Isaac Ber Neumann

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Isaac Ber Neumann

Hebrew: יצחק דוב ניימאן
Also Known As: "Izsak Ber", "Isaak Bar", "Dov", "Isack", "Yitzhak Ber", "Isac", "Isak", "Neuman", "Neumann", "Neiman", "Neimann", "Neijman?", "Neijmann?"
Birthplace: Güssing, Güssing District, Burgenland, Austria
Immediate Family:

Son of Jacob Neumann and Marianna Neumann
Husband of Regina? Rebeka? Neumann
Father of Nathan Neumann; Charlotte Büchler and Reizel Reinitz
Brother of Urban Neumann; Hirschl Neumann and Anna Neumann

Managed by: Maxwell Charles Preston
Last Updated:

About Isaac Ber Neumann

Parents and Siblings

Isaac’s parents were Jacob and Marianna Neumann. The 1774 Jewish census of Nemetujvar lists “Jacob Urban” (Jacob son of Urban), who was married to Marianna. The 1782 Jewish census of Nemetujvar also lists Jacob and Marianna, along with their children Isaac, Urban, and Anna.

The 1793 Jewish Census lists “Jacob Neumann” as living with 3 sons. By 1813, Jacob is living with no children, and 3 new Neumans have appeared on the census of Nemetujvar: Isaac, Urban, and Hirschl. These people are Jacob's sons.

On various t'naim documents related to the marriages of Urban's children, Urban's father is identified as Yaakov, and various business documents from the Neumann family make clear that Urban and Isaac worked together on "Brüder Neumann" ("Neumann brothers"). Also, a business document listing the assets of the family business from 1817 lists "bruder Hirschl Neumann" ("brother Hirschl Neumann").

Isaac, Urban, and Hirschl have descendants named Jacob (or Jakab) who was born in in the early 1820s, which also appears to be when Jacob Neuman died, as he was listed on the 1817 census but not the 1822 census.

Several Neumans named daughters Maria in the 1830s, which could mean that Marianna died around then.

A woman named Rebekka Neumann died in Nemetujvar on Sept. 28, 1867 at the age of 105. Her relationship to the family is unclear.

Although it does not name specific names, page 167 of a book published in 1824 discusses Gussing and the successful business of the "Gebrüder Neumann" (Neumann brothers) in the town.


According to the 1848 Census, Isak was born sometime around 1778 and his wife (Regi) was born sometime around 1788. However, his wife's birth year seems rather late, given the apparent birth years of some of her presumed children. A Rebeka Neumann died in Nemetujvar on Sept. 28, 1867, but that record says that she born around 1762. Perhaps Rebeka was born somewhere between 1788 and 1762?

I have seen several R names listed as the wife of Isak: e.g., Rozy, Regi, Rebeka. I assume they all refer to the same person, but it is also possible that Isak married more than once, which could explain why Regi's birth year was so late when listed on the 1848 Census.


In 1813, Isaac is listed on a census of Nemetujvar (Gussing) as living with 4 sons and 2 daughters. By 1817, he is listed as living with 3 sons and 3 daughters, which may mean that one of his sons had married or died. (Also in 1817, Nathan Neuman appeared on the census for the first time as a married man.) By 1822, Isaac is listed as living with 3 sons and 2 daughters, which may mean that one of his daughters had married or died. (Also in 1822, Nathan Feitel Reinitz, husband of Reizel, appears on the census of Gussing as a married man.)

I cannot identify all of Isaac's children, but I believe he had at least the following: (1) Nathan, born approx. 1793-94; (2) Reizel (Rezi/Rozalia), born approx. 1813; and (3) Lotti, born approx. 1817.

For Nathan Neumann, the primary proof that he is Isaac's son (as opposed to Urban or Hirschl) is the 1817 census, where Isaac has one fewer son living with him. Nathan also did not name any children Urban, which isn't much in the way of proof, but is something. However, it is possible that Rebeka Steiner is not the mother of Nathan, since it seems like she would be too young at the time.

For Reizel (wife of Nathan Feitel Reinitz), many books state that Reizel's father was "Yitzhak Ber" from Gussing, which is a Hebrew name common throughout the Reinitz family. Yitzhak is Hebrew for Isaac, and there is only one Isaac who lived in Gussing at the correct time. Moreover, the 1822 census of Gussing lists Reizel's husband (under the name "Philippus Reinitz") just after Isaac. In addition, Isaac's wife was named Regina/Rebeka, which is a name combination common throughout the Reinitz family. (On a related note, the 1795 Tolerance Tax list in Gussing lists an "Isac Ber", though it does not say "Neuman", even though it also lists "Jacob Neuman". I don't know if this "Isac Ber" is Isaac Neuman, or if it is just someone else with the same name.)

For Lotti, her death record lists her parents' names.

It is also possible that Isaac was the father of David Neumann, or Lipoth Neumann, or maybe at least one of the wives of Moritz A. Singer (Katrina Singer or Moritz Neumann, or Mari Singer) or Betti Ragendorfer.

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Isaac Ber Neumann's Timeline

Güssing, Güssing District, Burgenland, Austria
Güssing, Güssing District, Burgenland, Austria
Güssing, Güssing District, Burgenland, Austria