Immediate Family
About Ingebjørg Erlingsdatter
Ingebjørg Erlingsdatter Tandberg
- She was born in 1250 - her mother died in 1210.
- Ingebjørg Erlingsdotter was the daughter of Erling Alvsson of Tornberg, and married in 1437 to the baron Tore Håkonsson of Manvik. Ho was the mother of Kristina Toresdotter, wife of Andres Bjarnesson.
Ingebjørg Erlingsdotter Tanberg or Tornberg, born 1250, also known as Ingeborg.
If the timing of the attachments is concerned, nothing else is that it is every year, so they have probably been meant to continue for all the future. Bjarne asked great demands, but he was also one of the country's most powerful men. To the poor both in Romsdal and Sunnmøre, 1 read grain (12 skippund) was given. Bjørn's present and future servants should be favored with one year's land tax on his native land, according to what he / she was worth. Ingebjørg Erlingsdatter (Anders Bjarness mother in law), Kristine Andersdatter (Bjarnes son daughter), Øygerd (Margretas søsteratter) and Jon ("Joe, my brother's son"
probably an illegitimate son of Vidkunn Erlingsson) was favored with, among other things, property. Øygerd would receive 5 marks of gold as well as 5 month-olds in Rochedhall and Gangstad, on the condition that she married Bjørnes consent. No real-life sisters of Margreta are known. It is therefore nearby to believe that Øygerd must be the daughter of an illegitimate daughter, most likely of Margretas father Nikolaus.
As mentioned earlier, the men's line of Giske-egta died out and Margreta was single-handed. Maybe her also, Øygerd's male relatives on the father's side were extinct, so that Bjarne Erlingsson ended up as the closest male relative, thus claiming marriage with his consent from a position as her married husband
The gift of Bjarnes son-in-law Kristine has given the historians some headache, and there is doubt about who the gift really meant. Both Knut Helle and Knut Robberstad have assumed that the seat of Giske was originally for Bjørn's son, Kristin, and not for Kristine.
As the original testament has been lost, it may well be a mistake during the depreciation, where both their name and family relationship with Bjarne may have been confused. Knut Helle states that Kristin Toresdatter probably died around 1340, while according to Audun Dybdahl, it is possible that Kristin had died before 1309.
As far as the donation of Giske is concerned, it is stated in the transcript of the transcript that it is for "Kristine, my son-in-law".
Initially, this should not have been necessary to include, as Kristine had the right to cultivate the farm. If the farm was to Kristin, but she was dead before the test came into force, the farm would go to her daughter Kristine, who in any event was the only direct descendant of both Kristin and Bjarne Erlingsson. This is a question that I will go into further in the next section. The conditions that followed the gift of the grandson Jon was that he did not in any way get rid of the earth and that, if he had no survival, he should be returned to Bjarne and his heirs. Of personal objects, so-called memorial gifts, Queen Eufemia was brushed a gilded steeple, and Tore Håkonsson (son's father-in-law) a gilded image of St. Nikolas. Gyrid Andresdatter (Brorkona) would have a belt of gold, as Bjarne on one of his diplomatic travels had been conceived by King Edvard I, as well as a non-gilded steeple. Queen Eufemia died in 1312, the year before Bjarne and therefore hardly got his gift. Tracking that Bjarnes testamentary wishes were put out alive, we find, among other things, a receipt to Erling Vidkunsson, where Archbishop Eilif in Nidaros confirms to have received all landlord such as Bjarne, in his will, giving St. Olav's church in Nidaros.
Bjarne and Margreta's only surviving direct descendant was the son-in-law Kristine, who survived her grandfather with a small margin. How old Kristine was when she died, we do not know. If we assume that Bjarne and Margreta married before 1276 (since he is referred to as Bjarne in Giske) and that his son Anders was born one of the next consecutive years, Anders would be in the first half of the 30's when he died once before 1309. Bjørn's close relationship with Tore Håkonsson may have led to a marriage between Anders and Kristin being entered into early, to link the families together. We know nothing about the age difference between them, but wealthy men were often a lot older than their wives. That Anders and Kristin only had one child can be indicative that they had not been married for a long time when Anders died. A marriage that took place as soon as Kristin was old enough could fit in well with Knut Helle's theory that she died around 1340. In that case, one would assume her daughter was unsuitable (under 20 years) when she took over the grandfather's God, and thus it was ruled by her mother if she still lived.
As mentioned earlier, it is uncertain whether the Giske farmhouse was given to Kristin (Bjørn's son's wife) or Kristine (Bjarnes son daughter). If Kristine survived the mother, the mother's concession, according to the inheritance of the Landsloven, go to her When she died childless, the tax return to the genus originally came from (ie back to Ingebjørg, Tore and their other descendants). Any values held outside the club, on Anders Bjarnesson's side, would return to his family. Kristine's closest heir had to be found in the fifth legacy class to find. The National Law states that married uncle uncle and married unmarried sister-in-law inherit together.
