårdsson (Spouse 1) Inge Bårdsson, 1185-1217, sønn av Ceccilia, kong Sverre Sigurdssons søster, og lendemann Bård Guttormsson til Rein i Trøndelag. Valgt til konge av birkebeinerne i 1204, kjempet mot baglerne til 1208, da de stridende møttes til forlik på Kvitsøy. Bondeopprør i Trøndelag mot kong Inge i 1213. Kilde “Braathens Safes kongerekke”
Inge Bårdsson, 1185-1217, sønn av Ceccilia, kong Sverre Sigurdssons søster, og lendemann Bård Guttormsson til Rein i Trøndelag. Valgt til konge av birkebeinerne i 1204, kjempet mot baglerne til 1208, da de stridende møttes til forlik på Kvitsøy. Bondeopprør i Trøndelag mot kong Inge i 1213. Kilde “Braathens Safes kongerekke”
Inge 2. Bårdsson (1185 – 23. april 1217) var norsk konge fra 1204–1217. Han var søn af Sverre Sigurdssons søster Cecilia og højadelsmanden Bård Guttormsson af Reinsætten. Inge blev valgt til konge af birkebeinerne i 1204. Han havde sæde i Trondheim og havde også herredømmet over store dele af vestkysten.
Han kæmpede mod baglerne frem til 1208, da han indgik forlig med baglerkongen Filippus Simonsson, som fik styret over Viken. Forliget fandt sted på Kvitsøy i Rogaland og blev kendt som «Kvitsøforliget». Konflikterne mellem baglere og birkebeinerne sluttede, da både Inge og Filippus døde i 1217. Efterfølgeren, Håkon 4. Håkonsson, blev anerkendt af både baglere og birkebeinere. Inge er gravlagt i Nidarosdomen i Trondheim.
Inge 2 Bårdsson, konge 1204–17, sønn av Cecilia, kong Sverres søster, og lendmannen Bård Guttormsson til Rein i Trøndelag. Valgt til konge av birkebeinerne 1204, kjempet mot baglerne til 1208, da baglerkongen Filippus etter et forliksmøte fikk Viken å styre under Inges overhøyhet. Inges halvbrødre Håkon Galen og senere Skule Bårdsson hadde som ledere for hirden stor innflytelse på hans styre.
Inge II Bårdsson (født 1185, død 1217) var en norsk konge. Han var sønn av Sverre Sigurdssons søster Cecilia og høyadelsmannen Bård Guttormsson av Reinsætten. Hans halvbror var Skule Bårdsson som ble Norges første hertug. Inge ble valgt til konge av birkebeinerne i 1204.
Han hadde kongesete i Trondheim, og hadde også herredømme over store deler av vestkysten. Borgerkrigsperioden i norsk historie varte fra 1130 til 1240.
Han kjempet mot baglerne frem til 1208, da det kom til forlik mellom ham og baglerkongen Filippus Simonsson, som fikk styre over Viken. Forliket fant sted på Kvitsøy i Rogaland og ble kjent som «Kvitsøyforliket». Konfliktene mellom baglere og birkebeinere tok slutt da både Inge og Filippus døde i 1217. Etterfølgeren, Håkon IV Håkonsson, ble anerkjent av både baglere og birkebeinere. Inge er gravlagt i Nidarosdomen i Trondheim.
Inge Bårdsson was the son of Bård Guttormsson and Cecilia, daughter of King Sigurd Munn. He became king with the support of the Birkebeiners, and by overthrowing Håkon Galen. Inge ruled only over a part of Norway, and in 1206 Håkon IV Håkonsson also became king over the rest of the country, terestingly, there were no quarrels because of this. Inge himself is described as a rather weak ruler, as he had to share his power with his half-brothers Skule and Håkon Galen, who were very powerful men in the background, with Håkon leading the army of Inge. Under Inge's reign the local chieftains, Earls and Jarls got stronger influence. This rather happened due to the fact that the Earls and Jarls joined forces to make demands and have greater influence over the King. Inge reign was a rather peaceful period, and this was achieved by marriages and other tricks. Håkon Galen became a Jarl, which gave him stronger influence, and the kings daughter Kristin was married to the King Fillipus. After Håkon's death in 1214, Inge took over the rule of Western Norway, which Håkon had ruled before. Even though, there were revolts and the great power of Håkon and Skule let them over throne King Inge from time to time, which undermined Inge's position as King. Inge became sick and died in 1217.
More About King Inge Ii Bårdsson of Norway: Occupation: King of Norway from 1204 to 1217.
More About King Inge Ii Bårdsson of Norway and Torbjørg Åsulvsdatter: Marriage: Abt. 1205
Children of King Inge Ii Bårdsson of Norway and Torbjørg Åsulvsdatter are: i.+Guttorm Ingesson,
Inge Bårdson's Timeline
1185 |
Rissa, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway
1204 |
- 1217
Age 19
- 1217
Age 19
Age 19
1206 |
1217 |
April 23, 1217
Age 32
Trondhjem King, Norway
Age 32
Trondheim, Sør trøndelag, Nidarosdomen, Norway