Håkon Toresson, who was Christ's uncle, was thus her closest heir. Kristins aunt, Elin Toresdatter married married Erling Vidkunnson (Anders Bjarnesson's cousin), who she had four married children with. This marriage reinforced the alliance between the relatives, when the two siblings in the Bjarkøy family were married to Tore Håkonsson's two daughters. Erling Vidkunnson was around 21 when Kristine died. After receiving Giske (after either Kristine, Kristin, Håkon Toresson- or his son Stig Håkonsson's death), Erling Vidkunnson advised over both Bjarkøy-Stårheim and Giskegodset. Through his wife he also took care of her father's land in Eastern Norway and the Orkney Islands.
Erling rose as high as possible. During his little over 60 years he was both Knight, Syslemann, National Council and Queen's seat. The latter title followed with the definitely most important role a non-royal could achieve
- namely the role of the national author. In 1319, Håkon V. died. The Norwegian kingdoms were broken in the men's line, and Håkon's dawn, three-year-old Magnus Eriksson, was elected Norwegian king. Magnus had already been elected king in Sweden, which brought the two countries into a royal community that lasted until 1350. In 1322 and 23, it became "( ... ) completed bargain, where the ruler of the top plan was given firmer forms under aristocratic control as long as the king was unsuitable. "
Erling Vidkunnsson was then elected to queen seat, a representative he occupied until Magnus became official in 1331-32. Ever since the 1250s Norway had been in conflict with the Russian empire Novgorod. It strained the relationship between the riches in disagreement about trade and taxation of the Sami.
This led to repeated raid from Russians and Karelians into northern Norway, where institutions and the like. which represented central authorities were attacked. This caused Erling to personally feel the consequences of when Bjarkøy family's arena, the farmhouse at Bjarkøy, in 1323 was burned by the Russians.
Erling was naturally concerned with the defense of northern Norway. First, he addressed the church with prayer for support to defend Hålogaland against Finns, Russians and Karelians. When he was rejected, he addressed the pope on which he was given half of the six-year-old who was charged with the Norwegian carnivorous crusade against the Turks. "
One can not ignore the fact that it was of this money that Vardøhus fortress was raised.
In 1323 and 1326, peace agreements came between Sweden and Novgorod, Norway and Novgorod in place.
The agreements involved border withdrawal for common tax areas. The Norwegian-Novgorodian common tax area extended from Kola and to Lyngstua / Målselv.
Erling was an avid property manager, and his activities left a large amount of resources. God's redeemed, bought, sold, given, makebytt, and received as a gift and through fines. The earth his wife, Elin owned in Orkney, together with his siblings, was sold in 1329.
To the abbot in Munkeliv, a total of 22 ½ month food bolts were sold in farms in Hardanger, against the value of 110 marks, paid in English and Norwegian money, fabric, a gilded stool and a gold ring Erling had previously pledged.
- Another divorce was the gift he gave to St. Mary's Church in Tønsberg for Stig Håkonsson - his wife's grandson's soul.
- In Lofoten, he received a monthly meal ball (Spannsleie) at Leknes without any reason being given.
Erling was, through his mother, the right cultivator of the farm Stårheim in Sogn. It was somehow time arrived Mrs. Torbjørgs hands, but was redeemed by Erling in 1324, for 25 mark burned silver.
From 1329 and the next few years, his amount of goods increased in the areas around the Stårheim and Giske farms, through purchases, gifts and change of ownership.
He also handed some goods through fines, against committing debt or other duties to the one who dispossessed the land for him.
Around 1350, Erling has been on a pilgrimage to Rome. On his return, he ended up being taken prisoner in England. Even more simultaneous sources of this situation have been lost, Archbishop Aslak Bolt, in the 1430s, entered his book of land that "(...) Mr. Olav Archbishop got Tjøtta and Tilrem by Mr. Erling Vidkunnsson for gold and silver that he laid out for him when he was taken prisoner in England. "
In addition to the farms Stårheim and the farm Høyninjar In Sogn came at least 96 new month food ball into Erling's own between 1321 and 1353. We know little about how Erling's goods were divided between the two daughters who still lived when Erling died in 1355.
Odelsgutten Bjarne Erlingsson d.y. was dead the year before, but one can see the following as a provision of advances in inheritance: In his «yttazsta tima okay, kićlæik, my jnghibiorgho dottor had Bjarne Erlingsson asked his father to give his sister Ingebjørg Giske all that was possible. This did Erling in January 1354, with the words that it would only happen if his other daughters and sons in law did not object to it.
In that case, Ingebjørg would have quote and tenth of all his goods (ie 1/10 of odelsgods, ¼ of the remainder), in accordance with Nicolaus Breakspear's Gift Statute and the Landsloven.
Another track regarding the legacy of Erling is found in a gift letter dated January 1, 1330, where Svein Sigurdsson gave Erling 1/3 of the farm Kvåle, in Sogn, one part of Valeberg, as well as horses, bigfoot and more. This would allow the giver to go to Gyrid Erlingsdatter after Erling's death. The reason was the goodwill Erling's mother, Gyrid Andresdatter, had shown Svein in his childhood.
- Hansen, L.I. 1996: «Interaction between Northern European sub-arctic Societies during the Middle Ages», i
- Two studies on the Middle Ages (KULTs skriftserie),
- Rindal, M. (red.), Rådet, Oslo: s. 67.
- Hansen, L.I. 1996: s. 221.
- Helle 26.9.2009: http://nbl.snl.no/Erling_Vidkunnsson/utdypning
- Bratrein, H.D. 2002: «Det eldste Vardøhus», i
- Håløygminne,nr. 3: s. 177.
- Imsen 2010:Norgesveldet, occasional papers, Vol. 1,The Norwegian domination and the Norse World c. 1100
- c. 1400,Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim:s. 220 – 221
- Aarbok Romerike Historielag 1956 - https://books.google.com/books?id=43HN7vNWddgC&pg=PA45&lpg=PA45&dq=...ørg+Erlingsdatter+Bjarkøy+Tandberg&source=bl&ots=h0BsKMqVAE&sig=3Cpnq3sXhMq1k9HXqgOMdlzUvWo&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik7u6w5f3eAhUMZKwKHesHDtc4ChDoATAAegQICRAB#v=onepage&q=Ingebjørg%20Erlingsdatter%20Bjarkøy%20Tandberg&f=false
- 'roskildehistorie - http://www.roskildehistorie.dk/stamtavler/adel/Sudreim/Sudreim.htm
- http://www.academia.edu/20004741/Bjarkøy-ættas_etterkommere_ca._1250_-_1605_arv_eiendomsoverføring_og_ekteskap
Noteringar I källa står:
Etter sagn og tradisjon var det den rike Ingebjørg Erlingsdtr. av Tandberg i Norderhov som eide Leikvang i tiden 1275-1315. Sagnet sier at 'Ingebjørg fruga' eide alt jordegods mellom Gviteflåg i Skåråfjell i Beinstigen på Håtveit. Mikkelsmess 1276 holdt Ingebjørg bryllup med den lærde og storættede kansleren Torer Håkonsson (Biskopsson). Brylluppet sto i Borg (Sarpsborg), fordi hennes far, Erling, da var stattholder over Østlandet og bodde på Borg. Kong Magnus Lagabøter var selv tilstede i brylluppet. Ingebjørg var en av de damene som i 1281 ledsaget Erik Magnussons dronning Margaret til Norge og var i 1290 med i Margaret Eriksdtr.'s følge til Orknøyene, da Margaret skulle giftes med kong Edvard av England, men ble syk og døde på veien hjem Margaret ble ført tilbake til Bergen og gravlagt der. I året 1300 ble Ingebjørg av en kvinne, som kom fra Lubeck til Bergen og påsto at hun var Margaret Eriksdtr., beskyldt for å ha solgt henne. Kvinnen ble fengslet og brent.
Årtal Ålder Händelse
1255? Födelse omkring 1255 [1]
1270? Sonen Håkon Toresson föds omkring 1270 Norge [3]
1276 Vigsel Tore Biskopsson Håkonsson 1276 [2]
1280? Dottern Kristina Toresdatter Tornberg föds omkring 1280 Norge [4]
1283 Fadern Erling Alvsson of Thornberg dör 1283 [5]
1290 Brodern Alv Erlingsson Thornberg, dör 1290 [6]
1297? Dottern Elin Toresdatter Tornberg föds omkring 1297 Tandberg (Norge) [7]
1315 Död 1315-02-14 [1]
[1] http://www.cft-win.com/getperson.php?personID=I009994&tree=Norway
[2] http://www.cft-win.com/getperson.php?personID=I009458&tree=Norway
[3] http://www.cft-win.com/getperson.php?personID=I012959&tree=Norway
[4] http://www.cft-win.com/getperson.php?personID=I012963&tree=Norway
[5] http://www.cft-win.com/getperson.php?personID=I008437&tree=Norway
[6] http://www.cft-win.com/getperson.php?personID=I009469&tree=Norway
[7] http://www.cft-win.com/getperson.php?personID=I012961&tree=Norway
Dette er feil. Hun (NN Tornberg) kan ikke være født i 1220 når hennes mor (datter av Birger brosa) døde i 1210. Dette er rettet nå til en mer plausibel forbindelse K. Filippusdatter......
Om Ingebjørg Erlingsdatter (Norsk)
Hun er født i 1250 - hennes mor døde i 1210. Tenker det er best jeg sletter denne linken også..... T. E.
Source: http://www.steig.no/slekt/default.htm
Fornavn usikkert.
Ingebjørg Erlingsdotter Tanberg eller Tornberg, born 1250, også kalt Ingeborg.
Hun var søster av Alv Erlingsson den yngre, og ble gift med Tore Håkonsson av Tønsberg.
Ingebjørg Erlingsdatter's Timeline
1250 |
Thornberg, Norderhov, Ringerike, Buskerud, Norway
1267 |
1277 |
1285 |
Bratsberg, Telemark, Norway
1290 |
Lekum, Eidsberg, Østfold, Norway
1315 |
February 14, 1315
Age 65
Age 65
???? |